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Everything posted by Aerion

  1. 1- All the gearing options goinig away will be missed, just ask my aim Guardian or my will/strength Scrapper. 2- Buying companions a new set of gear every two to three plantes has always been a challenge only the best of the best could face. 3- Leveling a char to 60 is a tremendous task requireing not only skill and a complex understanding of game mechanics but also almost a week of dedication. 4- Even if skill trees would be cut down, which has not been announced in any form, it would probably at 'worst' counter the creeping skillbloat 5- How exactly is doing content at the level it has been designed for making the game easier? 6- Because everyone knows that nothing brings more fun to a game than not being able to take part in content because you have not finished the obligatory gear grind yet.
  2. To be fair, the coat in the screenshot looks, besides a lighter colour, almost identical to the coat in the promotional image, which is shown in the launcher and at the rewards page. That being said, it is hilarious that nobody here is defending the coat itself, instead everybody is posting variations of "It is your own fault for believeing you would get something worthwhile.", has this community really a so poor opinion of the Devs that even the white knights are expecting a let down as default?
  3. How about 'Ravage Nicely'? or 'The-Three-Seconds-Immobile-Combo' or 'Master Strike* (*Caution: Does not generate Focus, is not affected by the 'Strike' Ability affecting part of Soresu Form)' or go full circle and call it 'Master Assault'. The last one might actually work.
  4. Not giving more points would still have been better than taking away an already earned point and then giving i back at a later level.
  5. My theory is that body type 4 is a relic from an early design stage, where Hutts were supposed to be playable.
  6. Meh, nothing horrible, but also nothing to look forward to. Mad Dash won't do much regarding kiting-susceptibility or movement related dps loss, at least not nearly as much as making Ravage/Masterstrike mobile would have done, come on BW we have been asking for it since release.
  7. http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/aker
  8. Ich würde dir zu dieser Punkteverteilung raten: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101MZfMrRrhddGRZMM.2 Taumeln ist im PvP absolute Pflicht und Schlachtruf gibt dir mehr Burst zu Kampfbeginn; Unerschütterlich bringt dir Wut für Fokusierte Verteidigung und auf Wut-Spalter kannst du ganz verzichten. Für reines PvE ist deine Punktverteilung aber absolut geeignet, wobei ich die Punkte aus Wut-Spalter noch in Dezimieren packen würde.
  9. Ich erzähle euch jetzt etwas was auch ich, zugegeben, lange nicht wahrhaben wollte: Die Devs wissen was sie tun, gerade wenn es ums Balancing geht haben sie, dank metrischer Daten und exaktem Wissen über die Spielmechaniken, viel mehr Wissen als ein Spieler, mit seinen anekdotischen Erfahrungen, je haben wird. Niemand sieht seine Klasse gerne generft, aber ein Nerf kommt nie Grundlos und wenn er doch mal zu hart ausfallen sollte kommt halt im nächsten Patch wieder ein Buff.
  10. Für mich sieht es so aus als hätten sich alle im Vorraus geäußerten Bedenken bewahrheitet: Gratis Spieler und Rückkehrer kriegen von vorn herein Einschränkungen vorgehalten, das schreckt ab, und im Shop gibts kaum Items zum direkt kaufen, die meisten wirklich interessanten Sache gibt es nur in Zufallspaketen. Naja, als Abospieler kann man wohl beides ignorieren und weiterspielen wie bisher, aber, was mich doch etwas stutzig macht: Da wird seit dem Release um Roben mit herunternehmbaren Kaputzengeben, und die Spielerschaft immer auf später vertröstet, und dann gibt es im Shop plötzlich adaptive Roben mit herrunter gelassenen Kaputzen die, soweit ich weiß, im normalen Spielverlauf nicht auftauchen, da drängt sich schon die Frage auf ob Dinge wie Kaputzen, CE Shop und Skillbloat überhaupt noch auf der To-Do-Liste der Devs stehen oder nahtlos in den Itemshop übergegeangen sind.
  11. Context my friend, context. I said that I'm unhappy with the amount of supportabilitys in the Guardians arsenal in the context of people claiming that Guardians don't need to be competitive DPS because they have support abilitys. If a Scrapper were to complain about their DPS nobody would say: "You are not supposed to be a competitive DPS, you are a off Healer since you have healing skills.", and that's my whole point. But I think we have hogged this thread long enouth with our dispute, so I'm just going to post one final statement: I'm not saying that Guardians need to be buffed, I am saying that some of their mechanics could be improved to achieve better accessability and a more stable performancecurve. Also I think that the argument: "You have skills of role X and therefore are inherently a hybrid between it and your chosen role" is nonsense. edit: Also sorry for bumping the thread, but I just can't let a reply go unanswered.
