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1.2 War Hero Gear on PTS - Now requires BM gear :)


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Isn't it normal to get a better gear after you aquire the worse ones? It's like you people want to get from nothing to war hero and isn't it obvious it would be rather hard? In ranked warzones there will be players playing in full BM.



I only recently got to 60 valor but I still thought I will need to first get full BM to be able to do something in the ranked warzones.

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I haven't played my Sniper, other than for operations, in about 3 weeks simply because I was tired of spending time pvping and not getting BM comms. I'm rank 65 and I only have the Sniper Rifle, Ear, Implants. I don't even know how many BM bags I've gotten, but it has been a metric *****ton and I've only gotten 4 BM comms. It's always nice seeing people lower level than me with more BM gear. I grew very tired of grinding the 1k/1k for a comm as well. With this, I kinda just laugh inside and it basically just cements the reasons why I will eventually cancel my sub (there are many reasons), GW2 can't come quick enough imo...
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The mod issues I'm worried about...I saved all the crappy accuracy mods when I stripped them out, only thing is, they have the same name as the accuracy mods in rakata gear. So how will they be able to tell which ones get the expertise from BM gear. (mean enhancements btw since those will have expertise on them in 1.2)


Just seems like it's going to be a problem when it launches with the mod changes and I don't see how they can implement it correctly.

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Same. Any Guardian in their right might would have modded their gear because Bioware completely ****** it up to begin with.


I'm kinda unsure now, it looks like what they've said is "if you modded your gear then the gear will stay modded with what you changed". I don't know if this means that changes to expertise will still change, I'd be pretty miffed if it wasn't.


I'm getting sick of half answers.

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it's amazing to me how many people just want things handed to them these days in MMO's. it's also amazing to me that people don't realize how EASY it is to obtain champion gear. the jump to BM gear from champion is not that great statistically speaking. i know some people who use champion OVER BM gear because it suits them better stat wise(more crit, power etc). if you're in full champion gear and you lose to someone with some BM pieces it's NOT because of those BM pieces of gear it's because you got outplayed. the chances of your opponent(s) winning BECAUSE of the minor advantage they may have over you in stats are small. you're delusional or just looking for excuses if you think that's why you lost/died. these same people who cry and whine about having to put in time to get the best gear are still going to suck once they finally obtain it plain and simple. they will never be on par.


if you don't even have full champion gear yet then don't talk to me we have nothing in common.

Edited by Chalisar
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I'm kinda unsure now, it looks like what they've said is "if you modded your gear then the gear will stay modded with what you changed". I don't know if this means that changes to expertise will still change, I'd be pretty miffed if it wasn't.


I'm getting sick of half answers.


From what I understand. Expertise stat is on the "armoring", which previously could not be removed.

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I have 4 level 50's 2 fully battlemaster geared 2 on the way. 100% custom mods setup. People are complaining about getting 1 set of BM how about the many extra pieces of both bm and champ some people had to earn to gear out the toons properly cuz the as is sets are trash. Quite frankly i am tired of grinding for gear. I would rather spend time pvp'ing maybe looking for any possible powerup trinkets or crafting resources to make your pvp gear that they could have added to the game but didnt. Gear grind is stupid. Especially since you cant trade it to any of your other characters so basically once you waste time endlessly on one you have to rinse and repeat on the others.. Have 4 level 50's at this present moment i dread the thought of having to start all over 4 more times. All this talk of powering up crewskills and such and they are still making it so that means **** all and forcing more grinding. I don't care if new players get what i worked for in the end when comes down to a fight the true Champion/BattleMaster/War-Hero or whatever you want to call yourself will be standing over the corpses. Edited by prodigyqnz
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The gear difference in the beginning will not mean that much. However, as the ratings sort them selves out, you will notice the gear difference. Meaning you have about 2 weeks once 1.2 goes live to get geared. If you are not geared by then and you have been doing well you will be facing people that severely out gear you. You will then get stomped until you reach a rating where you can win with your current gear set.


