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Mara/Pally Bubble needs to be looked at(Undying Rage)


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I honestly don't understand why immunity abilities don't have a negative side effect on damage being dealt.


They are used to survive, they shouldn't be used as an offensive ability.....


Like an Assassins Force Shroud ability that also cleanses them and makes them immune to CC for 5 seconds on top of immunity to 90% of damage in the game?


Like an Operatives Evasion that also cleanses them and makes them immune to 90% of a marauders abilities?


Yeah I wish my Marauders bubble had a self cleanse and granted me immunity to all forms of CC.


In fact compared to those two other bubbles a Marauders bubble is the LEAST use offensively as it offers no form of cleanse or CC immunity at all.


Neither of those abilities are Overpowered, but have some very nice offensives advantages over a Marauders bubble, but don't grant the same defensive advantages. They are necessary defenses on classes that are required to be in the middle of an enemy team to do their job.

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The mara uses undying rage and you stun him, effect negated. Wow that was very OP I clicked a button and totaly wasted your cooldown.


Sents/ maras are not OP.


What if the Mara uses their CC break? Or waits until he has full resolve?

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What if the Mara uses their CC break? Or waits until he has full resolve?


The Mara had to use his CC breaker when he got stunned with no defensive CDs up so he wouldn't get instagibbed by the two pyrotechs that randomly switched to him. After ~8 seconds that marauder had to pop undying rage to not die miserably even with all defenses up, and then was stunned again during undying rage. He vanished after the stun ended, but couldn't get out of their 30m range in 4 seconds and so was shot in the back and killed.


Does that work for you?

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The Mara had to use his CC breaker when he got stunned with no defensive CDs up so he wouldn't get instagibbed by the two pyrotechs that randomly switched to him. After ~8 seconds that marauder had to pop undying rage to not die miserably even with all defenses up, and then was stunned again during undying rage. He vanished after the stun ended, but couldn't get out of their 30m range in 4 seconds and so was shot in the back and killed.


Does that work for you?


So true.

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I hear cc during rage works well try it sometime lol


Logic doesn't apply to the people of these forums. You should know by now that QQers are not actually pvp players but pve players who queue solo and get mad when they die cuz they can't do their 1,2,3 rotation they do during boss fights.

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Force Camo used to have a 100% damage reduction? Why oh why did I ever chose Jugg first and Sentinel second ='(



Seriously you guys are whining about the wrong thing. Force Camo saves my *** far far far far and away more than GBTF. GBTF lets me run through fire (if and only if my mezz break is off cd), and that's about it. GBTF lets me delay a pack of players from capping a node or planting a bomb for at most four more seconds, again, only if my mezz break is off cd and even then there are so many stuns aimed at my two glowsticks that it doesn't always work. Against absolutely terrible players, it is useful beyond that.


50% DR and forcing everyone to retarget me (hint, in a mob almost no one ever will) is far superior to 4s I win button that you are stunned through if anyone with half a brain is around. Both are highly situational and are fine as is. I also don't get why you guys whine about us having 4 defensive CDs (kinda 5 if you count transcendence) when two of them do **** all after patch 1.2, even more so if you have more than one person on you.


Also, lol @ full resolve bar comment... Maybe mine leaks? Because when it shows full I still get stunned rooted and snared like it's not even there. IMO it might as well not even be there. After 1.2 you're dead long before it's useful in almost all situations not counting pocket healers.

Edited by Racter
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CC during Undying rage/Guarded by the force (5 seconds)

CC during Obfuscate/Pacify (6 seconds)

CC during Gore/Precision Slash (6 seconds) :D


Not to mention Rebuke/Cloak of Pain, Predation/Transcendence , Self Heal, Force Camouflage


Sorry folks.Mara/Sent damage is fine, but their survivability is over the top.

Stating different is just denial.

Edited by Sabredance
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CC during Undying rage/Guarded by the force (5 seconds)

CC during Obfuscate/Pacify (6 seconds)

CC during Gore/Precision Slash (6 seconds) :D


Not to mention Rebuke/Cloak of Pain, Predation/Transcendence , Self Heal, Force Camouflage


Sorry folks.Mara/Sent damage is fine, but their survivability is over the top.

Stating different is just denial.


No, they are all "best playah evah" and everyone else needs to L2P.


Unfortunately BW is so clueless and detached from the game at the same time that its ridiculous, they cant handle anything in PvP right. I eouldnt hope for anything that makes sense from them, because, *cough* 1,2 *cough*.

Random class change generator would do a better job rofl.

Edited by GrandMike
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My marauder is useless - I can't break 75k damage. I just get ripped apart. Also, why do Juggernauts get a double bladed lightsaber and marauders don't?


