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Feedback request from James Ohlen: PvP


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remove restrictions on all planets that prevent PVPers from getting to fight each other. For example I can't get to anchorhead on tatooine as an imperial and as a republic player I cant get to mos ila. Add in some questis that force the two factions to cross paths more often. It is all to apparent that the design of the game was so that open world PVP would be a rare occurance. Even at launch I experienced a small amount of PVP during leveling.
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I would most like to see large scale, long term PvP events with story line attached so that they change with every major update. These could be instances like the original Alterac Valley, or zones like Ilum.
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I would like to see the usefulness of healers in warzones be more limited. I think that the majority of healers do so in order to help their team win and not because they enjoy it more than other roles.


One suggestion as to how this could be mitigated is to introduce anti-healing debuffs(such as WoW's Mortal Strike which reduced healing received)


I would also like to see the gear appearance design be balanced. I've seen the new models for 1.2 and it's like you guys don't want to even pretend like you're being fair.

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I have already made a suggestion, but it has been quickly buried. But I have been thinking more about the subject.


Some changes I would like to see.


1) Instead of buying only pieces of gear, include the ability to purchase PvP mods (armor, enhancements, mods, hilts, barrels) with commendations. I am not sure who did the stat itemization on the current sets but they are a joke. Everyone that I know that is serious about PvP has rebuilt their gear with different mods.


2) Have PvP player crafted gear and mods.


3) Create consumables that will cleanse/cure/purge negative effects. There should be a significant CD on them.


4) Introduce resistance gear and stats (refer to my original post in this thread). This can be done either through mods or with consumables.


5) Make a Hard Core PvP rule set server. This would be a server where EVERYONE is red regardless of faction.


6) Open up all areas of the world to allow access by the opposing faction. With all of the talk of Open World PvP and bounty systems, it will never happen as long as the majority of the game is inaccessible to the enemy. Yes there will be griefing but it could be only turned on in the Hard Core servers (see above).


7) Penalty for dying. I am an old player. In the past games (UO, EQ, etc.) if you were killed by a player in open world you suffered for it. You either lost the gold or at least a single item. I know this will not be popular, but as it is now, there is no penalty at all. If anything make it where you lose valor when you are killed.


8) Create an AV for SW:ToR. That was one of the most enjoyable battle grounds ever. I remember the epic matches that would literally last a day or longer. It had a nice balance of PvP mixed with PvE objectives. I have my doubts as to whether the Hero engine in its current state could support 40 vs 40 though.


9) Have team registration for group ranked war fronts. I do not have a character high enough on the PTS to test ranked matches yet, but from my understanding there is not registered pre made teams. With out registered teams, you will see players switching the teams that they run with.

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BRING THE FACTIONS CLOSER! during lvling the ONLY time i ever saw the Republic was in warzones, NEVER in the open world except when i got to VOSS.


THere were some EPIC fights/battles on voss and i thought "THIS is the new TM vs SS" then you guys changed it to a sanctuary and all the FUN went down the drain.


In Fact, if I never ran a warzone, i would have NEVER seen a republic player because you guys have the 2 factions SO far apart. At lvl 50 it is such a CHORE to go ganking (which i love and what PVP servers are made for) because the areas are so far out of the way and in most cases just not worth it.




Create incentive to engage other faction OUTSIDE WARZONES on existing planets. Most planets have plenty of real estate to pull this off, it can be as simple as this resource can only be harvested in hotspot X, this wouldn't effect pve servers, and it would give pvp servers the huge battles the desire. Granted the resources are worth fighting for




In 1999 there was an AWESOME mmo called everquest, there was a server there that was all out PVP and when you killed another player in the open world there was a DROP!!! Sometimes they would even drop gear. Now the gear drops may be a bit much for today's mmo crowd but having players drop coms or something else would encorage the WORLD PVP which is basically....DEAD in this game.


I know technically it is difficult but to say it cant be done is saying something done in the 20th century is not possible in the 21st century...


