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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.2 War Hero Gear on PTS - Now requires BM gear :)


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It's so easy to get BM rank and BM gear now. They made those changes last patch so people will be ready when 1.2 comes around. If you haven't been taking advantage of it, that's your fault. Plus, they'll make it even easier to get BM gear in 1.2. This really is a non-issue. Edited by Synxos
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I also think it's funny that people think a high valor rating = good. You can hide in a corner every BG and get valor.


Can you do that? I wouldn't know. I always actively participate in every WZ that I play. You can cry and **** in your Huggies all you want. It affects me exactly ZERO!

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For someone who PVPs all day, no, this is not a problem. For a guild like mine, with a mix of hardcores and casuals (good PVPers, but time restricted by demands of work, studies and family), yet another step in gearing up IS a problem. I would VASTLY prefer a system where this whole gear crap didn't exist, and where skill was the only factor. And I'd hoped they'd actually done a step in this direction. Too much to ask for, I guess.


This guy VASTLY prefers so much i pissed myself laughing.

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Don't play an RPG if you don't like grind/progression. It is the main point of an RPG.


You've never played an RPG before have you? It's the main point of MMORPGs because they consistently don't know how to make games to cater to people who just want to have fun.



RPGs have never been about gear grinding- sure, on occassion you have to do a slight grind for a level or money for gear in oldschool RPGs like the early final fantasy/dragonquest games. But now even games like those you generally get the gear/levels you need on the way and most decent players can bypass any sort of need to grind.


FPS, RTS and MOBA have all been making very popular, very fun pvp without a gear grind of significance.

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FPS, RTS and MOBA have all been making very popular, very fun pvp without a gear grind of significance.


People only play those kind of games for a few weeks though. MMOs have too much debt to cover for that lifecycle.


They have to keep people playing, but they also can't invent a new game every other month.

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For someone who PVPs all day, no, this is not a problem. For a guild like mine, with a mix of hardcores and casuals (good PVPers, but time restricted by demands of work, studies and family), yet another step in gearing up IS a problem. I would VASTLY prefer a system where this whole gear crap didn't exist, and where skill was the only factor. And I'd hoped they'd actually done a step in this direction. Too much to ask for, I guess.


You want a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game.. where gear doesn't exist..there simply HAS to be a system of getting gear. If you can come up with one that makes more sense then trading in a currency you've "earned" by time, or skill, or a combonation of risk of any kind, please please do. Because I'm really tired of comments that one person is better than the other because of "insert made up crap here", and I really just want to pvp against people who really enjoy pvping, without complaining about every little aspect

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I don't see why it's obsolete. I think people are confused...or hell, maybe I am.


As I read it, nothing changes for non-ranked WZs. You will not be able to buy Champ or Centurian gear, but so what. If you have those now why would you want more? You enter non-ranked WZs and earn BM and War Hero gear to replace your current Champ and Centurian gear.


Then when you are geared you enter ranked WZ and buy Ranked War Hero gear...which is the same as War Hero but a different color.


Why did ClogMan say:

"1) Ditch all Champ + cent gear.

2) Buy a recruit PvP set for 500K."


Unless the stats are way better than Champion, which I can't imagine. So he's wrong or trolling.


The stats are way better than Champion. That's the whole point. He's not wrong, or trolling. He's right.

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You'll still be a wet noodle. You have a lot of quit in you. Gear isn't the decider, it's basically a tie breaker. If you're getting rolled now, you'll get rolled in equal gear. You've mentally removed yourself from PVP because you have the 'i don't have the gear I can't win' thought process, so you haven't engaged while everyone else is, and getting better at pvp.


So the real reason you lack PVP skills, is because you've mentally checked out from it.


You have a lot of fail in you, i feel you have mentally removed yourself from this thread...


You don't know what you rambling on about.

I do fine today against people in same or better gear, but this is not what this is all about.

This has nothing to do with , skills in pvp or what not.

This is only about pvp armor sets and their stats in 1.2..

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Why did ClogMan say:

"1) Ditch all Champ + cent gear.

2) Buy a recruit PvP set for 500K."


Unless the stats are way better than Champion, which I can't imagine. So he's wrong or trolling.


