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Anyone else go from Aresenal to Pyro Merc....


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And LOVING it? My god man. I need to pay more attention or something. I respeced last night and good lord is it fun. Hell of a lot more mobile, good burst, survivability is less than what my Arsen spec was but no big deal.


Just wondering if any others have had "the second coming" happen to them with great/fun results.

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Im lvl 45 now and tried it...it feels good, because your not spamming TM, but I find it kinda hard to level with it. I didnt got the thermal detonator yet, because I spend some points into arsenal to get the 9 heat reduction on power shot. ATM, it feels like pyrotech is too weak in PvE and a little bit weaker then arsenal in PvP, damage wise.
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Im lvl 45 now and tried it...it feels good, because your not spamming TM, but I find it kinda hard to level with it. I didnt got the thermal detonator yet, because I spend some points into arsenal to get the 9 heat reduction on power shot. ATM, it feels like pyrotech is too weak in PvE and a little bit weaker then arsenal in PvP, damage wise.


true statements, and fyi i think the Bg/arsenal hybrid (maybe BG/pyro) is best pvp spec ...


end of the day do what you like the most!


when dual spec comes out i will be arsenal (for raid) and hybrid (for pvp) but until then i am one of the primary dps's in raid so i pvp with my sorc *shrug*


do what makes you happy, and do not hate on the other builds like *some people* on the boards seem to do far to often, we are brothers, not enemies

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survivability is less than what my Arsen spec was but no big deal.


Curious you say that. Most switchers notice a massive increase in survivability as pyro. For one you now become the LoS'r not the LoS'd, and second you can't be shut down in 1 on 1s.

Edited by Diddley
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Curious you say that. Most switchers notice a massive increase in survivability as pyro. For one you now become the LoS'r not the LoS'd, and second you can't be shut down in 1 on 1s.


maybe i only play against bads? (are there battlemaster bads? i fight quite a few) maybe i rock better than anyone without knowing it (doubt it) but I am almost never "shut down" in 1v1 ... i beat a maurauder that claims to have never lost a fight a few nights ago. I hit him with an insta concussion, healed to half and then waxed him... something he never saw a BH do before.


not saying i win all my 1v1's, probably under 50%, but not by much... if i won 50% of the time that would be balance.


I rarely kite fyi, pretty much kiting only when TM is shut down and no unload available... we are dps monsters if our stacks are up, so it is do or die for me in most instances.


maybe most arsenals are baddies... i dunno.

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I went from 10-50 as arsenal, then switched to pyro to try it out and never looked back, I do agree that in PvE pyro is a bit weaker, and has heat problems, this is why I respec arsenal for raids. But for PvP I am all pyro all the time and love it.


For those talking about a BG/pyro hybrid, dont, for pyro to be fully effective you need to have Thermal Detonator

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maybe i only play against bads? (are there battlemaster bads? i fight quite a few) .


Getting battlemaster isn't hard, you just have to put the hours in. It basically requires no skill. But that's besides the point. If you're not being LoS'd or your tracer isn't locked in a 1 on 1 against against any other class, all of which have interrupts, then yes, you are playing against baddies.


As for your amazing skills etc, gratz.

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i spec 11/8/22


key skill: bg power shield, arse stabilizer, pyro energy rebounder


i think i have my shield up most of the time.


my problem is heat mgt. i wish i could put 1 point in muzzle fluting. maybe i should drop 1 from stabilizer. but that defeat the purpose to have skill knockbak immune build.


however, i can manage my heat while dps coz i weave my rapid shot to snare my target. once i heal, my heat will goes above 40.

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i went from having only 2 characters... both are BH's... now im not going to play either cause they have ruined things so far.. and now not being able to use the medpacks while in combat sealed the deal for me... unless thats fixed im gone... and i waited for this game for years... really sucks.......................
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Curious you say that. Most switchers notice a massive increase in survivability as pyro. For one you now become the LoS'r not the LoS'd, and second you can't be shut down in 1 on 1s.


Considering I lost my Vent heat heal, wasn't much but combine when I proc the 10% it helped. That's all I was referring to, but ya, other than that not a big issue. I think it was 3% if I recall correctly, not big but something.