  12. I don't hate the fact that Guardians have support abilitys, infact, I hate nothing, hate is a stupid emotion. I just dislike the fact that the Guardians support abilitys are all the time brought up as a reason why the Vigilance tree supposedly doesn't need to be brought in line with other DPS trees. Just as you rightly said, a class can spec into DPS shouldn't be forced to DPS, but just as well, the fact that a class can be a tank, shouldn't mean that it has to be part tank, even when specced into a DPS tree. And honestly, arguing for the sake of arguing? I posted an opinion something like seven pages ago and since then have done nothing but justifing it to, and defending it from people who try to poke holes into said opinion.
  13. Under normal circumstances yes, but if the Guardians tank abilitys are used as an argument to derail every discussion about the DPS of the full Vigilance build, I'd rather see them move to the Defense tree.
  14. The DoTs are weak, but that's not the point, they are just another point that shows how the Vigilance tree is supposed to facilitate sustained damage, whenever that works or not is another question, but that's why I suggest changes. You can dislike playing a Scrapper all you want, but they are a burst class, infact so much that the patch that brought them in line in PvP caused them problems in PvE, where sustained damage is more important than burst. I don't know which video you are refering to, but the fact that the animation for Overhead Slash existed from the start doesn't mean that the Guardian was incepted as a DPS. He was first introduced to the community as a tank and after several people expressed their desire to play a Jedi melee DPS with a single saber he was confirmed to be able to DPS in the Taral V video. But even if he was incepted as a DPS, it wouldn't change the fact that there is too much support in the AC basic abilitys, preventing damage isn't what a DPS is supposed to do, its what a tank is supposed to do, and if the Developers intended the Guardian to be a tank with offtank trees, why should they have labeled it a DPS?
  15. Vigilance has some burst potential, but its main theme is sustained damage, that's why it adds DoTs to skills, accelerates focus gain, increases passive defenses and has a DoT as its ultimate. I personaly think that overall defenses are to bursty in this game, its just that a sustained damage tree like Vigilance is affected by that more than for example a burst tree like Scrapper As for your previous post a agree exept for one point: It's not intentional. You see the Guardian was incepted as a tank, but as the people asked for a single saber melee DPS, BioWare changed it so that I could be a DPS. The Problem is that the tank part is far too rooted into the ACs abilitys, owned to the fact that it started its life as a tank. If you ask me BioWare should make Taunt, Challenging Call, Guardian Leap, Freezing Force etc. require Soresu Form and add a cooldown to Form changes, sure it would make the current Guardian far weaker, but at least we had a footing for future discussions and wouldn't had to deal with this whole "Guardians aren't supposed to deal top damage, they're supporters" nonsense.
  16. Okay this makes sense, but it is kind of what I meant in the first place, while the Vigilance Guardian can deal burst of damage, he's largely build around to stay in combat for long times, shorter cooldowns, increased focus generation, while other classes go OOM of spend their offensive cooldowns, for him it doesn't matter if he has been in combat for ten sconds or two minutes. And this is whywhere I see a clash with the Guardians burst based defenses, if your strengh lies in outlasting your opponent your defenses should be build around it too, to allow you to fully reach your potential.
  17. Without wanting to oversimplify your post, are you saying that Guardians wouldn't survive a single fight if their cooldowns would be any weaker? Because if hat would be the case, their survivability would be in dire need of being reworked, the basic logic you mentioned implys that a weaker skill on a shorter cooldown, or even a passive would provide the same overall damage reduction, unless you would die dispite using it. But if that would be the case, it would mean that currently the Guardian is completly useless while his defensive skills are on cooldown, which in turn would mean that the Guardians passive mitigation would be in need of a huge buff. And don't get me wrong, but if you can use cooldowns as a demotivational tool, it just proof that your opponent doesn't know react to them in the right way. Its nice that you think of the Guardian as a paragon for his team, but objectivly, Guardians are good at putting pressure on a single target while several classes have better tools for shaping teamfights. If you manage to play psychological tricks on your opponent through your cooldown, impressive, but that isn't their main purpose, it's keeping you alive. If the things you mentioned are inherited in the classes design, the design needs to be changed, since Vigilance Guardians are neither Mezzers nor Supporters,but DPS. That's nice for you, but it's not about you or me, it's about the whole playerbase, and if a sizeable part of said playerbase has an issue with something, it deserves that this issue gets addressed.
  18. This is the point, Guardians have high mitigation when they can use all their cooldowns, I am suggesting that they'd have a more balanced performance if they had weaker, more available cooldowns. And second paragraph, the point again, you and me and several other players don't think that they are too hard, but a lot of players do, and I see no reason to tell these players "Too bad, you suck. Go play something else.". By the way, am I the only one who had an easy time killing Valis?
