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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Give us 1.2 as it is FAST !!! Too many players leaving the game !!!


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To the OP:


No. Just plain no. 1.2 is most definitely a work in progress and is currently rubbing up a lot of players the wrong way, especially with the changes to PvE medpacks amongst all the other changes.


If anything, I'd say to give BW longer to fix all the things they're breaking first so that 1.2 doesn't end up pushing players away.

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I know it's not an MMO per say, but you can still play it online with your friends, the same friends that you could be playing this game with.


True but i dont see it as bad thing as player. I mean i see it as more options for me to chose.

The loyalty i see people to his games is something a never understood fully, or care about. I still can play both and there is no harm in this. Swtor isnt my game wow isnt my game its the repective companies games, we pay for playing it. We dont own the game if you know what i mean. But my previous point is you can easly talk about about any other game, Mass efefct 3, and its multiplayer, for instance. They arent playing swtor because they are playing that instead.

It doesnt matter, realy they could have been playing anyother thing it is how it goes with swtor and it is how it will go with other games as well.

It was unreasonable to think that people would continue playing swtor on a massive scale seen in the first month. there is games out there that hasnt wow population and still rock and are fun playing it. Swtor will be no diferent. And yeah i think swtor has to manny servers, in time they will merge no doubt in due time.

On a word about diablo 3, i hear it isnt what people expect it to be, im afraid. Or rather is exactly what people expect it to. Meaning nothing new there, to very similar to wow if you ask me.. The only novelty is a new way for the player to spend real money, a market place online when you can sell you stuff that you craft, for real money, as well by other stuff for real money, and blizz will take a portion of that transactions, the deal is they make it so taht you need to keep coming to the market in order to craft... making a repetitive circle. It doesnt mean it isnt a cool game of fun nothing of a sort. But i recon it folows sort of a trend of some mmos F2P with mini transactions... this on single player game with multiplayer isnt very actractive imo we will see how it goes.

Edited by Spartanik
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True but i dont see it as bad thing as player. I mean i see it as more options for me to chose.

The loyalty i see people to his games is something a never understood fully, or care about. I still can play both and there is no harm in this. Swtor isnt my game wow isnt my game its the repective companies games, we pay for playing it. We dont own the game if you know what i mean. But my previous point is you can easly talk about about any other game, Mass efefct 3, and its multiplayer, for instance. They arent playing swtor because they are playing that instead.

It doesnt matter, realy they could have been playing anyother thing it is how it goes with swtor and it is how it will go with other games as well.

It was unreasonable to think that people would continue playing swtor on a massive scale seen in the first month. there is games out there that hasnt wow population and still rock and are fun playing it. Swtor will be no diferent. And yeah i think swtor has to manny servers, in time they will merge no doubt.

On a word aboyt diablo 3, i hear it isnt what people expect it to be, im afaraid. Or rather is exactly what people expect it to be. Meaning nothing new there. The only novelty is a new way for the player to spend real money. IMO. It doesnt mean it isnt a cool game of fun nothing of a sort. But i recon it folows a trend of some mmos F2P with mini transactions... this on single player game with multiplayer isnt very actractive imo we will see how it goes.


They took out the real money auction house. Just for your information. The game is playing very well actually from what I have heard. The only thing it is lacking at launch is PvP. Diablo 3 I have friends in the Beta who say it is awesome.

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They took out the real money auction house. Just for your information. The game is playing very well actually from what I have heard. The only thing it is lacking at launch is PvP. Diablo 3 I have friends in the Beta who say it is awesome.


sry for typos. Ah i didnt know that so they finaly remove the auction house...lol they better, but my point is Diablo doesnt add nothing new. It is jsut a folow up from Diablo 2. basicaly speaking off course, not that isnt a bad thing for manny players, but the huge crowds wont be staying for long if what they get is repetitive things to do. IMO

In anycase what is the issue?! You got diablo, an then soon you will have GW2 or Tera, and then you will have secret world, and then arche age, and so on so on.

And you might have other online games that people will chose to play or other stuff that people do outside of gaming world... it is how it is.

