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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Feedback request from James Ohlen: PvP


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Make it so the person who is carrying the Hutt-ball can't use any mobility-enhancing abilities. This includes force charge, force speed, etc...


This would promote passing and coordination, while making it so a class like a sorc doesn't instantly outclass say a dps merc for ball running. Tanks would still be the best ball carriers of course, but overall assorted teams that don't stack inquisitors/juggernauts would have a better chance of winning.

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I would add some form of Keep PvP, it wouldn't matter if it's a Warzone or an Open PvP Zone, if it's an actual Keep or a Spaceship.

For me, Keep PvP with defense mechanisms , breakable gates, NPC guards, maybe siege vehicles, and most impotantly a large number of partaking players, has always been the best form of PvP, not the most organised, not the most skillful, but surely the most fun.

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My biggest issue was definitely the lack of open world pvp and the segregation of the factions. I think I saw 2 republic players on my entire ride to 50, which in my book is completely unacceptable. How are we supposed to feel like there is a massive struggle for galactic control if there is no actual struggle at all?




More open world activities that brings factions to the same locations on the worlds. This could be world objective based, dynamic events, world bosses, rare monster spawns, capturing opposing faction camps, etc. There is NONE of this. Even the daily questing on Ilum doesn't promote open world pvp.


Second solution, merge the dang servers. There just isn't enough population on the servers to make the gigantic worlds feel alive. I fear part of the reason I didn't see any opposing faction players is because server population cap was too low with too much instancing. Stop trying to appease the solo, for lack of a better term 'carebears', and give those of us that rolled on a pvp server something to be excited about.


Thanks for listening!

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Hey everyone! James Ohlen, Game Director for Star Wars: The Old Republic, would like to solicit some feedback from the community on weekly basis.


He's going to be taking feedback directly via his Twitter account, but if you're not on Twitter, we're going to reproduce his question here and would love to get your feedback here too.


Please limit your feedback to the question James wants discussed. Feel free to link to other threads and please keep your feedback constructive and on-topic!


Here is James' question for this week:


If you could make one change to PVP in SWTOR, what would you want it to be?


Remember, you can follow James on Twitter @JamesOhlen; you can follow our main account @SWTOR.


Add real open world PvP with objectives that effect the server as a whole not just for pvp. Also include bases that guilds can create and maintain. (there have been many ideas brought forth by the community for this)

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I would ask for a huttball map wit less terrain and obstacles. Huttball is all about pushing people off platforms and into fire. Whoever knocksback first wins.


I'd like to see huttball with less vertical terrain, specifically.


You do realize then that all that would turn into is like watching a little kids soccer game... A mass of players all huddled in a big blob as it moves from one end of the field to the other. No strategy what-so-ever.

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Ive always thought that Huttball would be a perfect Ranking Arena system. If it had its own Que with Multiple maps and Teams able to be formed. It would make it the sport of champions.


Track players accomplishments per season meters carried, scores, defenses, and Heals per game average.



MOAR Huttball MAPS!! Simple Complicated Whatever Just MOAR!!

Edited by mschrader
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I'd say some stat on mods, maybe perhaps in some of the AC skill trees (seems it would fit in with those going the tankish route), to increase the effectiveness of resolve in some way. It would just make logical sense that you would want to send in your tank first to capture an objective, run the ball, etc., and take the brunt of the dmg. Not just instantly be locked down and FF'd with no way to defend against it other than spam heals. Seems to me that defending a door or turret in VS and CW maps is just too easy and doesn't take enough of a resource commitment from the defending team relative to the commitment needed to capture. As it stands you either need to greatly overwhelm them with DPS before reinforcements can even arrive or get lucky. All two defenders need to do is interupt the cap attempts long enough for back up to show and then it's generally a lost cause barring again, greatly overwhelming DPS (exponentially now) or the luck of a lottery winner.


I want to say though, a more integrated open PvP environment though in questing areas so those questing are forced to assist one another and face the additional challenge of fending off attackers while meeting quest objectives. Seperated questing areas on PvP servers leaves us only engaging when we travel to and seek out the other side in their questing area. This just makes for a good ganking environment as leveling players generally just want to get their levels knocked out asap. Put it right in everyones face and force conflict imho. This would also lend itself to plenty of fertile grounds for large scale conflicts to emerge as one side calls in reinforcements and the other escalates in return until whole guilds and ops groups are at war over an area. Those types of PvP situations and escalations are some of my fondest memories in my MMO playing life :).

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I would add some form of Keep PvP, it wouldn't matter if it's a Warzone or an Open PvP Zone, if it's an actual Keep or a Spaceship.

For me, Keep PvP with defense mechanisms , breakable gates, NPC guards, maybe siege vehicles, and most impotantly a large number of partaking players, has always been the best form of PvP, not the most organised, not the most skillful, but surely the most fun.


I agree with this 100%. The 1.3.6 version of Warhammer was the most fun PvP I've ever had (was too late on the scene to play DAoC, but same for that game I gather). Multiple objectives spread throughout the zone to encourage small group action while working towards larger objectives that have value to the realm as a whole.


Gates/Doors that provide the outnumbered side with a means to hold out against a larger force and multiple victory conditions available to both sides...for winning and for defending. That is a great RvR system.

