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BW, you absolutely must roll back the zero credits for WZs nerf


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if all you do is que for warzones then what exactly do you need credits for?


At 50:

-Consumables (Medpacks, Stims, etc.)

-Crew Skills (not strictly necessary if you ONLY PvP, but some people like PvP and Crafting but not PvE)


Before 50:

-Gear from the GTN (PvP gear isn't sufficient on its own)

-New Abilities


-Crew Skills

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I agree that you earn a little too much in the way of credits from PVP. Maybe about 20% too much.


But to earn 0 credits from doing pvp....thats just way too harsh.




Same with the cost of getting gear with the warzone comms now. 1 piece of gear is outlandisly expensive. The current system reward/costs seems to be pretty spot on to me. Why change what isnt broken?

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Bioware kindly restrain the crack head making these decisions, and return the monkey. The monkey's decisions were more random, but at least they weren't as bad.


In other words I do not support this.


have you seen the 1.2 approved armour designs? The inmates clearly have control of the asylum

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This also kills people rerolling onto more popular servers to pvp.

They are really forced to play PvE just to make some money for WZ's.

Everything should be optional - PvE or PvP by the player's choice.

If they do this they might as well get rid of credit rewards for Flying missions as well.


Tone it down by 10-20% but it's pretty terrible to think that this will compel people to play more PvE rather than quit all together by cutting off outlets.

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Same with the cost of getting gear with the warzone comms now. 1 piece of gear is outlandisly expensive. The current system reward/costs seems to be pretty spot on to me. Why change what isnt broken?


I don't think the current rates are quite right, but an across-the-board cost increase is crazy.


As-is, the level 14 weapon is too expensive, and the level 20 armor is about right. Beyond the level 20 armor, they could probably reasonably increase costs to varying degrees, but I'd be happier if they added more different items to spend commendations on instead. Sure, everyone who PvPs regularly can buy a full set of the level 40 armor, but that's not because the armor is too cheap, it's because you have 20 levels to save up for it. Even worse is 40-49, where you earn more commendations per level (because XP from Warzones scales slower than the XP required to level), but only have 2 items that you can spend them on across all 10 levels (excluding item boxes that contain green items that are only useful 10% of the time).

Edited by Dzhokhar
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I was looking forward to 1.2 but the more i hear about it the worse it get. I think my time in this game is coming to a end soon.


I'm starting to agree with you.


I'm not usually one of those "do X or else I'll unsub" type people, but nerfing credit rewards for PvP is a very bad move. I have ZERO desire to do crafting or go out and quest again just to earn credits. This might be a deal breaker for me.

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Uh, at 50 you can get more credits in 5 minutes of PVE than you can get 30 minutes of PVP.


People arn't asking to get rich. We just want to get enough credits from PVP to pay for skill training as we level or pay for sending out companions on crew skill tasks while we pvp.


There is nothing wrong with the current rewards.

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I love the fact that on the same forum within a single minute you can find a topic like the following thread entitled:


Easiest way to earn credits?


You find answers like this (my emphasis added):




And then I come across the contents of this thread.




There are a few factors at play here.


-PvP currently isn't an overly effective way to get credits while leveling, pretty much no matter what you do.

-If you are trying to PvP competitively, you need credits to pay for consumables (and may barely be able to keep up with your costs).

-On the other hand, if you don't really care about winning/losing and are focused on stockpiling credits, then your costs are zero and PvPing while semi-afk is a fairly effective way to accumulate credits with little effort.

Edited by Dzhokhar
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1) We have no idea if the changes are intentional or not. There is evidence to suggest that they are: The patch notes specifically state that they made a change, and some of the changes to class balance are comparably crazy.

2) If the changes are not intentional, then BioWare might not know about them, or they might wait for a later patch to fix them if nobody complains.


1) The patch notes state that they rebalanced it, not removed it. If they were to remove credit gained from PvP they wouldn't bother showing credits as a reward. Also rebalanced could mean anything. For all you know their intention was to give more credits. Chances are the "zero" credit reward was intended for players that afk in warzones and the values atm are just bugged.


2)That's fine, let them know about it, but running around screaming that the sky is falling just makes everyone look like a bunch of QQer's. Not to mention your title of the thread gives the wrong impression. If you wanted to inform Bioware of the issue you could of titled the thread more appropriately. As it stands people are just reading the title and jumping into the thread posting their QQ of the day.


You all need to just take a chill pill and calm down.

Edited by Raansu
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1) The patch notes state that they rebalanced it, not removed it. If they were to remove credit gained from PvP they wouldn't bother showing credits as a reward. Also rebalanced could mean anything. For all you know their intention was to give more credits. Chances are the "zero" credit reward was intended for players that afk in warzones and the values atm are just bugged.


2)That's fine, let them know about it, but running around screaming that the sky is falling just makes everyone look like a bunch of QQer's. Not to mention your title of the thread gives the wrong impression. If you wanted to inform Bioware of the issue you could of titled the thread more appropriately. As it stands people are just reading the title and jumping into the thread posting their QQ of the day.


You all need to just take a chill pill and calm down.


If you read the thread, the credit rewards weren't reduced to 0. They were reduced to 0 or near-0 for losses and reduced significantly (but not to 0) for wins. It's not just a "oops, where there was supposed to be a positive number we put 0" bug. The end result is that credit rewards are dramatically reduced (but not eliminated), to the point where they appear to be insufficient to sustain anybody who primarily levels via PvP or utilizes consumables during endgame PvP. The current 1.2 credit rewards aren't what you would expect from a bug, they're what you would expect from an overzealous "rebalancing".

Edited by Dzhokhar
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this is fricking stupid. so they talk about having a legacy unlock to increase xp from pvp so players can level just by doing class quests and pvping instead of quest grinding yet they nerf the credit output... makes no sense. This will really hurt level 10-49 pvpers.
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There will be no 1-49 PVPers. You will have to spend 80% of your time in PVE just to make enough credits to pay to train your skills because currently you get half a level from a single WZ but maybe like 1k credits if you're lucky.
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There are a few factors at play here.


-PvP currently isn't an overly effective way to get credits while leveling, pretty much no matter what you do.

-If you are trying to PvP competitively, you need credits to pay for consumables (and may barely be able to keep up with your costs).

-On the other hand, if you don't really care about winning/losing and are focused on stockpiling credits, then your costs are zero and PvPing while semi-afk is a fairly effective way to accumulate credits with little effort.


And aren't they reducing end-of-match rewards depending on your performance? Aka the losers get less, and the people who barely have any medals get even less?


So they solved the semi-afker credit piling problem AND kicked everyone needlessly in the crotch at the same time.

Edited by EternalFinality
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And aren't they reducing end-of-match rewards depending on your performance? Aka the losers get less, and the people who barely have any medals get even less?


So they solved the semi-afker credit piling problem AND kicked everyone needlessly in the crotch at the same time.


You get no rewards if you have less than 3 medals. That said, you seriously have to AFK not to get 3 medals. By the end of an average match, you'll have at least 5, even if you just herp-derp around. If you actually participate, you're looking at 10+ easily.


As for cash, I don't remember, though I can log into the PTS with my lvl 11 (lol), and get back with that info.

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