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1.2 changes to expertise, old pvp gear obsolete


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I'm not worried. My crew only uses a few pvp pieces anyways like wrist and implants etc. You cats need to just be cool and check it out. We never invested in PVP gear per se. We got in just for the mods. Now I haven't read anything as of yet saying the mods from pvp gear will not be usable or modified in other gear. If they are not usable we will adjust.


I'm chillin Bio Baby. Let these Bio cats do the do and take me on a journey. It is a funny thing that a BH and a Sniper can hold a position in PVP until four or more show up. My expertise is only 46. Now I wonder why WE wreak havoc? :D

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farming champion takes time and effort also.coming from a low populated server that is basically dead. no warzones popping at all. stuck at valor rank 56 and have been stuck there 1- 1.5 month now... screw this ****in devs team... they need a real beating . if this gear stat change is implemented im god damn unsubbing... and im not the only one.
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This doesn't make any sense. I thought they adjusted the DR on pvp gear to address this issue. Why would they even need to add more expertise? Can't it just continue to scale using the current values? It was a long painful grind to get my set of CUSTOMIZED BM gear and if I have to start over completely, I'm going to be pretty pissed. They already made it ridiculously easy to get to BM so I do not see the need for a pvp gear reset. Bio, you got some 'xplaining to do.
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The issue here is that the new blue recruit gear has less stats (a lot less) than current champ in nearly every category but one, expertise. It also has no set bonuses or removable mods. So depending on how the new expertise cap affects play the blue set could be roughly equivalent to current champ or it could be closer to the current cent. As big or small as this problem may be it's just the tip of the iceberg.


The bigger issue is BioWare buffing BM with better stat distribution and 2x'ing the expertise. So it matters little how the recruit gear stacks up to current champ/cent because what BW is doing with BM gear, along with the addition of WH gear, creates a larger gear gap than what was in place before. Think current cent jumping to current BM with no middle ground.


It's all well and good that they get fresh 50's into gear that will help them right away but what they have chosen to do is exactly opposite of their mantra to ease the transition. They need to really look at this before they allow 1.2 onto the prod servers. To do this update right they need to buff up the stats on recruit to similar numbers as the current champ sets and 2x the expertise on current champ/cent gear. Doing anything less is just laziness on BW's part no matter how fast BM gear can be gotten.


Also, a gear exchange (PvE & PvP) needs to be created so the people who took George's advice to swap out poorly itemized mods are not punished for BW's lack of foresight. Whether or not you believe it was irresponsible for a player to sell off the unwanted mods to recoup some of the stripping costs is irrelevant. The true irresponsible party is BW because they promoted the remod and now instead of coding a x2 bump in the expertise for all cent/champ/bm level mods no, matter the location, they are taking the easy road. Buff all mods to the new updated values no matter what gear/bank slot/inventory slot they are in or put in an exchange.

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The issue here is that the new blue recruit gear has less stats (a lot less) than current champ in nearly every category but one, expertise. It also has no set bonuses or removable mods. So depending on how the new expertise cap affects play the blue set could be roughly equivalent to current champ or it could be closer to the current cent. As big or small as this problem may be it's just the tip of the iceberg.


The bigger issue is BioWare buffing BM with better stat distribution and 2x'ing the expertise. So it matters little how the recruit gear stacks up to current champ/cent because what BW is doing with BM gear, along with the addition of WH gear, creates a larger gear gap than what was in place before. Think current cent jumping to current BM with no middle ground.


It's all well and good that they get fresh 50's into gear that will help them right away but what they have chosen to do is exactly opposite of their mantra to ease the transition. They need to really look at this before they allow 1.2 onto the prod servers. To do this update right they need to buff up the stats on recruit to similar numbers as the current champ sets and 2x the expertise on current champ/cent gear. Doing anything less is just laziness on BW's part no matter how fast BM gear can be gotten.


Also, a gear exchange (PvE & PvP) needs to be created so the people who took George's advice to swap out poorly itemized mods are not punished for BW's lack of foresight. Whether or not you believe it was irresponsible for a player to sell off the unwanted mods to recoup some of the stripping costs is irrelevant. The true irresponsible party is BW because they promoted the remod and now instead of coding a x2 bump in the expertise for all cent/champ/bm level mods no, matter the location, they are taking the easy road. Buff all mods to the new updated values no matter what gear/bank slot/inventory slot they are in or put in an exchange.


it's hard for some players to gain the bm atm. impossible even. cause on dead servers like mine warzones doesnt even pop.. and im full champ gear and ive worked hard for that set.. so if this have been a waste of my expensive time im leaving swtor for good.

Edited by Mathelia
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it's hard for some players to gain the bm atm. impossible even. cause on dead servers like mine warzones doesnt even pop.. and im full champ gear and ive worked hard for that set.. so if this have been a waste of my expensive time im leaving swtor for good.


Without knowing how much expertise will matter in 1.2 it's hard to say but it doesn't look good on paper so far. That being said, you will be down 500+ expertise compared to a full BM geared player unless you swap to the new recruit blue set. Then instead of a really large expertise gap you will be looking at a large end, crit, power, surge etc gap. I can only guess which is the lesser of two evils. What I don't have to guess about is how badly this bends over folks such as yourself right before rated WZ's start.

