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Scheduled Maintenance March 23rd


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Wow, settle down people. This thing will be up by noon in Europe on Friday and 9am EDT. The only people with a legitimate complaint is Asia. WoW used to go down for an entire day and then some. This is part of playing a huge MMO. Get over it or ****.
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@op yeah i feel your pain there.


Honestly I don't see why any one timezone should face prime time or even near-prime time maintenance more often than others. How hard would it be to rotate maintenance times across different timezones to avoid this? The downtime wouldn't really bother me as long as it didnt happen constantly.

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So once again, you take servers down on a friday night at 9pm during oceanic prime time for 4 hours for a patch. I mean what the hell!!!!


How many americans do you have on at say 8am or 6am friday morning? You need to select a new time because the current one is *********** awful.




Wow u get 2 weeks EU get every tuesday and now friday.


Do 1

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4hrs that is in the middle of prime time for him. I understand the frustration. Could you imagine the fires that would exist in this forum if they took the servers down for even 2hrs from 6PM to 8PM Eastern US time? wow...


To the OP: I understand man, and I really don't see why they can't take the Oceanic and Euro servers down at times that don't impact those players as much. BW just seems to like the efficency and money saving strategy of "Fix it all at the same time, who cares who we piss off!".


Other MMOs have been down in prime time. If the servers have to go down, they have to go down. BW has picked the time to take them down based on the least number of users online. Sucks if you are one of those users but they can't work around everyones schedule.

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BW does maintenance in the early AM North American time to impact the least ammount of North American players. That is a smart business decision because you give the most ammount of people access to your game when they want to play (which is generally later in the day) and only impact a small percentage of the playing / paying population.


This is plain incorrect. The time was selected because it impacts the fewest amount of players worldwide. Think about it: Why would EA or Bioware benefit form alienating paying customers in the EU? They don't care where the money comes from, as long as they keep as many paying customers as possibly happy for one more month.

Edited by Kthx
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This is plain incorrect. The time was selected because it impacts the fewest amount of players worldwide. Think about it: Why would EA or Bioware benefit form alienating paying customers in the EU? They don't care where the money comes from, as long as they keep as many paying customers as possibly happy for one more month.


I still don't understand why (apart from they can't be bothered) they don't just split the times, like so many other MMORPGs have done before.



Especially if it's going to be every Tue for maintance and every Thur or Friday to allow free weekend pass stuff. :(

Edited by Goretzu
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Most people play the game after work. Coming home after work to find the game down(your prime playing time) would be super frustrating. Having it go down during that time twice in one week is even more frustrating.


I wonder if this is another downtime for the Weekend Pass like last week's late week patch. So again, pissing off current players to try to entice new players? Seems like bad business to me. But I see a lot of bad decisions being made. This isn't about fickle customers or anything like that. The devs either lack the resources of other MMOs(ie regional patches) or they are out of touch with the playerbase and don't care.

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So what you ppl from USA is saying that its no biggy if the servers go down on Prime time?

Great. Now we can tell BW to do maintenance on prime time in US! Fine problem solved!


and to all that said "you dont want maintenance" Yes ofc we do but NOT at prime time. This is getting out of hand. Fine do as many Freeplay weekends you like. You going to need it.


Split the server up NOW!!! No need to wait for it. FIX it!

BW said there fixing "game breaking" bugs and things. Ohh HELLLLO!! This IS a game breaking thingy!!!! But wait. The USA guys said its ok to take down the servers at Prime time in US. Cool, EU is fine whit that.

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I also understand the OPS frustration. However, what both fail to realize is the servers are in a data center which in all likely hood is not owned by BW, EA, Luca Arts or any body else affiliated with them. Which means, server maintenance times are being dictated by some one who never sees these posts or cares that some players In Oceania are going to miss out of some prime play time. They are pulling maintenance at the time best for them and the work needing to be done and not withstanding any maintenance/patch requirements in the contract.


As much as it sucks, it is a fact of any on-line game that the servers are going to have to have maintenance and that the scheduled times is going to inconvenience some one in the world.


While it's probably true that Servers are colocated. You obviously have no clue about server maintenance. The Colocation will be providing only 'Remote Hands' service. Which means that if the server requires physical access then a tech goes to the server room and performs the physical actions as per the system owners instructions. This would entail rebooting hung servers, replacing bad memory or hard disks, moving network cables, etc. In some setups the rebooting can even be done remotely. Also the 'remote hands' service would be 24/7 so there's no way the Colo is dictating the maintenance times.


Most maintenance and all patches are handled by a team in Austin. Unless there's a problem (such as hardware, system hung/unresponsive) with a server, the Colo is not involved at all in the maintenance.

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I also understand the OPS frustration. However, what both fail to realize is the servers are in a data center which in all likely hood is not owned by BW, EA, Luca Arts or any body else affiliated with them. Which means, server maintenance times are being dictated by some one who never sees these posts or cares that some players In Oceania are going to miss out of some prime play time. They are pulling maintenance at the time best for them and the work needing to be done and not withstanding any maintenance/patch requirements in the contract.


As much as it sucks, it is a fact of any on-line game that the servers are going to have to have maintenance and that the scheduled times is going to inconvenience some one in the world.


so bioware fly's its engineers to do the patching on the servers located in australia?


Err, bro, they do it remotely.

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Actually, I'm becoming increasingly annoyed by this as well. The Weekly maintenance is annoying enough, but twice a week totally blowz. I play PST, don't get on until around 9 p.m., and this hits me at midnight. This time seems to be a heavy game time for a lot of my guild as well and we all despise when the maintenance alerts pop up.