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If you could make one change to PVP in SWTOR, what would you want it to be?


In short: Replicate the frontiers from DAoC.


- Large open map with 'home' area for each faction to defend(creates patriotism)

- Defensible points of interest(modern 'castles' equivalent)

- Very good reason to fight for them(relics equivalent - bring the PVE'rs out to defend)

- Ideally, a 3rd faction for population balancing(hey, you asked :p)

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- additional DR System for Roots


- Roots dispellable by every Healer


- Raidframes displaying Debuffs (a lot more stressed (bigger?!) and with filters to hide some buffs/debuffs e.g. sprint,mount,classbuffs


- Remove cooldown from Dispells (atleast for healer) instead create dispellprotection for coreabilities such as incendary missile dot etc.-


- Bugfix: Raidframes in Warzones displaying ALL players (would also be nice) ...


- Guard too strong: 30-40% would be fine. Also tank stances dmg penalty is too low


- Voidstar: redesign -> spawn is too close at the gates -> stupid zerg

Edited by Tarairr
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Reduce / remove CC. It's way overboard. Nothing quite like being a melee and having to deal with stun, snare, root, knockback just to get within range of your target to do any damage. At least make resolve worth something. The bar does nothing against someone who knows how to work around it, so why not make all these things fill it up?


I know that won't ever happen, how about open world PvP. I saw exactly 3 red names on my trip to 50...that's not terribly interesting. Factions need to mingle with each other more so there can be some bloodshed.


Well, that's not going to happen either, so I'll jump on the bandwagon and go for removal of expertise.

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Tank spec'd juggernauts/guardians have a talent which allows them to channel force choke/stasis without actually channeling it. The CAST TELEKINETIC THROW/ FORCE LIGHTNING WHILE MOVING BWAHAHAHAHHAA was an exploit that was fixed in 1.1.5: they made cancelling it respect the GCD so you couldn't mash the button while moving and do ridiculous damage at the cost of ridiculous force (by having the first tick constantly hitting).


It either wasnt fixed or they figured out a way around the fix. the issue i have with the force choke/stasis isnt that their moving while doing it its that i have been seeing jedi using force choke instead of or in addition to force stasis, if you pay attention to the enemy cast bar and the animation their are obvious differences. im not saying everyone is doing these things just that it has been happening and the rate at which its continueing to happen seems to be increasing. my suggestion is just to have someone watching just to be sure it stops or at least happens less often. obviously having someone watch every single warzone would be impossible however having some people randomly watching the WZ's might at least cut down on it.

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I really feel there are too many volatile CC abilities. It isn't really noticeable in PvE, but in PvP, when you are surrounded by 3-4 players possibly at the same time, you can be stunned, etc many times in a row. In many of these cases, you end up dying well before the resolve meter could kick in and be of any help.


So, if I could change one thing about PvP, I'd say I'd replace all the stun-like abilities (for use in PvP, they would still stun in PvE).


I feel there should be more importance on good placement on the battlefield or refinement of skill rotation, or precise execution of specific skills at the right time. All of these elements involve player skill. Stunning the opponent, who cannot attack you, or move away, or do anything but stand there, while you use your best and brightest skills does not illustrate player skill.


Yes, every class has a CC breaking ability, and the resolve meter is in the game to stop consecutive CC attempts, but neither are that reliable.


Think back to the great battles in the Star Wars history. Did Darth Vader ever force choke Luke Skywalker? Did Han Solo ever kick a Trooper in the jewels? No, they swerved and dodged, knocked the enemy off their feet at important times, and made precise strikes at the perfect time to swing the battle in their favor.


And I feel there are plenty of underutilized CC effects that could be used to replace stuns in PvP.


We have a Force Jump, how about a tech-based jump back? Would be useful for any ranged class.


We have skill denial abilities, but none that really target healing abilities specifically. It'd be great to see a Shadow sneak up on a healer and lock him out of his healing abilities for 4 seconds. (or reduce his healing by 75% for 4 seconds)


To conclude, I want the fast-paced, all over the place Star Wars battles I grew to love from the movies. Right now, stuns deter this dream. Stuns lock people in place and effectively stop combat all together. Regardless of any CC breaking ability or refined resolve meter, the fact that stuns kill in PvP will always be true. Stuns do not have a volatile effect in PvE, but I feel they definitely do in PvP.


Thanks for reading.

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Crowd Control needs a MAJOR PVP nerf. There are too many CC abilities and there is no timeout between times they can be applied to you. Resolve needs to PREVENT all forms of CC.


CC needs a PVP immunity counter.


Being stuck standing still unable to do anything is NOT fun.

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Change all abilities so they can be balanced separately for PvP and PvE.


One of the most caustic topics that has plagued every MMO is that changes for PvE reasons screws up PvP balance and vice versa.


If all abilities can be balanced separately then perhaps that would be a good first step to reducing some of the animosity between PvP and PvE.

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currently the test realm we can buy battlemaster with WZ comendattions and no valor required, why? what about all those people who have played many WZ to get it?


this happened in WoW, and now haunts me here.




if a person can not play many hours, why they are given facilities at the expense of that if we are persistent?




Bad feeling about all of this.

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