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1.2 Healer Change Q&A Response and Feedback


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There is always Plan C: Revert the healer changes entirely and make some coefficient changes, saving more drastic changes until they have time to request feedback from the players.

pipe dream. I share the same pipe dream, but it's a pipe dream regardless.


I say that because of what I mentioned in another thread.


for them to do a wholesale revert on these changes requires a dev, and this would have to be a high level dev, to admit that they were wrong, and eat crow.


and it wouldn't just be a personal failure / humiliation thing, it would be fessing up to wasting a lot of company resources and then scrapping it.


i have yet to hear of a dev do that, and I don't expect to hear one with 1.2.

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pipe dream. I share the same pipe dream, but it's a pipe dream regardless.


I say that because of what I mentioned in another thread.


for them to do a wholesale revert on these changes requires a dev, and this would have to be a high level dev, to admit that they were wrong, and eat crow.


and it wouldn't just be a personal failure / humiliation thing, it would be fessing up to wasting a lot of company resources and then scrapping it.


i have yet to hear of a dev do that, and I don't expect to hear one with 1.2.


It's all in how you phrase it.


"Due to feedback and metrics from the PTS, we have concluded that the healing changes were over-tuned. However, the rest of Patch 1.2 is just so super-awesome that we did not want to delay that content any longer while we took another look at the healer changes. As such, they have been reverted for Patch 1.2, but we will be revisiting the issue very soon."

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It's all in how you phrase it.


"Due to feedback and metrics from the PTS, we have concluded that the healing changes were over-tuned. However, the rest of Patch 1.2 is just so super-awesome that we did not want to delay that content any longer while we took another look at the healer changes. As such, they have been reverted for Patch 1.2, but we will be revisiting the issue very soon."


And I can only *assume* that other agree with this. I personally, think the game, the direction its heading, the changes etc. are great in general EXCEPT for the healer nerfs. And even then, I personally don't care as much about the amount of the nerfs, but how they they were implemented as well as the lack of warning given to others.

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[*]State your goals: ie reducing healer throughput, reducing healer burst, increasing resource management, increasing effort/skill required, making rotations more interesting, increasing difficulty, etc.

[*]State some initial Dev ideas (optional)


The more I've thought about the changes in place the more it becomes clear that one of the intended aims was to make the entire game more difficult, or at the very least, that developers were uncomfortable with the pace at which the player base was completing content, or the percentage of the population seeing certain tiers of content.


There's also some merit in the "Healers were too good at PvP" train of thought (and I honestly felt that way sometimes as a Combat Medic) but if that were the only thing that needed fixing, a retuning of the Trauma debuff is all it would take.


So that leaves us with the idea that the devs think the game is too easy, and as GZ pointed out, balancing one thing or a few things is easier than retuning the whole game. So what's the most efficient way to make the game more difficult for the entire population while minimizing the number of items that need to be adjusted? Nerf healers. Our balance was already out of whack, so they could retune along those targets while simultaneously adjusting the smallest number of abilities.



Now, this still hurts because no one ever TOLD us any of this, and it's possible I'm dead wrong, but as near as I can tell, we thought we were playing Prince of Persia, and we were meant to be playing Demon Souls

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The more I've thought about the changes in place the more it becomes clear that one of the intended aims was to make the entire game more difficult, or at the very least, that developers were uncomfortable with the pace at which the player base was completing content, or the percentage of the population seeing certain tiers of content.

GZ said as much in his Q&A.


the point i'm having problem with, is how they chose to make it more difficult. if you look at the patch notes. it's not a dps nerf, it's not a tank nerf, it's an across the board healer nerf.


I think it's because healers as a caste, has traditionally been the most accepting group. we are used to taking the blame for wipes, and we roll with the punches. we are often performing a thankless job. when a boss dies, it's the dps that gloats about how they used their CD correctly, etc.


i'm personally not gonna put up with it anymore, and I hope *some* of the other healers will take the same stance.

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The more I've thought about the changes in place the more it becomes clear that one of the intended aims was to make the entire game more difficult, or at the very least, that developers were uncomfortable with the pace at which the player base was completing content, or the percentage of the population seeing certain tiers of content.


There's also some merit in the "Healers were too good at PvP" train of thought (and I honestly felt that way sometimes as a Combat Medic) but if that were the only thing that needed fixing, a retuning of the Trauma debuff is all it would take.


