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Feedback request from James Ohlen: PvP


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Take the current Resolve system and throw it into the dumpster, then start over with it and make it so that we don't end up spending our lifespan in stuns. Either divide the different spells in spell schools and put some serious diminishing returns for effects of the same school... aka stun, after stun, after stun. Or find some other way to lower the amount of CC, because let's face it... spending 1/5th of a warzone in Crowd Control just ain't fun.


I remember Gabe spending some time taking about the Resolve bar at the London Winterfest very proudly, so obviously this thing had undergone some kind of in house testing, so why has it been working so terribly in closed beta, open beta & then this past 3 months of live gameplay?


Why BioWare? Why?


I'm used to this in SWTOR y'know, but I know it's not normal. I have played other MMO's that had PVP in them, including Gabe's old haunt, Warhammer Online. I just don't understand how it is that a PvP system that is worked on by the same guy can be so very different?

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Make resolve based on a diminishing returns type system. As it stands now, a player can be stunned several times before their resolve bar is full and they become immune to stuns. I have had the most fun playing games with DR and a relatively quick immunity (ie: first stun full duration, second stun half duration, third stun immune + immune for 30 seconds). The game should not have mechanics that allow for players to spend 10 seconds in a stun that is not broken by damage (even if the stuns are applied by multiple players).


In any event, a full white resolve bar should grant CC immunity for 30 seconds, not just 10 or whatever it does now. Maybe make the CC duration dependent on how full the resolve bar is (ie: empty resolve bar: full duration, half full resolve: half duration, full resolve: immune to CC, white bar lasts 30 seconds).


Now Im writing on this forums because this doesnt exist.I hope it wont be like other fail mmos.

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Open world faction vs faction...


I frankly was amazed that a 'PvP' game had such limited actual fighting between the factions. I did not play WoW past its beta, and apparently it was limited to warzones there and is now that is what most people are used to. I really see this concept of PvP more as a sport then what I feel it should be.


Note, I am not good at pvp...but I always look for games that have PvP as an option because PvE only is boring.



I was in the beta for 6ish months before release day, I am shocked and disappointed that (in release) one account can actually have characters on both factions. I do not see a way around that now since the cat is out of the bag.

I do mention this because I DO think it might be possible for the game to migrate via your light/neutral/dark points INTO 3 sided conflict. Since the factions have mirror classes, it is conceivable in a star wars world that people should be able to switch sides (becoming their mirrored class)...a lot I could rant on for that, but won't... it is Food for Thought.

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ur joking right? then either your assasins/ shadows are bad, or the other classes are dam good at stopping an invisible target, if any class you were to mention how about operatives.


But at topic at hand, remove expertise. pvp should be about skill and a bit of luck


if you remove expertise you're going to see overgeared pve nerds blowing you up in pvp.


removing expertise is counter productive to what you seem to want.

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if you remove expertise you're going to see overgeared pve nerds blowing you up in pvp.


removing expertise is counter productive to what you seem to want.


This in spades:


You actually need to make expertise better to make it so that you need to get PVP gear to stand a chance. Currently having PVP gear helps, but having some PVP gear mixed with some PVE gear seems to be much better.

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PvP needs to be a large scale, persistent, world event that will allow entire guilds to PvP together to hold control over outposts, not just 8 people.


Amen this is what were missing. Battle for the planet control



On a side Note!


Would love to see attackable guild bases that can be bought kind of like as instance.

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I know this is a working process, but I would like to see each class have a more indept rotation. Instead of like spamming one ability over and over again. Also atleast some of the end of the tree abilities to be better(plasma probe) I like how yall are fixing it for 1.2, but Im not a big fan of have a aoe ability at that high of a skill. Maybe summon 2 of those floating droids that will fight with you for 20 sec. I would take out some of the stuns for each class- leave some but tone it down abit/ same with aoe.

I know yall have been talking about making a pod racing minigame, but I think it would be cool to have it a type of PvP racing! 10 people per game have about a 4 minute course which you go through it twice. (You could have a whole new bracket of pvp, non killing one, that could go with Pazaak, and some other games)(kinda like in Cod where they had a betting type of pvp with sticks and stones and the one bullet game)

On Open world PvP, why couldnt you let every class be able to go to every planet, but only be able to fight certain level range.1-10 have to be same lvl to fight. 11-20 Have to be atleast one level from them to fight. 21-30 3 levels apart. 31-40 4 levels apart. 41-49 5 lvls to fight. Levels 48,49, and 50 all can fight each other.

I know ranked warzones will add alot of competition to the game, but for me I would like to see arenas.

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I want PvP to MATTER.


How? Either have it grant a player abilities that increase his playing skill for X number of wins (DAoC style), or have some sort of perpetual combat in Ilum affect everyone in the realm (also DAoC style). What I mean is, if Ilum is controlled by the empire then all empire players get +10% exp/money/valor/something. Make it so that people feel like they need to defend thier realm.

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I would love to see Massive PVP zone whit some small operative VS mission for 4-8 player whit objectives. Like capture some point, place bomb, capture intel, etc... that could effect the capture of a planet. So whit the mission you can always balance if a faction have a disavantage. So yeah world PVP. Edited by Mrhappiness
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Don’t force me to PVP to get PVE gear. I don’t want to ever be in a situation that I am handicapped because I choose not to PVP.


Also, some none combat PVP would be nice.


I would much rather play a game of chess then figure out who mashes buttons the best. I am no good at button mashing thus not very interested in current PVP.

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Maybe a large scale match (75/100 vs 75/100) scheduled on the hour or every other hour in a large area with objectives, in which the winning faction controlls that area until the other faction wins it over in a match. The area would have to have something of value between matches (unique recources, flashpoint, world boss with unique gear, etc)


If not that then open world pvp with objectives

Edited by vaporizor
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Probably the most annoying thing for me is starting a PvP warzone at a disadvantage. I would prefer if the matchmaking system was a little more strick in starting matches where it's like 4-8 (I've had a warzone start with 3 in group once). Or perhaps artificially keeping the teams even, restricting the side that may have more people queing to only be as large as the smaller team.
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