Translation is, its much like the current state of PVP as it is now.


For some reason I thought they were going to do the ranked PVP differently. Basically its just telling everone that already PVP'd start over the rules are essentially the same and in the end the best grinder (ie whoever has the most free time) wins.


I was thinking they were going to do ranked with static gear so that everyone has the same gear so if you lose, its not the gear, its you.

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Do you really think that you deserve the same PvP gear after playing a total of 300WZ as someone with valor 75 who played 3000?



I am a rank 70 on my ex main, FULL bm which I grinded for month or so and I do, in fact, think that everyone should get highest tier pvp gear very fast. Maximum month. This lets new players get into the game fast without worrying about ranks/grind. And it also gives truly pro pvpers a challenge, which, as a true pvpers, you'd only welcome. Right? RIGHT?

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Gear should matter. Time spent preparing for success always matters. You cannot get off your couch and show up the olympics and think you should have a 'fair chance' at winning...and you can't show up to a gunfight with a knife.
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From what I understand. Expertise stat is on the "armoring", which previously could not be removed.


My worry is that you trade BM gear in for WH, I'm sort of wondering how they actually decide if it's a piece of BM gear for trade in, i.e. does it have to have all the mods that it came with or can we trade in the BM item we have with the changed mods...

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My worry is that you trade BM gear in for WH, I'm sort of wondering how they actually decide if it's a piece of BM gear for trade in, i.e. does it have to have all the mods that it came with or can we trade in the BM item we have with the changed mods...


It SHOULD just go by the name of the item you are trading in, if they make it so you can't trade in BM items because you remodded them, then that is a serious epic fail on their part considering how royally they messed up modding the gear in the first place for some classes.


If anyone has any insight into this, please share. Thanks.

Edited by Solonius
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My worry is that you trade BM gear in for WH, I'm sort of wondering how they actually decide if it's a piece of BM gear for trade in, i.e. does it have to have all the mods that it came with or can we trade in the BM item we have with the changed mods...


Yea i am a bit worried as well. so much so that I wont be trading out enhancments until 1.2 lol. But I would imagine BW would make the turn-in for WH based purely off of the actualy piece of gear. It would probably work with no mods...at least thats the only way that makes sense to me.

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My hope was that the game will be about skill and not about gear. Right now I know that it will be just gear grind and nothing else:-(


Really sad because it looks so promising and I really thing that I will play it for long time


There was voices that it will be less gear dependent etc and they made it even more gear dependent? So for new 50 the game will be absolutely unplayable and it wont be fun event for WH (maybe for some of them).


The sad is that even WH will join unrated WZ which will make it unplayable, if they cannot access unrated WZ based on item level rating or something like this... it will be fine

Edited by ataborik
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I have all Champ gear (except Main Hand Blaster). I see some saying Champ gear is useless. Its the best I have, and I'm at 59.5 Valor, so I might have some BM before 1.2 goes live.


But why are people sayin Champ is useless - its not as good, but useless?

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This is just LOL.


So as a champion geared player, in 1.2 this is what i will have to do, to be a tad more usefull then a wet noodle in PvP, after 1.2 patch:


1) Ditch all Champ + cent gear.

2) Buy a recruit PvP set for 500K.

3) Play some non rated warzone to get 417 warzone comms.

4) Spend saved warzone comms (max 1333 after being robbed in the merc. comms conversion) + 417 = 1750 on a BM mainhand weapon.

5) Play non rated warsones for BM gear.

6) a month later, start playing rated warzones to replace BM gear for war hero gear


Thats just great....:mad:


You'll still be a wet noodle. You have a lot of quit in you. Gear isn't the decider, it's basically a tie breaker. If you're getting rolled now, you'll get rolled in equal gear. You've mentally removed yourself from PVP because you have the 'i don't have the gear I can't win' thought process, so you haven't engaged while everyone else is, and getting better at pvp.


So the real reason you lack PVP skills, is because you've mentally checked out from it.

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