So that leaves us with the idea that the devs think the game is too easy, and as GZ pointed out, balancing one thing or a few things is easier than retuning the whole game. So what's the most efficient way to make the game more difficult for the entire population while minimizing the number of items that need to be adjusted? Nerf healers. Our balance was already out of whack, so they could retune along those targets while simultaneously adjusting the smallest number of abilities.


I'd suggest that retuning Nightmare Mode to be an actual nightmare (hence the name) would be easier than balancing all of the leveling content and dealing with the community outcry. It's 2 instances and they aren't even that long...plus properly tuning any new content which has to happen anyway and requires no additional effort.


Now, this still hurts because no one ever TOLD us any of this, and it's possible I'm dead wrong, but as near as I can tell, we thought we were playing Prince of Persia, and we were meant to be playing Demon Souls


Nice analogy.

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GZ said as much in his Q&A.


the point i'm having problem with, is how they chose to make it more difficult. if you look at the patch notes. it's not a dps nerf, it's not a tank nerf, it's an across the board healer nerf.


Herein lies the problem. Because so much of these changes are mechanical (i.e. they force major rotation changes and casue a swing in play style), they feel more like changes that should have been made with an expasion when all of the classes and encounter design could have been looked at togeather. The "point" releases are hardly a place to overhaul major systems. To be honest, short of a few buffs here and there, I figured that was how they would deal with issues Scound/Op healing.


Yes, maybe the encoutners are to easy right now but they easily could have come out and said, "We wanted things to be a little easier in the beginning becasue we believed that we would be attracting a lot of new MMO players. Now that they have had a chance to come in, get comfortable and experience some success our future encounters will be more difficult." They could have moved their metrics up to our performace and "tuned" the new encounters to require what we had been producing.


In my mind that should save them time and money in avoiding this healing "re-work." Not to mention it would have saved them a lot of anger from the healing community...


I think it's because healers as a caste, has traditionally been the most accepting group. we are used to taking the blame for wipes, and we roll with the punches. we are often performing a thankless job. when a boss dies, it's the dps that gloats about how they used their CD correctly, etc.


i'm personally not gonna put up with it anymore, and I hope *some* of the other healers will take the same stance.


I love your zeal but, that's never been how the healing community worked. We either slog it out becasue we like our friends and guildmates, stop healing and move on to another role, or just quietly move on to another game. This may be the biggest healing "protest" I have seen in my years of MMOs.


Honestly, I just don't think Bioware understands...

Edited by wrotruck
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Honestly, I just don't think Bioware understands...


i think they may "understand", but incapable of reconciling their understanding, with all these numbers their metrics are giving them.


of course, it would be easier to understand, if the devs actually played the characters.. >_>

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The following is what bounty hunter healers are getting now and it will only get worse when 1.2 goes live. My guild has been running with two bounty hunter healers in 8 man ops since the game started. We have finally gotten to the hard modes of the fights. Last night both bounty hunter healers were on the roster to be in on the hard mode eternity vault ops and a newly recruited sorc healer was on standby status. As such the sorc healer did not show up even though the raid healer waited quite a while for the sorc healer to show up and was insisting on waiting for him until it was apparent he could not be found. This morning (the next day) in our web site guild chat I see the following:


(note Celoth is the raid leader and Seros is the newly recruited sorc healer that had been scheduled to be on standby for the raid that happend the night before this chat):


[10:20:22] <Celoth>I see a Seros

[10:20:42] <Celoth>Where were you last night man? Tried PMing you, tried inviting you, never got a response

[10:56:09] <Seros>i was on

[10:57:34] <Seros>i saw a full group figuerd you guys where good and just kept going back and forth,, sorry bout that

[11:03:14] <Celoth>Not a problem. Usually, we'll invite everyone on the Ops team, and then set the groups, then alts would be free to go.

[11:03:30] <Celoth>I had wanted to have you in last night and let one of the other ehalers go, for your AoE heals. but it's no big deal.