If this class doesn't get some sort of damage reduction - I am quitting.


Until you learn what class actually uses the double bladed lightsabers you are not allowed to talk about game balance.

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What if the Mara uses their CC break? Or waits until he has full resolve?


Then you run away, root, or use a defensive cd. If he is using his CC breaker and UR and you didn't save any cd's and you filled his resolve bar, then you die because you made many mistakes.

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The people who are qqing about undying rage, you obviously have no idea what that ability is for or when a marauder will most likely to use it, while clearly forgetting the numerous downside it brings.


Firstly, no marauder in their right mind will pop undying rage when they still have a considerable amount of health.

It is a ability thats best savored when the marauder's health is low, and face it, when a marauder's Health is low it usually means death after 6 seconds. If you run with a pocket healer, sure you can change that. But then, if you have a pocket healer, how did you lose so much hp that you had to use undying in the first place? Which class ISN"T overpowered with a pocket healer? Therefore the CD doesn't even matter because no marauder will use em more than once. We use them to dish out dps in hopes to kill some noobs who continue fighting us thinking they'll break through our undying.


If anyone has any sense fighting a mara he'd save his cc or kb when a marauder channels undying. it should be noted that most people I have encountered ain't very sensible.


Secondly, it last only six seconds. In other thread people are crying how they got destroyed by Marauder in undying. Well if you can be defeated in 6 second by a marauder, you shouldn't blame the ability or the class; instead blame your lack of equipments or skills.


On a sidenote, I have witness the amount of noobishness in 1-49 pvp on my server. It is no wonder people consider marauder Overpowered because they have little knowledge of their own classes. Snipers continue standing in their place while marauder wail on them. Operative run 10 minutes without even trying to stealth or CC when chased by a marauder.


Honestly, can you blame my class for being overpowered when you ain't even playing your own class properly? It will be like me, a marauder, calling a healer overpowered and impossible to kill when I'm wearing only 1 lightsaber. Yeah it's that ridiculous.


If it is the will of the community - or lack thereof - that undying rage to be changed, I'm all for that. 6 second god mode vs 4 second means very little. Same with the amount of health deducted, or the long CD.


I repeat: the cd is meaningless. No one spam them. the health deduction is also meaningless because I never use them when I have over 30% hp, and when I have 30% hp it means my defensive CDs are gone and undying is my last resort. 4 second, 6 second, it means little because whenever I channel its either me trying to place some dots or me trying to get to the hp kit before i die which can be done within as little as 2 second after I pop it.


So take your whining elsewhere. More tears pls; it is amusing for a longtime mara to see people crying about my class when a little while ago everyone was all meh about mara and sents. I'll say this now, no marauder who uses his class properly would ever give a shazzel about undying.

Edited by hyuplee
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The people who are qqing about undying rage, you obviously have no idea what that ability is for or when a marauder will most likely to use it, while clearly forgetting the numerous downside it brings.


Firstly, no marauder in their right mind will pop undying rage when they still have a considerable amount of health.

It is a ability thats best savored when the marauder's health is low, and face it, when a marauder's Health is low it usually means death after 6 seconds. If you run with a pocket healer, sure you can change that. But then, if you have a pocket healer, how did you lose so much hp that you had to use undying in the first place? Which class ISN"T overpowered with a pocket healer? Therefore the CD doesn't even matter because no marauder will use em more than once. We use them to dish out dps in hopes to kill some noobs who continue fighting us thinking they'll break through our undying.


If anyone has any sense fighting a mara he'd save his cc or kb when a marauder channels undying. it should be noted that most people I have encountered ain't very sensible.


Secondly, it last only six seconds. In other thread people are crying how they got destroyed by Marauder in undying. Well if you can be defeated in 6 second by a marauder, you shouldn't blame the ability or the class; instead blame your lack of equipments or skills.


On a sidenote, I have witness the amount of noobishness in 1-49 pvp on my server. It is no wonder people consider marauder Overpowered because they have little knowledge of their own classes. Snipers continue standing in their place while marauder wail on them. Operative run 10 minutes without even trying to stealth or CC when chased by a marauder.


Honestly, can you blame my class for being overpowered when you ain't even playing your own class properly? It will be like me, a marauder, calling a healer overpowered and impossible to kill when I'm wearing only 1 lightsaber. Yeah it's that ridiculous.


If it is the will of the community - or lack thereof - that undying rage to be changed, I'm all for that. 6 second god mode vs 4 second means very little. Same with the amount of health deducted, or the long CD.


