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Is the majority really AGAINST the pvp gear grind?


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Did all the whining about unequal gear in PvP really get through to Bioware? Does the majority really want EVERYONE to quickly have equal gear, and have nothing to work for? You had to "grind" to get your abilities thru lvl 1-50, why shouldn't you have to grind for your gear?


I have had as much fun building up my PVP gear as a 50 then I did going from 1-50. (Both have taken about the same time) Does anyone else feel this way?



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Its not that people hated the grind. BW didnt nerf the grind because people QQ'd about how long it took.

(This just in; the grind was never difficult. The pvp gear progression was a joke from cent to bm before the 1.1.5 nerf)

They nerfed the cost just like WoW did with new seasons. BW is preparing for it's first ranked season, and as such the last gear set should go down or be easier to acquire. Put yourself in the shoes of a seasoned MMO player hitting 50 the day 1.2 is released. To bad for him he won't be able to compete in ranked without that BM set (or even pieces of champion. ****.)


BW is stream lining their pvp content for people to be on a fair level of competition for their ranked season.


The update can be likened to turning 18 years old, having a 20 dollar bill pinned to your shirt and thrown the **** out of your house to fend for yourself, except the problem is you have to compete for a job with people rocking a masters degree and a plethora of certifications. Yeah, you won't be getting a chance with your mcdonald's experience.

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The problem is we dont see it as the same thing.


For me I could not care less what my gear does or looks like, I could be using a red broom with a pink t shirt on and if its on par with what everyone else is using stat wise then great.


All I want is competitive gameplay, unfortunaltey gear grind time sinks dont allow for any type of competitive gameplay because everyones stats are all over the place before the match even starts, for all I know I just walked over a superior pvper because I had better gear and vice versa.


basically we want to beat people in pvp on equal terms so that we can actually enjoy winning and when we lose there is a reason to look back at why you just lost so you can learn from your mistakes as opposed to losing because some guy can kill me in 3 moves when it takes me 15 moves to kill him.


In short, this is a great move by BW for every pvper from the noob to the hardcore everyone should like this change.

Edited by Seriasx
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No... People that liked the system as it was didn't whine about it so the system got changed..


The same happened and is happening with "Open World" PvP, no one really cares about it but only whiners come to the forums saying "There is no incentive for it." Bioware adds incentive it all crashes to rock button.

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u just like to be milked doing nothing

i like to pvp

at the point I have mai tools ready all i wanna do is have fun Pvping nothing else


This is stupid. You get geared doing what you like to do. You don't pvp and then not get geared. If you really liked it so much, you would have the gear unless you purposely didn't buy it. That's why this argument makes no sense to me.


All the qq'ers who said the grind is too hard are the ones who gave up after getting blown up for a few games. To me that says you don't like pvp. It tells me you only like easy mode win every time pvp. If you can't get that, you run to forums and QQ about how only skilled players and true pvp'ers don't need a gear grind and that people who put the time in are not skilled and require a gear crutch. Jawa please.

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apparently so.

The player base dont even want to have specific servers where u actually earn you gear

the right way

its too hard to get pvp rank man yu gotta Pvp for it, unacceptable to Swtor player base

The sad part

They will get stomped because free gear will not replace the hundreds of Hours acumulated by some players, they will proceed to forum QQ demanding nerfbat on some classes everyday all day..

then they will ask for a handicap system where the good PvPer are nerfed cause they want to be on equal footing like the 1-49 bracket based on individual ranking.

Who knows what unreasonable tantrum they will oull next

Edited by Jrovak
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The problem is we dont see it as the same thing.


For me I could not care less what my gear does or looks like, I could be using a red broom with a pink t shirt on and if its on par with what everyone else is using stat wise then great.


All I want is competitive gameplay, unfortunaltey gear grind time sinks dont allow for any type of competitive gameplay because everyones stats are all over the place before the match even starts, for all I know I just walked over a superior pvper because I had better gear and vice versa.


basically we want to beat people in pvp on equal terms so that we can actually enjoy winning and when we lose there is a reason to look back at why you just lost so you can learn from your mistakes as opposed to losing because some guy can kill me in 3 moves when it takes me 15 moves to kill him.


In short, this is a great move by BW for every pvper from the noob to the hardcore everyone should like this change.


For the recent replies~

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This is stupid. You get geared doing what you like to do. You don't pvp and then not get geared. If you really liked it so much, you would have the gear unless you purposely didn't buy it. That's why this argument makes no sense to me.


