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Feedback request from James Ohlen: PvP


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More maps like Huttball, specifically maps in which each team has their own static side or end zone with objectives that promote BOTH defense and offense and require team work to accomplish each.


TF2's 2Fort map is great like that. Lots of choke points, defensive positions and multiple levels and ways to attack but generally the high defense required by maps like this makes for great team play on offense and defense.


Huttball is like that. One variant that could be fun is a capture the flag option which requires getting past enemy defenses into their base and stealing the flag and fighting all the way back.


Some of us really love a defensive grind game. By contrast, when defending on Voidstar, I often feel like I am constantly falling back toward the defensive point, often with attackers between where I am and where I am trying to defend. I realize that's the nature of that map and I only raise it to contrast the difference between static base maps like Huttball and Voidstar.

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Tone down healing in pvp ever so slightly. What I'm seeing is that as people become more and more geared, the effectiveness of healing is going up. Particularly in Voidstar, having healers makes the defense nearly unstoppable.
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There really is nothing you can do now besides starting over.


Maybe you should have asked these questions before putting the game out?


Not that I believe for 1 second that anything said here will influence your decision. You are just playing to the crowd to pretend you care. And this is 100% obvious from the blatent misinformation you guys spew out regularly.


Does anyone here really feel like this company respects you as a customer?


All of us as players have the power to make all games better in the future.... Stop paying for crap. They will never ever take you seriously unless they feel it in their wallet's first.


-Warzone Victories will now update your dailies correctly-...... syke, even though that was in the patch notes you just DL'd It really wont be fixed till next week, but if this will shut you the eff up mission accomplished, thanks! ( small example, seriously...every patch their are notes that are incorrect or left out entirely or blatent lies so well stop qq'ing.


Just saying, don't bother.

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Another really good thing would be a "Huttball" tutorial where a player can learn the mechanics of the game without being under pressure in the arena. I know it took me a long time to get passing, and it still sometimes doesn't work. When I am in matches with other people, a lot of times someone will say "don't give me the ball I can't pass" or people will try to pass and can't:rolleyes:.


Also, if warzones are going to be objective based, then make objectives weighted heavier than "kills". Very tired of "medal hunters". In the majority of Pug warzone groups, most players just medal hunt and don't care about winning. I just don't understand that. I play to win.


I'd also like to see a penalty for abandoning your team during a warzone. That is crap. If you are a quitter, there should be a Loss of valor penalty as quitting is not very valorous.

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Need to make team colors diffrent in the mini map. If anything just in Huttball. Make it red and green like in the game play feild. Haveing everyonre the same color makes it to me way harder to find a teammate or to know where the defence is weak. My last MMO we could see where each other was but could not see the other team. So what ever works to make work for you. I like the war zones but I find it hard to keep track where my teammates are after you get killed. So think it over play with it. Yes everyone the same color in the map does make it a chalange but I think it would be funner if it was not.
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I would like more kinds of matches. heres what comes to my mind


escape the prison (access to prison defense systems operated from far away by us, the guards)

capture the intel (starwarsy capture the flag )

capture the stronghold (includes multiple NPC's)

elimination round (only 1 life per round)

classic deathmatch

space battle pvp

gladiator pit ( beast releases that attacks anyone )


something where both teams fight through NPC's as fast as possible to gain first dibs on the defenses that are at the center where both teams meet


But im sure you guys have thought about all of these and are keeping them for later.

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Allow stealth classes to get out of combat much quicker when they stop attacking so that they can re-stealth, you know, the core abiltiy of any stealth class. On my Concealment spec'd Operative sometimes it takes well over 10 seconds to get out of combat after I've stopped hitting someone and I cant restealth. This class relies on surprise and opening from stealth in PvP, yet it feels pretty gimped. And Operative spec'd DoT's should not be included in any countdown for the out of combat flag if this is happeneing, that timer should start the the moment we have stopped meleeing someone. And if the timer for OOC flag is longer than 5 seconds it needs shortening to 5 seconds.
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No more class "nerfs".


When doing a balance pass consider this...buff the rest to bring them in line. Lets take a simple example. Burst damage is too high so in response buff health/armor. People always say omg no you change how pve works too...so buff boss damage. Why do you frustrate your community with significant nerfs when you can balance skills. I have lots of ideas based on sound math.



P.S. please increase resolve for stuns/effects lasting more than 4 seconds.

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Make resolve fill up gradually and predictably based on how much time you are actively spending stunned, rooted and/or how far you are being pushed/pulled from/toward the source.


And ^make roots subject to resolve. But I consider indefinite single-target snaring to be a valid tactic for all classes - provided they have to actively work for it (and yes, I do wish Mercs' snares weren't RNG-proc-based, but rather a separate skill).


And for the love of this galaxy, do give all classes an equal amount of utility, or at least access to it through speccing. Who ever thought an obligatory sacrifice of utility for faceroll damage potential was a good idea? No player should feel like a sitting duck because of "rock-paper-scissor" mechanics that can't be altered, countered or ever prevented from happening again.


I'm probably in the minority here, but I love the more dynamic combat given by the amount of mobility and utility of all classes. Don't get me wrong; I hate stunlocks just as much as the next guy (hence my suggestion for changing up resolve mechanics) and I want less of it, but more sprinting, charging, flying, pulling and pushing.


More interesting mechanics and dynamic battlefields - less inescapable stunlocks and cookie-cutter playstyles.


More open and rich skill trees, maybe?

Edited by Athrins
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I read a lot of people writing "remove expertise".....probably casual PVP'ers or PVE'ers that are posting here. So as PVE'ers get their stuff doing RAIDs, PVP'ers deserve something special, and that's the better gear for PVP. If you cant live with that, just stay at PVE.


If you guys want to fix something, please work on the Open Wolrd PVP. Instanced PVP is fun just for a period, then it becames a boring grind... Open World PVP is the core of PVP... and right now, open Worl PVP in SWTOR is a FAIL.

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I would like the matches to start with a even number of players, not 8v4, 8v6, or 8v7- all matches should start wiith a balance number of people. If the timer reach 0 it should be a lost for both or a win for both. Edited by eyeseller
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I read a lot of people writing "remove expertise".....probably casual PVP'ers or PVE'ers that are posting here. So as PVE'ers get their stuff doing RAIDs, PVP'ers deserve something special, and that's the better gear for PVP. If you cant live with that, just stay at PVE.


Whats the difference in doing pvp and getting pvp gear over doing whatever and getting pvp gear?


Personally I dislike gear-centric games in the first-place. Id rather have skill-intensive game.

Edited by Karkais
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Warzone mechanics that steer away from just stalling on a node with tanks and healers in such a way that the area cannot be cleared out to cap a node before respawns have easily come back.


Serious problem in civil war and especially voidstar.


The new warzone seems to address this by having progress not lost on partial caps. I'd like to see this added to all nodes in the future (and in fact, would like it for existing ones too)

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