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Scheduled Maintenance March 23rd


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He doesn't have a valid point. Maintenance is what it is. Whining about it will change nothing.


haha, you remind me of that IT guy I mentioned in my post. Always with a ready excuse why something CAN'T be done, and never a pro-active attempt to find a solution that benefits the team.


Registering a complaint is the ONLY way something will change. Fact.

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Don't fix the game and people get mad...

Fix the game and people get mad...


A patch has to happen at some point, and it is inevitable that it will affect someone's play time. We just have to roll with it and let it go.

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Don't fix the game and people get mad...

Fix the game and people get mad...


A patch has to happen at some point, and it is inevitable that it will affect someone's play time. We just have to roll with it and let it go.


I aussie so it affects me, meh it is what it is, if they have to patch they have to patch. It does not worry me, but for people that might not get to play alot it's a bit harsh taking the servers down right on prime time for alot of people. They could have made it a couple of hours later.

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So your complaining about a 4 measly hours, when before that time you can play and after that you have time until next maintenance?


Re: "before that time you can play"; the servers are going down at 6pm on a Friday. Most of us are at work or at school on Friday afternoon. We can't just shift our Friday night Op group to "before that time" because there is no "before that time" available.


See also dailies; Dailies reset at 11pm for us. Now we can't do them today. We couldn't do them on Tuesday either; server went down at 6pm. BW has basically cost us 1m credits each this week for server maintenance. During 1.1.5 when a lot of our guild are scrambling for credits before 1.2 and the rest of us are trying to save up for the gbank tabs / legacy shineys.

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You can't "stagger" emergency patches and fixes, and I realize something may NOT constitute an emergency to YOU, BUT it MAY be severely limiting to thousands of other players.
If it's such an emergency let them patch it right now. We'd all be perfectly fine with that, right?
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I think it would be interesting to take the servers down prime time in the US and see what the forums look like.


Its very easy to sit back and say 'stop crying or QQing' when it doesn't effect you. But I imagine it wouldn't be so easy to say if it was in the middle of your prime time and there really is no reason for this. Plenty of companies bring down the us and Europe servers down at different times.

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4hrs that is in the middle of prime time for him. I understand the frustration. Could you imagine the fires that would exist in this forum if they took the servers down for even 2hrs from 6PM to 8PM Eastern US time? wow...


To the OP: I understand man, and I really don't see why they can't take the Oceanic and Euro servers down at times that don't impact those players as much. BW just seems to like the efficency and money saving strategy of "Fix it all at the same time, who cares who we piss off!".


I also understand the OPS frustration. However, what both fail to realize is the servers are in a data center which in all likely hood is not owned by BW, EA, Luca Arts or any body else affiliated with them. Which means, server maintenance times are being dictated by some one who never sees these posts or cares that some players In Oceania are going to miss out of some prime play time. They are pulling maintenance at the time best for them and the work needing to be done and not withstanding any maintenance/patch requirements in the contract.


As much as it sucks, it is a fact of any on-line game that the servers are going to have to have maintenance and that the scheduled times is going to inconvenience some one in the world.

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I think it would be interesting to take the servers down prime time in the US and see what the forums look like.


Its very easy to sit back and say 'stop crying or QQing' when it doesn't effect you. But I imagine it wouldn't be so easy to say if it was in the middle of your prime time and there really is no reason for this. Plenty of companies bring down the us and Europe servers down at different times.


Utter meltdown. :)

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Im pretty sure if you got kciked at 9pm on friday you'd be pretty pissed. Dont be ignorant.


Uh... no? You should use that time to you know.... get laid? Get friends? Watch a movie? Watch a show? Get a life outside this game?


4 hours out of days of server uptime to play and it's the end of the world. They can take the servers down whenever they please, no matter what they do, no matter what time they choose, there will ALWAYS be that one nerd that will complain.


If they take it down during the day time in the U.S, then the Europeans flaunt their sense of entitlement everywhere like a whip, if they take it down during the night time in Europe, than the Americans will throw fits. And even if they decide to split maintenance according to time zone people will STILL complain. Because there is always that one guy who works all day and plays all night, or that nerd who plays till the break of dawn, so no matter what, someone will be affected.


