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Developer Dispatch: The Legacy System


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I am wondering if these positive feedbacks are written by BW itself lol. People, making this game like hotdog will not be fun, unless you don't know what star wars is, and how this patch messes it up. BW has no freaking clue what they do. Your marketing plan should keep Star Wars fans, not loose them, and this is exactly what you do. I hope Lucast Arts will take your license away for it ........................... asap Edited by Kozakkoo
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Just because this idea is unorthodox and wasn't thought up of you, doesn't mean you can slander it.

1.Mixing up the class and talents can greatly diversify the game experience, making this game unlike all other MMOs.

2.Classes that use abilities not for their classes because of things like Force Sensitivity (i.e. Bounty Hunter using Force Shock) makes the story got deeper and makes a sort of "family line."

3.The different choices on the Legacy stuff would make the story more and more intense and thorough.

4.What the hell is wrong with a Jedi having a flamethrower???


Dude. You need to chill out and not critique on a new interactive story line that could inevitably be the greatest thing that happened to MMOs.


In conclusion, your argument is invalid good sir.


dude ... lol have you ever seen star wars ? this patch looks like something which destroys this title :)

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dude ... lol have you ever seen star wars ? this patch looks like something which destroys this title :)


Why so negative? What exactly is so terrible with the coming patch? I see NOTHING in it that could "destroy this title"

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hi im lawrence who 14 years old basically i came up with a new idear that the developers could add to the game to improve the guilds and the legacy sytem first off im going to discuss the guilds.


first off i personally bileve the guilds are amazing and the idear of having a massive army is great :) although i would like to improve this concept by adding special zones called guild zone which is like a pvp zone where u can see other sith players and are able to attck them but these zones have a special building in the middle with 3 capture points that your guild is suppost to capture in order to claim the base, once claimed the terrtorys name becomes guild base (name of guild) i like this ider because it would not only enhance the story for the player but adds more teamwork into the game.


secondly the legacy system i love the ider of having your father beging your other player thats amazing :) . but i also would reccomend adding a special flashpoint or mission that corrispond with the legacy system like the sene in episode 5 where darth vader tell luke that hes his father, e.g a sene where a jedi is sent to a sepratist planet and is locked in a cell :) after escaping he cunfronts the leader of this prison who is his brother and it becomes tense for the player :) (breif story lol) you unlock missions throughout the game

so the player feels as if hes in the movie. :)


thank you for reading these are only idears i would really like to see in the game byeee :)


p.s i much appricate if a member of swtor read this thank u

Edited by woodwarlord
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I've seen so many people complain and I really wonder why? What is so wrong wit a Sith going to the light side? What is so wrong with a Jedi going to the dark? what is so wrong with maxing out a character to make a Pureblood Sith into a Jedi? I actually like the Idea of cross classing the abilities, unless you actually work to be able to use those skills efficiently you will just have crappy skills. Like The Force powers, a smuggler won't be able to use them as well as a Jedi, they will still be able to use them though. Its more for the role-play value ANd if You have ever played a KOTOR game, then you would know those games had similar feature. The main character wasn't stuck as a scoundrel for the whole game, you didn't have to use a lightsaber all the time and could use blaster pistols... You could have your character learn cross class abilities as a regular ability. Sure it might not be to the same extent but this is a good thing. I plan to enjoy making a Pureblood sith- Jedi go to the dark side of the force. Now I just wish they would make Wookie a playble race.
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All I want is the option when u pick the dark side or light side if u on the republic side you can cross over to the empire like the real bad guys do on the movies and as well the species or race whatever you call it yoda and the squid head looking thing lol!


You mean "Yoda's Species" (yeah, George Lucas has never told us his species and he's flat out banned ANYONE doing ANYTHING Star Wars related to give it a name until (and if) he chooses to reveal it.) and Mon Calamari or Nautolans. Personally I'd like Torgruta to be a playable species as we see them all the time and 2 of my fave Jedi are Torgruta, that being Ashoka Tano and Shaak Ti.

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Sorry, but it has no logic.If any family tree had a force sensitive character in it, what does all this mean, that all members on that family can use Force?It's like everyone could be a Jedi in this univers. how come? (sorry for my poor english)


Just because they can USE the Force, there are several factors as to why they are not Jedi.


1. Probably because while they could do a few tricks, they're not strong enough to be a Jedi.

2. Latent abilities developed and thus were too old to become Jedi

3. Maybe they didn't have the patience or desire to be a Jedi and just wanted to live for themselves.

4. They feared that if they went down the path it would make them something not true to them or even fall to the Dark Side


plus Grand Master Satele Shan's son, Theron, wasn't born with an ounce of Force Sensitivity in him, but he still trained in Makutai and Jedi techniques to find a centre within himself (which falls under the 'affinity' banner) and became an SIS agent, so a lot of factors factor into why Force users may not necessarily be Jedi.

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Just because they can USE the Force, there are several factors as to why they are not Jedi.


1. Probably because while they could do a few tricks, they're not strong enough to be a Jedi.

2. Latent abilities developed and thus were too old to become Jedi

3. Maybe they didn't have the patience or desire to be a Jedi and just wanted to live for themselves.

4. They feared that if they went down the path it would make them something not true to them or even fall to the Dark Side


plus Grand Master Satele Shan's son, Theron, wasn't born with an ounce of Force Sensitivity in him, but he still trained in Makutai and Jedi techniques to find a centre within himself (which falls under the 'affinity' banner) and became an SIS agent, so a lot of factors factor into why Force users may not necessarily be Jedi.




