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Mara/Pally Bubble needs to be looked at(Undying Rage)


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It's annoying, especially on ball carriers in huttball, but overpowered? I'm not sure. Maybe bioware should focus on bringing everyone else up to the marauder/sentinel level because they seem like a really good class.


I love seeing stuff like this... back in beta it was mara/sent sucks and sorc/sage was just so op'ed and everyone needs to be brought up to them



Seriously this games balance is pretty fine as is.

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This is a good ability. But this ability needs no nerfing. There are a lot of good abilities.

You need a nerf when something totally unbalances the game. This does not. It doesnt even partially unbalance the game.


I play a infiltration shadow.

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I place it in the defensive ability with a long cd category.


Yes it is used almost always as an Offensive ability... funny that.


Trololol, let me whirl my sabres in your face whilst you can't hurt me and oh looky here I can get some healing too....



DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT A STRAW MAN ARGUMENT IS??? Because noting that it has a 50% health cost isn't even close to one.


Of course I do, and yes it is. It's used be some to exaggerate how 'painful' it is to use the ability when of course they use it when nearly dead and the loss in hp is neglible.


As in "oh noes, I lose 50% health!!!! see it's balanced!!!!", but when you're down to 2,000 from 16k, that last drop to 1000 means nothing when you cant be hurt, but can easily be healed or pop a med pack etc


The health cost has its place: to ensure it is used as a last second down to the wire cd, instead of at 75% or 50% health. I couldn't imagine the crying if it had no health cost attached to it at all.


See above, it is already a meaningless health cost, and you're just trying to defend it, as if it matters.


So yes you can imagine the crying, it would be the same as it is now.

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@ Chemic,



What class do you play in pvp? I am sure we can find a thread complaining about that. Heck I was really frustrated about one class and posted about it one day... I just had to revamp my strat for that class...


Defeating a Mara/Sent unkillable ability is simple... last longer than 5 seconds (thats all it lasts BTW), Run Away, or Temporaily Incapicate them (like a tea bag kick, force choke, force lift, stun, etc..)

Edited by Blloodbane
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Yes it is used almost always as an Offensive ability... funny that.


Trololol, let me whirl my sabres in your face whilst you can't hurt me and oh looky here I can get some healing too....





Of course I do, and yes it is. It's used be some to exaggerate how 'painful' it is to use the ability when of course they use it when nearly dead and the loss in hp is neglible.


As in "oh noes, I lose 50% health!!!! see it's balanced!!!!", but when you're down to 2,000 from 16k, that last drop to 1000 means nothing when you cant be hurt, but can easily be healed or pop a med pack etc




See above, it is already a meaningless health cost, and you're just trying to defend it, as if it matters.


So yes you can imagine the crying, it would be the same as it is now.



I have to admit, that is a pretty skewed argument. The 50% health cost limits the use of the ability heavily, you cannot debate this point. Stop trying to ignore it like it's groundless, it's the defining element of this ability. That 50% health cost forces us to use it at specific points only, to minimize the harmful effects.


Not to mention,


Trololol, let me whirl my sabres in your face whilst you can't hurt me and oh looky here I can get some healing too....


That's a perfect example of a Defensive use for it, not Offensive. An Offensive use would be to pop it to ball run through fire in the Pit. In an average Huttball match, i'll be in the right position, with the right amount of cooldowns active or available (predation, mecpac, frenzy-pred, etc.), maybe 2-3 times to pull off either a cap or a run through 2 traps. Now that means i'll be in the position to do that, not that it would be successful every time. Roots can turn using UR Offensively into a big mistake.

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If a sent/mara has a healer, you should be attacking the healer almost always.


If a sent/mara is carrying the ball and pops this and you can't remove the buff, just cc him. I really haven't been in many Huttballs where the sent/maras are carrying more than mercs, sins and juggs.


Comparing this with the paladin bubble in Wow is stupid. The paladin bubble lasts longer and protects against all CC. The latter part of the paladin buff would make it much much better than anything in this game and also renders all comparisons completely moot.

