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Can't wait for all the FOTM Marauders to hit 50


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All the Sorcs and Mercs who rerolled to Mara are in for one hell of a wake-up call ;)


Indeed. They'll find out their old classes stank compared to the real overpowered one. And then they'll be happy they finally chose right.

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Since when does damage done = skill/good player in this game?


That mentality is running rampant in this thread and clouding what it truly means to be a skilled and effective PvPer in WZ; in any PvP situation.


I've seen plenty of above average Marauders on my server who hardly crack the 300k threshold, yet contribute greatly to their team's victory.


You guys are way too obsesed with personal numbers.


Honestly, I think you're all dazed from getting slapped by all the e-peen wagging going on around here these days.

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Since when does damage done = skill/good player in this game?


That mentality is running rampant in this thread and clouding what it truly means to be a skilled and effective PvPer in WZ; in any PvP situation.


I've seen plenty of above average Marauders on my server who hardly crack the 300k threshold, yet contribute greatly to their team's victory.


You guys are way too obsesed with personal numbers.


Honestly, I think you're all dazed from getting slapped by all the e-peen wagging going on around here these days.


They're the same people who think the number of buttons you have to press is the measure of how difficult a class is.

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It's like arena in WoW.


Play LoS, and be patient.


You will be waiting a long time, at some point marauders will have to make the dash across open ground (unless the sniper is a rookie and positioned himself with obsticles that can be used to get close)

Edited by Kalliadies
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Entrench + Orbital strike on self + distraction + evasion = gg Marauder. Not to mention a snipers multiple roots, stuns, and knockbacks. If you run away, I win, because I proceed to start doing damage to your teammates while you do nothing.


And lol at the guy who said ambush is our only attack.

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A good marauder/sentinel will bring you down to half health in 2 seconds. You'll be forced into cooldowns.


I half health battlemaster snipers all the time with just my grenade/railshot/Dot damage and that is the opener.


Railshot/high impact bolt is a RANGED attack. Most people just don't know it yet.


Why do sentinels/marauders beat you down so bad? We hit you with an accuracy debuff. You can't railshot us. Sniper/slingers have one as well that lasts NINE SECONDS and halfs your accuracy.


Half health in 2 seconds? Sweet. So all sentinels/marauders are carnage now? Cus that is the only way in hell we are taking 8-9 thousand health in 3-4 seconds? Hell carnage is an even easier kill for snipers/slingers because...


Root won't prevent cover next patch. I can't stress how huge this is. Atm sage/sorc have an aoe root as hybrid spec. Next patch they will most likely be full balance/madness. Not that it would matter anyways because root won't prevent cover.


Slingers/snipers are also getting mortal strike. They will counter anni/watchman sentinels/marauders even harder.


Am I saying sniper/slingers are OP. Hell no. I am saying we already have a 100 percent hard counter and it is going to be an even bigger counter next patch. About the Powertech/Vanguard nerf? I don't think it was justified and it is an overnerf. What can I do about it though? Sorry you rolled a hybrid. Guess what happens to hybrids? They are always on a nerf/buff rollercoaster in any MMO. WoW should have taught you this. It wouldn't be so bad IF you were as good a pvp tank as shadow/sin. You aren't. Again not my fault. Vanguards/powertechs are getting screwed next patch.


You had a good run as top warzone dps (not the best duel class, despite what idiots say on this forum). It might be over next patch. I would tell you to parakeet? They nerfed that as well. Happens in mmo's :(.

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Even though Snipers “are” hard counters to marauders/sentinels. The truth is you will be ok.


Snipers are few and far between


I am sure they will pick you as fotm sooner or later lol. :) The good thing? Most will quit before 50 just like these fotm marauder/sents.


These are the same idiots who wanted mages and rogues nerfed all of WoW. Good players chose them because they had fun combos and you could really shine on the class.


I guess we are supposed to apologize we didn't want to dot spam 1 spell and hit a proc...or throw a grenade hit spell. Spam another spell hit first spell on proc...or spam one spell over and over again in between 2 instants lol.


These people should be glad they even have classes this dumbed down in this game. Do you really want to get your head kicked in on a harder class? If so more power to you. I love killing 3 marauders at the same time :).

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Since when does damage done = skill/good player in this game?


That mentality is running rampant in this thread and clouding what it truly means to be a skilled and effective PvPer in WZ; in any PvP situation.



Cause cleary the AOE Damage which is moderately healable is more important than the player that does nothing but locks down a healer the entire match.

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They're the same people who think the number of buttons you have to press is the measure of how difficult a class is.


Having only one button to push, is obviously equal difficult to master to 24+. I see your logic, and bow before you superior intelligence.

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Low level warzones atm are dependant on which team has less rerolled sage/sorc/commando/mercs doing 50-100k dmg (LOL) on their sentinels. Just played a game where I pulled 300 k plus on the slinger. We had 6 sentinels all higher level then me pull 50-100k dmg.


God I hate these people. They all bum rush one class, but in this case the "FOTM people" simply can't play the class. Please go back to your sages/commandos. You are too dumb for this class and you are ruining 10-49 WZ's due to you being the worst players I have ever seen.


Could all you morons please roll healers (or just spec healing). That is what most crappy players eventually do. It is like the whack a mole game at chuck e cheese (cept with healthbars) and you use as few buttons as you did dpsing on the sage/sorc/commando/merc. You get to be OP with zero skill. That is why they made support classes.


