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BW, you absolutely must roll back the zero credits for WZs nerf


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I'm sorry I didn't pick up on his political affiliation there....


Perhaps it's selective vision, dunno what to tell ya bub. :)


EDIT: selective comprehension may have been a better way of putting it. ;)

Edited by Stradoo
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No, he said a half of a level of XP, not half as much XP. This means that you get significantly more XP now. As a result, it's almost impossible to afford your new skills as you level up because the ratio of credits to XP is screwed up.


Additionally, they raised the costs of PvP commendation gear. From the sounds of it, it's now almost impossible to afford the lvl 20 PvP gear set by the time you actually hit lvl 20 because the ratios between PvP item costs, commendation rewards, and XP are so screwed up.


well then playas be playing more wz's before they can learn their skills then. No big deal there....

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No, he said a half of a level of XP, not half as much XP. This means that you get significantly more XP now. As a result, it's almost impossible to afford your new skills as you level up because the ratio of credits to XP is screwed up.


Additionally, they raised the costs of PvP commendation gear. From the sounds of it, it's now almost impossible to afford the lvl 20 PvP gear set by the time you actually hit lvl 20 because the ratios between PvP item costs, commendation rewards, and XP are so screwed up.


And to think BioWare said they wanted PvP'ers to be able to have the viable option of leveling solely through PvP. Sure, hitting 50 faster through PvP is nice. But when you can't afford your new abilities, let alone keep up with the already horrible sub-50 gearing options, then what's the point.


Massively disappointing for my alts, all of whom level through at least 50% PvP atm.

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Perhaps it's selective vision, dunno what to tell ya bub. :)


EDIT: selective comprehension may have been a better way of putting it. ;)


It looks like you selected it for him because he didn't state any political affiliation whatsoever.....

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wz cash was too much. Run your class quests like everyone else and some of the side quests in that area and you will be fine.


And when you're done with the PvE storyline and all the side quests?


I PvP exclusively. I DESPISE daily PvE quests.


Without income from PvP I have no incentive to be involved in the rest of the game at all.


In otherwords, my lifespan playing this game is directly tied to my interest in PvP. And it's waning really fast.

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And to think BioWare said they wanted PvP'ers to be able to have the viable option of leveling solely through PvP. Sure, hitting 50 faster through PvP is nice. But when you can't afford your new abilities, let alone keep up with the already horrible sub-50 gearing options, then what's the point.


Massively disappointing for my alts, all of whom level through at least 50% PvP atm.


oh dear, it is not that big of a deal really.....

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I think most of us can agree they needed to decrease the amount of credit earned from WZs but to make it zero??


very odd...seems like they are forcing people to PVE


Well hold on now some people are saying they are earning nothing in warzones, while some say they are earning less. Which is it people?

Edited by bellok
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Ok, BioWare deleted my post because I hurt their feeling when I said it's "stupid" to force us to do PVE


Just got to show how this game his run...


edit: nvm they just edited it

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Well hold on now some people are saying they are earning nothing in warzones, while some say they are earning less. Which is it people?


I haven't tried it myself, but it sounds like you get 0 or almost 0 for a loss and about 60-70% of what you used to get for simply participating when you win. It also sounds like there might not be any level scaling, so that at very low levels the credits would be fine if the rate of XP gain weren't so high, and at higher levels the number of credits is tiny.

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oh dear, it is not that big of a deal really.....


If you don't level through PvP, sure. But what is everything in the leveling process based around? Spending scaling amounts of credits on necessities, and keeping your gear up to date.


They've taken away the ability to do both of those things, unless you do PvE quests which I've already done multiple times. Leveling through PvP already wasn't that lucrative anyway. You can only make a respectable amount of credits in the 50's bracket, in which there are still plenty of ways to make way more credits than by doing PvP.

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Pretty goofy logic here. But hey... whatever floats your boat Captain! :)


It's essentially a reverse ponzi scheme. As long as people keep quitting, he keeps getting credits. Eventually, everyone he knows will have already quit and then he'll be screwed.

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I think most of us can agree they needed to decrease the amount of credit earned from WZs but to make it zero??


very odd...seems like they are forcing people to PVE


Why would we agree they should decrease it? it's not like you're making more than when you do PVE

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Well if that is the case then yes 0 credits for 15 minutes in a warzone is not good. 60-70% is too low still. Not when I think I average what 5k for winning a wz? Come on really? That was too many credits earned from 15 minutes? How about for the employees at BW they get 60-70% of their paycheck, and sometimes no money? I can arrange that. I can pay for a subscription. Cancel it. Play for that month. When that period is over I can wait 15 days and re sub. How does that sound?
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Holy crap batman!! Of all the things in this game why mess with this?!?! All i do at 50 is pvp. I buy some consumables every day since im not biochem. I always hover around 700k. Big deal. PVErs have quadruple that easy. Compared to them I am poor. So why nerf this. This is a huge slap on the people who level thru pvp. This is astonishing and needs to be changed before live or else your alienating the people who make pvp alts!


Bioware stop with the sweeping knee jerk nerfs!!! Have you ever heard of moderation??

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hopefully they just got their math wrong on the "re balancing" and it will get fixed soon. i cant see them letting this go live. even as much as im invested in this game atm i would still stop playing with this change.


You and I both, and I don't think Jekk Jekk Tar is ready for the both of us to leave.

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Have any of you knuckle heads even considered the possibility of it just being bugged or they got their values wrong in the code? Obviously getting zero credits was not their intention as well as I doubt getting over half a bar of xp was not intentional either. So take a chill pill.
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Have any of you knuckle heads even considered the possibility of it just being bugged or they got their values wrong in the code? Obviously getting zero credits was not their intention as well as I doubt getting over half a bar of xp was not intentional either. So take a chill pill.


/fashionstinfoilhat No it hasn't crossed my mind, because the waves of reason cannot penetrate my hat to acess my brain.

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This, if true, is game breaking. My ONLY source of credit is by doing both WZ's and the dailies for them.


I'm not one of those people who say , I'M QUITTING IF THIS DOESN'T CHANGE, but if it isn't change I foresee a lot of lost subs... and maybe mine if some of my friends leave.

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Have any of you knuckle heads even considered the possibility of it just being bugged or they got their values wrong in the code? Obviously getting zero credits was not their intention as well as I doubt getting over half a bar of xp was not intentional either. So take a chill pill.


1) We have no idea if the changes are intentional or not. There is evidence to suggest that they are: The patch notes specifically state that they made a change, and some of the changes to class balance are comparably crazy.

2) If the changes are not intentional, then BioWare might not know about them, or they might wait for a later patch to fix them if nobody complains.

Edited by Dzhokhar
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