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Same gender relationships clarifications?


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In the meantime, since SGRA's aren't in yet...


I have to say Bioware has done an excellent job as usual making really awesome companions.. Like someone else said above, most of them elicited an emotional response in me whether positive or negative (other than the "Mary Sues" Mako and Torian, and Qyzen because he a lizard who somehow thinks that "hunting prey" should be incorporated into the diplomatic Jedi code... actually wait, I guess this does mean I care about him because he's such an annoyance to my character. But Mako/Torian are still useless and uninteresting with no flaws. Torian's been nicknamed "Bieber Fett" on the BH forums, I think).


Interesting that you feel the two BH companions have "no flaws" -- I think the complaints I hear most about those two in particular is that they're too whiny. ;D I can see where that comes from with Mako. Not so sure about Torian -- outside of the actual BH storyline on Taris, I feel like we hardly know anything about him, which is part of what makes him feel so flat. Kind of feels like a missed opportunity, or several, to flesh out his personality. Whether you like her or not, Mako certainly has more to her. (I guess the first companions do, in general, but still...)


I think part of the problem with the BH romances in general is that some of the flirts/romantic lines are really cringe-worthy. I guess they're supposed to be written like a bad***** action hero, with the cheesy dialogue to match? Some of the stuff that comes out of my fem!BH's mouth makes me facepalm, or look at the screen and say "Really?" out loud. :rolleyes:


Personally, I'm not so impatient because I can't think of any current companions that I'd like to romance M/M. It seems most of the female companions were made so much deeper and the male ones were added to be a token pretty boy. Either that, or I couldn't imagine them as anything but straight (eg. Corso), or they're creepy (Quinn).

Hey, part the reason I want to set my m!SW up with Quinn is to explore those "creepy" qualities. ;D


For me, there are any number of companions I'd be interested in trying an SGR with, but they're pretty much all Empire side. :p The vast majority of the 'Pub companions have failed to catch my interest via discussion with others about them. (I am kind of intrigued by Tharan for either gender, but I am not getting my hopes up that he'll ever be truly available.) But, everyone's got their own faves and dislikes... :D

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Could we please get a release date? Me, im straight, but I have a bisexual sister who loves Star Wars, and since she's in college 3 days away, she really wants to play with me, she'll only play after this is released though.


So, some clarification would be nice.

Edited by BuckyCameron
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Lol I had to follow the last link in 5 threads to be able to reply. Seems more people have the same problem :p But I still wanted to add my cry for help.


I really hope Bioware has this as a priority, more than anything else.


I want to play the other class stories, but as a hetero guy who prefers to play a female char (because I have to look at it all day bla bla bla) this is really keeping me waiting before continuing with Swtor.

I have a female jedi consular at 50 and the only option for me was that trooper guy. This kind of alienated from my own character. Only 1 option that I didn't like at all.

I know it sounds silly , but this was probably the primairy cause for me to lose interest in my main char.


And I don't really feel like playing another one now. They either force me to play a guy, which I don't like. Or romance a guy, which I don't like. Or play a female and skip romance and miss essential content for an rpg-er like me.


Just make all the companions that are currently romancable bisexual, that will take some work but is probably the best solution.

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Just make all the companions that are currently romancable bisexual, that will take some work but is probably the best solution.


That would actually be a pretty terrible solution, as far as character development and roleplaying go. It doesn't fit many of the characters currently available for romance, and it seems lazy.


As I understand it, the reason that Bioware is taking so long to release the SGR's is that they're attempting to put a lot of effort into it. That is, they're not just going to rework some of the currently available romances' dialogue to read as a gay romance instead of a hetero one, they're going to work from the ground up to make the SGR's actually fit with the characters, and possibly make entire new romances just for SGR's.


Which, in my opinion at least, is a lot better than just tweaking the current romances to say 'she' instead of 'he'.

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Just make all the companions that are currently romancable bisexual, that will take some work but is probably the best solution.


Just going by what was said at the Guild Summit, I think they've pretty much nixed that idea (in that they will not simply be making existing romances gender neutral)... If on the other hand, you mean genuinely bisexual, well... that takes about as much effort (maybe marginally less) than writing new romances entirely.