Thanks for the vote of confidence :p

Sadly the information presented to us at the moment, shows that champion gear is worse then the new recruit gear.

We can ofc hope BW do the right thing and fix it before 1.2 comes out.

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Um...Dont the War Hero and Rated War Hero gear sets have the exact same stats? I thought only cosmetics were different giving high level valor players cooler skins.


Or do you need to trade BM gear FOR the crappy War Hero gear? I thought you only needed to trade BM gear for the Rated War Hero set.

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Honestly though, anyone that thinks gear is a deciding factor in this game obviously has zero clue what they are talking about. It does NOT take long to get full Centurion gear and that's all you need to compete against battlemasters. Sure in a tie breaker the BM will win but if you're half decent at the game then you will stand a chance against any battlemaster using Centurion gear.


Seriously, gear gap in this game is NOTHING like other mmo's. People just have it stuck in their head that when they get beat it's 100% because they are outgeared. It's basically an excuse for bad players that would have lost even if they were full BM gear against someone not even wearing any PVP gear.

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Here's what they should do with Rated WZ and gear.


1. Put up a vendor with bags containing sets of rated wz intro armor etc. for credits.

2. Only allow that armor to be used in rated wz. BM etc not allowed.

3. Non rated wz allow any armor except Rated WZ sets.


There easy fix. Rated Division starts on a level playing field to build on, and you can keep you BM stuff for all your other pvp.

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You want a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game.. where gear doesn't exist..there simply HAS to be a system of getting gear. If you can come up with one that makes more sense then trading in a currency you've "earned" by time, or skill, or a combonation of risk of any kind, please please do. Because I'm really tired of comments that one person is better than the other because of "insert made up crap here", and I really just want to pvp against people who really enjoy pvping, without complaining about every little aspect


Granted every MMO has some kind of gear grind.. Not all of them were 100% Gear grind dominant.


Take SWG for example. You could craft your gear from resources acquired from harvesting or purchased from a vendor from someone else harvesting them for you. As well as you could trade these items. Making the game more fun for someone who is into crafting/crew skills and creating a player based economy. As for the grinded gear they had jewelry sets but they werent so imperative that a good player that did not have the set couldn't still put up a decent fight until they acquired the full set. It gave an added advantage but not a overall I win because I have it and you dont. Same went for the Jedi Robes that some people had to grind if they didn't already have a Elder type robe that was pretty much equivalent. This was the state of the game towards the end. Before that it was completely crafting based. You do a few Boss Runs and get schematics and those people are able to make gear and sell it to people who are not interested in that kind of thing. And for specific weapons that couldnt be traded you would gather a few buddies together and they would take you out to go get it. Creating more team work and a active economy. If you didnt want to pvp all the time you didnt have to. If you didnt want to raid/boss run all the time you didnt have to. It was set up to allow people to play at their own pace and still be effective both pve and pvp.

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Granted every MMO has some kind of gear grind.. Not all of them were 100% Gear grind dominant.


Take SWG for example. You could craft your gear from resources acquired from harvesting or purchased from a vendor from someone else harvesting them for you. As well as you could trade these items. Making the game more fun for someone who is into crafting/crew skills and creating a player based economy. As for the grinded gear they had jewelry sets but they werent so imperative that a good player that did not have the set couldn't still put up a decent fight until they acquired the full set. It gave an added advantage but not a overall I win because I have it and you dont. Same went for the Jedi Robes that some people had to grind if they didn't already have a Elder type robe that was pretty much equivalent. This was the state of the game towards the end. Before that it was completely crafting based. You do a few Boss Runs and get schematics and those people are able to make gear and sell it to people who are not interested in that kind of thing. And for specific weapons that couldnt be traded you would gather a few buddies together and they would take you out to go get it. Creating more team work and a active economy. If you didnt want to pvp all the time you didnt have to. If you didnt want to raid/boss run all the time you didnt have to. It was set up to allow people to play at their own pace and still be effective both pve and pvp.