1 on 1 is oh so sweet. Those that think the damage is a bit low on Pyro just wait. While Tracer hits decently it's also on a 1.5 sec cast time. Easily shut down etc etc, however Pyro you can be on the run and nuke. Adds a heck of a lot more flavor and options than the turret monster.

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i went from having only 2 characters... both are BH's... now im not going to play either cause they have ruined things so far.. and now not being able to use the medpacks while in combat sealed the deal for me... unless thats fixed im gone... and i waited for this game for years... really sucks.......................


How'd they ruin things for BH's? I've read the patch notes and haven't seen any game breaking nerfs.

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Getting battlemaster isn't hard, you just have to put the hours in. It basically requires no skill. But that's besides the point. If you're not being LoS'd or your tracer isn't locked in a 1 on 1 against against any other class, all of which have interrupts, then yes, you are playing against baddies.


As for your amazing skills etc, gratz.


that was sarcasim fyi, i am good, as good as most goods, but not a god or anything.


personally i pick fights where LOS takes them more than 1.5 seconds, get the right angle etc...


we are a very positional class because of this... and I LOS as much as the next guy if i can


one of the nice things about a simpler rotation is you have more time to think about/pay attention to other things.

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I switched, I get interupted less, and feel like i have more burst when I closely time my thermal>powershot>rialshot.




I miss having knockback on rocket punch and jet boost havinging increased push/decreased recharge so much that words cannot describe. I have been contemplating this build. Getting rid of thermal detonator seems like shooting myself in the face though.

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Arsenal is vastly superior for PVE, I don't even think there is an argument to the contrary there.


PVP depends on your playstyle. If you want mobility and burst pyro is superior. Rocket punch being a knockback has been mentioned, as has the faster cooldown on the push for arsenal. You can also upgrade unload to have a slow.

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Pyro > Arsenal when it comes to fun, hands down.


Unfortunately because Arsenal > Pyro when it comes to spamaholic tendencies in PVP, Pyro is taking a worse kick in the nuts than Arsenal when the nerf bat drops.


I'm still trying to figure out how it makes sense, but every time I log in I make sure to thank all the Arsenal spambots that ruined the entire Mercenary skillset.


Good job guys ;)

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Pyro > Arsenal when it comes to fun, hands down.


Unfortunately because Arsenal > Pyro when it comes to spamaholic tendencies in PVP, Pyro is taking a worse kick in the nuts than Arsenal when the nerf bat drops.


I'm still trying to figure out how it makes sense, but every time I log in I make sure to thank all the Arsenal spambots that ruined the entire Mercenary skillset.


Good job guys ;)


Arsenal is way more fun then pyro!


You dont use more "spels" you just have alot of insta cast stuff, you spam just as mutch as all other classes.

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Arsenal is way more fun then pyro!


You dont use more "spels" you just have alot of insta cast stuff, you spam just as mutch as all other classes.


I don't know what you think a pyro spams, besides rapid shots, but you obviously don't play one.

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I don't know what you think a pyro spams, besides rapid shots, but you obviously don't play one.


lol, the same thing can be sad for arsenal. There are other abilities besides tracer missile, unload, HSM, rail shot.


Let's see, pyro has rapid shots, incendiary missile, rail shot, unload, power shot, and thermal detonator for ST


Rail shot procs are dependent on using power shot and unload.


arsenal has rapid shots, tracer missile, HSM, unload, and rail shot.


unload procs are dependent on tracer missile, target lock stacks are dependent on tracer missile, heat sigs are dependent on tracer missile.


Each AC has talents that incorporate the use of certain abilities, thus requiring you to use them more than once during a fight. Whodathunk it?

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Pyro gave me more scoreboard damage but with Arsenal I am more effective at actually killing things. IMO, heals/cleanse are much more effective against pyro. With Arsenal I can just vaporize people with a few casts and with pyro I burst them down to like 35% and then heal back up/reshield/cleanse and whatever and the dots that are left ticking can't finish them off. I get more kills and more killing blows and fewer deaths with Arsenal. With arsenal I can sometimes burst down a ball carrier with heals on him. Something I can't do with pyro.


edit - typo

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