And what's the worst part about it all? That with all the crying, the nagging, the incessant barrage of rage posts constantly on these forums about the quality of the game, when Bioware decides to do maintenance and patch problems that people complain about, here comes people like the OP.


Might as well just tell Bioware, "hey don't do ****, seriously don't pay attention just leave everything as is." Oh but wait, then you get bored and you want more content because it's getting boring. Well damn we got a conundrum.


Seriously, figure out what you want.

Edited by DjSnazzyduds
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You can't "stagger" emergency patches and fixes, and I realize something may NOT constitute an emergency to YOU, BUT it MAY be severely limiting to thousands of other players.

It can't be that much of an emergency, they announced the downtime 12+ hours in advance. They also failed to mention any fixes or give patch notes, so I have to assume they aren't very important.


Having servers go down at 4am in their local time is not difficult, and they should have made that change months ago, certainly before bringing up the Australian servers.

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The patch times are set to what are statistically the global "slow times"


Don't expect this to change for you, unless you can think of a way to recruit about 2 million Asians to go play the oceanic servers. This is a global game and as such, Bioware has done very well to act on the data they collect. Most people that play this game are North American or European.


The argument that they could stagger the patches is invalid. Staggering the updates of a global game destroys the possibility of setting in-game world records such as "First player to lvl 50" This is only one example of why staggered patching sucks in global games.

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Im pretty sure if you got kciked at 9pm on friday you'd be pretty pissed. Dont be ignorant.


I'd unsub. I'd take it for what it is. They are treating me as a second (Or third) rate customer.


So yeah, I'd unsub and take my second-rate money elsewhere.

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I also understand the OPS frustration. However, what both fail to realize is the servers are in a data center which in all likely hood is not owned by BW, EA, Luca Arts or any body else affiliated with them. Which means, server maintenance times are being dictated by some one who never sees these posts or cares that some players In Oceania are going to miss out of some prime play time. They are pulling maintenance at the time best for them and the work needing to be done and not withstanding any maintenance/patch requirements in the contract.

I don't know why you would think this would be physical maintenance. The hardware will either be virtualized or load balanced so hardware failures should never impact players. There is also no way that they are hosting their servers in a data center so amateur hour that they can't go in 24/7 to do what they need to do. This isn't $30 web hosting.

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I think it would be interesting to take the servers down prime time in the US and see what the forums look like.


Its very easy to sit back and say 'stop crying or QQing' when it doesn't effect you. But I imagine it wouldn't be so easy to say if it was in the middle of your prime time and there really is no reason for this. Plenty of companies bring down the us and Europe servers down at different times.


I'd just go play something else.

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Actually the OP isn't complaining about maintenance, or that he'll die because of said maintenance. He's complaining about the time. BW does maintenance in the early AM North American time to impact the least ammount of North American players. That is a smart business decision because you give the most ammount of people access to your game when they want to play (which is generally later in the day) and only impact a small percentage of the playing / paying population.


IMO (and this issue doesn't even impact me since I'm from Canada) if they can do that courtsey to the North American playerbase they should extend that same courtsey to both the Oceanic players and European players. The maintenance on those servers (regardless of where the server physically is) should be at a time that impacts the least ammount of players from those regions.


Do you support servers in an IT capacity? No? Then please do not presume to know what's 'courtesy' and what's common across the industry.


Servers are taken down wholesale, for a 24/7 system, so updates can be automatically applied across the board and any issues addressed for all of them at once. This is not an unusual practice, and if someone has to get the rough end of things you pick the least amount of people impacted and move forward.

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I understand the OPs issues. I don't care, but I understand. I agree with what others have said, it's Friday night, go out with friends. See a movie, go on a date, spend time with the family, Go to the pub, LIVE. You have one life, stop wasting it.
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I understand the OPs issues. I don't care, but I understand. I agree with what others have said, it's Friday night, go out with friends. See a movie, go on a date, spend time with the family, Go to the pub, LIVE. You have one life, stop wasting it.
I already do that on Tuesday and Thursday nights, and Sundays; Friday night we rai- run Operations.
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