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So, Which Ship is Your Favorite?


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BT-7 Thunderclap. I have always loved the B-Wing ship, and it looks like it's meant to be functionable rather than stylish, and it is still stylish... To an extent...


"She isn't pretty, but she can take out a Capital Ship, single-handedly and that's all I care about."

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The exterior of the IA ship is definitely the prettiest, and I love the simple (easy to navigate, for those of us who tend to get lost all the time! lol!) feel of the Jedi ship interior. My least favorite would be the Smuggler ship...so many corridors! AAAAAAH!:confused:
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The Fury is gorgeous outside and in, and suits the character of the Sith perfectly.


Neither of my Jedi are diplomatic types, so the Defender always feels a little unnecessarily swanky and ornate to them. Also, what's with the multiple mostly-empty cargo bays and dual holoterminals (or is that second holoterm-looking thing a synthesizer or something)?

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For me it's a tie between the D5 Mantis and the XS freighter.


I love the D5 mantis for the bad *** feel and the interior is just amazing. And the lore behind it is bad ***.


The XS is just iconic, but the interior drives me crazy. It's like walking around a looney house. I go the wrong direction half the time and it takes me longer.

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The agent ship is by far the best.


My least favorite is the Jedi ship. It looks so idiotic when you fly it in missions. Too bulky.


I really like how it looks in missions. I'm not a fan of the interior though. I feel so squished.

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Prior to yesterday, I would have said Fury. Good design, good interior, looks good in combat.


Yesterday my baby agent (operative, heal specced) got his Phantom. I now have a new favorite, exterior and interior. Only complaint is the captain's chair. Really can't see much out of that thing.


Least favorite is the smuggler's ship. I mean seriously...I still have to use a map to get around that thing.

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i really like BH's ship, mantis. it's fairly small and looks pretty ugly but i still like it so much! the lore behind it makes it even better. and the fact that you steal it. hate running around in smuggler's ship, although i like XS freighter as well cause it reminds me of ebon hawk and millennium falcon. agent's ship is the most posh and i really like its interior design. trooper one looks really silly. jedi ship is horrible. have no opinion on fury, not a big fan of it.
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I like the XS Freighter's story best, plus it has a nice layout (and a classic Star Wars design).


However, I think the Phantom is the coolest looking vessel by far, and the Mantis has grown on me.


I'll never like the Thunderclap or the Defender though. The Defender was ALMOST cool, and then they put that weird rectangular part on the bottom instead of just giving it landing gear. And the Thunderclap is both annoyingly lopsided and has a name that sounds more like an epic venereal disease as opposed to a starship.

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I am a fan of the agent's purple exhaust. :) But I'm also a fan of the purple sith bedroom. Decisions decisions..


I almost like the jedi bedroom, but what's with the wooden table where my pillow is supposed to be?!

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