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Well, I get his point, it's just tough to stay patient and all. :)


My fem Jedi Consular is at 50 now and it's good that I still have some things to explore with her since I'm not really interested in playing another female char. As for male chars, I don't really wanna romance females with them, so I'm not playing anyone new yet. It feels like an exciting new chapter is just around the corner but it's simply not here yet, so that makes me a little impatient too.

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I just wish we'd get the list of who is going to be SGRA, and who is not.


I think that would be really nice to have.....


...Bioware? Please? Pretty please? :jawa_angel:


Well, the only one we can really bank on is Kaliyo, since she's pretty much openly bisexual. :D


But hey! That's one confirmed. :)

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Well, the only one we can really bank on is Kaliyo, since she's pretty much openly bisexual. :D


But hey! That's one confirmed. :)


Read whatever you like into her biography or what she says to you, but don't take it as confirmation. Don't count on anything until release day, Captain, it isn't a done deal. Jack, despite seeming bisexual, was never made a SGLI (Same Gender Love Interest) in ME2 or 3.


If they make Kaliyo the SGLI for fem!IAs, without either making Watcher Two or Rania Temple available as well, they may as well not have SGRAs in the game as far as my main character is concerned... and as far as I'm concerned. (Wow, I didn't realize I felt that strongly about it... Ugh.)

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If they make Kaliyo the SGLI for fem!IAs, without either making Watcher Two or Raina Temple available as well, they may as well not have SGRAs in the game as far as my main character is concerned... and as far as I'm concerned. (Wow, I didn't realize I felt that strongly about it... Ugh.)


Completely agreed there! Watcher 2 and Raina both have a bisexual (or at least open-minded) feel about them.


It reminds me of Torchwood in a way (the Doctor Who spin-off) with Captain Jack and Ianto Jones. Whilst Ianto had previously considered himself heterosexual, something about Jack -- and only Jack -- made him fall in love with him specifically. Considering that Jack is from a future where sexuality is more flexible and open, rather than hung up on labels, I'd like to think that SWTOR could manage this well too.


I do very much hope that Bioware devs don't get too focussed on limiting the SGR arcs to just new characters and keep their minds open to such things.

Edited by llesna
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Well, I get his point, it's just tough to stay patient and all. :)


It feels like an exciting new chapter is just around the corner but it's simply not here yet, so that makes me a little impatient too.


I agree!


I wonder if we'll get a preview video when they arrive. That would be nice to have,or heck even if it just appears...like my SW is chatting with Qinn and then...flirt option! (and my SW and me would be so happy!)


Either way, I'm with ya on hoping that we see them soon. ^_^

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Not for nothing, I would like several classical Bioware additions to the game aside from just same gender. For me though Classical Bioware means Dragon Age (The first one) where it was just over the top.


When I got this game I saw Bioware and thought about doing the same crazy kill animations from Dragon Age but with a light saber or rifle or knife and pistol. I'm not complaining though I really like swtor its a solid game.


As for the gender goes I was actually very surprised that same sex relationships weren't there and not because I'm some kind of pervert but rather that in Dragon Age reading hearing those kinds of conversations brought out a bit of like "oh wow" when you get hit on by Zevran who could make a weird kind of joke out of everything. In the end by eliminating that kind of environment you just left with a bell-less or whistle-less game, if some players are offended by it though then can always just not progress the relationship in that way in Dragon age... though Zevran was very persistent regardless of if your male or female.

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Read whatever you like into her biography or what she says to you, but don't take it as confirmation. Don't count on anything until release day, Captain, it isn't a done deal. Jack, despite seeming bisexual, was never made a SGLI (Same Gender Love Interest) in ME2 or 3.


If they make Kaliyo the SGLI for fem!IAs, without either making Watcher Two or Rania Temple available as well, they may as well not have SGRAs in the game as far as my main character is concerned... and as far as I'm concerned. (Wow, I didn't realize I felt that strongly about it... Ugh.)


