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    Austin Tx
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    Technology, Music Production, Warhammer 40k
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  1. Title says it all, I have wasted so many mats on making the new orange items just to get crit augment slots on them. Not being able to recoup some of those losses makes it even more infuriating. Selling the items on the GTN is a joke cause people only want the augmented version of it. Please Voice your frustrations on this so that BW will fix this soon.
  2. Yes my slicing has gone down hill, Since the 1.2 patch my mission discoverys are at 5, yes 5 for teh past two weeks that is all I have gotten. My generic lockboxes give roughly 1500 creds and the crit ones or green as it were give 600 creds? Making going on the missions completely pointless. If over all I am supposed to be losing money by running the mission is what they intended then good job BW.
  3. well you are either trolling or serious... has the guide been updated?
  4. thats cause he is wearing sw armor....
  5. Simple request from me... I want to look exactly like the sith warriors in the intro cinematic that you guys made for the game. Black robes normal armor underneath with a cool face mask under a hood. You guys have gone way over the top with armor styles. Star Wars did have Iconic armor in the Movies. It was still Simple and effective. Dont follow on the Continued WoW armor path I Have been seeing. In fact if you get rid of Tier PVE/PVP armor all together and make everything Crafter created. It would Drive the economy so well and make crafters matter as a whole. With tons of variety and functionality you guys would have something that would make gamers swoon.
  6. I dont understand where he got all these project dates from... Is he just pulling things out of his ***?
  7. lol tru tru, I love my rage spec Jugg the way he is. Hopefully my love wont be changed by the patch.
  8. I really like the idea of having Guild Based OWPVP. This gives guilds something else to do as a guild. It encourages Pride and Teamwork. This could even be brought into the realm of Attacking other guilds capital ships when they come in. This not only creates a way to get rid of the bland repub vs empire battles and goes along with the cannon of during this era there is much infighting between dark side factions. This can also bring into play the Alliances that you had pre game launch on the forums as well as a possibility to bring in another aspect of endgame content with a pvp meta game feature. With the possibility to add in new planets that are specifically for this new guild on guild action. You still have the same leveling planets but adding in maybe 5 or 6 new planets with PVP in the main focus of them. You can gain valor commendations or even rare crafting mats for the the owning of certain territories. Maybe even and XP gain buff for your guild for different objectives held. Maybe even a monetary gain as well for over time holding of an area. The possibilities are endless, This could truly make this game completely original in a way that really hasnt been seen before. Run with it!!
  9. Ive always thought that Huttball would be a perfect Ranking Arena system. If it had its own Que with Multiple maps and Teams able to be formed. It would make it the sport of champions. Track players accomplishments per season meters carried, scores, defenses, and Heals per game average. MOAR Huttball MAPS!! Simple Complicated Whatever Just MOAR!!
  10. Stuns are out of hand. Period. Not every class should have a Stun. Resolve is dumb, it doesn't work most of the time.
  11. I dont know if you all have ever played EVE or know anything about it. It has an Ingenious way of both keeping subscribers keeping transactions in game and keeping up the ingame Economy as well. I player can go to the main website and purchase a 30 day PLEX (Pilot License Extension) This 30 days of prepaid game time. This item can then be redeemed INGAME and sold on the the in game Market (like the GTN) These go for reasonable prices, that are set by the ingame player base. So for players that want to play the game for virtually free they can as long as they earn enough money ingame to purchase a new GTC from the market. And for those with expendable income in real life that are short on creds in game can also be helped out. I thought that this was completely great and has kept alot of the Gold Farmers at bay with the Devs of EVE keeping options open for players in game. As well as stimulate the economy.
  12. Ya i would much rather be working forward instead of backwards... not only that why do we still get champ bags who cares about champ bags once we hit valor60, champ bags that will be giving us Cent comms which are utterly worthless
  13. I knew the repub didnt just magically get better at pvp over night... something was wrong... this explains what ive seen
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