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1.2 changes to expertise, old pvp gear obsolete


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Obviously the pvp team at bioware is failing big time .. It took me a long time to get my champ gear as a casual and now come 1.2 its worthless? Holy mother of a duck ... This could be the end for me ... Not to mention im an operative... They really screwed me big time...
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I'm done "working for" anything BW throws at the pvp community. I, like many of you, "worked for" the last few months getting BM gear. This is because I enjoy PVP AND I enjoy character progression. This has nothing to do with my skill level at pvp. It has everything to do with my entertainment level with the game. Was the gear grind fun? No. I went 42 BM boxes with no comms at one point. Was it rewarding? Yes. I felt like I accomplished something on the progression side of my character. That was entertaining to me and kept me logging in. You want non progression oriented PVP, why play an MMO where grinding and gear acquisition is what it's about? Who cares about a different color of an already ugly armor set? Or another stupid speeder that doesn't go any faster? Or yet another meaningless title? If you play an MMO and not expect any kind of gear grind, you are delusional.


Now BW trivializes this effort and rewards the new comers/casuals/whiney crybaby forum QQ'ers who didn't/couldn't put in the time to get the gear. Basically a big FU to their most dedicated players.


Now all the "true pvp'ers" who have so much skill have a level playing field (like it wasn't level before. If you did what you were so skilled at, you would have the gear too...)


Do I have a problem fighting other people with the same gear as me? Not in the least. Do I have a problem with people getting the same gear in one day when it took me 3 months? Damn right I do.


So like I said in a different post, I will have my fresh 50's bypass all the blue recruit gear, the wz comm BM gear and I will solo Q in ranked wz and lose my way to top tier gear. Once I have it, then I will start playing for rank if I still have time left on my sub and 1.2 redeems this game enough to keep playing.


I feel your pain my friend. Diablo 3 launches 15th of May, hope you're in to the genre or even if you arnt Bioware are pushing you into the game..

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I feel your pain my friend. Diablo 3 launches 15th of May, hope you're in to the genre or even if you arnt Bioware are pushing you into the game..


No pvp in Diablo 3 nor will it become "serious" and its a Korean cash shop game. Terrible advice.

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No pvp in Diablo 3 nor will it become "serious" and its a Korean cash shop game. Terrible advice.


No PvP, which Diablo 3 are you talking about again? Even with Koreans in the game it'll be better than this. Besides I think they've learned to protect themselves from those kinda things to a certain degree.

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No PvP, which Diablo 3 are you talking about again? Even with Koreans in the game it'll be better than this. Besides I think they've learned to protect themselves from those kinda things to a certain degree.


No pvp at launch and you can buy items with real cash through the game = FAIL

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No pvp at launch and you can buy items with real cash through the game = FAIL


Dont know if thats the case, but it will come later as you've obviously seen the arena system.


You dont know the parameters of AH yet, it might only be lower tier items.


You dont like the game, fine.

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I feel your pain my friend. Diablo 3 launches 15th of May, hope you're in to the genre or even if you arnt Bioware are pushing you into the game..


I am in the beta for Diablo 3 .. loved diablo one and two ...

Three is boring, not sure why ...

but I cant play it for more than half an hour without wanting to fall asleep.

I was really looking forward to it, they just missed the mark somehow.

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The new Recruit gear introduced in Game Update 1.2 will not replace existing Champion gear on players that already have it. Existing Champion gear remains superior to Recruit gear but can no longer be acquired.


We have also made modifications to the stat composition of Rakata gear which will result in an update of Rakata enhancements on select gear pieces. If those enhancements have been switched out for others, no changes will be made to the item in question.


- Cameron


Here you go if you visit the PTS forums more often you would have known they already said that current champ gear is superior to the new recruit set before even starting a thread with above quote.


Also recruit gear has no set bonuses.


If pvp forums stop posting about pvp changes to 1.2 in the pvp forums they would find more stuff instead of talking to each other on deaf ear. Ask in the PTS people.


here is the link for the lazy




Now I shall make a new thread saying the same thing in pvp forums because this will get buried under omg why is my gear trash cause I read the op only.

Edited by Rasheth
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Here you go if you visit the PTS forums more often you would have known they already said that current champ gear is superior to the new recruit set before even starting a thread with above quote.


Also recruit gear has no set bonuses.


If pvp forums stop posting about pvp changes to 1.2 in the pvp forums they would find more stuff instead of talking to each other on deaf ear. Ask in the PTS people.


here is the link for the lazy




Now I shall make a new thread saying the same thing in pvp forums because this will get buried under omg why is my gear trash cause I read the op only.



I saw that post a while ago. The problem is the post I quoted in the OP directly contradicts that one and it was posted after that one. So the devs don't know what they are talking about in one of those situations.


Champion gear is still getting a downgrade, this is a fact regardless of whether it is better than recruit gear it is still losing effectiveness in comparison to BM gear. Also the devs must still address the issue of people who modded their BM gear not getting the upscale to their expertise stat.

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Here you go if you visit the PTS forums more often you would have known they already said that current champ gear is superior to the new recruit set before even starting a thread with above quote.


Also recruit gear has no set bonuses.


If pvp forums stop posting about pvp changes to 1.2 in the pvp forums they would find more stuff instead of talking to each other on deaf ear. Ask in the PTS people.


here is the link for the lazy




Now I shall make a new thread saying the same thing in pvp forums because this will get buried under omg why is my gear trash cause I read the op only.


If you had read all of it you know that the thing you are on about isnt the only issues.


Read the thread nxt time, lazy..