All the qq'ers who said the grind is too hard are the ones who gave up after getting blown up for a few games. To me that says you don't like pvp. It tells me you only like easy mode win every time pvp. If you can't get that, you run to forums and QQ about how only skilled players and true pvp'ers don't need a gear grind and that people who put the time in are not skilled and require a gear crutch. Jawa please.


You make 0 sense. You think the grind is hard or takes skill or mean you have to PvP? I laughed when I read that. I did a lot of AFKing on Ilum to get geared. Seriously, the grind isn't hard and takes NO skill whatsoever. Outgearing someone takes NO skill whatsoever. Beating someone who has the same gear as you takes skill. I enjoy PvP INFINITELY more now that I have my gear. Why? Nothing to grind for. I don't HAVE to play 10 WZs a day to get my Ilum daily. I can PvP when I want.


For the last time, getting geared doesn't take any skill. Stop saying it does. There are plenty of awful players with full BM.

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Rating? Fun? Advancement of your own skill? The satisfaction of winning something that isn't a scripted boss fight?


Rating is a lie.


There will be QQ about premades. There will still be a gear grind to get war hero gear, although not as steep. There will still be a stat difference.


By the time it all levels out (if ever), guess what? New gear. New grind. Same QQ.


The only way you "pure skillers" will get what you want is if


1. There is only 1 class in pvp with 1 spec and all must play that character.

2. Everyone gets the same gear, same crewskill bonuses, same everything before the matches begin.

3. Each team starts with the same amount of players and no one is affected by bugs.

4. Everyone is on the same spec computer with same latency.


Then you have an "equal" playing field. Stop crying for something that will NEVER BE.

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Did all the whining about unequal gear in PvP really get through to Bioware? Does the majority really want EVERYONE to quickly have equal gear, and have nothing to work for? You had to "grind" to get your abilities thru lvl 1-50, why shouldn't you have to grind for your gear?


I have had as much fun building up my PVP gear as a 50 then I did going from 1-50. (Both have taken about the same time) Does anyone else feel this way?




long is fine. as long as you have something to do once your there.

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Op and others are making the assumption that good pvpers want gear progression in pvp, you guys could not be more wrong, we want the opposite, we want our opponents wearing the same gear we have so when we push their **** in, they know without a doubt that they were beaten by a superior play instead of a guy who grinded more gear, same goes for winning, we are incapable of enjoying one sided WZs even if were the ones walking over our opponents, its not fun because we didnt earn anything we just out geared our opponents.


Beating someone in pvp while wearing superior gear is not fun for us, I would almost rather get rolled by a premade then beat a bunch of people who have no chance against me.


these changes are going to make everything for the better, close matches more often will mean you can actually enjoy beating someone... yayyyy!!!!! cant wait~

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PVP gear gap is still pretty big, and the time invested arguement does not keep subs.


In reality most people only have a few hours a week. The gear should come quickly witha marginal increase taking a much longer time to aquire for the very top end.


The gap between quick and very long should be very small. give the cronics tons of thing to aquire and give the casuals a ton of early gear so that they can compete gear wise.


Now skill or practice however you want to spell it out will seperate the groops even more, but thats a community issue, one for guilds to train their people. not bioware.

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You make 0 sense. You think the grind is hard or takes skill or mean you have to PvP? I laughed when I read that. I did a lot of AFKing on Ilum to get geared. Seriously, the grind isn't hard and takes NO skill whatsoever. Outgearing someone takes NO skill whatsoever. Beating someone who has the same gear as you takes skill. I enjoy PvP INFINITELY more now that I have my gear. Why? Nothing to grind for. I don't HAVE to play 10 WZs a day to get my Ilum daily. I can PvP when I want.


For the last time, getting geared doesn't take any skill. Stop saying it does. There are plenty of awful players with full BM.


Since you obviously lack reading comprehension ability, I will make it easier for you to understand. I never said gearing takes skill. I said it takes time. Time invested into the thing you are supposed to like doing, pvp. If you pvp all the time regardless of your gear level, you will get geared. Some people don't like the grind, some people do. Don't come in here as one of those stupid *** Ilum exploiters and expect people to acknowledge anything you say.

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Rating is a lie.


There will be QQ about premades. There will still be a gear grind to get war hero gear, although not as steep. There will still be a stat difference.


By the time it all levels out (if ever), guess what? New gear. New grind. Same QQ.


The only way you "pure skillers" will get what you want is if


1. There is only 1 class in pvp with 1 spec and all must play that character.

2. Everyone gets the same gear, same crewskill bonuses, same everything before the matches begin.

3. Each team starts with the same amount of players and no one is affected by bugs.

4. Everyone is on the same spec computer with same latency.


Then you have an "equal" playing field. Stop crying for something that will NEVER BE.