  19. Really, you did? This surprises my since half a page ago you said that I wanted for Guardians to have Saber Ward up for every fight. And believe me, I don't want to change your mind, I gave that up the second I saw that I deal in opinions where you deal in facts while talking about the same things, I reply to your posts because ignoring your replys would be rude, not because I hold your opinion in special regard. And to you and all the people who don't want to "dumb down" the Guardian: Look around you, look at this very forum, you may be fine with the current challenge level of the Guardian, but you are not the only player of SWTOR. For crying out loud, there are threads in which people say that they found storyline bosses of the Jedi Knight undefeatable with their Guardian. Do you think that all these threads complaining about Guardians are made by people who think that the Guardian is fine but want a buff anyway? The fact that we have more experience with MMORPGs or better pattern recognition skills doesn't mean that we have any more right to play the Guardian, especially not in a game in which the choice of class decides so much more than just the playstyle and for such an iconic class as the Guardian.
  20. There's no need to apologize Skroting, if anyone is to blame it's me, I am well aware that my opinions are controversial and that my way of expressing them tends to cause people who disagree with them to do so violently. Of course that doesn't mean that I wouldn't prefer a calm and levelheaded discussion. As for Darkshadz: It seems to me that you, and some other posters, have misunderstood me once again, and even through other people do have understood what I meant, I have to admit that my posts regarding the matter have been quite convoluted; so I'll try to reword my opinion as unambiguous as possible: I don't think that Vigilance Guardians need a buff, I can't say for sure that they don't, but I personaly can do pretty well with my Guardian. However I do believe that they waste potential because of the way their survivability works. Vigilance Guardians by design need to stay alive for a certain time to fully access their potential. Saber Ward is a strong survivability tool, but is also on a long cooldown, just as Enure is helpful in the right situations, but useles in others. My supposition is that if the Guardian had the same overall defense mechanisms in more readily avaible forms, instead of highs and lows, it would make him more accessible and fairer towards both his players as well as his opponents.
  21. While it affects all classes it does especially so to Guardians, this is what causes the very hard to play part everyone is talking about. But if you think that it's up to you to decide whatever belongs in which forum, feel free to apply for a job as admin at BioWare, if you want. And if you think that your arguments are inherited superior and rightous, don't expect me to justify or explain anything I post to you. This is what I meant, it should have been done from the very beginning, but it almost seems like the Vigilance tree was incepted not as a pure DPS tree but as a DPS tree for a tank class. Well, what's done is done, unless BioWare intends to go the Blizzard route of complitly redesigning classes with every Addon, no use complaining about it.
  22. One could argue that, since Vigilance is supposed to be a pure DPS class they should have higher DPS instead of their utility, then again at this point this would probably require some drastic changes to all Guardian trees and skills. Oh and Darkshadz: You are wrong and did nothing to prove otherwise,because this is not a single player game, it's an MMORPG. There's no need to further discuss anything. See, I can be vague and not make sense, too, it's not hard and it surely isn't contributing to the discussion.
  23. Because..? As much as I like to hear people telling me that I'm wrong without telling me why, it would be nice to actually have a discussion instead of just having people wallowing in their supposed superiority.
  24. A lot of people seem to think like that, and I always wondered, how do you justify that? Why should a certain class be harder to play than another? Saying that a class should only be avaible to higher skilled players is elitist, and even aside from that what should people who manage to play the harder class get out of it? The satisfying knowledge that they are somehow better than others? Or should harder to play classes have higher upwards potential thereby wrecking game balance? There are a few steps between faceroll and skillgated (which the Guardian isn't by the way, he is harder to play yes, but being able to play a Guardian isn't the lost ancient art people make it out to be).
  25. Well yes, I'm not asking for more damage mitigation, actually I'm not asking for any increase of the Guardians averaged performance, I'm asking for a more stable damage mitigation, for example by having skills that provide less reduction on a shorter cooldown, or even better (not just for the Guardian but for all classes) less overall dependency on cooldowns for mitigation. Of course, timing your cooldowns right is an important part of playing a class well, but I think that this should be mostly contained in one (series of) encounter(s), or in simpler words: You shouldn't be without your main source of damage mitigation because you have already been in a fight recently. Also you know how allergic against counting Soresu and shields as a Vigilances defense options I am. It's quite funny how you manage to ignore the parts of my posts that invalidate your reasons to rage and then accuse me of disregarding other peoples views and being narrow minded. I said, in no uncertain words, that I had prefered, not demanded, a single target snare that does damage instead of an AoE snare, not because I think that it would make a better skill but because I just prefer such skills. Also I said with equally clear words, that I don't think of Focused Defense but of the Guariands Defensive cooldowns overall, factoring in synergie with other skills and outside factors, as mediocre and additionaly added that I actually meant average, not mediocre. Also, I don't know if you have understood what my issues with the Guardian are, your post hints that you probably have not, but they are certainly not inherited in a class being ranged or melee, tank, heal or DPS.
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