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Developer Dispatch: The Legacy System


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One thing I don't like though, is that you cant include other people's characters into your legacy family tree. What if your character's married to another one's? My Jedi Knight, for example, is the lover of a friend of mine's Smuggler.


I just wish you could include others in your Legacy.


I was thinking that very same thing. But that is the kind of oversight they could probably address quite easily.

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To me, the 1.2 patch is a roleplayer's dream. My Agent for example, has been working as a double agent for the Republic, mostly because he grew disillusioned with the Empire. Alas, no access to Chiss Smugglers till this was announced, that made me happy.


One thing I don't like though, is that you cant include other people's characters into your legacy family tree. What if your character's married to another one's? My Jedi Knight, for example, is the lover of a friend of mine's Smuggler.


I just wish you could include others in your Legacy.


i hope they do... mando'ade clans will be popping up left and right!!! not only that... it would allow for a more cohesive community for everyone, especially RPers

Edited by KallenOrdo
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Yes, lucky thing it's so different from what you have to do in other MMOs if you want to start an alt.


Sorry for the slab heap of sarcasm, but that argument just seems to ignore the fact that going through the same content again and again is something you put up with in practically every MMO when you create alts.


I have a Burglar on LOTRO. He is level 60. I have been playing that character for nearly 3 years, and he is nowhere near being maxed out.


I maxed out my Operative in about 8 weeks. And I was dragging my feet.


If you want to compare this game to other MMO's we can go there.


There will be blood. Oh yes, there will be blood.

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I don't think it's insane and i'm looking forward to it.


But, didn't Luke train for a short time with Obi Wan on the Millenium Falcon using the little blaster sphere remote thing, trying to deflect its shots?


That was before the ice cave, so he did have some instruction before to attune himself to the force.


No, Obi Wan hadn't trained him to move objects yet, but it's still something.


He also self trained afterwards, people always seem to ignore the inbetweens of what happens in the EU between the movies.

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I have a Burglar on LOTRO. He is level 60. I have been playing that character for nearly 3 years, and he is nowhere near being maxed out.


I maxed out my Operative in about 8 weeks. And I was dragging my feet.


If you want to compare this game to other MMO's we can go there.


There will be blood. Oh yes, there will be blood.


oh... for the love of... REALLY??? we're comparing hobbits to jawa's now??? if you're not happy... GO ELSE WHERE!!!! WE SHAN'T STOP THEE!!!


believe me!!! there's the frickin door with the "queer sign etched on the door"

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i hope they do... mando'ade clans will be popping up left and right!!! not only that... it would allow for a more cohesive community for everyone, especially RPers


On second thought, there is no reason that you can't assume that two player's characters have a connection with the legacy system as it currently is. Just because your girlfriend's character isn't shown on your family tree doesn't mean the characters are not connected, just that they can not share legacy bonuses.


Perhaps they should add a more in-depth friend system that allows you to address the various relationships your character has with other characters.

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Here's my official response to your official video.


I am removing all of my items from the Galactic Trade Network.


I am parking all of my characters in cantinas.


I am going to go play MLB 12: The Show for a couple of months.


I will return when my account is about to expire and see what stupidity you have unleashed in the meantime.


I just don't trust you guys.


I have seen this movie before.


I think you are going to release an update that will destroy this game.


I'm not wasting any more of my time on you.



I don't care

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I have a Burglar on LOTRO. He is level 60. I have been playing that character for nearly 3 years, and he is nowhere near being maxed out.


I maxed out my Operative in about 8 weeks. And I was dragging my feet.


If you want to compare this game to other MMO's we can go there.


There will be blood. Oh yes, there will be blood.


Don't try to dodge the point, whenever you start an alt you are going to have to go through the same content you did the first time around, this holds true for practically every MMO. SWTOR has class specific quests which will make every playthrough, on the same faction, slightly different at least.

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Don't try to dodge the point, whenever you start an alt you are going to have to go through the same content you did the first time around, this holds true for practically every MMO. SWTOR has class specific quests which will make every playthrough, on the same faction, slightly different at least.


Plus, if it's so easy to max your level then it will easy to obtain the legacy bonuses.

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The Legacy System was a waste of Dev resources.