Rating is a lie? Are you that ignorant? Solo queue and premade queue will be separate if Bioware wants this game to go anywhere.


War Hero stat difference will probably be as small as the champ vs BM gear (read: almost none)


1. No. No one is talking about classes or balance. Bringing them up is just stupid. The only subject here is equal gear.


2. Yes, even gear. That's real PvP. You obviously want Gear vs. Gear


3. If you don't want that, you should just stop talking


4. How is this even relevant?

Edited by dschlan
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This is stupid. You get geared doing what you like to do. You don't pvp and then not get geared. If you really liked it so much, you would have the gear unless you purposely didn't buy it. That's why this argument makes no sense to me.


All the qq'ers who said the grind is too hard are the ones who gave up after getting blown up for a few games. To me that says you don't like pvp. It tells me you only like easy mode win every time pvp. If you can't get that, you run to forums and QQ about how only skilled players and true pvp'ers don't need a gear grind and that people who put the time in are not skilled and require a gear crutch. Jawa please.


The problem with most of you gear grinders is that you assume the people who are pissed at the low RNG for bags are the same people wanting a level playing field. That's two different groups of people. Quit trying to lump everyone who thinks the pvp gear system in this game is a joke into one group that is qq'ing for the same reason. The people who want a level playing field aren't saying teh grind is hard. They are saying there shouldn't have been a grind in the first place. And yes, your pvp gear IS a crutch. Don't be mad.

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Since you obviously lack reading comprehension ability, I will make it easier for you to understand. I never said gearing takes skill. I said it takes time. Time invested into the thing you are supposed to like doing, pvp. If you pvp all the time regardless of your gear level, you will get geared. Some people don't like the grind, some people do. Don't come in here as one of those stupid *** Ilum exploiters and expect people to acknowledge anything you say.


You clearly did say it takes skill. You said stuff along the lines of "if you are complaining, you don't have gear and are bad". Why should you have to invest the time if you like PvP? Why should you have to put in hours each day to grind just to be able to do well in something you enjoy? Why not make it so you can do well right away? It's much more enjoyable when no one is destroying you simply because of gear.


By the way, stop making ad hominem attacks if you want people to take you seriously.

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I dont really like playing matches knowing I am a detriment to my team while Im gearing up. if only I could grind PvP gear without ruining everyone elses PvP chances :D


Even undergeared characters, when played well by skilled PvPers, can be a benefit to their team. Anyone can find areas they can be helpful in and aid the team to victory. You don't have to top the damage charts to score in huttball or plant the bomb in voidstar. You're only a detriment if you play poorly and that's the truth of the matter.

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Even undergeared characters, when played well by skilled PvPers, can be a benefit to their team. Anyone can find areas they can be helpful in and aid the team to victory. You don't have to top the damage charts to score in huttball or plant the bomb in voidstar. You're only a detriment if you play poorly and that's the truth of the matter.


The problem with this is that you still need 4 medals to get the 90 wzc a win. unfortunately the inability to gain these medals makes it incredibly difficult to progress in your gear set. (This is speaking more for the fresh 50 mara/sent's with no ability to reach the healing medals and rely solely on objective medals [which come from staying alive in civil war/void star] and damage medals [which are nearly voided by full BM; gosh I love seeing that 900 crit on a full BM sorc])


Granted, I've found my niche as a shadow. Taunts and the occasional project/breach nuke (which lolnukes for 3k total if all crit on a full BM).


Thankfully for up and coming 50's they can grind out 49 with pvp and get their 1000 wzc for a start on their BM set next patch

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Rating is a lie? Solo queue and premade queue will be separate if Bioware wants this game to go anywhere.


War Hero stat difference will probably be as small as the champ vs BM gear (read: almost none)


1. No. No one is talking about classes or balance. Bringing them up is just stupid. The only subject here is equal gear.

The subject is even playing field. Class balance is relevant in that discussion. If you don't think so, read the rest of these forums.


2. Yes, even gear. That's real PvP. You obviously want Gear vs. Gear

Never had an issue with even gear. If you read the thread, I am saying there will always be an uneven playing field. There will always be a gear disparity because everyone has different play times. If someone can't put in the couple war zones a day to get geared, it will be weeks before they get the new BM or WH gear. This change changes nothing. There will still be a gap.


3. How is this even relevant?

Easy to roll someone playing on a lower end machine with lag even if they are equally geared. Does that mean you are more skilled? I am taking your argument one step further. You are not a "true pvper"

Edited by CommunitySupportEN
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