[11:10:00] <Seros>right on, Ill make sure next time to wait untill its all settled,

[11:27:18] <Celoth>no worries


As you can see I or the other bounty hunter healer got lucky that the sorc healer did not show up and we will not be so lucky in the future. This conversation happened on March 29, 2012. In the future our raid leader is going to be sitting the bounty hunter healers because bounty hunter healers AoE healing is so bad that loyal long term dedication to the ops team is not enough to overcome how bad a bounty hunter healer is in comparison to a newly aquired sorce healer.


Thank you George Zoeller and thank you SWTOR

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GZ said as much in his Q&A.


the point i'm having problem with, is how they chose to make it more difficult. if you look at the patch notes. it's not a dps nerf, it's not a tank nerf, it's an across the board healer nerf.


I think it's because healers as a caste, has traditionally been the most accepting group. we are used to taking the blame for wipes, and we roll with the punches. we are often performing a thankless job. when a boss dies, it's the dps that gloats about how they used their CD correctly, etc.


i'm personally not gonna put up with it anymore, and I hope *some* of the other healers will take the same stance.


And this is probably why GZ said that "selling" this sort of thing is impossible. He's right. It is. The unfavorable position BioWare is in comes from two things


1) If you look at it from a perspective of raw man hours, BioWare has a trivially small team servicing an impossibly large subscriber base. The rate at which they can effectively change, test, and release content is matched up against the rate at which we can adapt to it as the normative standard. This patch is on a game that just recently had it's three months live anniversary, and in that time, we as a population have logged billions of hours getting accustomed to how the game feels and how we think it should feel. From the development standpoint, they're addressing the problem incredibly early in the game's life cycle, but to us as players, we've already grown deeply accustomed to the feel of the game.


It's a lot like getting circumcised as an infant that way. The doctor sees it as a minor, and early inconvenience, whereas the baby views it as the most painful unnecessary thing that's ever happened to them. To BioWare's credit (and I overcite this example, but only because it's so frequently relevant), I like to keep in mind that Hunters in WoW had an Energy based resource system in Beta, got switched to a Mana based resource system just before live hit, and went through five years and three expansions of lousy changes before Blizzard finally switched it back to Energy. So while I feel that these changes are certainly overtuned, I also know that even if they stick, in three months time, few will care about the glory days were healers were "So OP" or whatever.



But also


2)Because of it's subjective and unquantifiable nature some notion of game difficulty is a really really tough metric to use when considering how to fine tune the gameplay experience. Many accuse WoW of being a giant sleepwalk, so it's reasonable to want to be harder than that, but at their cores MMOs are social games, and most of us dont turn to MMOs to frustrate us the way we might let traditional "hardcore" titles like Ninja Gaiden or Demon Souls would. Now that the game is live, any tick upward on the difficulty scale is going to be met with outcry, at precisely the moment you announce it (we can say we're surprised, but really, if they'd announced it ahead of time, people would've just taken the opportunity to complain more), so BioWare is in a bit of an unwinnable scenario here.


That said, much has been offered to the fact that whether the game is categorically "too easy" or "too hard" is basically irrelevant if the game doesn't feel good, and the sad truth is, I wish I had a more succinct way to put it than: "This doesn't feel like a game I would enjoy playing."

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Reasoned post.


GZ will have to forgive me if I take his words with a fistful of salt I certainly did not feel I was a superpowered healer nor do I personally know any Merc that felt they were, we all struggled on some group content even with lots of Rakata gear, Ops yes we probably single-target (Tank) healed very well, when it comes to healing multiple targets we fell flat on our faces heat works against us managing splash damage over the raid.


I've unsubbed & given my reasons, the healer nerfs being only a small part of a large list I gave of why I am unhappy with the development so far. I'll be keeping a close eye on further changes but I seriously am expecting even further nerfs right now, and a second kick in the balls is a good finisher move.


I fully agree. I even have guildies saying Trooper healing is OP, yet when I ask them if they've ever actually done any Trooper healing, they go silent. Before people start supporting the nerfs, they first need ACTUALLY try out that role in a meaningful way.





Overall, nice post! It contains much detailed information and feedback. IF they dev's do indeed read the forums as they claim, this will support our effort.

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The more I've thought about the changes in place the more it becomes clear that one of the intended aims was to make the entire game more difficult, or at the very least, that developers were uncomfortable with the pace at which the player base was completing content, or the percentage of the population seeing certain tiers of content.