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  • 2 weeks later...
It's funny that this thread is being reset, because when it was first created, I re-rolled sentinel specifically because of this overpowered ability.


Here we are a month later, and my sentinel is level 50 in full champion gear, and this ability (Guarded by the Force) is every bit as overpowered as I always knew it was.


I run with a very good sage healer, and here is what happens in almost every single encounter.


I leap in, and put out devastating single target damage, always killing at least 1 person, and usually 2 people. When I get to about 2k health, I pop GbtF and my healer (who KNOWS I am going to do this) pops force potency and hits me with a double deliverance for 10k healing. At the same time, I pop my wz medpac for another 4500 health, bringing me from 5% to 90% health in the span of 3 seconds, all while being completely immune to damage. (yea I know it's 99%, ****)


I then continue to stomp people until my health again reaches 5%, at which point I pop force camo and my healer again hits me with a huge heal.


I'm now on my 3rd life, and if I'm lucky my GbtF is almost off CD, so I might get to do it all over again HOORAY!.... if not, no big deal, my healer will just use rescue on me and bring me behind the pillar for a chance at a 4th life, and if this is successful, my GbtF and Force Camo will both be off cooldown which gives me 2 more lives.



This class is massively overpowered because of these 2 cooldowns, but you are about to see 50 pages of noobs explaining that it's just "5 seconds and then you are dead, and you can be CC'd through it, learn to play lololol"


All of these sent/mara defenders are people who solo queue all day long and have no idea what it's like to have a pro healer with you on vent, capitalizing on your ridiculous ability to stay alive when every other class in the game would be dead.


This is the problem.

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This is the problem.


No, that is not the problem. The real problem is idiots are trying to deathmatch the sentinel instead of KILLING THE DAMN HEALER. If I ever see someones health magically jump back up from 10% to 80% I'm immediately going to go look for the healer not continue to attempt to kill the guy being healed, thats just stupid.


ANY class can survive like that with a pocket healer, has nothing to do with a sentinels CD's.

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lolol eventually you crappy players will probably figure out how to use this ability correctly. Probably though instead you'll be complaining the game sucks because all the other Maras will be using it on you.


PVP medpacs have a 1.5 min cooldown now, which matches with UR perfectly. When you are down to about 66% health you might as well pop UR because it's 5 seconds of immunity and a medpac will take you right back to the HP you had before you used it. It is highly unlikely that you will find a better use for the medpac than to consistently use it in this method.


I abuse the hell out of this, even if people are blowing all their CDs, all it does is buff up my resolve or make me use a CC breaker while I pummel an opponent. Chances are he's slowed and I am just wailing on him, and he will die and I can heal up out of combat. Also I use Anni so my bleed effects heal me anyway. Usually I don't even have to use the medpac but I get free kills out of this. Worst case scenario I just stealth and position better. The best Maras also constantly use the stealth offensively to get yet another free gap closer and generally to slow or force choke out of it, or reduce accuracy etc. So many things you can do if you are intelligent.


That 50% HP drop is absolutely worthless. You are far more likely to lose that amount, and more, not using the ability everytime it's up. Anytime my health dips and I think it'll be useful, I will just pop it, I'd much rather my opponent is on the defensive rather than myself being pressured.


Also, if you have a healer, and usually there will be one, it gives them plenty of time to heal you. Further, I love watching people try to go after a healer and just ignore me completely. I will kill you trying to chase a healer every time, you'll never get by just ignoring me and tunneling after a healer.



Forum: PvP Yesterday, 10:37 PM

Replies: 16

Hope the mara/sent nerf comes soon

Views: 335

Posted By V-Serp

That's not what I meant. With the nerfs to the...


That's not what I meant. With the nerfs to the other classes, they're just boring. They took away healing and high damage options for most ACs. I have a Sage main and I can't tell you how boring it...



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No, that is not the problem. The real problem is idiots are trying to deathmatch the sentinel instead of KILLING THE DAMN HEALER. If I ever see someones health magically jump back up from 10% to 80% I'm immediately going to go look for the healer not continue to attempt to kill the guy being healed, thats just stupid.


