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Feedback request from James Ohlen: PvP


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Make PvP items BIS (best item in slot) for PvP.

Everytime when PvE equip becomes BIS for PvP, even just because of burst not overall damage or heal, PvP suffers.

Right now I personaly have exactly the right PvE items for my PvP char and am glad that my overall damage is buffed nicly from it. Most of min/max numbers addicted people like myself would always opt for the better BIS item, even if getting it is very difficult, time intensive or random.

This time I got lucky, had everything I needed from hardmode raids in just one run. Bought the rest or farmed it myself (around 20h farming for bracers).

But if there is some exotic PvE item which would be BIS even by a 0.0034% margin.


Everytime we see someone with it we rage a little bit inside.


Pushing PvP players forcibly into PvE (like making the recepies for the best stims drop in raids, but the mats needed "could" be farmed by anyone) is counter productive. It forces people to do something they hate or just do not want to invest time in.

Only raiders call for No-Expertise. They want to do PvP, too. Well even when PvP players do want to raid, you need to find several more people who want to raid in the same timeslots and are capable enough in the PvE department. Removing Expertise would be like making PvP equip en par with raid equip.


So make PvP equip actually BIS for PvP. 'nuff said.

Edited by Karenai
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Remove Expertise.


No way. I got almost full rakata gear in like 2 weeks. Im working for a loong time to get my Battlemaster gear. PVP players most be reward for hard work doing pvp not with luck on drops and pve gear.

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be able to choose witch warzone you wanna queue and if you wanna queue in a pure ungroup match so you dont have to worry about that nolive guildies that queue with full group all the times while you can only go solo.
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Show the important stats at the end of the hutball game. You know, stuff like goals, assists. It is suppose to be a sport right?


Nothing worse than being the only person to actual score for your team in a win, and yet getting no mvp votes.

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Sorry if this has been posted before......



Will artifice (or another crafting skill) gain the ability to make enhancements of different primary stats AND and expertise stat..... similar to the expertise crystals that will be available for crafting? If so, will these enhancements be for level 50, below level 50, or both?


Thank you.

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multiple world pvp...with open architecture...ie zones where we can battle for control...not those stupid turrets but control. of the area for time period if gained.


valor has to mean something ....... we dont want fantasy games in an arena....we want WAR....grand scale starwars style.


we dont need easier anything we need more freedom,more unique,more WAR>


this is an MMO not a single player game....if you need to spread the server load for pvp have every planet have areas to be battles over for conrol with control on planetary,galaxy levels gaining something for the victory.



yes we can kill each other now kinda.......but its griefing at best not war....and definately not grand all encompassing WAR ala starwars .


please feel free to email me for further MMO pvp war ideas....winks

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Adjust Resolve so instead of giving immunity when it fills you build resistance to CC as it builds. This would prevent someone who is 1 or 2 points away from being at full Resolve taking a 4 sec hard CC or 5 sec soft CC when they have already been heavily CC'd.


/completely agree


Resolve needs to be more like diminishing returns. If im stunned for 4 seconds, the next stun on me should only be half the time, then the next one i'm immune for x amount of seconds.


Alot of my friends don't like pvp in Stun Wars because of the current state of resolve... :(

Edited by Tripleplay
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It would be great if there was more in game text\tutorials (Codex perhaps?) explaining some of the various aspects of the PvP system.


I'm a new PvPer and was left scratching my head as to some key aspects of the system as a whole.


Some things that I came across that I questioned:


  • What is valor? How do I gain it? What is it used for?
  • There are multiple PvP vendors many with different currencies. Which one do I use? How do I gain the currencies for the other vendors?
  • What does being flagged as an MVP mean for me? What does awarding other players MVP mean for me?
  • WOAH! I'm level 12 and am in a fight with a level 42! Is this right? Why does this work?
  • Are there special stats I should be getting to boost my PvP abilities?
  • What are the objectives of the various PvP maps?


I eventually found my way to the forums where some of my questions were answered, and some were answered through trial and error. It would have been nice however to have some in-game repository of knowledge to tap into before venturing into the PvP system.


Thanks for reading.

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1. Arenas

2. Level 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49 Warzone brackets

3. In same faction vs same faction Warzones, I'd love to see a differentiation between aoe overlays, possibly based on team colours. For example, if I am playing Huttball against another Republic team I'd love a visual representation of which team is casting that Forcequake and thus whether or not I need to move out of it.

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In warzones where one side is outnumbered and that zone will end in 120 seconds do something to keep it even,


Voidstar and Alderaan could have NPC's that drop out as players join.


Don't make it so that the team with more players gets a free win.

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Make the pvp like in Dark Age of Camelot!


3 faction to reduce imbalance between classes

"keeps" to fight over to gain advantages that will make pvp in the wild more fun



^THIS but I don't now how SW would have a 3rd faction.... DAoC was fcking epic pvp. MAKE ME SOME DANG TOWERS TO TAKE

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I would like much more open world pvp. I am lvl 45 on a pvp server and have only stumbled across a member of the opposite faction on a couple of occassions on two planets so far. what is the point of a pvp server if you dont meet the opposite faction so you can pvp them? I want the 'risk' of pvp almost everywhere i go on a pvp server; otherwise it is PVE with battlegrounds.
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Remove the PvP grear grind (expitise) add a new system: like daoc witch is 130 levels and the first 50-60 level are no so hard to get but from there on you have to be hardcore pvp player to get feather, as far as i remeber it took some of the best pvpers in daoc 11 or 12 months to get to rank 85-90. the system comes with pvp only stuff like passive skill and ablities.


you have Mythic people at Bw they know it :)





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