Might I also suggest tank sin/shadow? That way you crappy dps that refuse to heal can put guard on another crappy rerolled dps and contribute to warzones.


Please stay away from slinger/sniper as well because you people have no chance in hell of mastering this class either.


Thanks in advance.

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I come back from work to find that a bunch of Marauders began talking about how they kill Snipers all the time.


Sniper is the Marauder Anti-class, end of story. If equal skilled players meet, the Marauder is mincemeat.

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I come back from work to find that a bunch of Marauders began talking about how they kill Snipers all the time.


Sniper is the Marauder Anti-class, end of story. If equal skilled players meet, the Marauder is mincemeat.


Snipers can be countered by running behind a box... there is no class you're going to be making mincemeat out of.

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Snipers can be countered by running behind a box... there is no class you're going to be making mincemeat out of.


Looks like the Marauder isn't doing anything then, just hiding from a sniper.


If "you can just run away" is an argument, you could have fooled me

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They'll realize that Anni wasn't buffed, Carnage/Rage was. If they're Anni, 95% will have no clue what they're doing, and a clueless Marauder is the easiest class to kill. If they're Carnage, once I stun/Camo through Gore they will be absolute sitting ducks. If they're Rage, it's the easiest thing in the world to avoid a Smash and hit back.


Marauders have a complicated rotation compared to PT Powertechs or Sorcerers (I.E. Reactionary piano playing), and a lot of PvP-ers that I witness cannot handle it.


I am a PT, and thus i am one of the fotm marauders. marauders are hard to play, fortunately my naga-mouse has the option to make macros, so i have my full rotation and then some on button 1 (11 abilities so far). And believe it or not, it works perfect, even for a more complicated class.


I like it.

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I get a slight laugh out of unoriginal threads using terms like FOTM and other such terms..


Day 1 toon, lvl 50 Merc heals, don't like the interface, tried dps, meh valor 56 way before change


Toon #2 Assassin, also lvl 50 not bad, more buttons to push, don't like speccing tank for pvp but it works.. valor 56 before change


Toon #3 Marauder, now this one I like because I'm always doing something.. this is not an easy class to pull off skillfully, I have 28 keybinds, pretty sure of that but lost track. Was rank 55 before the good ol patch, not really a big deal anyway.. all valor was/is happens to be how much time you have to pvp. Again which is fine.


But question why are you labeling people as FOTM? what the f'k are we supposed to do roll 1 stay with 1 no matter what? lol I absolutely love my marauder because i wreck the **** out of people by knowing what to push and when.. making sure my dots are up on more than 1 target etc :) FUN class

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I am a PT, and thus i am one of the fotm marauders. marauders are hard to play, fortunately my naga-mouse has the option to make macros, so i have my full rotation and then some on button 1 (11 abilities so far). And believe it or not, it works perfect, even for a more complicated class.


I like it.


I suppose that might work decent for pve, what about pvp? No way you can do an 11 ability rotation without being stunned, pulled, knocked back, or put to sleep at least 3 times each.

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Annihilation did get buffed? combine the buffed skill seeping wound -50% movement speed with crippling slash -50% movement speed and you get a 6sec snare. As for carnage im amazed that they haven't buffed it sooner, rage and carnage are currently a joke in a 1v1 against annihilation.


As for difficulty annihilation marauders is arguably one of the harder classes, not because of rotation but because you must wait for any defense buffs on your opponent to wear off before u can pop your crit relic and adrenal to make the most of your bleed crits. (carnage has 100% armor pen, rage has 20% armor pen, annih has 0% armor pen) This being extremely important against tanks and trooper healers

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Looks like the Marauder isn't doing anything then, just hiding from a sniper.


If "you can just run away" is an argument, you could have fooled me[/quote



to kill a sniper= Saber ward+defense relic, when pushed back and snared pop force camo, use obfusacation, pop armor adrenal and shadow cloak, and if u cant kill them after that pop undying rage at 10% health and a rakata medpack after that. Snipers are no were near as hard to kill as you claim


Level 50 marauder 76valor


master ghost ghanl server

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These new marauders ARE pretty hilarious. 50-100 k dmg even when they are level 30 plus.


Just made one, did over 200k at level 12 smashing my face into the keyboard. *I was guarding a node most of the time too.


They're really easy to play and pretty much faceroll vs. almost any player.


I know the damage is normalized in 11-49 WZ's but I was very surprised at level 12 damage outputs.


Add in interrupts vs. casters and lol.


PT Pyro is much harder because defensively they are a lot less capable.

Edited by TheNinjaboy
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Just made one, did over 200k at level 12 smashing my face into the keyboard.


They're really easy to play and pretty much faceroll vs. almost any player with a cast time.


PT Pyro is much harder because defensively they are a lot less capable.


The damage scales down, I did 230k lvl 12-16 ish then it goes down down down, to normalize. Then you have to put some effort in it

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The damage scales down, I did 230k lvl 12-16 ish then it goes down down down, to normalize. Then you have to put some effort in it


Not sure about that... I saw some horrible level 30ish Marauders doing well over 300k damage.


When I mean bad I mean a dude that clicks on 3 keys the entire fight.


*Oh yeah the guy also asked why he can't charge someone in cover.

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