"Things are only impossible until they are not" -The Picard

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TL;DR: Change Ilum using Frontier Mechanics similar to Dark Age of Camelot.


The biggest change needed for PvP is Ilum. We need to change Ilum entirely. You need to shamelessly steal from DAoC's frontier zone mechanics and have capturable outposts and bases that require small strike teams and larger ops groups to siege and control. No more clicking on an objective and now "holding the point".


First, the areas where you fight in Ilum aren’t nearly big enough. Open up the entire planetary map for continuous conflict, not just one zone. You should erect one or two ‘Fortress’ style objectives per zone that are captureable, and provide a faction wide buff as a reward for controlling (damage boost, health boost, healing boost, etc.). These objectives should not be a simple click and cap, but rather an entrenched battle to fight through tiered defenses, with some challenge to best at the end of the encounter to gain control of the objective. Each Fortress should have multiple ports of entry including scaling walls, slicing doors, and opening bolt holes.


Next, erect defenses around what are currently questing hubs, and allow those hubs to be captured by the opposing faction. Make each hub unique in some way to make it attractive to capture. Example: one hub will allow you to call in air strikes that can randomly bombard enemy forces around a particular fort, another would allow you to rez closer to an objective, and another allows the purchase of portable turrets to weaken the defenses or to be used to defend, etc.


Last, the more Fortresses your faction holds the weaker they become, and conversely the stronger the opposing faction Fortresses become. This is to prevent one faction or another from just completely dominating the entire planet due to a population imbalance, and also provides for more of the teeter totter effect that you want in open world PvP.

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I'd remove it entirely, it's ruining my PvE experience.


In all seriousness, I'd like to see Ilum turn into this DAoC type pvp that everyone keeps talking about so I can see how amazing it is for myself. ((I was too buried in CAL cs action to ever play it))

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1) Make ability's more responsive so those interrupts are more useful

2) There are too much knock backs (every class have one). Imagine huge battles. It would be chaos. :)

3) Stuns are same looking, boring and all last 4s. Make them more diverse(so we know what happened), fun (running in fear or sheeping is so cool in fantasy MMOs you can make some unique fun SW things) and give player something to do with them.(like if you put that debuff or use that ability and than stun it last 2s if you did that than it last 4s etc so there is some skill and strategy needed)

4) Healing cooldowns are like next ability don't produce heat etc. They are not very strategic. So healing is often only manage resources and use everything on cd. Make more diverse class cd with longer cd(2min) which are really life savings (like Lay on hands in WoW). That way players will have to think when to use them. It makes game more strategic for pvp healing.

5) Everyone likes to compete and to compare themselves with other. Make ranked arena's and big zones on planets where wars happen timed(Tol barad)


6) This is not "strictly pvp" but i will like to see on Hutta and in world this huge arenas where pvp is happening with vendors around them and some monitors, crowd walking around etc. so it feels like pvp is happening in game and not somewhere else.

7) This is not "strictly pvp" but enable dual spec or builds. So players can create for example they spec for pve healing, pvp healing , pve dps, pvp dps on they characters. Make them non changeable in warzones and put some cd. That way we can do more things in game. It's so annoying when you can't find group as dps because there is no tank or healer and than you need to respec every time. Make builds cash dumpers or connect them with some end game content or legacy so people feel it's an reward for playing.

Edited by Worfius
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NO to faction wide bufs from pvp outcomes.

The arrogance of these demands that pvp effect the whole faction is astounding.

PvE outcomes do not effect the entire faction and you dont see pve players demanding that their play style effect pvp players.


PVP play should only have effects on pvp play!

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removing bug that causes faction players empire are never CC !!!!!!! while we, Republicans are always CC ....

diversify the maps in bg, it's boring in the long.

ensure that the players play objective, fed up with seeing his teammates kill other players at the other end of the map and be the only one playing the objective... players do not even try to win, they just want to earn their four medals ...

