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Why does everyone hate patch 1.2?


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I am hearing allot of controversy about game update 1.2 what is it all about? I hear something about pvp. To me, people seem pretty upset but I don't get why exactly. Could someone paraphrase to me the pros and cons of patch 1.2?


pros: legacy..sorta


cons: everything else.

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I am hearing allot of controversy about game update 1.2 what is it all about? I hear something about pvp. To me, people seem pretty upset but I don't get why exactly. Could someone paraphrase to me the pros and cons of patch 1.2?


Happens all the time with every patch, in any mmo i have played, knee jerk reactions, to things allot of people have not even played yet, they assume much, I can't count the times i have read patch notes and when the patch came out, i have to make very little changes in my play style, and I have read some notes that did not seem to bad, and wow was I wrong.. Never gona please every one, I will hold out until i see how thing really play.

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New Operation: Reports are VERY positive. See for yourself in the Test Server Forums


PvP changes : people will complain all the time


Legacy : people were having stupid expectations.


New instance : Not read much about it


New gear system : some disappointment we can't transfer pre 1.2 armoring set bonuses to orange gear like we will be able with post 1.2 gear. Again, mild displeasure, will be forgotten very soon.



Overall, not everyone hates it. I'm actually very excited about it. This comunity is as painful as it ever was since launch. Just the continuity in the endless assault by complainers.


And BTW original poster : you are NOT helping. By posting such a title, you contribute to the overall negativity and hate in those forums. Should you want insight on the 1.2 patch, go see for yourself, and stop spreading fear.

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Because after announcing a bunch of neat things regarding legacy and UI that they're going to add, they've been aggressively trying to make the game worse with every other thing since.


And you know this for a fact since you have played so much of the new content that is comming out, huh? Chill for crying out loud.

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New WZ, OPs, and FPs are cons?




Same old same old. Where is the new innovative content, i dont see it, all i see is "basic MMO" stuff that was meant to be in at launch.


What worries me the most is, how many patchs after 1.2 will it take to fix 1.2. We all know there track record with bugged content.


There needs to be a lot more communication going on with there testing atm,1 or 2 posts a day that are irrelavant to the testing phase won't cut it. They can't even provide us the means to test it properly With the xfer systems they have for it.

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Hating on stauff is what antagonist attention junkies do. Personally, I think the patch is excellent and addresses many of the "quality of life" issues. Is it perfect? Nope. Is it eveything? Nope. Is it worthwhile? Depends on the person but for me it definitely is. LOVE the customizable UI. Edited by GalacticKegger
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I have already warned them that no class needs to be nerfed to balance out things.

They just don't read or listen ... they are still one offline game devs, not any mmo devs I know.


Shocking... and here I totally thought that Bioware hung their hats on your every word and worshiped the ground you walked on. :p


My sig could be helpful for you me thinks. :)

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Hating on stauff is what antagonist attention junkies do. Personally, I think the patch is excellent and addresses many of the "quality of life" issues. Is it perfect? Nope. Is it eveything? Nope. Is it worthwhile? Depends on the person but for me it definitely is. LOVE the customizable UI.


I agree with GK on everything he said here.

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