There's also some merit in the "Healers were too good at PvP" train of thought (and I honestly felt that way sometimes as a Combat Medic) but if that were the only thing that needed fixing, a retuning of the Trauma debuff is all it would take.


So that leaves us with the idea that the devs think the game is too easy, and as GZ pointed out, balancing one thing or a few things is easier than retuning the whole game. So what's the most efficient way to make the game more difficult for the entire population while minimizing the number of items that need to be adjusted? Nerf healers. Our balance was already out of whack, so they could retune along those targets while simultaneously adjusting the smallest number of abilities.



Now, this still hurts because no one ever TOLD us any of this, and it's possible I'm dead wrong, but as near as I can tell, we thought we were playing Prince of Persia, and we were meant to be playing Demon Souls

Funny to see gaming history repeating itself yet again. Do these devs just refuse to learn from the mistakes of other companies? What am I reffering to? Why, WoW of course! During Wrath, a part (probably a small part) of the community were complaining about how easy endgame was (normal modes yeah, hardmodes? not so much. but don't let armchair quarterbacks without a single hardmode kill to their name go unheard!:rolleyes:). Then we had ICC (and ICC only) for a year. Subs were down and the A Team was already working on Titan (and had been since Ulduar. raid in a box? B Team at its...whatever!). So when they roll out Cata they do two things.


One: Make heroics that had once been annoying multi hour sessions to clear in BC (which they admited was a mistake and that far too few saw heroic content in BC), had become quick 15-20 romps in Wrath (knock out a heroic before work even with longer dps queues? no prob!) into multi hour trash kill hellholes and bosses with one shot killer moves (hows that for repeating stated mistakes eh?).


Two: Nerf the holy hell out of healers. Why? Because after a year of ICC when every single level 80 alt had been geared to the nines, suddenly the heroics were too easy! Imagine that! Epic gear from the final raid bosses of the xpac made heroics tuned to fresh 80s at the beginning of the xpac something of a joke! Who could have forseen such a strange turn of events! Certainly not the B Team!:rolleyes: Anywho, they nerfed the life out of healers, their resource regen everything to the point that a level 80 healer could outheal a level 85 healer (percentage wise) so healers "felt" substantially weaker.


Results? Even after bribing, buffing and dang near begging still healers are few and far between as opposed to Wrath where you couldn't shake a stick without hitting a healer. Fewer people run heroics and those that do run with guildies (except maybe the newer ones dunno haven't played in months and those are noticebly more Wrath style tt boot! derp!). WoW has hemmoraged subs since Cata where condecending elitist devs (that BTW don't understand the mechanics of the classes they are in charge of) tell players with legitimate concerns to suck it up and "L2P".


We told them players wouldn't want to pay to play a weaker version of themselves. They knew better, cause some magic numbers buried somewhere that players can never gaze upon them told them so. Well guess they were right. Realms are deader than a year of no new content could make them. Guess if that was the outcome they were going for....


If only they had chosen one path or another, things might not have gotten so bad. But they made overtuned (for the average WoW player) content and then put the rest of the burden solely on the backs of healers (cause they sure nerfed those heroics fast. not fast enough to wash that first impression away, hence the "I don't want to bother" feeling in WoW) but still insisted that they knew better (thanks to those numbers herpa derpa) than to give healers back their heals. Well until .... some stupid patch I can't be arsed to recall. They pretty much had unnerfed (or is it denerfed?) healers when even the mount/gold/gems bribe bag-o'-wonders failed to bring them a runnin.


Game devs get it through your heads. We play games to be hero(s). We all want to be that guy that saves the raid from wiping. To tank mighty...things! Do do more dps than a dps ever dpsed before! That can heal (on normal modes at least) through the stupid. Now I know you can't heal stupid, but you can sometimes heal the village idiot through his stupid long enough to tell him "STOP THAT RIGHT NOW!". Who knows, that wake up call might make them take the effort to learn what to do (unlikely, but where there is life there is hope!).


Retuning content (or gear) might be a chore, but heavy handed and knee-jerk unwarrented nerfs (sage/sorc heal nerfs are good. nerfs to thier survivablity in PvP not so much. and what on earth is the reasoning behind the nerfs to CM/BG?! nerf the bubble, not the already bottom rung heals FFS!) leads to angry subscribers.