At least "Lair of the Shadow Broker" brought Liara back for some lovin' with my FemShep in ME 2. And in ME 3... OMG YES!!! :D


Yes, Jack was a tease, but not as bad as Samara... oooooh, that had so much potential.


But anyhow, I agree that Temple and Watcher 2/Keeper/Mariah or whatever her real name is should be open-minded as well. I still see Kaliyo as a possible fling at the very least for a FemAgent.


Seriously, I heard her name once at the end of the story, and can't remember it to save my life. :o

Edited by Captain_Zone
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**comes up for air from her LS Pureblood Marauder**


I just wanted to say a couple of things. First of all, I'm really hoping that there is a LS option and a DS option for players, and make them both bi. For example, make Kailyo bisexual for those more DS types and Raina for the more LS inclined. It seems like it stifles roleplay by only making Kailyo, DS Jaesa, Torian or Quinn available as a bisexual option. I really feel romance arcs got cut all over the place and it would be nice to see those filled. There needs to be two men and two women LIs per character . At least in my humble opinion. :p


Secondly, many of the female characters are more of my type of personality all around. Granted, I do like Corso (something about country boys ;) ) and I do like Andronkis. I sitll loved he asked my SI out for a drink, like people IRL do. :tran_cool:


However, most of the female LIs I find rather dull or not my type. I'd rather have Vette, LS and DS Jaesa, Mako, or Kira's personality(no matter the gender) over Quinn, Torian or Doc's anyday. That goes triple for Doc. :rolleyes:


Edit: Updated questions #1 and #4 in the FAQ to include relevant quotes from David Gaider, one of the head writers for Bioware.

Edited by natashina
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At least "Lair of the Shadow Broker" brought Liara back for some lovin' with my FemShep in ME 2. And in ME 3... OMG YES!!! :D


It's a shame they didn't fill Samantha Traynor's romance out as much as they did Steve Cortez's. But Liara's romance was... *melts* :D


Yes, Jack was a tease, but not as bad as Samara... oooooh, that had so much potential.


Asari in general are pretty dreamy. ;) (That's probably because blue is my favourite colour - which explains my Chiss obsession.)


But anyhow, I agree that Temple and Watcher 2/Keeper/Mariah or whatever her real name is should be open-minded as well. I still see Kaliyo as a possible fling at the very least for a FemAgent.


Seriously, I heard her name once at the end of the story, and can't remember it to save my life. :o


You know, I don't actually remember ever hearing Watcher Two's real name in my Agent's play through. Still, Jan'neria has a great deal of affection for her. Rania too, come to think of it.

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It's a shame they didn't fill Samantha Traynor's romance out as much as they did Steve Cortez's. But Liara's romance was... *melts* :D




Asari in general are pretty dreamy. ;) (That's probably because blue is my favourite colour - which explains my Chiss obsession.)




You know, I don't actually remember ever hearing Watcher Two's real name in my Agent's play through. Still, Jan'neria has a great deal of affection for her. Rania too, come to think of it.


<---Agent AND Smuggler are both Chiss. Brothers, in fact.


And during the FINAL conversation of the Agent Story arc if you decide to go Independent, you can say something to the effect of "What should I call you?" and she actually says her real name. Damned if I can remember it, though. :p

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I just wanted to say a couple of things. First of all, I'm really hoping that there is a LS option and a DS option for players, and make them both bi. For example, make Kailyo bisexual for those more DS types and Raina for the more LS inclined. It seems like it stifles roleplay by only making Kailyo, DS Jaesa, Torian or Quinn available as a bisexual option. I really feel romance arcs got cut all over the place and it would be nice to see those filled. There needs to be two men and two women LIs per character . At least in my humble opinion. :p


Secondly, many of the female characters are more of my type of personality all around. Granted, I do like Corso (something about country boys ;) ) and I do like Andronkis. I sitll loved he asked my SI out for a drink, like people IRL do. :tran_cool:


However, most of the female LIs I find rather dull or not my type. I'd rather have Vette, LS and DS Jaesa, Mako, or Kira's personality(no matter the gender) over Quinn, Torian or Doc's anyday. That goes triple for Doc. :rolleyes:.