I repeat: the cd is meaningless. No one spam them. the health deduction is also meaningless because I never use them when I have over 30% hp, and when I have 30% hp it means my defensive CDs are gone and undying is my last resort. 4 second, 6 second, it means little because whenever I channel its either me trying to place some dots or me trying to get to the hp kit which can be done within as little as 2 second after I pop it.


So take your whining elsewhere. More tears pls; it is amusing for a longtime mara to see people crying about my class when a little while ago everyone was all meh about mara and sents. I'll say this now, no marauder who uses his class properly would ever give a shazzel about undying.



Someone bring a beer over to him!! he earned it.

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There is a reason why blizzard nerfed the paladin bubble. Same reason Mara bubble needs to be fixed. You should not be able to do full dmg while being immune to pretty well everything. Make it so when a Mara uses this bubble its defensively and not offensively. Cut all damage and healing while bubble is up by 50%. I think its ok that you should be able to survive while its up but being able to kill multiple ppl while its up is just wrong and shouldnt be happening.





EDIT ****Good Constructive Feedback So Far*****

















After 60+ pages and 17000+ views it has been concluded that a damage reduction perhaps isn't needed. The hp loss penalty as is isn't a penalty. Making it so a 99% healing reduction was added to this ability would fix the penalty so it would be working as intended. There hasn't been one mara/sent that has been able to debate this properly without using l2p scenarios. I urge the pvp team to consider this. For organized pvp this is one small step to an overall balance. Sure there are other issues that need to be attended to but clearly this has gotten the attention its deserved to be looked into. Hopefully BW & the pvp team can resolve this with what "they" think is a solution to this overpowered ability. No complete damage reductions were ever good for any ranked competitive pvp. If this isn't addressed you will most likely see a huge reroll of this class with threads to come after ranked warzones start. I trust the pvp team will be able to work it out.


Whatever you said is the reason why I quited WOW for SWTOR soo does my friends and the 18 other guilds that form an alliance . I Hope BW dun make the same mistake by listening to kids cry and whine I also quit SC2 becuz of this kind reason,

Edited by EugeneYap
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Honestly though, if fixing/removing undying rage can shut terribad players up I'm all for it. With a pocket healer my hp rarely go below 50%, which renders my undying useless. If I don't run with a pocket healer, I only use undying when I'm about to die and it makes no difference 6 seconds later because I still die. ( unless I get a hp kit.)


hopefully this is short enough for some of the 8 years old on this forum to read.

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Sents are not the only class in the game with a counter to being focused.


Shadow/sins, operative/smuggs can vanish, Merc/Mando healers can pop their shield and heal without getting interrupted, Sorc/sage, snip/slingers have aoe knockbacks with a root. All of these abilities can counter an assist train.


only if you got to 3rd row in heal spec as in losing a lot of dmg as merch/commando and rofl comparing a 25% dmg reduction shield for 12sec with a immune to 99% dmg for 6 secs id trade you in a heartbeat

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Yup, hopefully all marauder/sentinels will cope with this.


Pretty darn sure they would.


Pro mara never rely on undying because they rarely get to the point where they have to use it. Instead they coordinate with their healers or stealth away when the situation gets hot. They only pop undying to buy time to disrupt a plant or call out incs.

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While we do welcome all feedback, both positive and negative, we ask that your feedback be constructive. For better understanding on helpful feedback, please refer to this thread by Allison Berryman.


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There is a class with high damage output, especialy when geared, considerable self healing (as long as it is able to whack on something), pretty good gap closer, basicaly spammable slow and on top of that when it get low on hp, he can get immortality for 5 seconds.


What am I talking about? Marauder/sentinel? No. I am talking about champion named Tryndamere in LoL. It has very similar skill package (simplification, I know, but they have 4 skills only there;)) He is considered overpowered in low elo play and half-useless in high elo play. Why? Because he is kitable, burstable and immortality period is easily countered by CC+dot.


Same here. Immortality is easily countered by CC, kiting+dots. I know many players are not able to do this, but it is not a reason to change ability, this is a reason for them to learn...

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Greetings everyone!


We recently removed several posts from this thread for not being in compliance with our Rules of Conduct.


While we do welcome all feedback, both positive and negative, we ask that your feedback be constructive. For better understanding on helpful feedback, please refer to this thread by Allison Berryman.


As a reminder, please keep the following in mind when replying:


  2. No insults, name calling, or personal attacks
  3. Please stay on topic. Discussion should center around Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ and not other games.
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We encourage you to please be constructive and civil in your posts.


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*sigh* Another reason why these forums are a joke. Easily offended moderators can't let people have discussions. Telling the truth is "bad"

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