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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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The majority of servers are full or high population just from the first day of invites. How on earth is anything going to hold up by the time launch rolls around. Seriously is is almost 2012 and we are still having server problems with MMOs.


They are not full, I have stated before, the website is bugged. I am watching a person on live stream, who showed the servers. 5-6 were Standard, the rest were Light.


SO meh to you.

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So is the cost associated with the pre-order scaled to when you get access? If people have to wait, they shouldn't have had to pay as much as someone already in


Of all the things I've read today, this one seriously made me laugh the hardest!!!:D

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"Update: Wave 3 was just sent.


Update: Wave 4 was sent approximately noon CST. (Apologies for delay.)


Update: Wave 5 - the final wave for today - was sent at approx 1:30PM CST.


More invites will be sent tomorrow (Wednesday)."


great way to Scam your Customers GG!!!!


oh no you got scammed because you cant read now your crying LOL

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The good news is that by cancelling your preorder you did nothing for your early access....and you will still get the invite because you already entered your pre-order code. :rolleyes:


But let me get this straight....if by cancelling your pre-order as a protest to not getting 7 full days of early access (when you were promised at least 1 only) you are hoping that by starting later - 20th or later- you will somehow be magically ahead of everyone else?


Cancelling preorders by not getting into early access has to be the most illogical and....well....dumbest thing I have ever seen...in..my...life. Which is saying alot because I have dealt with a lot of stupid people.


Life isnt fair. You wont be level 1 with everyone else in SWTOR land level 50. Get a grip. :D ppl are so stupid :D


Yeah, no kidding. I'm pissed to be sure but I'm sure as hell not going to be cancelling my preorder or anything like that. If anything, this just gets me thinking I'll just skip preordering the next game they give early game access to.

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Just bad business and terrible communication. All this would be avoided if they just spelled it out in the first place. But at least they have my money, but will they have my subscription?. If the early adopters are unhappy a product has low chance of success.


Strike 1

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So, even if we get in, yet none of our friends did... So FUN - Not...



Early Access sucks, my friends didn't get code put in because they were all at ComiCon, which a large portion of the targeted player base attended to watch and demo this specific game.


So waiting in the line to play they could not enter the preorder code in their phones.. yea.. lazy. They deserve it.

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I seriously don't understand why everyone is going in to a nerd rage about...one of the pre-order incentives was early game access UP TO 5 days early. Today is 7 days before release day, so quit your tantrums. All of you whiners need to shut up; my two year old niece is more patient than you lot.


BW didn't even need to grant anyone early game access today, so be grateful they've let anyone in...


Could you please hand your niece your keyboard or get her on vent. I'd love to have a nice conversation - maybe even listen to someone that has at least some maturity. Thanks :)

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