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Feedback request from James Ohlen: PvP


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-PVP space battles


-Bigger/more Warzones (more than 8ppl)


-PVP Areas on each planet for lvl 50s with objectives. Acces with orbital station, you land on this new zone get the objectives and claim the planet. If you (or maybe guild) own planet you get bonues (increased valor gain/drop rate from mobs) on that planet for lowbies/alts. If you own the sector (or 2-3 planets in that sector) bigger bonuses


-2v2 (with healing debuff after 4min) 3v3-4v4 arenas

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In common with most of the posts above, I would like interesting, tactical, story and / or reward motivated, non-lag fest open world pvp.


I understand you're working on overhauling Ilum, Outlaw's Den, and other areas. Please make this a priority.

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If you could make one change to PVP in SWTOR, what would you want it to be?


Remember, you can follow James on Twitter @JamesOhlen; you can follow our main account @SWTOR.



1. Put PvP objects on planets/spaceports/cities/warcamps/fortress which ppl can attack. Make planets be like some kind of Illum...so ppl can choose to level up through pve or pvp

2. Make some large scale PvP like some kind of Assault of Corusant/Typhon or Koribah/Dromund Kaas - 8/16 ppl parties can attack capital of opposite fraction

3.(it has some part of 1.) Planets should has PvP Zones so ppl can go there duel/fight/battle/farm each other and you can put some objects to take/destroy/hold/convoy to guard/disarm bomb/hold lines etc.

4. Or RvR like Warhammer

Edited by Ogi-Wan-BG
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If you could make one change to PVP in SWTOR, what would you want it to be?


The most important change would be improving the NET CODE.How many time i charge (i play a jugg) a moving player, he get root, i smash on where i see him and i hit nothing... and a few second later i really see where he is, few meter away... or start a force choke on a player, say a sorc, and after 1/2 sec the channeled stun has started i get knowback by him...

It's not a ping problem... my latency is quite low for an MMO (around 40-50) is the comunication betwen client and server that is bad.


After that rework the CC System.

I know your intent were to allow certain class to get a full routine with more than 1 cc. and in 1v1 resolve would work great. But this game is not 1v1. There is too many hard cc on too low cd. Currently resolve allow you to get stunned for 8 second. Until now with max 4 man premade rarely happen. With rated wz you will allowa 8 man premade it will be a real problem. Lower the max stun time to 6 sec.

Useless to say 8 sec stun with a focus from the dps in a organized pvp is a death sentence. no guard no taunt no heal will save you.

I would start by reducing all stun to a MAX of 3 sec, making the ranged stun (30 meter) 2 sec and the melee 3 sec.

Increase the cd on aoe mezz.

Root ARE CC. You can clean them with the cc breaker but don't count in the resolve bar? there is a logic problem here... either count them in the resolve (maybe same value as a mezz) of make them all break after 1 dmg.

Watch in your garden. WAR had the same problem with cc after the release. (Morale Ability were too strong). They change stun to stagger. and it works great. that's another way to fix the stun extravaganza.

Edited by Boroming
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BW, you've done a good job on warzones and I'm sure with tweaking it will only get better. Do something about Open World PVP;


1. Valor/Commendation gain for Open World Kills. Properly incentivize Open World kills.

2. PVP Ranking system gained through kills/warzones. With titles! And it would be nice if you could lose rank/status/by being killed. Dying/losing needs to matter!

3. Objective based PVP with meaningful rewards. This is a vast topic. Look at your competition. Look at what GW 2 is trying to do. And do it better.

4. Super tough open World bosses with meaningful gear/ reward/ titles.

5. Drop expertise! Honestly the distinction between PVP and PVE gear is not meaningful anymore. Lets all have fun together.

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I want a few more warzones (like 4 or 5). Bigger scale warzones, with mounts (I like to think of the amphitheatre naval battle julius caesar put on)..


And definately we need more in the open world pvp. Base attacks what not~ Better ilum objectives.


Leave expertise in the game~

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Another one for rewards for participating in open world PVP (PVP servers / open PVP zones).


A month or so ago on Nadd's Sarcophagus a level 50 Sith character assaulted a Republic outpost on Tatooine, taking on players and NPC guards alike, energizing the usually static world in a way no script ever could. When I went to see what the commotion was all about I was ganked so fast I didn't catch the name or class. That guy or gal, and the Republic defenders, should have been given a sackful of commendations. And I should've gotten at least a lousy t-shirt with "PWNED by (name)" on it.