SWtOR wil still be here imo though. Bioware cant exactly stop the other companies for lauching other games cant they? But as people get tired of swtor, they will also get tired of this new games sooner or later. It is how it goes.

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Yeah, but they also have 7 years of nostalgia working for them. One of the biggest factors of MMO's is the social aspect of it. The friendships you form online really have a way of keeping you playing an MMO. Unless you started playing this game with friends I really doubt there was much time to meet people. It's really a domino effect, when one goes, others go.


Even with the laying off and throwing things left right and centre at people, they still have a very large subscription base, and, this is purely and assumption, I'm sure more than paid off the costs of producing WoW.


Bioware is a great company, I love all of their games and, I'm as biased as you can be since they were founded in my home province. However, there's a very good chance that this is just going to be another MMO that WoW overshadows while it's sitting on its throne.


Partly agree with the 1st part, The biggest factor in an mmo is the social aspect, be it within rp, feeling like part of a family in a casual guild or working to direct goals within a hardcore guild, that is if such a thing as a hardcore guild exists anymore.


There is alot of self serving phrophasy going about though, people expet to be bored and not meet new people, they think no one will group with them and that pvp is going no where. But it just isnt the case as you will find on most planets chat is blank until someone chirps up about something random and then chat takes off but it takes that one person to cherp up about something to set it off.


Its like there is a stigma for asking for help, like on wow if you asked a question you got screamed down as a noob etc or if you ask for help you had to end up asking for a boost as nearly everyone was top lvl thus rendering your lvl obsolite. That mindset has carried on from wow.


With the pvp its no better nor any worse then wows, if anything its actually better and more involved but because there isnt some epeen uberness to being able to twink nor I am much greater then though gear that people seem to be turned off by it.


Its all very upside down on its heads when people look at this game and then compare it to others which they left because they were bored to tears of it and more then likly burnt themselves out powerlevling here. Its almost like people have forgot there is a game between lvl 1 - 49 and only see the game actually starting at lvl 50.

Edited by Shingara
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Oh gosh... more doomsaying and negativity.


Try new things.



It's best to wait for the patch and have it be a competent and bug free patch that will keep us busy for a few months. People will come back when the patch hits no matter what. The same thing happens on other games.


Also, console games dont replace MMO's. And what other MMO is out there that is fresher than SWTOR is at the moment?


Loads of QQ, is what you do.


Yes, i agree we need more content and more challenging content, but i also realise the selfishness has to go away. We all want 1.2, but we want a good 1.2 and not a broken buggy one.

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Our Fleet was up to almost 200 people nightly.


(That was 2 months ago). Now we're barely above 50 each night.


I'm afraid 1.2 came way too late. Servers are dead. Can't even imagine what it's like on lower-pop servers.


I'm assuming they're all dead too.

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They'll release it when it's ready and not before. Tons of people will come back when it's released and I bet many people are waiting for the release before playing through too much more content or bringing up another character. The changes coming are massive.


Look at all the changes in just say the crew skills. Why do much crafting and reverse engineering when the changes coming will benefit way more than they do now?

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Thread deleted on PTR, hope it stays alive here... Because we really need new content fast before wind starts blowing through server fleets...


In the last couple of weeks, our guild lost over 20% of active 50's to other games, due to the fact that they have the alts they want, full rakatta, battlemaster, sufficient legacy and yet they have nothing more to do on this game that would entertain them or make them stay... Since some of them are not even paying their subs, it's a slight chance we'll ever see them again...


There is not 1 day that goes by that we do not get 1 leave notification from one of our members. And yes, we have 16 man raids going, we have organised PVP, yet people are BORED and NEED NEW CONTENT...


Before our guild empties, do please release the long-awaited update...


Yeah? And what about a month after 1.2 comes out and these people are once again "bored"? People either need to learn to have fun with the content available or leave. In the very least, take a break. A new patch once every 3 to 6 months is all you can really expect.

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Yeah? And what about a month after 1.2 comes out and these people are once again "bored"? People either need to learn to have fun with the content available or leave. In the very least, take a break. A new patch once every 3 to 6 months is all you can really expect.