Edited by nitrooox
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More Warzones or even pure pvp planets that are like Huttball.


By this I mean locations that are filled with hazards, natural or manufatured, with an emphasis on using CCs and physics effects like knockbacks, leap/charge, stuns, slows, sprints and grabs to kill your opponents and win the match.


There needs to be a greater emphasis on winning, rather than on racking up damage/healing done.


For example, double the valor gain if your team wins. The current system appears to reward players for being selfish, rather than for achieving team objectives. Everyone who carries a huttball or damages, heals or guards a huttball carrier should receive recognition during or after the match for having done so, other than through a generic "objectives" point system that doesn't tell you what you are being rewarded for.

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I would love to see cross server queuing for warzones, keep adding new warzones wich a new one is coming great, bring better looking gear, i gota say i saw some pics of the upcoming gear, doesnt look that great, not that it affects my gameplay just saying. Camera issue is apprently going to get fixed in 1.2 good finaly, but I would love to see the ability to do a few maccros not saying I want to auto-bot my whole skill bar, just for a few things like big cooldowns and relics, maybe put like a limit of binding skillz of some sort or worst case implement another empty bar on the because I am not a clicker and im sure im not the only one and I almost ran out of room for my skillz. I almost 100% sure that this will not get fix soon if at all. Finaly, i know some people might not like the idea of arenas, well having ranked warzones is the closest thing so i'll take that for now... still be nice to just pawn your fighting skillz in a team vs team battle of some sort, not bring the ball there or capture this, not saying that its boring, just be nice to have the option of something different but classic, when you think about it arenas have been in existence since the time of the Romans and probably even longer... and I know it possible to make it co-exist in the world of Star Wars, just look at Epi#2 or the TV series... good luck to you bioware hope you keep players interested by bringing things that they like.
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Don't remove expertise regardless of what people say, first i know you won't because it would just unbalance pvp and pve. For those who are requesting it, just think about it, people will just get pvp gear and then go in too raids with their pvp gear and pwn dps as much or better than those that grinded their actualy pve gear from raids, how is that fair for them? For the record I am not a pve player, I am mostly a pvp player so its not like i'm trying to defend just the pve or pvp side of things. So for those who are requesting this, just try to think about other logical stuff instead that they would actualy implement.
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Hi, i am Ordan and i play on Darth nihilus(French server) . I am sorry for my future mistakes,this is not my maternal language(so be nice with me):o .


So,for the Pvp,these are what i really want :


-firstly,Arena :Why ? Because it's for the competition,3v3 or 4v4 are the best bracket to see the best players(if class are balanced,if not it's just the best class on the best places) . But on the arena,i really don't want to win/obtain new stuff with better stats,i just want to win some useless things,kikoo things like new skin,title,pets,mount,just something special but with not any advantage in arena .(If you desagree with me and you prefer Battleground rated,i explain my view a few line later,at the end of my post after this logo *)


-then,i would like to have "wild" pvp(external i guess it's the right word) . Wild Pvp is very very nice on other game to be famous on your server(i don't speak about farm greykill,but hight lvl character) and on Swtor,it really miss . The Pvp on ilum suck,you only meet ennemies on their bases or on the middle place,so it's pretty close for "wild/external" Pvp .


-It would be very nice to balance the control on huttball,because skills like bump grap etc are unbalanced on this battleground,and if you got only sorcerer,it's really easy to win with full grap) .


-For the end,i would like news battleground,i could give you some idea soon(i posted some ideas on french's forums)




*I really think that battleground rated is too hard to organize for small guild,or for players who don't want to play with big guild,because it's really hard to get 7 good people connected in the same time for everybody . And when i am speaking about 7 good characters,i am not speaking about full stuff characters,but skilled characters and a lot of them are not available on the market :) But if we could have arena,for example 3v3 or 4v4 you can just group with your friend or catch 3 others people(not so hard) .

