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Developer Dispatch: The Legacy System


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If you play this game like a single player game... you get rewarded. If you treat it like a MMO as was advertised you get shafted. I WANT A MMO. I never bought this for some borefest reroll bells whistle BS.


Bioware just continue to prove they haven't a clue about any of the material that relates to MMOs or Star Wars. I'm half expecting BW to tell us on April 2nd it's all been one big prank.


And should also be renamed The lethargy Update because it's beyond lazy.

Edited by Caspian_Rho
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If you play this game like a single player game... you get rewarded. If you treat it like a MMO as was advertised you get shafted. I WANT A MMO. I never bought this for some borefest reroll bells whistle BS.


Bioware just continue to prove they haven't a clue about any of the material that relates to MMOs or Star Wars. I'm half expecting BW to tell us on April 2nd it's all been one big prank.


And should also be renamed The lethargy Update because it's beyond lazy.


They just said in the video that you'll need social points, which are obtained from grouping. HOWEVER, they did leave the option for solo-players too. Everyone wins. I think this is great! I'm excited for the family tree aspect of it too!

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Sharing abilities between classes is the absolute worst possible idea this game ever could have possibly done. I've been playing MMOs since EQ1 and this is easily the worst Idea I've ever seen come to pass. Blurring the line between classes is absolute crap. I have no desire whatsoever to see an agent with force powers, or a jedi randomly spouting flames. I was completely excited for this game in every way, and this ONE SINGLE FEATURE just demolished it completely and totally. If this idea is not completely removed I'm going to cancel when 1.2 hits, no question. GW2 is almost here, and there are other MMOs out there that keep CLASSES as CLASSES.



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I like the legacy system, but I hate that it is tied to the surname.


I'd rather all my characters were NOT related and were able to have their own last names.


Plus having fathers, sons, grandsons etc., between your characters doesn't work because the story progresses for them at the same exact time.


Additionally, since my level 50 Sith Warrior is a human, apparently I've lost out on this racial unlock thing which is highly disappoint.


Further, I'm not sure I want to see a bunch of Sith pureblood Jedi running around.

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I cannot wait!


I don't know what lore the naysayers haven't been reading/watching/playing but the force has manifested itself in abilities for several characters and even in entire species without formal training. The Jedi/Sith are just the mainstream religious organizations who gave nomenclature and implemented specific ability sets. The force isn't confined to the Jedi or the Sith, they are just good at using it. Also, Jedi have used blasters and other equipment in several situations.


The family tree is also a great idea.I find it hard to believe that RP'ers even care about this. RP requires us to pretend about so much but we can't just pretend it's something else? A school? a tradition? an organization? It's purely for infotainment people, make believe it into something else if you so please.


Also, the games/movies/books that so many lore-centric people apparently haven't looked into are all mediums for future lore. The lore continues in this MMO. This is your new source for that lore. If changes happen in SWTOR, they happen in all of the star wars continuum. Stuff in the SW universe gets lost, found, uncovered, rediscovered, invented, destroyed and lost again in the SW universe. Why do you think the Sith always spend so much time in tombs or the jedi talk to ghosts for knowledge so often? There is a lot of room to wiggle here.


I am extremely pleased with the game so far. I cannot wait for new classes with new expansions. I have one problem with it though, if the legacy system is supposed to inspire alt creation and legacy building WHY SO FEW CHARACTER SLOTS ON A SERVER? I want one of everything!