I'm a fan of having two options per gender per class too so that players have at least four real choices over whom they romance, rather than being shoe-horned into just one option for SGRA. Given the previous options with DA, I'm hoping the options won't be too limited. I imagine the devs probably want to do this well though, due to the potential fallout if they mess it up.


I also completely agree that some of the ideas I have for female characters would be best suited with some of the female characters. With regards to male characters, I could even see at least a few of them being bisexual and having been open to same-gender flirting and relationships too. I see my Scoundrel a bit like Captain Jack: he'd flirt and sleep with anyone attractive, regardless of species or gender ^^

Edited by llesna
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<---Agent AND Smuggler are both Chiss. Brothers, in fact.


And during the FINAL conversation of the Agent Story arc if you decide to go Independent, you can say something to the effect of "What should I call you?" and she actually says her real name. Damned if I can remember it, though. :p


I'm in the process of slowly making my Chiss army on Dalborra... So far I have Jan'neria (who arrived on the server this morning local time), my BH (Cata'stro'phe), a JC (Myrmeen), a SI (Bitter), a Smuggie (Zan'dilar, who is Jan's twin), and a JK (Xarli). I have plans for a SW and a Trooper as well. They're all sisters. :) Did I mention I was obsessed? :D


I have a feeling I went through that conversation, but it was a while ago now. I am eagerly looking forward to the expansion of the IA's story. :)

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I'm in the process of slowly making my Chiss army on Dalborra... So far I have Jan'neria (who arrived on the server this morning local time), my BH (Cata'stro'phe), a JC (Myrmeen), a SI (Bitter), a Smuggie (Zan'dilar, who is Jan's twin), and a JK (Xarli). I have plans for a SW and a Trooper as well. They're all sisters. :) Did I mention I was obsessed? :D


I have a feeling I went through that conversation, but it was a while ago now. I am eagerly looking forward to the expansion of the IA's story. :)


I'm not quite THAT obsessed. ;) My other two "brothers" are my Pureblood SW and my Pureblood Trooper. That story was a bit harder to pull off than the Chiss brothers. That one was easy.


Agent (older brother) left Chiss space and joined the Imperial military, Intelligence branch in order to help fulfill the Treaty of Alliance with the Empire to keep them out of Ascendancy space.


Smuggler is of course the younger brother, and has a much more independent streak to him. He's the black sheep of the family, and stole his ship from a free trader visiting Csilla several years back.


I'm still working on the Warrior/Trooper brothers backstory. lol


I can't wait for the Agent expanded story either! So far it's the best I've played through. It's kept my attention riveted, my jaw on the floor, and I've actually caught myself whistling the theme songs to James Bond movies and the old Mission: Impossible TV series. :o

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While I expect RichardNoggin's latest post to soon be removed, I just wanted to point out that the inclusion of same-gender romance options in no way changes the rating of this game from T (Teen) to M (Mature).


The "Teen" rating allows the use of sexual or suggestive themes. "Sexual content," defined by the ESRB as "Non-explicit depictions of sexual behavior, possibly including partial nudity," requires a "Mature" label.


Given that there are ZERO depictions of sexual behavior in TOR (the most you'll ever get is a kiss followed by a fade-to-black), the M rating is not required.


Having said all that, I still question why a game with numerous beatings, torture and mass murders peppered throughout the storyline suddenly gets a few parents up in arms -only- when it suggests that people might not all have the same sexual orientation. It boggles the mind a bit.

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While I expect RichardNoggin's latest post to soon be removed, I just wanted to point out that the inclusion of same-gender romance options in no way changes the rating of this game from T (Teen) to M (Mature).


The "Teen" rating allows the use of sexual or suggestive themes. "Sexual content," defined by the ESRB as "Non-explicit depictions of sexual behavior, possibly including partial nudity," requires a "Mature" label.


Given that there are ZERO depictions of sexual behavior in TOR (the most you'll ever get is a kiss followed by a fade-to-black), the M rating is not required.