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Would you prefer they give all BMs now full War-hero gear at the get-go? Then what would have you left to do? Wouldn't you rather have something to work for?


You a communist? So if some one cam over to your house and said since they are builds new house near yours they will down grade your house removing half of the upgrades and value of your home...You would say COOL! I have something to work with!


Geez some people..I don't even know how you are able to put on clothes by yourself!

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I think I re-modded two full sets on one toon and 3 pieces on another toon- so they are taking everything AWAY from me and making me get it all over again....? Why put a "punishment" in for players- because that is exactly what this is...



Uhm, yeah...I mean...wow...like....really..I think anyone at BM for more than 3 days has swapped mods on equipment.

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Even if you modded all 5 of the BM set pieces and they don't update, you can play warzones for a few days and probably buy 5 fresh pieces.


I wouldn't worry about it.


A few days is around 150 WZ's for me...wow, yeah...no time consumption there AT ALL. So are you saying that I need to do another 150+ WZ's over the course of a few days to have WHAT I STARTED OUT WITH?


You have to be kidding me, to "redo" the same equip that I have already gathered.

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here you go graph from dulfy.net


posted in the same thread I linked






Yes but what about BM gear? It will now be the all supreme being with no bridging in between. You got BM? You stats are so much better than recruit and expertise so much higher than Champ that the base stats really don't matter. 100 expertise on BM vs. 46 on champ is a ridiculous difference.

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Oh wow, this really does suck. On my sorc I even took the stalker BM set for the better bonus, and replaced the useless accuracy enhancements with power/surge and crit/surge from columi and champ gear. All my gear will be spoiled come 1.2 then, with no way to save it, unless I buy new bm pieces aimed at sorcs.


Well, thanks for the info. Luckily I shelved my sorc and started working on my jugg. Will be hitting BM some time next week. Gotta keep the stupid accuracy mods in then... gimping myself now to gain an edge once 1.2 hits. Man, this is stupid.

Yeah. They are penalizing players for (1) using their current modding system and (2) being smart in optimizing stats. The only ray of sunshine is this: the current PVP system is basically a mulligan, as everyone not in BM gear will be buying the blue set. Better start saving up.
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Yes but what about BM gear? It will now be the all supreme being with no bridging in between. You got BM? You stats are so much better than recruit and expertise so much higher than Champ that the base stats really don't matter. 100 expertise on BM vs. 46 on champ is a ridiculous difference.




Buy recruit gear take the expertise mods out of recruit gear place them in your champ gear.


The expertise is spread across all mods now. There you go increase in expertise at the cost of a primary stat of course but thats what is happening to the bm gear too. Increase in expertise loss in primary stat.

Edited by Rasheth
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Yes but what about BM gear? It will now be the all supreme being with no bridging in between. You got BM? You stats are so much better than recruit and expertise so much higher than Champ that the base stats really don't matter. 100 expertise on BM vs. 46 on champ is a ridiculous difference.


Exactly. I don't care that little Johnny is upset because he can't trash people anymore and get his insta-win ... this system is broken, and this is their first stab at trying to change it.


No system, where one guy has absolutely no chance of winning is right, or healthy for the game, and that's what we have here. Now, if you want to start creating brackets for gear, or brackets for expertise totals .... knock yourself out. I think that's fine.


But the current system of "you lose, I win. Just .... because" is foolish and stupid. I'm retired, I play at least 10-15 WZs a day ... I've had my daily and weekly for 3 days now, and they are still at 1/3 and 1/9 because the Pubs have all the uber gear, and the Emps don't on my server.


Really? No one sees a problem with that?


I have guild members who have quit this game because of this ... and you know what? I haven't heard one person that joined this game because, "Hot damned, the grind is a horrendous and the gear makes the game sooooo out of balance, I'VE JUST GOT TO GET ME SOME OF THIS."


No, this is simply people who HAVE, protecting what they HAVE, so they can continue to dominate and demoralize others. FARMING ... that's what WZs have become. One side farms, the other puts up with it until they just stop doing WZs or quit the game ... as some of my guildies have.

Edited by Zepath
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Buy recruit gear take the expertise mods out of recruit gear place them in your champ gear.


The expertise is spread across all mods now. There you go increase in expertise at the cost of a primary stat of course but thats what is happening to the bm gear too. Increase in expertise loss in primary stat.


This would be awesome if Recruit gear wasn't blue and had no removable mods.

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Obviously the pvp team at bioware is failing big time .. It took me a long time to get my champ gear as a casual and now come 1.2 its worthless? Holy mother of a duck ... This could be the end for me ... Not to mention im an operative... They really screwed me big time...


I totally agree, playing casual PvP, and opening ****loads of champion bags only containing comms, and scrape together a full set (not even there yet) and make it LESS worth then the basic entry level pvp set in 1.2 that can be bought for 500K, is just unbelievable stupid and unfair (i would use a more colorfull language, but i don't think i can take more warnings from the mods).


If BW can't even upgrade the champion set expertise stats, so they remain within the same difference as today, compared to BM, i just loose the remaining little confidents i have in BW.


This might seal the deal for me and just pack up and leave this game for good....:mad:

Edited by ClogMan
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I was working quite a lot for BM gear probably way sooner than most of you and I have no problem with this new stuff.


What is confusing from BW is that they say that champ gear you have NOW will get armoring mod, but in other topic they are saying it wont have, and that only gear bought after 1.2 will have armoring mod.


BTW 1063 expertise (almost full BM) is +26% pvp boost in 1.2

Edited by johnyangelo
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