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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do you like the amount of Stuns and Snares?


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Yes or no? Just a curiousity. I hate it, always have in any MMO. I could not find a thread just on this topic that was not a lame nerf call on "x" class.


I'm not asking about whether or not you or someone else is smart enough to use the resolve bar to their advantage if they can stay alive long enough for it to fill.


Just simply do you feel that the amount stun and snare is ok with you or not?

Edited by KrackenOne
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I don't mind the amount of CC it adds some element of strategy and awareness (where to stand to avoid getting knocked off the ramp, when you should use your cc-break etc). The biggest problem I have with it is the lack of a good mechanic to prevent stunlocks.


Resolve isn't a bad idea but it's a bad implementation. It doesn't work on snares and it only prevents new CCs if your bar fills up. It doesn't break the current CC (at least that's how it seems to work for me). Often it just doesn't seem to work consistently.


The one thing I thing I think should be a high priority is modifying resolve to prevent long term (>5 seconds) CC during combat.


For example the CC-break in WoW also gave you 2 seconds of immunity (if I remember correctly). The STWOR ability should do the same.

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Yes. I like my PvP to be fun and varied with different types of abilities that make the game more challenging. I don't want to pvp where two people stand there and mash 2 buttons to see who does more damage. That is called PvE.


The only complaint I have is the sorc knockback + root. This should never happen. Ever.


Learn to use resolve, learn to be patient--to pop defensive CDs in anticipation of a stun or the like.


Like the above dude, I only play melees; I have only played melees in every MMO I have played. Coming from other MMOs, the CC in SWTOR is mild, especially compared to World of Addoncraft, where you're constantly rooted or slowed while trying to fight a ranged with 5 escapes.

Edited by Anbokr
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I suppose I have 3 issues with CC.


1. There blatently are too many with some classes having the ability to lock any other class down and kill at their leisure.


2. CC that also has a damage element to it.


3. CC breaker providing absolutely no immunity and being on a 2 minute cooldown.


Oh, I guess I have 4. CC abilities that have another CC ability tied to it. Like a knockback that also roots you in place.



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Too much of it IMHO


1) CC/stun should be given to one class that specialises in it

2) Bring in gear that has stun resist / cc resist stat mods

3) Any form of cc/stun/snare should be removeable via short cooldown, crafted consumable of some kind.

4) snares Im ok with all classes having them, just put them on longer cd and make then removeable via consumable (see 3).

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Allow me to just stand there and faceroll my PvP rotation while a melee is on me, then balance it so that I have just as much of a chance(provided all things equal) to kill that melee, and I'll agree.


Until then, I propose that you accept that it is necessary to my survivability to keep melee away from me; therefore you're going to eat knockbacks and stuns, and yet you'll still have the tools to close the gaps I create, or outright avoid them.


One style promotes a mindless PvP system, the other requires a bit of thinking. Obviously I can beat bad melee while thinking, what is the likely outcome should it become mindless facerolling?

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As a sith warrior I am fine with the CCs in game.


I don't expect to be able to move freely and feel the amount of cc is fine.


Except the guys that pull u into the fire. I believe that is OP. They might as well have a 1 shot button.



I know other classes can knock u into the fire but it takes skill, Timing, Placement and positioning to do so.


That class just pulls u into the fire effortlessly.

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One style promotes a mindless PvP system, the other requires a bit of thinking. Obviously I can beat bad melee while thinking, what is the likely outcome should it become mindless facerolling?


How is it not already mindless facerolling? Stunlock kill is as much faceroll as your goign to get....

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Yes. I like my PvP to be fun and varied with different types of abilities that make the game more challenging. I don't want to pvp where two people stand there and mash 2 buttons to see who does more damage. That is called PvE.


The only complaint I have is the sorc knockback + root. This should never happen. Ever.


Learn to use resolve, learn to be patient--to pop defensive CDs in anticipation of a stun or the like.


Like the above dude, I only play melees; I have only played melees in every MMO I have played. Coming from other MMOs, the CC in SWTOR is mild, especially compared to World of Addoncraft, where you're constantly rooted or slowed while trying to fight a ranged with 5 escapes.




im in control of my character more in wow than in swtor due to CCs being counterable, dispelable, interuptable, or having abilities (other than trinket) that negates a CC.


as to the topic at hand, there are too many stuns. snares are fine, much more mild than what im used to in wow.

Edited by Ryotknife
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PvP is virtually unplayable, and not at all enjoyable. If it stays like this I'll be out - what's the point of playing when you're just perma stuned/slowed/rooted or flying around like a pinball. I know like most MMOs this is primarily a PvE game, but to release with such truly awful PvP really says a lot about BWs attitude to PvP. Edited by WildcardHatesYou
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for the most part i don't mind the cc, tho I absolutely hate roots in huttball (cause they aren't effected by resolve) and am really mad Bioware hasn't fixed the 2 Inquisitor bugs. One where you get shocked and stay perma stunned until you either die or game ends. And the one where whirlwind doesn't break on damage
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and am really mad Bioware hasn't fixed the 2 Inquisitor bugs. One where you get shocked and stay perma stunned until you either die or game ends. And the one where whirlwind doesn't break on damage


Aaaah...so they ARE bugs.

Happened to both my brother and me....couldn't for the love of god understand what was happening :p

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