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Why Roll for Social Points?


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I routinely (almost exclusively) level with a group. I find that often, one person can disproportionately win the social point rolls in conversations. This is being addressed in 1.2 which is great. But my question is, why roll for social points at all? Why not just award them evenly? I'm not talking about rolling for the conversation outcome, just the points. Is there a logic to it?
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No logic whatsoever. Someone at Bioware had a terrible idea and everyone else just went along with it. The best part is, as you said, instead of just getting rid of this idiotic system, they're trying to "fix" it. I guess they need to determine who gets to say their dialogue... but that in itself is a horrible system. Why are my choices overshadowed by someone else because of a friggin dice roll? Edited by Havocx
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Well, clearly, if you manage to win a /roll it is because you are a more social person... uhm...

Well, um... if you're unable to get a word in edgewise in a real conversation... you're *less* social than the guys talking over you?



I just pictured this:

NPC: So, the plan is to blow up the planet.

Player 1: That's a ter---


NPC: Great, can I count on you to kill the civilians to keep them distracted?

Player 1: I don't th----

Player 2: Of course.

Player 1: Okay.... :(

Edited by Darth_Vicente
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No logic whatsoever. Someone at Bioware had a terrible idea and everyone else just went along with it. The best part is, as you said, instead of just getting rid of this idiotic system, they're trying to "fix" it. I guess they need to determine who gets to say their dialogue... but that in itself is a horrible system. Why are my choices overshadowed by someone else because of a friggin dice roll?


And how would you determine whose choices are the ones that affect the conversation?

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The whole social mechanic is off. For example, if I pug a HEROIC most of the time, I get squat since there are no/few convos. Help someone in the world out with a boss, zilch (once you form a group, you should be getting social points, based on time or kills, whatever).


So the one place where I can get points, I have to hope to win a roll?? And given my self-centered recency bias:cool:, I never seem to win these. And since there are social rewards, and more coming in 1.2....

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The whole social mechanic is off. For example, if I pug a HEROIC most of the time, I get squat since there are no/few convos. Help someone in the world out with a boss, zilch (once you form a group, you should be getting social points, based on time or kills, whatever).


So the one place where I can get points, I have to hope to win a roll?? And given my self-centered recency bias:cool:, I never seem to win these. And since there are social rewards, and more coming in 1.2....


have you actually put that up in the suggestion forums?


because... while I personally don't have a problem with the random rolls.. I .love. the idea of getting social points by just being in a party doing things (like I don't know, getting points for being in combat, landing hits in combat, healing party members, stuff like that... maybe comparable to warzone medals)

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have you actually put that up in the suggestion forums?


because... while I personally don't have a problem with the random rolls.. I .love. the idea of getting social points by just being in a party doing things (like I don't know, getting points for being in combat, landing hits in combat, healing party members, stuff like that... maybe comparable to warzone medals)


I will now. I assumed (wrongly I guess) that there was a point to it.

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they already kind of have a system in place or it. Legacy xp. Just do something similar, if you earn xp while grouped, boom, some social points.


yeahh... but I don't think that just being in a group should be the only requirement to do something, because that will end in people afk-grouping... :rolleyes:

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... because then there is some tension involved at least in the process? It feels like a minor win whenever you get to "speak".


Over time this sort of thing averages out anyway. Two people who do the same amount of group content in the same size groups will almost certainly make very nearly the same amount of points assuming the RNG aspect isn't entirely bugged.

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I routinely (almost exclusively) level with a group. I find that often, one person can disproportionately win the social point rolls in conversations. This is being addressed in 1.2 which is great. But my question is, why roll for social points at all? Why not just award them evenly? I'm not talking about rolling for the conversation outcome, just the points. Is there a logic to it?


It's to add some random flavor into the system, and a roll has to be performed anyway to see which of the 2-4 characters gets to respond to the next part of the dialogue.


It is an MMO*RPG* after all...

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I routinely (almost exclusively) level with a group. I find that often, one person can disproportionately win the social point rolls in conversations. This is being addressed in 1.2 which is great. But my question is, why roll for social points at all? Why not just award them evenly? I'm not talking about rolling for the conversation outcome, just the points. Is there a logic to it?


The same logic as the loot system (need or greed) you roll for your reward after completing something. With your argument everyone in the group should get a copy of everything that drops off of every mob that the group kills instead of rolling for it.

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The same logic as the loot system (need or greed) you roll for your reward after completing something. With your argument everyone in the group should get a copy of everything that drops off of every mob that the group kills instead of rolling for it.
actually, no.

the loot is like getting the sequence's time to appear and talk. social points is like the exp you gained from mobs, from which it's actually equally shared.

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I routinely (almost exclusively) level with a group. I find that often, one person can disproportionately win the social point rolls in conversations. This is being addressed in 1.2 which is great. But my question is, why roll for social points at all? Why not just award them evenly? I'm not talking about rolling for the conversation outcome, just the points. Is there a logic to it?


Social point I have heard about them but not really sure what they do or where they come from. My lvl50 has social rank 1 and I see no option to increase it.

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Can anyone tell me what will change in 1.2? Can't find anything bout' social points in the patch notes.


Anyhow! I find it highly annoying you don't get any social points in PvP. And unless you level with someone, the only viable choise to reach a high lvl social rank at 50 is Esseles/Black Talon....

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What's the point of rolling on discussions? To give a fair chance to people who may want to see the story play out differently (light side/dark side stories).


While some people don't care about plot gimmicks, some do. And when you group with people who may not play the same alignment as you, there has to be a system which will decide who's choice will be played out.


And I think that system is fair, to be honest. It is all purely random. And in luck, everyone is treated equally and fairly.


And the reward for such a system is Social Points. And what better idea to reward the winner of the roll with Double SP? It seems a fair advantage to the winner.

Edited by SnapWolf
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Can anyone tell me what will change in 1.2? Can't find anything bout' social points in the patch notes.


Anyhow! I find it highly annoying you don't get any social points in PvP. And unless you level with someone, the only viable choise to reach a high lvl social rank at 50 is Esseles/Black Talon....



Agreed. As I am nearing level 60 in the Warzones, I know about every single ally player as WELL as the enemy. We're like old friends when I'm shooting their faces off.

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