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Would an apology like this by Ray for SWTOR have helped?


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I don't know what it is with gamers. We are an entitled bunch, hunh?



Haha, yea, i still remember the day when my dad came home with an Atari 2600 and Space Invaders, oh boy was i happy, played for days and days and it was just so much fun.


Gaming has come a long way since eh :)

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Lets just say if you like the ending of LOST your going to probably like the ending to Mass Effect 3.... On the other hand if your like many who thought JJ Abrams took the easy way out so he wouldn't have to explain anything, then your probably not going to like the ending to ME3 either...


On topic, I don't think the SWTOR Dev's need to apologise for anything, just because some people wanted a SWG 2.0 game and didn't get it so they have been QQ'ing all over the place....


Is SWTOR perfect? not even close, it has a lot of flaws especially end game, but every new MMO has this issue....

Edited by Monoth
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What exactly do they need to apologize for? I've only finished the consular storyline and don't see any reason for that.


Of course, I am annoyed that they are giving in to the QQ and changing ME3 now too.


Agreed i thoroughly enjoyed my smuggler storyline. MMO or otherwise it was an excellent story.


I also am enjoying my trooper storyline and even more so my inquisitor storyline. They dont have to apologize for anything regarding the story in my opinnion. There is issues with the end game though, but whoever said they needed to apologize for all 8 storylines needs to reavaluate whether they even like bioware story telling.

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It is needed.



ME3 also shipped 3.5million copies in less than a week. Plus having three different endings but the same outcome in all of them doesn't bode well for any game. They NEED to re-think that, and I am glad they're going to add to it.


Especially since they promised no less than 16 different endings to ME3.


And yes, an apology both for the mistakes they've made with SWTOR and their piss-poor attitude would surely help.

Edited by RobNightfall
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Back in my day, we didn't have story lines - It was all about the High Score and that's how we liked it. And now you kids come along with your entitlements and pie-in-the-sky ideas about "good endings." Go play some Duck Hunt and then get back to me with how that ends for you.
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Back in my day, we didn't have story lines - It was all about the High Score and that's how we liked it. And now you kids come along with your entitlements and pie-in-the-sky ideas about "good endings." Go play some Duck Hunt and then get back to me with how that ends for you.


pfff please. You rich kids with your Nintendo. We had pong and if we were lucky, "Intelivision" at a neighbors house. One guy even had Oregon Trail and Lemonade stand on Commador 64. Me? I had a card board box and big dreams of a T.V. that wasnt black N white. If I wanted to see pretty girls, I had to wait for cloud to shape like one....

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I believe all the end game content in SWTOR is now boring to many people because we have seen this before. SWTOR doesn't really bring something "new" to the end game aside from the story and the story is over once you complete it.


Raids,bgs...Things we already know from previous MMOs. It's not like we have pazaak or pod racing or anything. I don't know about you but what vanilla WoW had was quite original with a lovely community at start and that was a thing that kept me going, AT ITS TIME. I still remember the chaos with my 40 man raids. When you complete all the raids, all the killing stuff, all you have with the game is casual stuff like pazaak, pod racing, RP'ing etc. I truly believe SWTOR forgot the fundamental element that makes a MMO fun. The joy of casual stuff.


Noone should compare the vanilla WoW with SWTOR and let us remember that SWTOR is released on a market that also has WoW with 7 years of development and we are going to compare the end-game content ( NOT THE BUGS, they will be fixed, must be fixed in time ) of WoW Cataclysm and SWTOR.


After 6 months of development we're going to see if SWTOR can compete with WoW in MMO market. Then we can also compare the quality of the gameplay itself ( THE BUGS ).


Since SWTOR lacks the originality i(!) looked for in an MMO, i'm very excited about the Dynamic world events in Guild Wars 2. We'll see what its like at this weekend beta.

Edited by Hakkology
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I'll try not to give any spoilers.


Mass Effect 3 ending is pretty much the same with colours changing, no matter what choices you make in game. For once, i have to agree with the fans and such an ending is a blasphemy for all the hours we've spent on previous mass effect games.


SWTOR however have created 8 different stories for 8 different classes. Ending doesn't give you major changes with your choices and its linear but 8 different stories. SWTOR is good enough story wise. Of course class stories vary, i personally hate the jedi knight story but love the jedi consular story.


Its the MMO part thats annoying and even that magnificent story aspect of the game can't hide all the grinding. That's an entirely different problem and there is no need to apoligize for that.


Of course i expect an apology for giving us an entirely different game from what they've shown before the game is released but that is personal. I just hate the fact that my favorite game is very familiar to a well known formula that exists within the genre.


Agree and big thanks to youtube for saving me the trouble of rerolling to see if dark side ending was any different than light side ending for my class story on tor. No significant changes.

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I read this recently & I wondered about the massive number of complaints that SWTOR has suffered & then I tried to compare those numbers of complaints to the miniscule number of complaints Mass Effect 3 has had in comparison & i wondered why Ray would jump to defend Mass Effect 3 so quickly yet remain quiet on SWTOR.


I mean really, weren't we complaining loudly enough about the quality of the endings of the 8, 8, 8 class stories here in SWTOR too?


Do you all think that an apology is entirely unnecessary or not?


You mention comparing numbers. So if you use "miniscule" to describe ME3's 3.5 million gamer base, what word do you use for tor's 1.7 million?

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The game is doing fine there are no major issues that would require any kind of apologies from the dev's.


The only complaining I have seen is on the general forums here. The class forums is all good constructive discussions.


