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Seriously Nerf Imperial Agents in PvP


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Yes Imperial Agents should be nerfed or atleast some of their stuns removed! How is it a Imperial Agent can Stun you then cloak and then do the exact same thing 3 times in a row in a matter of seconds and have 2k-3k damage per hit when you are stunned! I would honestly say make their vanishes have a longer cooldown, that way they cannot continuously get away with this kind of crap!

No other class that i know has the ability to continuously cloak and hide with ease!

And further more when they are cloaked the stun they apply does not even show up on the players bar so you cannot see it ticking away.

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No other class should be able to lock you out of your abilities while you go from full health to none. No fair.




I don't have a problem with the damage an Op does, but no class should have the ability to completely lock you out of your abilities and take 17K health while doing so. It is just frustrating to sit there stunned or knocked down (especially if your cc breaker is on cooldown) till you die without being able to do a thing. Then again, this is more an issue with all the stuns in the game and not just with the ops.

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stun lock is the only thing op/smug has going for it atm. its damage is meh, and getting nerfed again anyways.


op/smug didnt need the first nerf to begin with. consumables were the problem, and once that got fixed the 9k crits went away.


instead, op/smug is now a laughable class with no utility and mediocre damage output

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I don't have a problem with the damage an Op does, but no class should have the ability to completely lock you out of your abilities and take 17K health while doing so. It is just frustrating to sit there stunned or knocked down (especially if your cc breaker is on cooldown) till you die without being able to do a thing. Then again, this is more an issue with all the stuns in the game and not just with the ops.


So I reverse this argument to apply to Operatives being kited by ranged classes and VIOLA!

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Ranged , sure....



Once they give Ranged the abillity to see Operatives who are invisible I'll agree with you. But a good operative will just invis, go to the ranged, and kill him before he gets hit again. I don't see your argument at all.

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So I reverse this argument to apply to Operatives being kited by ranged classes and VIOLA!


No ranged class can stun someone in place for over 15 seconds straight while still doing damage to them. I don't have an issue with Ops really, it's the stupid stuns, and the fact that one class can stun kill you from full health, that is dumb. Again, being locked out for your abilities while you get killed by 1 other person should not happen.

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No ranged class can stun someone in place for over 15 seconds straight while still doing damage to them. I don't have an issue with Ops really, it's the stupid stuns, and the fact that one class can stun kill you from full health, that is dumb. Again, being locked out for your abilities while you get killed by 1 other person should not happen.


Operatives can't do that either. You clearly don't understand a thing of what is happening during PVP.

Edited by Redmarx
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No ranged class can stun someone in place for over 15 seconds straight while still doing damage to them. I don't have an issue with Ops really, it's the stupid stuns, and the fact that one class can stun kill you from full health, that is dumb. Again, being locked out for your abilities while you get killed by 1 other person should not happen.


A ranged class can keep Operatives out of melee range for 7 seconds (how long a stun lock really lasts for Operatives).


Certain ranged classes can keep Operatives out of range almost indefinately if they are skilled enough depending on their class.


Clearly, kiting should be removed because being unable to use anything except rifle shot from full to dead is dumb.


Again, being unable to get within range to use your abilities while you get killed by that ranged class should not happen.


Your arguments go both ways.

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No ranged class can stun someone in place for over 15 seconds straight while still doing damage to them. I don't have an issue with Ops really, it's the stupid stuns, and the fact that one class can stun kill you from full health, that is dumb. Again, being locked out for your abilities while you get killed by 1 other person should not happen.


Where is this 15 second stun i keep hearing about?

Edited by Dmasterr
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It's really sad that Scrappers and Agents are getting the nerfbat repeatedly because of awful players who don't understand how to use the counters they are given... all classes have a plethora of abilities you can use to get away, break stuns, knockback, kite, etc... just because you aren't good enough to use them doesn't mean we're OP.


I hate to say it... but Learn to Play... seriously, you'll be surprised how easily you can destroy us and how little we can do in return if you play correctly.


And honestly... as a Scrapper, I spend so much time being blown off ledges, knocked back and kited, stunned in return, outright mauled by much higher damage classes, etc... I really don't get where all the hate for such an easily countered class is coming from.