ANY class can survive like that with a pocket healer, has nothing to do with a sentinels CD's.


^ pretty much this.


If you are in PVP and NOT killing the healers first then you are one of the bad players. Complaining that it is difficult to kill a melee class that is being healbotted because you decided to ignore the guy healbotting him just shows that you don't understand the kill order in PVP. Healers > dps > tanks.


Secondly, when you actually do learn to focus the healer you will learn that the Marauder class is one of the WORST classes at protecting said healer. They don't have a gaurd/taunt/pull/knockback and their CC options are very limited compared to other classes. If you don't understand the importance of these abilities in protecting healers then again you don't understand what it takes to win in PVP.


So to learn from this just kill the healers first like everyone has been telling you since day one. Stop dpsing the first guy that you see because chances are he is a tank with a healer behind him.

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That's because you have no idea how to play. When you see a DPS run past you and go after the healer, you should kill them instead of just ignoring them, like you apparently do, and nobody else does.


So you are going to try to kill the guy with all uninterruptable abilities who has an uninterrupted healer behind him? And you seriously think this is a good plan of action? why don't YOU kill his healer as a dps, and let your tanks with gaurd/taunt protect your healers? Or would you prefer to play a game where you could mindlessly zerg any target regardless of their class or spec and kill them through uninterrupted heals?


As it stands the most effective way to kill the enemy is to separate the enemy healer from their tanks with a knockback/pull and focus them down. then do the same with the dps. then finish of the tanks.


I would have thought most dps would have gotten it beaten into them that you can't dps through an uninterrupted healer.

Edited by Seravis
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lolol eventually you crappy players will probably figure out how to use this ability correctly. Probably though instead you'll be complaining the game sucks because all the other Maras will be using it on you.


PVP medpacs have a 1.5 min cooldown now, which matches with UR perfectly. When you are down to about 66% health you might as well pop UR because it's 5 seconds of immunity and a medpac will take you right back to the HP you had before you used it. It is highly unlikely that you will find a better use for the medpac than to consistently use it in this method.


I abuse the hell out of this, even if people are blowing all their CDs, all it does is buff up my resolve or make me use a CC breaker while I pummel an opponent. Chances are he's slowed and I am just wailing on him, and he will die and I can heal up out of combat. Also I use Anni so my bleed effects heal me anyway. Usually I don't even have to use the medpac but I get free kills out of this. Worst case scenario I just stealth and position better. The best Maras also constantly use the stealth offensively to get yet another free gap closer and generally to slow or force choke out of it, or reduce accuracy etc. So many things you can do if you are intelligent.


That 50% HP drop is absolutely worthless. You are far more likely to lose that amount, and more, not using the ability everytime it's up. Anytime my health dips and I think it'll be useful, I will just pop it, I'd much rather my opponent is on the defensive rather than myself being pressured.


Also, if you have a healer, and usually there will be one, it gives them plenty of time to heal you. Further, I love watching people try to go after a healer and just ignore me completely. I will kill you trying to chase a healer every time, you'll never get by just ignoring me and tunneling after a healer.


Spoken like someone playing sentinel offf paper and not in reality. lol. Yeah self heal pops off "all the time". Why would you use pacify out of stealth? It's off the GCD (proof you don't play the class). Why would you use force choke outside of stealth? CC's are too valuable to just blow stupidly like that, which is why I guess you guys always have problems with GBTF.

Edited by Derian
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Stupid skill is over the top OP. It was OP before sent/mara became the gods of DPS but now its just stupid. The clever ones just Anni spec to heal themselves while its up and destroy people in what comes down to basically god mode.


And for all the sent/mara whining that it can be countered - wake up and smell the coffee my friends, Being able to counter something didn't stop the nerf bat swinging hard at the OPs and Sorcs.


OPs needed a minor adjustment in all honesty (the length of the stun and an adjustment to the burst coming out of stealth a little would have done I think) and Sorcs could probably have taken the hit if they actually fixed the damn trees (lightning especially) instead of gutting the only viable way to play (hybrid).