And seeing as the forums only represent about 5% of the player base, and the ones complaining are only about 1% of that, You can see my point.


In my best Barbrady voice "Nothing to see here folks, move along".











Good sheep.

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Back in my day, we didn't have story lines - It was all about the High Score and that's how we liked it. And now you kids come along with your entitlements and pie-in-the-sky ideas about "good endings." Go play some Duck Hunt and then get back to me with how that ends for you.


Entitlements? 1.2 is basically what should have been the starting point on release. Sure if you're still levelng your going to be enjoying the game. Major guilds are leaving or simply falling apart. There is nothing in endgame and same will be when 1.2 hits.


How can you screw up something so simple as tiered gear. Honestly. SOA is still bugging, on and on.


I really wanted this game to take off and be great, howeverit hasnt and wont. You can't ask people in 2012 to wait 6 months game will be great. It won't. It will retain a small player base and thats it.


Look at the 1.2 video closely you see some of the proposed upcoming changes marked for 1.3!. Don't think your going to download 1.2 and it's going to be a totally different game.


Daniel Erickson should be the one apologizing, where is this train I still don't see the smoke stack.

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Blizzard created a fun game because you could do more than just Raid, PvP, and Dailies.


There is nothing "fun" to do in TOR unless all you like do is Raid, PvP, and Dailies.


There is no fishing or fun activity that does not involve killing something.


There are no fun seasonal events which introduce fun events and collectables.


There is no reason to run around collecting gear because it looks good and you want to use it.


There is no "HAHA, that is Luigi and Mario!" "LOL! That's Links Sword!!" "LOL look at how that mobs death animation" "LOL that trinket just turned you into a random creature".


There is no "fun" in TOR, there is only Raiding, PvP, and Dailies (there would be instances but my server is so low population I can't even find a tank, healer, and DPS to group with).


World of Warcraft got boring and old with the elitism from the player base. I got bored of WoW after 4 years, after the second month in TOR I've already gotten bored.


well lets see WoW is a old game and this game is still new with things that still have to worked outif you want to complain about the this game and all about it being boring wait till it hits about 6 months to a year then make a complain about it

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This is an old post, but since it made it's way to page 1 again, I will again post about how much this disgusts me.


No one involved with ME3 should apologize for anything. I hope when I get done with ME2 and buy ME3 that it hasn't been bastardized because they decided to modify their 'art' because whiners didn't like it.


The whole idea of it makes me fuming mad.


I miss being a relatively benign person. If it was the intention of you to just come out and see if hate was contagious, congratulations, it apparently is. I know kinda hate some of you, and I'm embarrassed to admit that. :(


But I still like most of you. :D


Old Yeller: Feel free to give me another warning, I don't care. This is for you, completely harmless, in context, whatever.

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The MMO genre is pretty much the only genre of gaming that 100% requires that you listen to all community feedback, and not have a "this is our game we know better than you" attitude.


Pretty sure EQ had this attitude and has survived all these years. And which Furor and Tigole came from when they came on to help make WoW. BTW, I was a Guide on the Veeshan server where Furor and FoH were. This game needs GM run events. I miss doing those as a Guide.

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Why would they apologize for the endings to the class stories? The classes I've played to the end have really good endings. The classes that I'm still working on have really good stories.


What's to apologize for? Writing a story that's so good that we forget what the sun looks like?

Edited by DarthTHC
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The MMO genre is pretty much the only genre of gaming that 100% requires that you listen to all community feedback, and not have a "this is our game we know better than you" attitude.


Incorrect. It is in fact the worst thing an MMO could do is listen 100% to it's community. Players don't know what the hell they want half the time, and the other half the time the things they want in the short term destroy the game in the long term.


Art by committee is foolish. That is in fact one of the problems of modern MMOs...lack of vision and pandering to the fickle masses. Compare that to how successful console games are in which a developer has a vision, and they stick with the vision; there is no design by committee happening.

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Also...BioWare has NOTHING to apologize for. They've made an excellent game. And I'd play it more if I didn't feel the need to be in the forums shattering the inane echo chamber you doom and gloom types have constructed for yourself. Edited by Cerion
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What exactly do they need to apologize for? I've only finished the consular storyline and don't see any reason for that.


Of course, I am annoyed that they are giving in to the QQ and changing ME3 now too.


i started a sage a while ago lvl 34 at the moment and will be my 3rd 50, or maybe my 4th if i decide to finish my assassin first. and i have to say compaired to the sith warrior and bounty hunter story the consular story is the most boring thing in this game. though the BH story after act 1 wasnt that great.


but back on topic. i would like an apology for the failure in the story in general, they stressed how our choices have meaning when they dont. during the SW story i remeber a couple times i had to make a choice that wasnt light or dark but got me thnking how this would affect my story...



like the fury race on Voss i think it was i decided to wipe them out and am eager to start my miraluka marauder so i can spare them and see how it effects the story.



but events like that in the story were very few and very far between, every other choice outside of LS/DS didnt make a lick of difference i could be extreamly rude to someone i need info from and they will give me the info regardless.


i would have liked to see something more indepth, say my SW needs to interrogate a POW now can play the nice guy to try to get it out of him, or could resorte to torture, or say i get caried away and kill the POW durring the interrogation, then i would have to take it upon myself to capture another or infultrate their base.


i was honestly hoping for indepth class quests such as that where 1 quest could be completed like 5+ differet ways.

Edited by GooseGrims
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