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SWTOR's in your MMO stealing your subs


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Interesting article from Gamebreaker TV Apparently Blizzard is admitting that TOR is the reason (or one of them) that they have lost so many subs. They do give some pretty level headed reasons behind it; anyway it's worth a watch.


I think Blizzard is fooling themselves there.


They are losing subs because they release content patches at a snails pace and refuse to address problem specs.


I'm sure some people left WoW for ToR. I'm sure many others just left.

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This is nothing new. Whenever a new MMO releases, WoW always loses subs. Happened when AoC released, happened again during Warhammer release.


Everyone flocks to the new and shiny. Then the new MMO tanks and people flock back. SWTOR hasn't tanked yet. People are still looking forward to the 1.2 patch. When SWTOR tanks people will go back.


No MMO can kill WoW.


Wow will kill itself. It's already dying a slow and painful death on it's own. And Blizzard is very well aware of it.

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I think Blizzard is fooling themselves there.


They are losing subs because they release content patches at a snails pace and refuse to address problem specs.


I'm sure some people left WoW for ToR. I'm sure many others just left.


This guy is on to something.


6.5 years in wow, of which many long moments were spent staring at AH in dala/org/sw/IF etc

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WoW is currently in a "quiet state" in that many players have done just about everything they can do in the Cata expansion and it is still a few months before the next expansion comes out. So it is in a "quiet" phase where players are just "idling" around waiting for the next expansion. Many of them are going to other MMORGs as a "time filler" (waiting for the next expansion) and ToR just happens to be something new for them to go to.
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and according to the last issue of game informer Rift continued gaining subs...


That's a very good point and honestly I don't see that changing for RIFT or TOR like the game Breaker guys said TOR has bought in a crap ton of new players....I would say 40% of my guild are first time MMO players most of those are either KOTOR fans or just Star Wars fans and RIFT is grabbing a lot of Old School MMO players who are just tired of WoW.

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This shouldn't be news. I'm willing to bet most, if not all subscription-based MMOs took a hit because of TOR's release. That's just how it works.


Still, I'm not sure what conclusions to draw from this specific story. Are they leaving because of dissatisfaction with WoW? Satisfaction with TOR? It could be many many things causing players to jump ship and board this one--the simple presence of a new MMO on the market being one of them.

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I think Blizzard is fooling themselves there.


They are losing subs because they release content patches at a snails pace and refuse to address problem specs.


I'm sure some people left WoW for ToR. I'm sure many others just left.


They're probably losing subscriptions because people get tired of playing the same game for 7, 8, or however many years WoW has been around. Many MMO players also play the game several times a week, so it just gets old.


Also, many other MMOs look just like WoW. They're fantasy games that take place in times with magic, swords, shields, bows, et cetera. TOR, not ToR becuase the O doesn't stand for "of," is a different game with a science fiction look rather than the same thing. This doesn't mean that all the WoW subscribers came here, but I'm sure there are many that did.

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I honestly never even considered Rift until after reading the majority of people here liking the game. So it's now on my radar & will definitely have a serious look at it.


its F2P to 20 now, I'm really thinking if giving it another shot as well.

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and according to the last issue of game informer Rift continued gaining subs...


You mean regaining subs of all the hardcore they lost but not gaining any new players >.> nice omission there. Nots not forget F2P..thats hardly gaining Subs.. you can't gain subs if its F2P. Enjoy your cash shop game.

Edited by Kindara
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You mean regaining subs of all the hardcore they lost but not gaining any new players >.> nice omission there.


GI: So your paying subs are greater now than before TOR?



you must have a weird definition of greater than.

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This is nothing new. Whenever a new MMO releases, WoW always loses subs. Happened when AoC released, happened again during Warhammer release.


Everyone flocks to the new and shiny. Then the new MMO tanks and people flock back. SWTOR hasn't tanked yet. People are still looking forward to the 1.2 patch. When SWTOR tanks people will go back.


No MMO can kill WoW.


Wow will kill itself. It's already dying a slow and painful death on it's own. And Blizzard is very well aware of it.

The moment SWTOR takes over world of warcraft with subscriber amounts and more people playing than wow...is the moment SWTOR takes over wow :)

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I think Blizzard is fooling themselves there.


They are losing subs because they release content patches at a snails pace and refuse to address problem specs.


I'm sure some people left WoW for ToR. I'm sure many others just left.


You mean like SWTOR?


This game will lose subs when GW2 and MoP both release. Anyone that things otherwise is fooling themselves. My guild from here is already planning on playing GW2.