And while you may want to do SWTOR your way, players want to play it their way. If you lean one way too much, you get NGE (or Cata) all over again. And I don't think SWTOR could survive a NGE or a Monoclegate at this point. I really don't.



And if you give in to players whims and whines, ... I was trying to think of a good example but couldn't. Game devs seem to have issues with players challenging their "vision" of how their games "should be". Go figure.


And holy wall of text Batman! I didn't mean to ramble on that much! Imma go sit quietly in the corner for a few weeks!:o

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Anywho, they nerfed the life out of healers, their resource regen everything to the point that a level 80 healer could outheal a level 85 healer (percentage wise) so healers "felt" substantially weaker.


Yeah I remember that. When a level 80 had more crit/haste and marginally less spellpower than a level 85.



And if you give in to players whims and whines, ... I was trying to think of a good example but couldn't. Game devs seem to have issues with players challenging their "vision" of how their games "should be". Go figure.


Funny thing about Developers, is that they think they're infallable. You think that one, two or ten of the millions of people who play a game might, just might, have more of a clue than them?

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The more I've thought about the changes in place the more it becomes clear that one of the intended aims was to make the entire game more difficult, or at the very least, that developers were uncomfortable with the pace at which the player base was completing content, or the percentage of the population seeing certain tiers of content.


Well, to be fair, it is pretty easy. Molten Core wasn't completed nearly as quickly after release, and around this time BWL was released, IIRC... and a lot of guilds never made it through T2. Granted, Vanilla WoW content was too difficult, but still, it did keep people busy.


From their perspective, content needs to be difficult enough to keep most players working on it for longer. It's just my opinion, but having multiple difficulties of the same dungeon makes things worse. If my guild cleared T1 and got most of the gear from there and moved on to T2, we were seeing fresh content. IE, less burnout.

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I like they comment that they are making adjustments but honestly I don't know I have a lot of faith in the changes they are making to this game. I just see it being something like "Hey, we gave merc/commandos an in-combat rez and didn't change anything else...we cool right?"


Nailed it.

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One: Make heroics that had once been annoying multi hour sessions to clear in BC (which they admited was a mistake and that far too few saw heroic content in BC), had become quick 15-20 romps in Wrath (knock out a heroic before work even with longer dps queues? no prob!) into multi hour trash kill hellholes and bosses with one shot killer moves (hows that for repeating stated mistakes eh?).


I couldn't disagree more with this post (just quoting the one paragraph). I liked the heroics in BC and I liked the raid difficulty as well. WotLK was painfully easy by comparison. If anything, that was the expansion that killed WoW because it taught players that if you group everything up and aoe, you'll win. Healers forgot how to triage because they really didn't have to--spike damage was the only real danger. And as for tanking... I just about fell asleep whenever I tried playing my druid tank. The easy difficulty is what killed my guild--after we killed Sarth3d and had nothing interesting to do for months before Ulduar, adding more hard modes was too late for us.


In many players' opinions, BC was the best expansion overall, despite later improvements to questing and the game engine. Bioware has done fairly well with fight design, but I think hard modes are tuned completely wrong with the exception of Kaon. They also need to make some classes/specs more interesting. Juggernauts are boring to play, for example, and many players in this thread have commented on the less interesting gameplay in 1.2.

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I think that altering classes should only be done in very minor incremental changes. Players tend to be very strongly attached to their characters and not so much to the world the characters exist in. Therefore unnecessarily altering classes to fit content is a very poor choice if your goal is retaining customer satisfaction.


If healers in the game are currently not being challenged enough by the content, then the content needs to be adjusted not the classes. BW could completely redesign every dungeon in the game overnight and most people would be excited to see what is new. You can make minor changes to classes and it have a drastically negative affect on the player base.


If BW believes it's more cost effective or the resources are more convenient to just make class changes over adjusting content. Then I would have to wonder if they realize that substantial class changes are the quickest way to drive their player base away from the game. In the end losing more than it would have been worth to just adjust the content.

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I like data. I wish you would show us your data. That said, data doesn't cover everything. It also matters how a character "feels" to players. I've talked to a lot of healers, and a lot of Combat Medics, and, in PvE at least, it was very rare to hear of one who felt over-powered. They exist, I can think of a few, but they were certainly the minority. Far more felt fine on their own, but weak when they compared themselves to Sages. Apparently this isn't reflected in your performance metrics, but it is how the players felt.