Having said all that, I still question why a game with numerous beatings, torture and mass murders peppered throughout the storyline suddenly gets a few parents up in arms -only- when it suggests that people might not all have the same sexual orientation. It boggles the mind a bit.


Yeah, his post was pulled pretty quick. I had also replied "That's your opinion". I do believe, however that his name is pretty much perfect for a troll name. Think about it.


Richard Grayson. Robin. What's his nickname? Starts with D.


Noggin... Head. Hmmmmm. Yes, I seriously doubt he actually has a family, and was doing it just to see if he could provoke a rage response.


As to the point of all the violence, I definitely agree. The one that comes to mind the fastest is the one where you have to rescue Odar's daughter from the overzealous soldiers on Ord Mantell. The poor girl has obviously suffered severe physical trauma to her face and body due to the beatings the soldiers had been dishing out. I sorta wish there had been an option to eliminate the offending thugs in order to free her. :mad:

Edited by Captain_Zone
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Having said all that, I still question why a game with numerous beatings, torture and mass murders peppered throughout the storyline suddenly gets a few parents up in arms -only- when it suggests that people might not all have the same sexual orientation. It boggles the mind a bit.

Fear and hatred are two of the most common responses to anything people see as "other", or unavoidably different from themselves. It's something that I'd hoped to see less of among the SW fans, as this is a universe where dating outside one's own species hardly raises eyebrows. I mean, if people can talk about how twi'leks are hot, why can't they accept that some people might find their same gender or both genders attractive? And do the people who don't get such things realize they're posting in a forum for a BioWare game? :p


Yeah, his post was pulled pretty quick. I had also replied "That's your opinion". I do believe, however that his name is pretty much perfect for a troll name. Think about it.

Richard Grayson. Robin. What's his nickname? Starts with D.

Noggin... Head. Hmmmmm. Yes, I seriously doubt he actually has a family, and was doing it just to see if he could provoke a rage response.

I figured that too, and figured we were in for (yet another) troll post when I saw that name as the most recent poster. Ah, well. Thanks again to the mods for removing the offensive post so quickly, and for helping keep this thread friendly and constructive. :)


As to the point of all the violence, I definitely agree. The one that comes to mind the fastest is the one where you have to rescue Odar's daughter from the overzealous soldiers on Ord Mantell. The poor girl has obviously suffered severe physical trauma to her face and body due to the beatings the soldiers had been dishing out. I sorta wish there had been an option to eliminate the offending thugs in order to free her. :mad:

Ugh, yes. I would have accepted any number of dark side points to beat the tar out of those guys, and I'm not a violent person by nature.


To get things a bit more back on topic here: who's currently not a romance option that you'd like to see as an SGR? I'm not only thinking of current companions, but various other NPCs who could be anything from a fling to a recurring romance. Actually, I'd love to see non-companion ongoing romance missions, but that's another topic. :D Juda from the BH story on Hutta is an obvious one for me, as discussed earlier in the thread. I also think the black-haired woman that the male Trooper can get a booty-call mission for on Coruscant should be available for both genders (with a male addition elsewhere or on another planet who also swings both ways, to keep things even), because she was fun to flirt with.


...and because I just like the phrase "booty-call mission". Got a nice ring to it. *grin*duck*run like hell*

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To get things a bit more back on topic here: who's currently not a romance option that you'd like to see as an SGR? I'm not only thinking of current companions, but various other NPCs who could be anything from a fling to a recurring romance. Actually, I'd love to see non-companion ongoing romance missions, but that's another topic. :D Juda from the BH story on Hutta is an obvious one for me, as discussed earlier in the thread. I also think the black-haired woman that the male Trooper can get a booty-call mission for on Coruscant should be available for both genders (with a male addition elsewhere or on another planet who also swings both ways, to keep things even), because she was fun to flirt with.


...and because I just like the phrase "booty-call mission". Got a nice ring to it. *grin*duck*run like hell*


My top answer, as always, begins with Z and ends in ash. ;)



I would love to see a re-bodied Darth Zash as a romance option for both genders, in fact. :D


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