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I for one want them to fix the things in game that are broke first...not going into specifics, but most people know what i mean...My first rant is PvP on a PvE server, one thing I was hoping when I left LOTRO was that SWTOR did it the way they did, NO PvP on PvE servers that was a significant part of gameplay and stick to the story line, you can't go wandering around with random dumb changes like the Legacy system..WOW was a game not really based on a movies series or books...It didn't have a predetermined atmosphere therefore could be more "flexible" this game is Star Wars, not just Space Sci-Fi and therefore should stay true to the Star Wars environment, like LOTR pretty much trys to stay with the Tolkien Realm..In other words Orcs and Humans can't be related..etc. BW does't understand they aren't going to attract many more people other than what they have...A lot of my friends that play other games, specifically LOTR are not coming over to SWTOR because they don't like Star Wars anymore than they like Star Trek...It's important to stay focused on the Star Wars environment to maintain the fan base...SOme of us can't play the game 6 hours a day and we play for fun and relaxation, which still requires a monthly payment BW. I only came over because my best friend wanted me to play because he is a big Star Wars nut...I'm ready to head back to LOTRO anytime. You are changing things too much too fast BW..I hope you are ready to lose players because I'm ready to go if it don't work out...one thing for sure it isn't going to "attract new players". I hear DIII is coming out this year anyway...LOL
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have you naysayers even LISTENED to yourselves??? denying one who's heritage is of sith pureblood does not mean he cant redeem himself and become a jedi. one's own destiny, and redemption is up to itself, the redemption of darth vader has taught us that, the VERY CORE



please be open minded and realize star wars was initially made all about anakin skywalker and his redemption and how anything is possible. accept this. im sure the developers will make slight story line adjustments to sith purebloods becoming jedi. but those who say a 'certain race' can't do something are down right racist, wether it be theoretical or not.



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hey, im an aussie player. on my US server i have my legacy unlocked.

but on the oceanic server i do not yet have it ulocked yet. I plan to move ALL my toons from the US server onto the oceanic one.

now if i unlock legacy on the oceanic server, what will happen when i transfer my toons over? will i have the legacy name of the US server, or the oceanic server? please i could like to know as this has been bugging me for a while now. cheers to anyone who can help

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I have a question regarding the Legacy System they don't seem to have touched upon.


Notably what part (if any) our companion characters will be able to play in our legacies seeing as we can have relations and marry a number of them.. which would implay any alts that are supposed to represent a characters offspring should ideally have both of thier parents present and accounted for on thier legacy tree.


Will relevant companion characters be given consideration and inclusion?

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I hate how people complain about everything. If you dont like a video game, dont play it,simple enough. If you are not having fun, which i think some people forget thats why they play them to begin with, DONT PLAY IT! It frustrates the hell out of me to go on a forum and read nonstop whining from some teenager(most likely)that doesnt have to work for a living and sits on his *** all day staring at a computer screen......end rant. Edited by RudyRoo
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Don't try to dodge the point, whenever you start an alt you are going to have to go through the same content you did the first time around, this holds true for practically every MMO. SWTOR has class specific quests which will make every playthrough, on the same faction, slightly different at least.


The class quest line is like 6-10 quests on any planet. The other 85% of a planet's content is identical for all classes of that faction. SWTOR is no better than any other quest-oriented MMO I've ever played, in this regard.


This game is most certainly not the "KOTORs 3-10" BW likend it to. It's more of an epic KOTOR 3, with 8 extended side quests thrown in. Very good extended side quests, but not enough for me to stomach grinding through the rest of the game multiple times, which is a shame.

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The class quest line is like 6-10 quests on any planet. The other 85% of a planet's content is identical for all classes of that faction. SWTOR is no better than any other quest-oriented MMO I've ever played, in this regard.


This game is most certainly not the "KOTORs 3-10" BW likend it to. It's more of an epic KOTOR 3, with 8 extended side quests thrown in. Very good extended side quests, but not enough for me to stomach grinding through the rest of the game multiple times, which is a shame.


Which you certainly do not have to do. You can stick primarily to your class stories, especially when perhaps playing the other adv.class of a class you played before, instead of sentinel a guardian or vice versa. And then mostly lvl up through space missions and pvp.

In hindsight I'm suprised at myself but also many others back in the day with wow, that we lvled maybe 10 classes all the way through max lvl during each expansion or so.

Some people might have done this on both factions even. (I havent played horde)

That's 10 times the same quests over and over again. Getting xp in pvp wasn't possible untill I think in wotlk, so the only way to lvl was to quest.

The lvl xp even if the 85% is the same tired stuff is a freaking heaven in comparison.

The dialogue is amusing and unique depending whether you play male and female and even whether you pick dark and light. Sure again for the 85% part you wont be impressed, but hey the story decisions and the differences between picking light/dark can be on a very epic scale. And for once I'm actually ecstatic to play the other faction as well.