I like all the sidetracking about healers though and how they should be the target, nice try but your Jedi mind tricks aren't good enough here ;)


Too funny really, listening to all the whining about pathetic Sorc bubble for months when stuff like this is in the game? LOL.

Edited by Ntranced
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^ pretty much this.


If you are in PVP and NOT killing the healers first then you are one of the bad players. Complaining that it is difficult to kill a melee class that is being healbotted because you decided to ignore the guy healbotting him just shows that you don't understand the kill order in PVP. Healers > dps > tanks.


Secondly, when you actually do learn to focus the healer you will learn that the Marauder class is one of the WORST classes at protecting said healer. They don't have a gaurd/taunt/pull/knockback and their CC options are very limited compared to other classes. If you don't understand the importance of these abilities in protecting healers then again you don't understand what it takes to win in PVP.


So to learn from this just kill the healers first like everyone has been telling you since day one. Stop dpsing the first guy that you see because chances are he is a tank with a healer behind him.


QFT I feel bad when a guy heals me to save my life, and all I can really do is try to DPS the guy down trying to kill him. Contrary to popular belief I can't kill someone in 3 CDs.


Once again, a Healer and his Tank is extremely potent. People focus way too much on DPS. DPS has limitations.

Edited by Derian
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That's because you have no idea how to play. When you see a DPS run past you and go after the healer, you should kill them instead of just ignoring them, like you apparently do, and nobody else does.


Why would you ignore the healer and go for the DPS? THeir healer is healing the DPS that's killing your healer, genius. Let the tank deal with that guy until their healer is dead. Leaving a healer unmolested is freaking stupid.

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So you are going to try to kill the guy with all uninterruptable abilities who has an uninterrupted healer behind him? And you seriously think this is a good plan of action? why don't YOU kill his healer as a dps, and let your tanks with gaurd/taunt protect your healers? Or would you prefer to play a game where you could mindlessly zerg any target regardless of their class or spec and kill them through uninterrupted heals?


As it stands the most effective way to kill the enemy is to separate the enemy healer from their tanks with a knockback/pull and focus them down. then do the same with the dps. then finish of the tanks.


I would have thought most dps would have gotten it beaten into them that you can't dps through an uninterrupted healer.


Keep in mind, these are people who just blow CCs. Using a force stasis/choke out of stealth? LOL. And they wonder why Marauders mess them up. CC is precious you should rarely use it just to DPS some random target. This is why I said I rarely use force camo as a gap closer. Why use it as a gap closer to kill one guy, when I can use it as a method to get to the other door undetected and plant a bomb?


Bad dps all over the place. The reality is they couldn't play Sentinel/Marauder to save their life if they don't have basic DPS methods intact, and we have to do it with people in our face, in the middle of it all. Good DPS will switch targets to whichever has highest priority ASAP when they enter the picture.


Any sentinel/marauder that leaves a healer unmolested is a terrible sentinel, period. It should be obvious with a 6second CD on interrupt and 4 second lockout what our job is.


Horrible, horrible pvpers.

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Stupid skill is over the top OP. It was OP before sent/mara became the gods of DPS but now its just stupid. The clever ones just Anni spec to heal themselves while its up and destroy people in what comes down to basically god mode.


And for all the sent/mara whining that it can be countered - wake up and smell the coffee my friends, Being able to counter something didn't stop the nerf bat swinging hard at the OPs and Sorcs.


OPs needed a minor adjustment in all honesty (the length of the stun and an adjustment to the burst coming out of stealth a little would have done I think) and Sorcs could probably have taken the hit if they actually fixed the damn trees (lightning especially) instead of gutting the only viable way to play (hybrid).


I like all the sidetracking about healers though and how they should be the target, nice try but your Jedi mind tricks aren't good enough here ;)


Too funny really, listening to all the whining about pathetic Sorc bubble for months when stuff like this is in the game? LOL.


Can you explain to me how much healing an Annihilation marauder can do within five seconds? Thanks.

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