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Mortar Volley AoE nerfed to 39%


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"Mortar Volley... now has a 5-meter radius to bring its range in line with other Trooper Area of Effect abilities..."

-Amber Green, 1.2 patch notes


Mortar Volley is a trooper's most powerful attack. Reducing the radius from 8 meters (201 square meters) to 5 meters (78 square meters) drops the total area to less than 39% of what it was.


Perhaps I speak for all troopers when I say that we don't want Mortar Volley "in line" with our other AoE abilities. We want it to be GOOD!


Speeding up the activation time is nice though; I think we're all very happy about that. But please, for the love of all that is armored in white, don't reduce the radius!


Can I get a wutwut?

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"Mortar Volley... now has a 5-meter radius to bring its range in line with other Trooper Area of Effect abilities..."

-Amber Green, 1.2 patch notes


Mortar Volley is a trooper's most powerful attack. Reducing the radius from 8 meters (201 square meters) to 5 meters (78 square meters) drops the total area to less than 39% of what it was.


Perhaps I speak for all troopers when I say that we don't want Mortar Volley "in line" with our other AoE abilities. We want it to be GOOD!


Speeding up the activation time is nice though; I think we're all very happy about that. But please, for the love of all that is armored in white, don't reduce the radius!


Can I get a wutwut?


I have yet to figure out why they cut the AoE down so much in the first place. It's meant to be a big opening move, and apparently big is bad?

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Yeah, before it actually had its use in PvP as you would still get in a hit or two due to huge radius. With the nerf, as you say its only 39% of the normal radius, it will be useless.


Decent AoE was the only thing this class had left going for it.. With that now also gone the class cant do anything that about any other classes can do better. Noone in their right mind would wish to start the game as commando after 1.2. We should all be given a free class reroll, pertaining level and gearequivalent.


Bye, bye commando. Too bad BW decided to remove you from the game. Hello witchdoctor (or maybe wizard)...

Edited by Niconogood
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Honestly, the size matters so much only because of the slow animation. With a faster animation it won't be as big an issue. People have a smaller window to get out of it and a smaller area to get out of. I doubt it'll change it a lot.
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That may be true in PvP, but in PvE there are a lot of groups of 3-4 that stannd apart. Someone said they tested and landing in the middle of those hit none instead of the group.


This, plus it gives you less wiggle room to hit adds on various bosses, like the ones on HM esseles for example. Since those adds are moving and the timing is so screwed up you need it to hit a big area just to make sure you tag them all and knock them down to buy you the time to kill em...now that's going to be alot trickier.

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Yeah, before it actually had its use in PvP as you would still get in a hit or two due to huge radius. With the nerf, as you say its only 39% of the normal radius, it will be useless.


Decent AoE was the only thing this class had left going for it.. With that now also gone the class cant do anything that about any other classes can do better. Noone in their right mind would wish to start the game as commando after 1.2. We should all be given a free class reroll, pertaining level and gearequivalent.


Bye, bye commando. Too bad BW decided to remove you from the game. Hello witchdoctor (or maybe wizard)...


demon hunter :cool:

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it's irrelevant in pvp anyways, nobody stands still long enough to justify using it. it's great in pve, or was anyways.


ACTUALLY, I use this quite frequently during pvp, and it helps a ton cause it dishes out so much damage. even with the activation time all messed up, I can still get it off while doin lots of damage to at least 3 people around it. I use it in all the wzs... If u want it to work well u should aim at the classes that are fixed in place the most, snipes/slingers and most healers, cause they're mostly caught up in healing to really notice tht much... so, ya, thts what I think :)

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It's almost like Bio wants us to not use it. And after this major nerf it's almost going the way of Explosive Round.


Have any of you even tested it out on the PTR yet?


It starts firing almost right away and does 6 shots over the period instead of 3, giving you a much better chance of hitting someone with more damage the small period of time they're in the effect.


You all whine way too much.

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I really haven't used it that much in PvE/PvP.


Really? Not meaning to be rude, but it's one of the best tools at your disposal whenever it's up.


In PvE, I frequently knockdown 3-5 mobs and if I don't kill all of them, they're all but dead. If there's a strong with them, he's not knocked down, but he loses at least a quarter of his life.


In PvP, I use this whenever it's up, especially at the doors in Voidstar (aka, "AoE Heaven"), or in Alderaan around the towers. The trick is not to aim where people ARE, but where they're GOING to be. Takes some practice, but I usually can hit 3 Imps, many of whom are perfectly happy to sit in an AoE, and the rest are hit because of the HUGE 8 m radius of Mortar Volley as it currently is. I've killed as many as 3 (already wounded) Imps with this.


If they nerf the radius but remove the delay, then you'll be able to hit PvP players just as easily as you do currently with Hail of Bolts (for Commandos). The big problem will be in PvE, where you'll be lucky to get more than 3 mobs. Sigh.

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my god lol... dramatizing too much?


I agree, no one really thought that it was OP but the still, even with that nerf, we can still hit our targets without a problem. You guys make it sound like this nerf completely made the game unplayable lol.

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Mortar Volley is used every time its up for me, its a great crowd scatterer.


It has 1 min cooldown


Sorc/Sage AoE have no cooldown, is instacast and has bigger radius


What the heck is up with that? there were no need to nerf the radius with that long cooldown.

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Mortar Volley is used every time its up for me, its a great crowd scatterer.


It has 1 min cooldown


Sorc/Sage AoE have no cooldown, is instacast and has bigger radius


What the heck is up with that? there were no need to nerf the radius with that long cooldown.


With as responsive as it is now, it'd be a bit overkill if it hit in a 16 meter wide circle.


Fires almost instantly with 6 shots spread across the entire cast instead of those three slow shots.


Good players will adapt and not let this be an issue, people that relied on it as an oper that did most of their damage to trash will probably fall behind.

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it's irrelevant in pvp anyways, nobody stands still long enough to justify using it. it's great in pve, or was anyways.


I think its nice in pvp, to open up in a big crowd of sith standing next to the blast doors, and kill 2 or 3, that are low on health.

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Heh, I don't mind saying it was a bit OP when the all trooper guild I'm in would all lay down a mortar volley at the same time in open world pvp and completely devastate another guild.


And I'll take more responsiveness for less area in warzones. That'll cut down on the interrupts I get before I even get off one tick.

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