When a player feels under-powered, despite what your metrics show, and they hear about changes coming, they expect those changes to be a buff. When they instead get nerfed, this comes as quite a shock and leads to more outrage than a standard nerf because it feels unwarranted.


This. I am a Combat Medic, and have never felt over-powered. I've learned to have to play better, but never feel like I am better than a Sage. This is not a knock on the Sages, but I still don't understand. I have unsubbed based on the feelings above, why doesn't GZ show us how overpowered we are?

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After getting bored with DPS, I have been considering rolling a healer. After reading the patch notes and many of the threads, I'm not so sure now.


I don't want to tank, I don't want to DPS anymore, and healing is going to be smashed into the dirt. I've been tempted to just call it a day, it seems there is no communication from the dev team.

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My two cents


Operative healing buff - needed


Merc healing nerf - ummmmm that doesn't make sense


Sorc healing nerf - Don't understand their healing mechanics so I have no idea if it is a huge nerf or not but they needed something

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So the healers have this massive thread, calmly discussing the 1.2 changes, and how the desired effect could be achieved using other methods and means.


We get a "Good work guys, this is great feedback" from the powers that be.


1.2 Still goes live with all the original healing nerfs - Way to reward the good feedback BW.

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So the healers have this massive thread, calmly discussing the 1.2 changes, and how the desired effect could be achieved using other methods and means.


We get a "Good work guys, this is great feedback" from the powers that be.


1.2 Still goes live with all the original healing nerfs - Way to reward the good feedback BW.


Its a sign to roll a lightsaber class, nothing can go wrong as long as you're a lightsaber class. Im seeing 3/4 of the server filled with glowsticks, so beautiful... I guess thats what bioware intended for in the first place...

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Really good constructive feedback and discussions in this thread.


One thing that's bothering me though, is that people talk about 1.2 as being the last patch ever, and that healing will NEVER change after this.


If the healers are suddenly underperforming, despite all BW's calculations - they will buff us..


If enough people give constructive criticism on their class and brings decent ideas to the table, I'm quite sure they will be noticed and thought through.. BUT no amount of feedback will end in the game 2 weeks after posting it. Stuff takes time..


The things brought up in this thread will probably not see the light of day until 1.4, minor things maybe 1.3..

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Really good constructive feedback and discussions in this thread.


One thing that's bothering me though, is that people talk about 1.2 as being the last patch ever, and that healing will NEVER change after this.


If the healers are suddenly underperforming, despite all BW's calculations - they will buff us..


If enough people give constructive criticism on their class and brings decent ideas to the table, I'm quite sure they will be noticed and thought through.. BUT no amount of feedback will end in the game 2 weeks after posting it. Stuff takes time..


The things brought up in this thread will probably not see the light of day until 1.4, minor things maybe 1.3..

remember that BW had the exact same metrics through the fairly long beta, which resulted in these insulting nerfs.


it's not the nerfs, everyone who's played MMO expect nerfs.



1. no real communication of the nerfs. the players didn't feel the same way the devs do, and without our own metrics, we couldn't show them otherwise except via theorycrafting, and GZ flat out shot that down saying there's changes we can't see, but refuse to tell us what these are, so we have to just take their word for it?


2. the precedence that this sets. when players iddn't feel they were over performing, and hit with an unexpected nerf (BH/CM), it leaves everyone else wondering "am i going to be the next class to get sideswiped?" people like to advance their favorite toon, not to be forced to reroll at the whim of the devs.

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One thing that's bothering me though, is that people talk about 1.2 as being the last patch ever, and that healing will NEVER change after this.




The things brought up in this thread will probably not see the light of day until 1.4, minor things maybe 1.3..


That's exactly the problem. For many of us it is the last patch ever. Personally, I don't want to play a game for several months feeling underpowered and crippled as a combat medic.


And there is no better way to show a company you don't agree with their decisions than to unsubscribe from their game.


Thats what I did last weekend. I don't say I will never play this game again. Let's see what future patches bring, but as of now, the game is not fun anymore for me. That said, you can always come back after unsubscribing, but this step shows BW that something is really wrong with their customer communication.


I strongly feel I will come back to this game when its free to play, which, judging from how things look like with empty servers and angry community, shouldn't take too long.

Edited by Jobnar
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