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Without knowing how much expertise will matter in 1.2 it's hard to say but it doesn't look good on paper so far. That being said, you will be down 500+ expertise compared to a full BM geared player unless you swap to the new recruit blue set. Then instead of a really large expertise gap you will be looking at a large end, crit, power, surge etc gap. I can only guess which is the lesser of two evils. What I don't have to guess about is how badly this bends over folks such as yourself right before rated WZ's start.


yeah . i've always been a hardcore pvper and on my server it's demoralizing when no warzone pop at all and you know of these changes. so if this is gonna happen im quitting. they make people on low populated servers suffer cause they haven't managed char transfers or merged yet..

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there was a dev response on PTS forum saying that, if you put the old mods back in the BM gear they will be changed

mods that are not in gear will not be changed


what i would like to know is does the mod just have to be in any piece of bm gear to be changed, or do i have to somehow remember where the 5 enhancement mods i pulled out came from?

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yeh? so what?




Myself and my guild are looking forward to 1.2, the gear changes dont mean anything to us, we will welcome it with open arms, no matter what BW does


You wanna know why?


Because, we play this game to have fun, not to moan about gear progression or grinds or "NOT GETTING WHAT I WANT AND WHEN I WANT IT"


thanks for reading.

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yeh? so what?




Myself and my guild are looking forward to 1.2, the gear changes dont mean anything to us, we will welcome it with open arms, no matter what BW does


You wanna know why?


Because, we play this game to have fun, not to moan about gear progression or grinds or "NOT GETTING WHAT I WANT AND WHEN I WANT IT"


thanks for reading.


yeah some people have fun watching paint dry on a wall too...

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I'm done "working for" anything BW throws at the pvp community. I, like many of you, "worked for" the last few months getting BM gear. This is because I enjoy PVP AND I enjoy character progression. This has nothing to do with my skill level at pvp. It has everything to do with my entertainment level with the game. Was the gear grind fun? No. I went 42 BM boxes with no comms at one point. Was it rewarding? Yes. I felt like I accomplished something on the progression side of my character. That was entertaining to me and kept me logging in. You want non progression oriented PVP, why play an MMO where grinding and gear acquisition is what it's about? Who cares about a different color of an already ugly armor set? Or another stupid speeder that doesn't go any faster? Or yet another meaningless title? If you play an MMO and not expect any kind of gear grind, you are delusional.


Now BW trivializes this effort and rewards the new comers/casuals/whiney crybaby forum QQ'ers who didn't/couldn't put in the time to get the gear. Basically a big FU to their most dedicated players.


Now all the "true pvp'ers" who have so much skill have a level playing field (like it wasn't level before. If you did what you were so skilled at, you would have the gear too...)


Do I have a problem fighting other people with the same gear as me? Not in the least. Do I have a problem with people getting the same gear in one day when it took me 3 months? Damn right I do.


So like I said in a different post, I will have my fresh 50's bypass all the blue recruit gear, the wz comm BM gear and I will solo Q in ranked wz and lose my way to top tier gear. Once I have it, then I will start playing for rank if I still have time left on my sub and 1.2 redeems this game enough to keep playing.



I think it's you who is delusional about mmorpg. The mmorpg genre is changing. There is no law that says an mmorpg has to have pvp gear progression and most mmorpg are heading in that direction. You only need to look at GW2, which is supposed to be a pvp oriented mmorpg. Thus, why don't get with the times and stop living in the past. No major mmorpg company is going to invest millions to appease a small hardcore pvp player base. Your kind had your time in the sun years ago, now it's over.

Edited by Knockerz
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I just took a look on new bm DPS gear (http://mmo-mechanics.com/news.php?article=battlemasterrakata-stats-on-pts) and noticed that FORCE users have surge on 3 of 5 bm pieces. On other side TECH users have useless accuracy on EACH of 5 pieces. Since it will took a while to get warhero gear and we forced to use enhancements with expertise for better perfomance I conclude that TECH users obviously in disadvantage.
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So the PvP gear grind is still there. Putting Expertise on crappy mods forces you to either


A- suck




B- buy extra gear that you don't need to replace the mods.


PvP gear progression is still there.


I think it's a little early in the game's life cycle to be making such drastic cave-ins to the whinerbase, but I'm not worried yet.

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I just took a look on new bm DPS gear (http://mmo-mechanics.com/news.php?article=battlemasterrakata-stats-on-pts) and noticed that FORCE users have surge on 3 of 5 bm pieces. On other side TECH users have useless accuracy on EACH of 5 pieces. Since it will took a while to get warhero gear and we forced to use enhancements with expertise for better perfomance I conclude that TECH users obviously in disadvantage.


Accuracy is not useless lol

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But Accuracy is BORING! Who wants Accuracy on their gear anyway? Gief moar POWAH!


...and then, too late, they realized, that all of their shiney new augmented orange gear would need boring old ACCURACY AUGMENTS to make them viable...

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But Accuracy is BORING! Who wants Accuracy on their gear anyway? Gief moar POWAH!


...and then, too late, they realized, that all of their shiney new augmented orange gear would need boring old ACCURACY AUGMENTS to make them viable...


Accuracy is one of the most undervalued stat in the game, it can make such a big difference.

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Keep trolling.

Most scoundrel's/op's useful attacks are TECH so they can't miss.

So please explain me why do they need so much accuracy?


Accuracy reduces the targets defenses.....


not armor


imma still trolling??


there is other alternatives for your class tho


not all Smuggler gear has Accuracy on it.

Edited by Scotland
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New Patch, new gear. Your gear isn't worthless you just have to earn new stuff.


Isn't that the point of major content patches?


I was a little upset that War Hero requires BM but I can live with it since getting BM won't be TOO hard.

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