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I for one am really looking forward to the legacy system, Ive been a hardcore star wars fan for 14 years now, im really into the lore and all that, and i dont see how this contradicts anything.


What if your smugglers father was a jedi but got kicked out of the order for falling in love, subsequently their child would have some force abilities but would probably not be able to join the jedi order because of his father. What about if the pure sith had a son or daughter who joined the republic, maybe the sith pure blood father on the imperial side lost faith in the order and decided to turn, even tho you cant change class factions you can still be a max light side on imperial character no?


I used to play that style on the kotor's playing a jedi that eventually falls, or sith that comes to the light! I think this legacy system adds more realistic lore and adds to the ultimate star wars character creation, mostly unique in every way, which is what mmo's strive to achieve but always fail.


I am gonna have so much fun!

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yeeaaah right.


what i saw till today is freekin me out. seriously guys?????

mixing the talents from class to class and even mixing the races is just a stupid and bad idea.

there is a history to that game and you guys just can't do whatever you want. an imperial agent or a bounty hunter is using force abilities???




and a pure blood sith plays a jedi or a trooper??? thats the big hit with legacy system and you are even proud of it???

if a pure bloods son or daughter betrayes the side and go republic the father would hunt him/her down and kill mim/her only through pure pride.

and if a member of a force sensitive family goes bountyhunter than because he isn't force sensitive. i can track und hunt down people as sith as well. but if i can use the force as lets say bounty hunter why would i risk the overheating of my weapons when i can shoot with lightning.


i don't konw, i just don't get it what should be fun on that system. epic battles rise between different charakters like the fight between boba fett and darth vader or like jango fett against obi wan.

that fight wouldn't be epic anymore if obi wan had also a jet pack and jango will use force telekinetic don't you think.


that would be for me a reason to quit the old republic because this system is just plain stupid. according to the gameplay to the lore, to everything.

what happens is the game becomes a huge senseless sponge where everybody can do everything.

why should i play other classes then?? thats the reason to play it. a chalange!!!! to explore something new.


but what i saw in the trailer you guys posted gives me the creeps. a jedi with a flamethrower???

you really managed it to get every fun out of the game. the list is that long so i stay only to that point. all i do is playing the classes through their story because thats just the only thing that makes fun at all.

if its not buggy, its just not fun to play or senseless like for example the crew skills.


i am very disappointed in that. i just keep on going playing my story lines through. for that i love you. the voice over story telling class lines are amazing and either thrilling or just fun to play.

long live the casual players because for mmo players this game just don't have anything if the legacy system like it is comes.


Dude your saying that it goes against story/ timeline etc but in the lagacy of the force series there is a mandalorian that can use the force ? there have even been droids that can use the force, your saying that it would make it less epic, you are wrong it makes it more so! force sensitivity is not restricted to just sith or jedi! there are loads of different force using sects out there most notably and closer to the smuggler/soldier style the grey palladins that focus the force throught more martial means (blasters etc) broaden your mind man

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The class quest line is like 6-10 quests on any planet. The other 85% of a planet's content is identical for all classes of that faction. SWTOR is no better than any other quest-oriented MMO I've ever played, in this regard.


This game is most certainly not the "KOTORs 3-10" BW likend it to. It's more of an epic KOTOR 3, with 8 extended side quests thrown in. Very good extended side quests, but not enough for me to stomach grinding through the rest of the game multiple times, which is a shame.

Most MMOs basically have more or less the same quests every time you play through it regardless of race or class. SWTOR offers more unique quests per class than other MMOs I've played. This will make each play through (assuming you pick another class) more different then it would have been in most/any other MMOs.


If you can't stand the thought of going through the game a second time despite that then it's more than likely that you are unable to level alts in any other MMO.

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I haven't read everything that has been posted here, so I might repeat a question, but here goes:


Can you only combine your OWN characters in a legacy, or is it possible to do that with other players as well?


The reason I'm asking this is because me and my brother play the game on our own accounts, but we still want us to be brothers in the game.. I think other siblings, spouses playing it, or child and parent, or even regular friends would want this also..

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