Should have spent the dev focus on something that will make the game better. Legacy system is just another grind tool, and grinding is only so fun after 5minutes.



Maybe in 2years TOR will be an actually MMO.

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He also self trained afterwards, people always seem to ignore the inbetweens of what happens in the EU between the movies.


That's fine.


I was replying to the guy who said Luke received no training prior to the ice cave. And that is false.


Edit: I think I took your post wrong, apologies.

Edited by veevito
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You asked for suggestions for the Legacy system. Here's one!


Legacy unlock for SHIPS!


Allow our CHOICE of ship!


I would prefer my Sorcerer to have the Imperial Agent ship, since it suits his style better.


Even more would I prefer the ability to purchase and use other/new ships. I'm sure this would be a long way off, perhaps at the time for Guild Capital Ships?



Luke: :sy_auction: 17,000cr? I could buy my own ship for that.


No Luke, in TOR, that might be the downpayment. More like 17 . . . million.

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You asked for suggestions for the Legacy system. Here's one!


Legacy unlock for SHIPS!


Allow our CHOICE of ship!


I would prefer my Sorcerer to have the Imperial Agent ship, since it suits his style better.


That would be awesome. My favorite part about being a smuggler is my XS Freighter. I could have a Jedi character and keep my ship; it would be like Revan's Dynamic!

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Legacy characters are related?


That seems... silly. To me the whole parent/child aspect wouldn't work. SW:TOR feels more like Dragon Age to me where all the stories are simultaneously happening (e.g. one character from a class kills another from the opposing faction). To have them be a parent child relationships wouldn't work.


Even if they're distant cousins that raises more questions than answers. The JK and SW were brothers but somehow they're on opposing sides? While combat looks fine, storywise, this is getting really confusing.


Because none of us can think of a historical example of a CIVIL WAR (which is what this conflict is) where brother fought brother... tell me you're 10 and have no historical context by which to examine things and I'll apologize and leave you alone, other wise



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I'm liking the sound of the legacy system so far, though I still don't really like how the surname thing works, and how the characters relate together. I'd still much prefer that we could give each of our characters a different non-unique surname if we wanted to that would all fall under one legacy "name". I.e. Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa and Han Solo would all fall under the "Skywalker Legacy", but some would have different surnames. I just don't like having all of my characters more-or-less related to one another. Even if that's not how it's intended, that just seems to be what the legacy system implies to me.


I'm also not crazy about the race unlocks, but that's just me. I don't like having a bunch of characters all of the same species, that's not much fun to me. I like having one of each. Sure, I think it would be neat to have a Cyborg Jedi Knight, but I really wouldn't want another Cyborg other than that character. (And yes, I do realize you'll be able to also unlock the species with credits). But this isn't all that big of a deal to me, I suppose. Not as much as the family thing.

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can't wait it looks awesome, can't wait to have force sensitive characters which is a nice added element to the game. there are a number of them in Star Wars lore and history. Mara Jade being one of that comes to mind. It would be nice to do that as a bounty hunter or even Republic Trooper. Or better yet have certain skills from other classes as a Jedi/Sith. It will make for some interesting combos.

plus the color changing elements sounds awesome also. can't wait for additional ships and major storyline missions to be added. maybe evolve the ship combat a bit more to include pvp with cruiser class ships.

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In short:

  1. Reusing existing assets without adding much more to the game
  2. Huge money or time sinks
  3. Bending the lore
  4. Blurring the frontier between classes
  5. Forcing alts to be linked one to the other
  6. Adding stuff in a useless location


Almost nothing in the legacy features is new. We can pretty much have all of this in a way or another.


Now I ask this question: in what way do you think a player that already has a caped specie will look forward rolling an alt with the same exact specie?

That lead us to the money sinks. Players won't reroll to the same specie so they'll end grinding credits to unlock the species.


Also it tells a lot about your existing player base. You are punishing players who already rolled alts when the new species/classes combos weren't available. IMHO you should allow one specie respec for all existing alts.


Putting the mosts iconic skills in the hands of others classes removes the epicness of these classes. It's also bending the lore.

I don't see Dark Maul nor Vader nor Palpatine nor Yoda, etc... using a flame thrower nor sticky grenades. I don't see either Han force choking someone and even less lightning Greedo.