Or rather Bioware needs to learn how to make lasting content. Oh sorry it's not possible since WoW went the casual way and everyone copies it.

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Yeah? And what about a month after 1.2 comes out and these people are once again "bored"? People either need to learn to have fun with the content available or leave. In the very least, take a break. A new patch once every 3 to 6 months is all you can really expect.


The problem is: there is nothing to have fun with...


If we had more of the sandbox features maybe, but so far...

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Its honestly too late for most servers.


Most of the players remaining are either casual, not 50, or fanboys.


Had 36 people on in Imp Fleet yesterday.






That being said, the game can still truck along w/ it's dwindling population and make a profit. I think that's the problem with MMOs, there is no incentive to improve.


I'd rather play this game though, until something better comes out (GW2/TERA/ArchAge/Diablo 3/etc).


I really wonder what BW is thinking. How hard could it be to emulate the good things other MMOs have done so far? This game has ZERO open-world PVP (consistently, not stupid zergs at the Republic base). And it caters to casual bads too much.

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Do they even hear the reasons people are leaving? I have not seen one survey being done by customer service to ask people what their issues are and base an update on those issues...


When I unsubscribed they gave me a survey asking why. I told them, due to lack of ability to transfer my high level character to a server that has a high population. My server was dead and I didn't feel like repeating the Jedi Knight story, and put another 300+ hours of work in leveling.

My first play through, I loved it... but on the second play through, there was no real variation.

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right.... thats why half the players cannot find a raid for 8 on a friday/sat night in the fleet... on over half the servers.


I find this to be either:








Usually when I get home from work, I see the servers from Standard - Full with very few light pop standards.

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When the plethora of game to choose from (WoW, Tera, GW2, D3) is gonna threaten the solidity of the player base, arguments like mine make for a good bussiness model to counter that...


For most of us it's a done deal bud. We're just waiting out our time to pull the plug. Was a good first try though BW.

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First two month: Amazing. Why? It was new and exciting. We all had lightsabers and blasters. We were exploring the worlds. After that wore off, the re-playability just went down the drain. For me it was the actual playability. Yeah yeah, I came from years of WoW with other MMOs off and on. The gameplay just can't touch what WoW had and won't until they tweak the heck out of it.


I kept on playing because of friends. As they left, my interest waned. I'd log in each night to see 1-2 guildies (RL friends or from our WoW guild). None of my close friends would be on and I'd just log. I'd pop over to WoW and see 20+ members on with a raid in progress. :/


I had a lot of hope for the game but I'll wait to see how they improve it. I won't rush to judgment but it needs work in a bad way.

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Its become apparent to me that Bioware are not catering to the "I want it all now" or the "were Hardcore and need new Ops/Flashpoints every month" crowd's...


Personally I think they know where they want the game to go , I think they know the target audience they are aiming at, And also know how many subs they need to retain a profit.


If you think they are going to cater to the Hardcore Raidier's, PVPers and Players that spend 12 hours a day in front of there screen's...Your very much mistaken.


they are not the players who retain subs. Its the players who take there time, have jobs, family's and limited gaming time. Players that craft, that explore, that enjoy the Star Wars universe and will stay here simply because its the only Star Wars MMO...Player's that understand that Rome wasnt built in a day, Not whinny kids crying for there sweets.


The base of this game has been set, It will get better, But to make it better it needs time. Abd in that time space will get expanded, Crafting will become more player involved, PVP will expand, the game may develop some atmosphere in the form of weather and day/night cycles, Guild's will be made better....And all in all a community will start to form....


To build a beautiful garden.....First you need to get rid of the weeds (wow kiddies), then the annoying stones (players who will consume anything new in 1 week), once that is done you plant your seeds and start to build a thing of beauty...


Ask yourselves a question....does a huge sub base make a game great.....????


EVE (awesome game) to complex for my liking.....over 500k subs

SWG (brilliant game,best sandbox MMO ever released, even after the N.G.E) over 300k subs


WOW (to childish for my liking, complete tosh IMHO) over 7 million subs

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