Honestly... on my alts, if I get a Scrapper on me I break stun, stun them, knock them back and kite them to death, etc... it's really not hard... hell, you can usually ignore them after their opener if you are still alive (most of the time, unless you were already low HPs)... the sustained is so terrible I can actually heal through it... how everyone else seems to be incapable of doing it is beyond me. Yes, occasionally I will get caught low HPs and get mauled, but it's not like any other class wouldn't do exactly the same to me if I'm caught at 40% with my pants down... and some of them can do it from range... seriously guys, learn to play. Stop blaming Scrappers and Agents and skill up. As it is, next patch we'll probably end up a complete joke, I wouldn't worry about us much...

Edited by Iboga
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... seriously guys, learn to play. Stop blaming Scrappers and Agents and skill up.




Bad players stand there and get owned, the good ones don't. End of story. If an Operative is constantly "picking on you" in a warzone, it's because you're an easy target. Sorry, but the truth hurts.


Sometimes good players get caught with low health, which is the bread and butter of glass cannon classes. They specifically look for these situations because it stacks the deck in their favor. Heck, we all do.

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Where is this 15 second stun i keep hearing about?


Again, I am not saying the Ops are overpowered. I do not know if what happened to me was a bug, a hack, or just a really good Op. I was in a warzone and saw an Op (one of the best ones on our server, either real good or can hack, idk) that was picking people apart. I engaged him from 20m out and got 2 abilities off before he cloaked. He reappeared behind me and knocked me down, hit me with a few abilities, then as I stood up he disappeared again, only to immediately reappear behind me, stun me, and continue to drain my 17.5k health. The 15 seconds comes from the last ability I got off, it has a 15 second recast, I saw the ability finish it's cooldown when I was about 35% health, and I continued stunned for a few more seconds before I died.


Now, this is the only time this happened, I have never been stun locked by 1 person for that long before. So what I experienced was 1 player remove my ability to do anything while I lose my entire health bar. It's not my gear, I am 12/14 BM, I am sure the op is full BM.

So tell me, is it possible to do what I described above? If not, then either it was a bug in the game, or there is some hack out there that allowed him to do this.

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Again, I am not saying the Ops are overpowered. I do not know if what happened to me was a bug, a hack, or just a really good Op. I was in a warzone and saw an Op (one of the best ones on our server, either real good or can hack, idk) that was picking people apart. I engaged him from 20m out and got 2 abilities off before he cloaked. He reappeared behind me and knocked me down, hit me with a few abilities, then as I stood up he disappeared again, only to immediately reappear behind me, stun me, and continue to drain my 17.5k health. The 15 seconds comes from the last ability I got off, it has a 15 second recast, I saw the ability finish it's cooldown when I was about 35% health, and I continued stunned for a few more seconds before I died.


Now, this is the only time this happened, I have never been stun locked by 1 person for that long before. So what I experienced was 1 player remove my ability to do anything while I lose my entire health bar. It's not my gear, I am 12/14 BM, I am sure the op is full BM.

So tell me, is it possible to do what I described above? If not, then either it was a bug in the game, or there is some hack out there that allowed him to do this.


We only get 1 "Vanish" every 2-3 mins... either the fight didn't happen the way you say it did or he was CD hacking... but 3 "Vanishes" in a 15 second fight is impossible without hacks. I just really can't explain it, but it sounds like hacks or lag... more than likely hacks though...

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We only get 1 "Vanish" every 2-3 mins... either the fight didn't happen the way you say it did or he was CD hacking... but 3 "Vanishes" in a 15 second fight is impossible without hacks. I just really can't explain it, but it sounds like hacks or lag... more than likely hacks though...


As Iboga said, operatives get Cloaking Screen that is a 3min CD (2 mins with points in skill tree).


However, there is one other possibility. Let's say you hit me with 2 abilities (not dots or timed attacks/cc's), you put me in combat. I can't stealth (except to use CS) but if I attack someone else and they die, I am now out of combat and can stealth again. The game keeps track of aggro but it can lose aggro should the aggro switch to another player and he dies thus wiping out the combat flag that you put on me. I've done that before by simply attacking a player about to die and immediately being out of combat. It's the game mechanics.


However, there is the possibility of a hack but I've never seen a "bug" like that.

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"You" people seem to be stuck in December 2011.


He is maybe talking about the 10-49 bracket, here operatives are still very powerfull and can even down quickly an operative healer with hots up.

Edited by BobaFurz
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