It does not feel that epic. It feels like butchering the lore.


Rocket boost: none characters but the BH uses a jetpack. It makes no sense at all to have robe equipped characters rocket move somewhere.


Allies, child, spouse, adoptive child, rival, sibling: what do you not understand in players don't want all their alts to be tied one to the other by any link but being played by the same human being?


Did you not get the note saying players just want a separate last name?


Moving to our space ship is plagued with loading screens. So why adding more stuff in it if you don't, first, make the travelling experience more convenient? Why not letting players to recall to their space ships then?



To me the legacy system the way you implemented it is a half backed system.

It's easy to criticize so here's some suggestions, in no specific order. All going through unlocks:



  1. You are now able to send/receive emails directly to your datapad, as long as you have a direct link to your space ship or a planet's holocom system. Different planets/location might hinder your reception power adding latency/delay to the email delivery.
  2. Your friendly companions will now gladly sell anything to the vendor.
  3. Your companions are now willing to carry items between your location and your space ship storage
  4. As premium member your datapad has now a very high end encrypted chip allowing you to browse the GTN network from anywhere (see#1)
  5. Due to your high rank you have now access to the VIP SW UPS postal service picking up and delivering items directly to your space ship
  6. There's such a mutual trust between you and your companion that they're now able to post items on the GTN.
  7. You can now recall directly to your space ship
  8. You unlocked a specific piece in your space ship: secret compartment for smugglers, armory for troopers, torture chamber for Sith, etc...
  9. On very rare occasion you are able to group with 2 companions of yours
  10. You can now equip companions with roles allowing you to choose whether they tank/heal/dps
  11. You can lend a companion of one of your alts to another character. *Will just fit the combat skill, not the story part.
  12. You can now customize further your companions body features separately.
  13. You can add and display a companion nickname to your companions
  14. You can now enjoy a silent mode on all companions.
  15. Wardrobes: you can now preset gear sets and switch them at once between your characters
  16. New identity: You can one time change your character name
  17. One time change your character sex
  18. You can totally redo your character body features
  19. You can one time change your character specie
  20. Secret stash: your characters shares a secret stashing location
  21. Shared bank account: all your participating characters shares the same bank account (for a fee).
  22. Armored speeders: your speeder can now take a few hits before being destroyed
  23. Shielded speeders: your speeders can now take severe hits before being destroyed
  24. Dual seat speeders: your companions rides with you
  25. You (or your companion) can do other tasks while one of you is fighting (Ex gathering nodes
  26. Dual/multi speccing: your expertise makes it so your able to switch between multiple templates roles as needed
  27. AC to AC respec: A traumatic experience let you change your behavior in battle.
  28. Halos/glowing: You are so attuned with the force that you're able to display a halo of light(white/yellow) or power(red) around you from time to time. For non force users == shields generators.
  29. You discovered the secrets of [insert specie] and are able to either make any classes alt with this specie or have your soul matrix reinserted into this specie.
  30. You have now an enhanced radar allowing you to display friendlies on the minimap
  31. Your radar has been further enhanced to display non friendly foes on the minimap.
  32. Once per day you can now recall to any unlocked location on any planet

Edited by Deewe
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Diversity is GOOD. How many times have you heard people say "well, if everything was the same that would just be boring..."


This allows the full gambit of species/class choice and legacy ability unlocks if you want it. Nobody is going to force you to do it.


Step out of your 'lore' cocoon and realise that not only will this allow for more expression, challenge and diversity it's a NEW (albeit old) timeline with a NEW idea.


Have you watched "Sherlock"? It's not set in Victorian Britain, it's set in contemporary times. It's just as good and just as relevant as the original book setting.


Embrace the change! Explore your SW inner-fantasy-demon-child.


Random Sherlockian plug.

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Normally I never post, but I feel I need to vent on this subject. Having to level a character to 50 to unlock that speices is a horrible mechanic. Most of the people I know have most if not all their character slots full. Plus what is the point of having an opposite faction character on your current server.

I play in a huge guild community, 800+ members on both factions. The opposing faction is on another server. If I played an opposing faction character Id be playing alone with no interaction with my current guild. At the least the legacy unlock for speices should have been account bound not server bound.

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