And an other things,when you are with 7 good people,you are less important than when you are with 2/3/4 others persons,and i want to be important because,like said a sith in my storie,i am theb est Bounty hunter of the galaxy :)





Thx for reading,sorry for my falts(i am not so good in english) and i hope i will see soon what i want on the game SWTOR:rolleyes:

Edited by Ordan-ordane
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I would like to get the sense that my PvP accomplishments matter to my faction. The war feels like a distant thing. Open world zone might help with this but they need to be properly incentivized and given a considerable testing period, in which feedback is taken into account.
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Open world PVP has always felt 'disconnected' to me. It seems to have no real purpose, and led me to the conclusion that Open World PVP should just be scrapped, and every planet is just PVE, and you only then PVP in Warzones, knowing you cued up for it. For better PVP experience, they should expand this more, so there are not only more War Zones to play in - more maps, but also arena's like the original KOTOR had use play through. I also really like the idea of pre made matches of 8 players. That is a really good idea I think, and will do some thing to help reduce the problem of under manned teams in Warzones.


Forget cross server cuing, most people DO NOT like it. Look at other ways of balancing factions, not recklessly using a nerf hammer on all the classes, taking away the reasons why we like playing those classes anyway. You will just loose people from the game otherwise.

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Another thing I would like to see in PvP is to allow us to use all of our abilities. What I am referring to is Pummel Strike for warriors when the target is impaired, I think it is Tamult(sp) for assassins. Also let us use our kick when the target is movement impaired. These would be great especially for the melee classes. With the current game mechanics almost all players have removed these abilities when they reached level 50 as they have no use in PvP or end game PvE content.
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Similar to what is in Warhammer, I would love for PvP "lakes" on each planet, most especially to add some open world PvP dynamics for PvE servers. Some of the best open world PvP I've experienced in my MMO gaming has been on a core server in WAR, hunting other players down in the PvP lakes.


However, this change might not be possible without changing a lot of the layout of the planets, so my second most wanted change in PvP is the complete removal of the Expertise stat. PvP stats are a very bad move, and only promote grinding gameplay where gear overshadows skill. People will sit there and worry more about gaining medals in Warzones (to get the end result of more valor and better PvP gear) instead of actually trying to win the match.


Honestly, Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning (WAR) mechanic for PvP seemed to be the most enjoyable PvP experience I have ever had in an MMO, better than WoW, LoTRO, and SWTOR. In my opinion, expertise is a huge part of this error. Removing expertise and designating open PvP zones would do it for me. The WAR open PvP zone had a castle with champion NPC's; you had multiple open pvp zones throughout each leveling area. So, to convert this for SWTOR an open PvP zone would be required for each planet.


The local NPC enemy forces would fill that keep/castle/stronghold/etc. Once the ownership changes hands, you receive a buff. Bah, you get the idea. If you had no castles to take, you could always queue for a Warzone.


Expertise gear takes far too long to obtain. If the time is more than two months to get a full set of end-game Rakata gear, the loot system is broken; same goes for PvP gear sets. It just makes no sense to have to reach valor 60 to be able to take advantage of Battlemaster gear; I will forever have a BM bag in the bank that I can not open, until this issue is fixed.


Comparatively, I feel the PvP loot system in SWTOR is broken, so I refuse to try to PvP as a healer or otherwise in light armor. Maybe is it the expertise gear I am lacking. I have tried to PvP quite a few times since release, but even at the beginning, there was (and still is) no defense against 5 enemy players all mobbing the healers.


At least the WoW priest could cast fear, almost negating the fact priest class wears cloth armor. Or was it warlock chain-casting-fear? Either way, both were in cloth. Light armor could be the real issue, but I have not tested this to be sure. So in my mind, if expertise is not the issue then its light armor. I do not know for sure; I may be wrong.


tl;dr?? PvP needs better balance, possibly by adding NPC's to open world pvp zones to each planet, remove expertise, and some way for light-armor wearers to protect themselves from being mobbed.

Edited by Holytoe
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