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Do you like the amount of Stuns and Snares?


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There are way to many. Devs these days are getting very generous with giving every class multiple stuns, snares and roots. I rather have the older system. Where only a few classes could CC, but they had a ton of them. Enchanter from EQ for example. Edited by FuzzyMuffins
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Yes, loving it.


People who dont like it are baddies who have no idea how to use the resolve system to their advantage.

People who say stuff like this are just trying to look like bigshots by pretending that problems aren't problems for them because they are so pro. Unfortunately they're on every MMO forum.

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When I first started playing the amount of stun/mez/snare in this game really drove me crazy. Compared to other games I've played the ammount seemed really high. After playing for awhile I'm not used to it and it doesn't bother me that much. PvP in this game is great imo, although healing is a little overpowered atm. I hope 1.2 nerfs will fix that
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People who say stuff like this are just trying to look like bigshots by pretending that problems aren't problems for them because they are so pro. Unfortunately they're on every MMO forum.


I actually agree with that guy. Stuns are fine. People are just terrible at this game.

I'm a player that usually pugs warzones too.

If people are in a premade and with a decent healer, then stuns and cc in this game are a joke. They barely do anything. If I am playing with a great healer in warzones then forget it, i just massacre everything.

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Stuns in this game usually last 3 seconds. Then you factor in global cooldown. The stunner just gains a 1.5 second advantage which is just one attack or ability. Hardly game breaking.


Then factor in abilities like force cloak, undying rage, bubble, damage reduction shields, parry/defense increase, self heal dot, and heals, then it becomes pretty clear stuns in this game barely does anything.


People are just terrible. This is just a case of learn to play.

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Hi Kracken! Chilly forever!


Yeah I don't like the amount of stuns in this game, but at least the stuns are not OP like PW in Galaxies :p and snares are fine as they are IMO. We need resolve to fill up faster, this will stop reliability on stuns so much, and actually getting people to use different combat tactics more like kiting melee and using LoS against ranged classes.

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They'd be fine if we had more health/healing- as is, getting stunned twice means you're dead with two people on you, guaranteed, without being able to do a thing- that's poor design.


The correct question isn't 'are there too many stuns/snares/mezzes', because in all honesty this game has very few CC and very short ones compared to others- just look at some of the lengths of CC in early WoW/LotRO, DAoC, etc...


However, it also has nearly nothing in the way of CC breaks/avoidance, very little in way of escape, and burst is extremely high for several classes. The correct question is 'does the CC balance with the rest of the gameplay', and the answer is likely not.


Resolve also won't work until roots at the least are included in it. All CC should also break on a certain amount of damage- for example, mezzes break instantly, stuns/roots maybe break after 4k damage, slows break after 7k damage, etc... I'd say snares should be effected by resolve too, but at the moment some classes rely entirely on the ability to snare and would be broken without it- so they'd need something balanced in return for that to work.




For absolute certain though, roots need to be affected by resolve, there's no reason for them not to be they're practically stuns against most classes to begin with.

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They'd be fine if we had more health/healing- as is, getting stunned twice means you're dead with two people on you, guaranteed, without being able to do a thing- that's poor design.


If there are 2 people trying to kill you, you should die and not kill anything. Do you want to be able to do twice the dps of two people just so you can kill another person? The simple fact is taht if you manage to get another person's health to half while on a 2vs1 scenario, then that is bad game design.


You want to be like Rambo? Be able to kill everything?


Game is functioning perfectly. Your thinking is flawed.

Edited by xxdragonragexx
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I'm noticing some really funky stuff lately and this seems like a good thread to ask about this:


Is the resolve system client-side (like speed) or server-side controlled?


No guesses, just facts please. :)


Great question, I don't think we will get an answer from BW though.

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Hi Kracken! Chilly forever!


Yeah I don't like the amount of stuns in this game, but at least the stuns are not OP like PW in Galaxies :p and snares are fine as they are IMO. We need resolve to fill up faster, this will stop reliability on stuns so much, and actually getting people to use different combat tactics more like kiting melee and using LoS against ranged classes.


Sup!!!! Chilly > All tbh :p

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So I see a lot of L2P posts....


Explain how you think a 4 second stun, at least a 1.5 knockdown and at least a 30 second uber snare are fun/enjoyable and match up with the CC breakers timer (if it works, and it is bugged I know).


Perhaps a craftable recourse item?

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The amount of CC is not a problem.


In combination with the horrendous resolve system, the fact that the most easily applied form of CC [ease of use is a problem in itself too] does not break on damage and the relatively short CDs of them all it's quite horrible tbh.

Edited by mufutiz
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the cc in this game is really good most classes cant just auto spam snares like in wow, every cc has a decent cd unlike other mmo's that have spammable cc, it really needs minor tweaks at most, big problem is not the cc, but survivability for some classes, i know as a sorc a good 2-3 dps can kill me in one 4 sec stun, if i trinket, imo burst in this game is a little much they should increase the damage reduction in expertise, and give some of the squishier classes a little bit more d paticularly sorcs, lowest health and armor in the game with no defensive cd at all, and no good defensive talents, plus kiting isnt really that strong at all, since every melee either has a ton of gap closers,stuns,snares,roots, or the do damn near as much ranged dps on the move as i do.
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