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kill expertise and focus teams on winning the wz---> cut to half or 3/4 all the rewards, medals included, for the loosing team.("congrats idiot you gather 12 medals but you loose so they worth like 5" will entice the players to win)


And just because i don't want to make post after post:

bigger wz: more players (full raid size) and just a bit room to move around.


make cap/kill objectives in enemy bases and corresponding rewards. as an example--> raid white nova for killing a grand moff put some pvp bot guards and leave the people defend their moff, hell you can even throw a faction buff for the kill... but limit it by time and lock outs, for population balance problems (same think would be cap a ship and bring it to your fleet, with buff or scenario implication on mid term, for all people on fleet to see and make it a tag item )

Edited by Narfirill
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Either resolve influences push-backs and roots (instead of only stuns) or it doesn't. so either a pushback etc increases resolve and is blocked by it, or it doesn't increase it but then it also doesn't block it.

the current 'pushbacks doesn't increase resolve but are blocked by a full resolve bar' is inconsistent.



To improve the standing of pvp, it needs an event-based, large-scale alternative to the endless warzones.

large scale: guild vs guild (or raid vs raid where the members belong to a guild alliance. multiple raids per alliance/guild possible). damage is done on everyone not part of the same raid or guild alliance.

event based: ~2 times a week, 2-3h duration

There are other possibilities but the base idea would be an attack/defense gameplay on different bases (indoor, outdoor, starship, etc).

Each base consists of multiple 'parts' (think voidstar) and is controlled by a guild. when the final control node is taken, the guild of the person that did the last (or most or whatever) damage is the new owner and everyone else it thrown out (maybe add a 2 min delay to give the defenders a time to organize).

the one that control a base at the end of the event-time keep it until the next event.

every day they keep it, they get a reward (guild leader, guild bank, a simple raid boss in the basement, think wow:Vault of Archavon).

different bases can drop different items and all have a different layout.

example (ragnarok online):



Additional Warzone objectives:

if you want to continue doing new objectives with warzones, tf2 has some nice ideas:

- capture the flag (different from huttball)

- king of the hill

- payload

- payload race

Edited by Anonymousy
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Improve force users deflection skills when using a lightsaber (expecially taking into consideration distance between the force user and the attacker) allowing them to reflect blaster fire against the source. Edited by Vetril
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It would be good if we get larger warzones ( just give up on ilum as a open world pvp zone and make it a WZ 24v24 without north and south assault) with similar mechanics to denova - when you control central its shooting at the enemy base and you can repair your own base when you take over central. Make it timed at 60min and once per day only or even longer duration and once a week on lockout like operations with war hero gear as rewards.


If you wish to add some sort of open world pvp it has to be based around PVE objectives or players are not going to participate (excluding guild events). From what we hear from the PTS the new Voss boss is a step in the right direction.


The next thing would be to add guild based PvP objectives like - taking control over Planets/Space Stations to get the right to tax ppl on it to fill the guild bank, these can be one time per week events also.



p.s. just started reading what other ppl are posting and it seems one of the most popular demands is to reduce CCs, i believe one of the reasons for that is the broken resolve system - in particular the ability to chain stun ppl with full resolve bar ( a lot of stun skills work for a second before the resolve immunity kicks in, choke for example). So multiple ppl can "chain stun" ppl with full resolve bar for quite a long time.


The easiest way to fix this would be to just give players the boss immunity buff as soon as the resolve bar fills. As thats already working and you cant stun the bosses even for a fraction of a second when they have it.

Edited by TheTitan_KoS
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If I could improve one thing I would give us the ability to fight over the different planets. It would bring a sense of life to the planets, and factional pride to the servers that right now doesn't seem to exist. Give us something to fight for, even if it's the basic flipping of towns/outposts like SWG.
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Well in my opinion,


The pvp in swtor is focused around group combat yet if you look at my main for instance a marauder in group situations is only good in rage spec. I think the best change to be made is give some classes more stream lining so that things become alittle more balanced ( ie as stated above reduce amount of knock backs, give more/less survivability where it is needed )


The pvp in swtor i enjoy but there are still some balancing issues between classes that should be your main focus james

Edited by MasterKayless
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Star Wars has epic battles.


Hence, TOR's PvP battles should feel truly epic : allow larger groups, larger scale WZs.

8 vs 8 is, well, dull...


Huttball is pretty well tailored for 8 vs 8 with its small map and fast-paced progression: it is just lacking more maps to bring some variation.


Alderaan on the other hand would be so much more fun in 16 vs 16 mode.


Last, but not least, we are in dire need of a large scale (cross server?) 24 vs 24 semi-instanced WZ, maybe on a persistent mode: battle lasts several hours but after you fulfill enough objectives, you earn 1 win for your PvP daily and weekly mission and, thus, can leave the WZ or choose to stay longer or the zone is instanced only at fixed hours switching between world PvP and true WZ mode.

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