Or maybe they just want to be able to get laid? Isn't LOVE forbidden by the Jedi Order?

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those complaining about the legacy system potentially tarnishing the integrity of the star wars property have clearly not been paying attention to the actions of lucasarts across the last couple of decades. the official star wars prequels themselves created a mass of inconsistency issues, so much so that george lucas actually felt the need to go back and further revise his much-beloved original trilogy, much to the horror and detriment of its fans...


the truth is, in an immensely popular saga that spans across many different platforms and types of media, it is impossible to control the absolute integrity of your product. and when the very creator of that property has committed the greatest sins against the integrity of said property, i simply cannot grasp why bioware should somehow be held to a much loftier standard. the internal history of star wars is muddled, messy, and incongruous. let's not pretend otherwise...

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Used to be interested in the Legacy System. Now I'm sort of meh about it. The only unlock I'd have been interested in is Twi'lek Sith Warrior but I already have a 50 SW so it seems a bit pointless to level another. The whole species unlock thing is making me kick myself a bit for choosing to level a human character. Also not sure I like the idea of a Trooper using force lightning or a Jedi using a flamethrower etc.


I'm considering unsubscribing until they get SGRA, same-gender quest flirts and some more leveling content into the game (such as a new planet to go to while leveling up).

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yeeaaah right.


mixing the talents from class to class and even mixing the races is just a stupid and bad idea.

there is a history to that game and you guys just can't do whatever you want. an imperial agent or a bounty hunter is using force abilities???




Dude, just have fun with the game. If you don't want to play with it, then don't. but let others have fun with their choices. I personally think it is a good idea to have this.... if i can ever make my computer stop restarting after 5 minutes of playtime :/ . but from what i have played it is a great game and i can't wait to get 2+ characters above part 1 :)

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In addition, I would like to add my opinion for roleplayers as this Legacy will benefit them more so on the instances of making alternate characters. And yes, the system looks like it is pretty much in favor of roleplayers, so I can see the discomfort and gruesome hate it gets, but the SWTOR games had always been based on roleplay and that is how Bioware makes sales because people love their roleplaying games.


From that I know I'll get a few stabs in the back from Operatives, but it is true. SWTOR favors roleplayers more than PvP players. And yes, I am going into the gear topic, but that is not the focus, if you have PvP gear and it looks great and it fits your character, you are roleplaying. So, PvP gear is not only for PvP. (That was an example).


Now, who wants a revive?

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The Legacy idea of sharing powers between classes and unlocking spiecies for different classes while boring and sad is pretty much what I would expect from this game and it will be fun for some.

I have a sith sorcerer just got to legacy level so I gave him a last name and then realised that all my characters on the server are going to have that last name and be related to this guy!!! This Sith is an A class bastard he is a slave he is related to no one living. I don't want any of my characters to be related to him not brother, sister, mother, father, lover, ally or best friend of his colledge roomate.

Tying all the characters on a server together across factions is really disappionting. I believed that all of my characters exhisted in the gallaxy at the same time I was looking forward to be able to give all my characters different last names. This lagacy sysytem as presented at the moment is making me reconsider playing what is already a pretty lousy grindy MMO. I expected alot better from Bioware not from EA but from BW.

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The Legacy idea of sharing powers between classes and unlocking spiecies for different classes while boring and sad is pretty much what I would expect from this game and it will be fun for some.

I have a sith sorcerer just got to legacy level so I gave him a last name and then realised that all my characters on the server are going to have that last name and be related to this guy!!! This Sith is an A class bastard he is a slave he is related to no one living. I don't want any of my characters to be related to him not brother, sister, mother, father, lover, ally or best friend of his colledge roomate.

Tying all the characters on a server together across factions is really disappionting. I believed that all of my characters exhisted in the gallaxy at the same time I was looking forward to be able to give all my characters different last names. This lagacy sysytem as presented at the moment is making me reconsider playing what is already a pretty lousy grindy MMO. I expected alot better from Bioware not from EA but from BW.


Okay, wow, thanks for the heads up! I didn't know that the person you chose made EVERY CHARACTER I created on the server would be related to him/her. That does suck... A way around it though would be to put characters you don't wan't related to this guy on another server. BUT that means that you'll have to start at level one again! But another way around this is to actually allow transferring characters onto other servers. By this for example I mean; You create a character, lets say a Jedi knight, on a server you thought your friend was in, you realize he's on another server so you transfer the character you wan't into that server...


Hope it wasn't too confusing :D

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If I level one race to 50, I don't want to level that race to 50 again, I want a different race. You should get to unlock a race of your choice for every time you level to 50. It's not like it's somehow harder to level one race over another. Also adding to the chorus that doesn't want their characters connected in any way. Need to have the options for individual last names.
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So, if I understand this correctly. If I wanted to make a Mirialan Sith, I would need to have a Mirialan already at level 50 republic side?


Also, what about the unique color schemes for the Twi'lek and Zabrak? Will those be available in a similar fashion?

Edited by NRVNQSR
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