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Bioware Armor Art


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First things first. This is not a thread to bash Bioware or anyone for that matter. Please go elsewhere if that is your intent. I would like this to be a place where we can post links to images to help the artists get an idea of what we are looking for as far as aesthetics are concerned.


I have read many posts about the endgame armors over the life of this game. The general consensus seems to be that the sets don't have the Star Wars look. I think the endgame sets have some nice parts to them. A kama here a bandolier there is fine. The problem is trying to fit every eye catcher in one set.


I am no artist by any means. Therefore, I find it hard to criticize harshly. Instead I will reference several comics that really captured the Star.Wars look for me.

Tales of the Jedi- preferably Sith War and Dark Lords of the Sith trades

Knights of the Old Republic - have see quite a few liknesses in this game to some of that art.

Legacy series- every class in game is represented with cool looking characters.


Once again, I have seen similarities and homages to these books in game and those are a lot of my favorite pieces of gear. A little more restraint on the "look at me" pieces would be refreshing.


Anyone else have images or reference material they would care to share?

Edited by MosesMercury
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Great thread the armors from 1.2 are just not doing it for a great many people.

Have to agree, that the legacy series from dark horse just had some really amazing representations.

Darth Krayt anyone?



That with a caveat of bounty hunters who i thought lacked a little. Give BH tattered cloaks or capes.

Maybe something Jin Roh ish:


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These armors, are in game, and IMO these are what Jedi Knights should be wearing.







As a sentinel, I frown upon the White rakata armor and the ORANGE columi. Seriously..


This armor is for a Jedi Sentinel NPC on Correlia, Axial Park zoo.












Why they already made it in game, but not let us wear it?


come on, seriously Bioware, even in the cinematics, does any of the jedis wear orange armor?


*edit: The only armor I am looking forward to is The Exalted armors.


Thanks to Dulfy for posting the pics

Edited by Vanderzz
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I think the problem stems from the artists desire to make high level armor... Fancy. Instead of functional.


It looks stupid because it IS stupid. All those barbs, hooks, extra large shoulder pads and random plating and stuff would seriously get in the way. And bright colors saying "Here I am!!!"?


If anything, they should invert the gear. It's the young show off who doesn't really have skills that is going to be all showoffy and flashy. It's the seasoned veteran who is going to be all function over form.


And then how it fits into start wars? The star wars esthetic is simplicity. The emperor is probably the "highest level" stuff. What does it look like? Black robe with hood. Bobba Fett is probably highest level "armored" look... and it's also relatively simple in structure. (though a tad more colorful)

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These armors, are in game, and IMO these are what Jedi Knights should be wearing.







As a sentinel, I frown upon the White rakata armor and the ORANGE columi. Seriously..


This armor is for a Jedi Sentinel NPC on Correlia, Axial Park zoo.












Why they already made it in game, but not let us wear it?


come on, seriously Bioware, even in the cinematics, does any of the jedis wear orange armor?


*edit: The only armor I am looking forward to is The Exalted armors.


Thanks to Dulfy for posting the pics


<33 I love this

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I think the problem stems from the artists desire to make high level armor... Fancy. Instead of functional.


It looks stupid because it IS stupid. All those barbs, hooks, extra large shoulder pads and random plating and stuff would seriously get in the way. And bright colors saying "Here I am!!!"?


If anything, they should invert the gear. It's the young show off who doesn't really have skills that is going to be all showoffy and flashy. It's the seasoned veteran who is going to be all function over form.


And then how it fits into start wars? The star wars esthetic is simplicity. The emperor is probably the "highest level" stuff. What does it look like? Black robe with hood. Bobba Fett is probably highest level "armored" look... and it's also relatively simple in structure. (though a tad more colorful)


I wish they'd do something to the 1.2 gear.

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I think the problem stems from the artists desire to make high level armor... Fancy. Instead of functional.


It looks stupid because it IS stupid. All those barbs, hooks, extra large shoulder pads and random plating and stuff would seriously get in the way. And bright colors saying "Here I am!!!"?


If anything, they should invert the gear. It's the young show off who doesn't really have skills that is going to be all showoffy and flashy. It's the seasoned veteran who is going to be all function over form.