I can see the sense in doing maintenance. Can't you guys just push it back one hour to 1 a.m.? Are you telling me there are more players playing early morning than late night. BS.


Not digging it at all.

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I still don't understand why (apart from they can't be bothered) they don't just split the times, like so many other MMORPGs have done before.



Especially if it's going to be every Tue for maintance and every Thur or Friday to allow free weekend pass stuff. :(


Wow used to do it at about 12pm oceanic time, so 4-5am pst. If the window had to be extended then people couldnt play till about 11am in the morning. Most people work at this time, im sure a few people can go outside or go shopping till 11am.

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It can't be that much of an emergency, they announced the downtime 12+ hours in advance. They also failed to mention any fixes or give patch notes, so I have to assume they aren't very important.


Having servers go down at 4am in their local time is not difficult, and they should have made that change months ago, certainly before bringing up the Australian servers.


Just because they didn't drop all their servers right away means that the issue wasn't urgent and says nothing about it's importance.


If they started at 4AM, and they ran long it would affect Europe's prime time too.

Edited by JerokTalram
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Go out and see a movie. The thing is, even though the game is technically global, it isn't. BioWare is a North American company, and they chose to do maintenance on a North American time zone. One would think by now that we have seen enough of these threads because they pop up every single time maintenance is announced.


There's three things you can do. Deal with it, quit the game, or support local education and get some people who will encourage the development of talented people who will create their own gaming company and develop their own MMO and have maintenance times convenient for you.

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@op yeah i feel your pain there.


Honestly I don't see why any one timezone should face prime time or even near-prime time maintenance more often than others. How hard would it be to rotate maintenance times across different timezones to avoid this? The downtime wouldn't really bother me as long as it didnt happen constantly.


Quite Frankly Oceanic represents 2% of the user base. THey are not going change the maintenance times to satisfy 2%.

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So your complaining about a 4 measly hours, when before that time you can play and after that you have time until next maintenance?


You fail to realise ADULTS play this game (im not claiming you are not an adult, so dont sulk), and this is one of the only days i get to play. I have kids, and i can generally play after 9pm when they go to bed. No work saturday means game night Friday (and sometimes saturday).


This is very frustrating, they need to sort out different maintenance times for different zones. I play on an oceanic server, why the hell would it go down at what most here would consider prime time.


Yes QQ moar i know ... and sure ill cop it on the chin, but if these maint times continue i might aswell not play at all ...

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We may be less people but we pay full fees like everyone else..... Even with 1 night prime time a week I think we should get reduction on our monthly fees... and now they add a second night on our prime time,(and a Friday night) it sucks bad. I'm totally with OP on that
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People that it doesnt impact act so arrogant. What a great community! Just let BW schedule maintenance during OPS night for the US and Canada and the forums would go down in flames due to the raging by these same insensitive putz. Gotta love a community that eats its own so regularly!


Btw, it doesnt impact me at all, but I totally support this complaint.

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OP I feel your pain. What bothers me more is this maintenance is merely to patch an exploit that is allowing a few weekend free pass people to keep playing (look at the notes on the patch page).


It is being done during peak play time on a weekend for Oceanic players. So Oceanic players lose out on optimal time so that they can stop a few freebie players.


Lets upset paying customers to remove a few people who are enjoying our game for free...


Its not like this couldn't wait until Tuesday, its not like the servers are overpopulated for a lot of people. Its not like the additional time they give free weekenders to play is really affecting business at all. In a sense it gives them longer to get addicted/attached to their characters and the game.


Instead, the decision has been made to patch during a peak timezone for the newer player base to remove a couple of freeloaders.


This is not a stability patch, its not a patch to prevent people exploiting or hacking or improve anyone's play. It is a patch to stop a few loopholes in their sloppy coding that allowed a few people to keep playing.


Its the kind of thing that should have been tested before offering free weekend trials. It is not mission critical to fix. Instead this is being fixed while more serious bugs remain ignored or deep down in the list of things needing to be fixed.

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Quite Frankly Oceanic represents 2% of the user base. THey are not going change the maintenance times to satisfy 2%.


What they need to do is rotate the downtime, so 100% of customers are satisfied. I'm sure we would all put up with the inconvenience of having downtime when we play, say, monthly, if it means everyone gets a share of night time maintenance. Wouldn't we?

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Go out and see a movie. The thing is, even though the game is technically global, it isn't. BioWare is a North American company, and they chose to do maintenance on a North American time zone. One would think by now that we have seen enough of these threads because they pop up every single time maintenance is announced.


If we're being realistic, the bigger issue is that:


(a) it's the second maintenance for this week. Again. Have we had a month which hasn't had at least 2 or 3 extra maintenances yet?

(b) it's friday night for the zone most negatively affected


The significant issue here is not so much timezone selection, as day-of-week selection. Hauling down servers during weekly peak periods (i.e. fri night, sat+sun noon->nights) is just silly.


If they're really genuinely needing to do emergency maintenances on this many non-regularly-scheduled occasions it suggests they seriously need to stop with the upgrade features & stabilise what they've got already. I have difficulty believing that's the case though.


What I've come to believe is that their development team is too used to thinking in non-MMO terms. They push patches when it's convenient for the company's internal schedule, rather than operating like an MMO development team & constraining themselves to tuesdays unless the servers are spontaneously exploding.


MMOs are a live environment. The more player-hours that environment is running offline (i.e. maintenance or outage), the more damage is done to the immersive culture of the environment as a whole on both a region-by-region & world-wide level.

Edited by Lakhesis
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