But there is still effort involved, from someone, somewhere in the game environment. What I'm seeing is quite a few loud voices wanting the effort removed, or seemingly so. I know our youth has grown up in a world where if you want something, you get it nearly immediately, from information, to self gratification. Risk/Effort vs Reward seems to be too much to handle for todays gamer. That is slightly annoying to me.

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Honestly though, anyone that thinks gear is a deciding factor in this game obviously has zero clue what they are talking about. It does NOT take long to get full Centurion gear and that's all you need to compete against battlemasters. Sure in a tie breaker the BM will win but if you're half decent at the game then you will stand a chance against any battlemaster using Centurion gear.


Seriously, gear gap in this game is NOTHING like other mmo's. People just have it stuck in their head that when they get beat it's 100% because they are outgeared. It's basically an excuse for bad players that would have lost even if they were full BM gear against someone not even wearing any PVP gear.


^ Utter utter rubbish.


The extra damage on BM weapons alone makes them an auto win v Champion or Centurion.

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Why don't we all wait and see what the daily/weekly rewards are before crying foul...maybe they give enough so the grind doesn't hit "ludacris" level.


Grind doesn't hit ludacris levels... you will have full war hero in a month or two. That is if you play 10 warzones a day, youll need a total of 500 games played for full war hero.

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Grind doesn't hit ludacris levels... you will have full war hero in a month or two. That is if you play 10 warzones a day, youll need a total of 500 games played for full war hero.


thats not counting daily's/weeklies so yeah cut that in half prob

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A lot of misinformation on this thread.


Take a look at this video: http://youtu.be/-M68JYMKQZs


You can see exactly what each PvP vendor is selling in 1.2.


War Hero gear DOES NOT require Battlemaster. It requires Ranked Warzone commendations only. The "rated" version of War Hero (which has exactly the same stats as WH, but is a different colour) requires Ranked Warzone commendations PLUS the existing WH piece. I believe this last point is where the confusion over the Battlemaster requirement started.


There is no Centurion or Champion gear in 1.2. Both are replaced by a blue set called "Recruit" which is rank 128 (slightly more than current Centurion but slightly less than current Champion). This set is bought entirely with credits and has no Valor level requirement attached to it.


Battlemaster gear is bought entirely with Warzone commendations and also has it's valor rank 60 requirement removed.


Overall it's going to make PvP a much more level playing field, which has got to be a good thing. PvP shouldn't really be all about gear. Since War Hero isn't THAT much better than Battlemaster, and Battlemaster will be pretty easy to get hold of - I foresee much more balanced warzones ahead.


Now, if only they could fix Ilum...


Btw, existing Centurion and Champion commendations (if you have lots spare like me) can be used to buy green or blue Premium (or PvP crafting) boxes from the vendor. So they can finally stop gathering dust and be spent :)

Edited by Turino
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A lot of misinformation on this thread.


Take a look at this video: http://youtu.be/-M68JYMKQZs


You can see exactly what each PvP vendor is selling in 1.2.


War Hero gear DOES NOT require Battlemaster. It requires Ranked Warzone commendations only. The "rated" version of War Hero (which has exactly the same stats as WH, but is a different colour) requires Ranked Warzone commendations PLUS the existing WH piece. I believe this last point is where the confusion over the Battlemaster requirement started.


There is no Centurion or Champion gear in 1.2. Both are replaced by a blue set called "Recruit" which is rank 128 (slightly more than current Centurion but slightly less than current Champion). This set is bought entirely with credits and has no Valor level requirement attached to it.


Battlemaster gear is bought entirely with Warzone commendations and also has it's valor rank 60 requirement removed.


Overall it's going to make PvP a much more level playing field, which has got to be a good thing. PvP shouldn't really be all about gear. Since War Hero isn't THAT much better than Battlemaster, and Battlemaster will be pretty easy to get hold of - I foresee much more balanced warzones ahead.


Now, if only they could fix Ilum...


Btw, existing Centurion and Champion commendations (if you have lots spare like me) can be used to buy green or blue Premium (or PvP crafting) boxes from the vendor. So they can finally stop gathering dust and be spent :)


Please look at the start at the video you posted again :p it will say the following:


Bioware fixed the game so that the battlemaster piece is a required trade in for unrated war hero gear 3/22/12

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