And then how it fits into start wars? The star wars esthetic is simplicity. The emperor is probably the "highest level" stuff. What does it look like? Black robe with hood. Bobba Fett is probably highest level "armored" look... and it's also relatively simple in structure. (though a tad more colorful)


It was the same in WoW, massive shoulder armor that was ridiculously out of proportion with everything else.

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These armors, are in game, and IMO these are what Jedi Knights should be wearing.







As a sentinel, I frown upon the White rakata armor and the ORANGE columi. Seriously..


This armor is for a Jedi Sentinel NPC on Correlia, Axial Park zoo.












Why they already made it in game, but not let us wear it?


come on, seriously Bioware, even in the cinematics, does any of the jedis wear orange armor?


*edit: The only armor I am looking forward to is The Exalted armors.


Thanks to Dulfy for posting the pics


I seriously love all those you linked. The first set reminds me of what you see during character creation for a JK. I have always wanted that set. As for the exalted, yeah it looks really good except for the price tag. :eek:

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i like the set up dc universe had where you can get better geared w/o messing up your look you could just lock your look and colors


Agreed, it was one of the few parts they hit the nail on the head with in that game.

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I do often wonder if they are taking a page from Blizzard and purposely making the high end Armour look as ridiculous as possible.


Congratulations you just beat the hardest content in the game...now put on this Banana suit.



Oooooh I LOL'd at this!! Too funny =)


Matter of fact I'm still lol'n...ugh..


I don't dislike the newer 1.2 gear but some of it I feel doesn't fit into our little SWTOR universe.


I will say that the BH vanilla pvp gear was not at all fun to put on, some aspects of it cool but the bug face grasshopper head on my old champ gear was a joke...I think it was a joke anyway...lol

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The silver lining now is that in 1.2 everything is customizable. So if you like the new stats from the new tier but not the look. Pop those mods over to your jedi robes and avoid the jedi oversized shoulder guard look.


I personally like one of the new trooper sets, as for the other, ill just mod it back to my good ole shoulder mounted rocket launchers :D

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First things first. This is not a thread to bash Bioware or anyone for that matter. Please go elsewhere if that is your intent. I would like this to be a place where we can post links to images to help the artists get an idea of what we are looking for as far as aesthetics are concerned.


I have read many posts about the endgame armors over the life of this game. The general consensus seems to be that the sets don't have the Star Wars look. I think the endgame sets have some nice parts to them. A kama here a bandolier there is fine. The problem is trying to fit every eye catcher in one set.


I am no artist by any means. Therefore, I find it hard to criticize harshly. Instead I will reference several comics that really captured the Star.Wars look for me.

Tales of the Jedi- preferably Sith War and Dark Lords of the Sith trades

Knights of the Old Republic - have see quite a few liknesses in this game to some of that art.

Legacy series- every class in game is represented with cool looking characters.


Once again, I have seen similarities and homages to these books in game and those are a lot of my favorite pieces of gear. A little more restraint on the "look at me" pieces would be refreshing.


Anyone else have images or reference material they would care to share?


I already made a thread for the community to consolidate and give our artistic perspective on how armor should look in-game. Hopefully the community will take a more active roll for armor sets in future patches.

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I already made a thread for the community to consolidate and give our artistic perspective on how armor should look in-game. Hopefully the community will take a more active roll for armor sets in future patches.


Oh, thanks Forgon. I will continue on that thread. Much obliged.

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Clean and Star Warsy. No stupid WoWish design! I don't care if this game is 3000 years back where armour look like ****. Make it look closer to the movies and Clone Wars, things most people know about. Only hardcore fans know the rest...


Trooper class:










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Great thread the armors from 1.2 are just not doing it for a great many people.

Have to agree, that the legacy series from dark horse just had some really amazing representations.

Darth Krayt anyone?



That with a caveat of bounty hunters who i thought lacked a little. Give BH tattered cloaks or capes.

Maybe something Jin Roh ish:



The BH looks to much like hitlers SS. Then again thats where lucas got the inspiration for stormtroopers. Hitler Created the stormtrooper.

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Great thread the armors from 1.2 are just not doing it for a great many people.

Have to agree, that the legacy series from dark horse just had some really amazing representations.

Darth Krayt anyone?



See I look at that first pic and I see that type of design represented in the majority of all the end game armors. Crazy spikes, shoulder pads, organics, helmets, etc. This is the era the game takes place in.


Luckily the devs have also given everyone armor styles similar to what's found in the movies. I guess I just don't see the issue.

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