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It's simple. This is the first mmo since WoW..that has the potential, that has the stuff, that has the right ip, that has the developer to go after that crown, whether it takes one year or two years and Blizzard is seeing that potential in SWTOR because they KNOW BioWare aren't crappy developers and know they won't let this game go to waste.


BioWare is just going to keep adding more story, more decisions, more planets, more things to do, more raids, more gear, things to keep people happy all while having their amazing thing NOBODY ELSE HAS which is full voiced content which is the icing on the cake :)


Admit it...you know swtor will be the next king of the mmo world. lol at all those who think it won't be. It's not going to die..it's not dead, not even close. So just stop it. Yes it appears that way because there are a lot of servers and this game is HUGE.


Blizzard knows TOR is a threat..they can't keep going "oh..it won't do anything to our game at all." BS. TOR is just the better game.


Endgame experience can only last so long while a leveling experience (like in TOR) stays with you as you level from 1 to 50.


Leveling experience and journey > endgame. It's the ADVENTURE that stays with the gamer..not the endgame. THATS why people are sticking with TOR. There's something new in it, something fresh, something bold. STORY

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It's simple. This is the first mmo since WoW..that has the potential, that has the stuff, that has the right ip, that has the developer to go after that crown, whether it takes one year or two years and Blizzard is seeing that potential in SWTOR because they KNOW BioWare aren't crappy developers and know they won't let this game go to waste.


BioWare is just going to keep adding more story, more decisions, more planets, more things to do, more raids, more gear, things to keep people happy all while having their amazing thing NOBODY ELSE HAS which is full voiced content which is the icing on the cake :)


Admit it...you know swtor will be the next king of the mmo world. lol at all those who think it won't be. It's not going to die..it's not dead, not even close. So just stop it. Yes it appears that way because there are a lot of servers and this game is HUGE.


Blizzard knows TOR is a threat..they can't keep going "oh..it won't do anything to our game at all." BS. TOR is just the better game.


Endgame experience can only last so long while a leveling experience (like in TOR) stays with you as you level from 1 to 50.


Leveling experience and journey > endgame. It's the ADVENTURE that stays with the gamer..not the endgame. THATS why people are sticking with TOR. There's something new in it, something fresh, something bold. STORY

^^ Win

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It's simple. This is the first mmo since WoW..that has the potential, that has the stuff, that has the right ip, that has the developer to go after that crown, whether it takes one year or two years and Blizzard is seeing that potential in SWTOR because they KNOW BioWare aren't crappy developers and know they won't let this game go to waste.


BioWare is just going to keep adding more story, more decisions, more planets, more things to do, more raids, more gear, things to keep people happy all while having their amazing thing NOBODY ELSE HAS which is full voiced content which is the icing on the cake :)


Admit it...you know swtor will be the next king of the mmo world. lol at all those who think it won't be. It's not going to die..it's not dead, not even close. So just stop it. Yes it appears that way because there are a lot of servers and this game is HUGE.


Blizzard knows TOR is a threat..they can't keep going "oh..it won't do anything to our game at all." BS. TOR is just the better game.


Endgame experience can only last so long while a leveling experience (like in TOR) stays with you as you level from 1 to 50.


Leveling experience and journey > endgame. It's the ADVENTURE that stays with the gamer..not the endgame. THATS why people are sticking with TOR. There's something new in it, something fresh, something bold. STORY


This game will never reach the numbers WoW did.

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You mean like SWTOR?


This game will lose subs when GW2 and MoP both release. Anyone that things otherwise is fooling themselves. My guild from here is already planning on playing GW2.


GW2 is what again that's WAYYY to overdone in this world?...fantasy *cries* sorry..but other than dynamic events (which is starting in swtor 1.2 btw) there's nothing but cheezy things going for that game. The voice acting is hideous and corny looking. That's me anyway :) we all have our opinions


Stop going with the whole crowd that jumps ship man. First everyone says sayings like "gg bioware" then it was "tortanic" then it was "game will be f2p within 2 months" now it's "anyone that thinks otherwise is fooling themselves."


If your guild is planning on going to Guild Wars 2..why don't you to a Guild Wars 2 forum and rave how amazing that game is? Why aren't you playing Guild Wars if the Guild Wars games are so good? Why do you feel the need to come on here and post how other games will make this one fail and you like other games? and please just...don't cover it up by saying obnoxious things like


"bro..just waitin for my sub to be up and I'm just trollin"


"yo man..just something to do while I'm at work and it's fun to see other people get all worked up over my comments"


"this game sucks...blah blah"


Go play Guild Wars until GW2 comes out if GW does it for you man :) But..if you are playing SWTOR just to hold you over till something else and you don't really like it and you are just TELLING yourself you like it, then that is a serious problem you have.


Play what you love...love what you play :) honk honk

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