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Truly Massive MMO


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I prefer the way TOR is now.


I can go do quests and not have to worry about others running up and ninja a item while I am fighting mobs.


Or having to wait for mobs to respawn and then have to camp a spot to tag them before others do...:p.


The only thing I see which would improve the population on servers for raid runs, is a LFR tool.


Other than that...they donot need to change a thing. The answer for the fps drops for some is to not have massive battles going on. Limit the grps to 8 players at a time. That is more than enough IMO.



This is horrible way of thinking , TOR is one of the most instanced MMOS I ever seen where you can count on your fingers how many times you seen other players around you when questing and encountered world PVP in the open world that I would rather call this game more single player game online with optional grouping rather than massively multiplayer game.


And you would want this type of design to continue because I got the impression that you dont like much to group up with other players and you like more carebear style of play so youre asking from designers to turn this game even more into lobby based game because you want everything instanced and instant and traveling in the open world , exploration, game which would encourage grouping with other players and world pvp would bother you.


Maybe you should consider to switch to co-op and single player games because I have a feeling that those types of games would suit you better than MMOS.

Edited by Lunablade
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i play Arma II online, sometimes 32 can play on one side and no lag. 16v16 no lag. Including vehicles and so on. In some MP missions its your squad versus 100s of spawning enemies, spawning through scripts so theyre not in actuall game world at that time. This could be a consideration for flashpoints and spawning. That way we can play in larger grould than 4 without lag. Sadly it wont happen, game engine thus far limits it.
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There are 2 limits to what you propose. Bandwidth and Hardware.


The more communication between the servers and various clients, the more bandwidth needed. The hardware on the client side would have to be able to render so many objects.


I don't see it happening. While hardware will keep improving at a decent rate, the bandwidth available to most people is much harder to improve on. I've given up hope of Fios ever becoming available in my area. :(




networking cards on servers can easily handle this, and you will often see banking systems doing massive users online, the problem is the investment and risk, if you go off and buy such equipment and you fail to deliver ...your screwed.


What I think the future is, Lots of small servers working as shards, this is how facebook do things, it does mean instancing small areas in the game, but as long as the transaction between instances is seamless people would not worry and it could be done.

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I always suggested 1 planet = 1 server.


Make them bigger, actual planetsize. There might be other clusters you switch to if you enter specific zonea, but at the end you could meet basically everyone with a subscription if you want. You should be able to travel between servers seamlessly.


split if further, inside a building is a server, remember lots of small servers all running Linux will do the job, you can use bigger servers for bigger areas, but by keeping zones small and transactions instant you can make a seemless but versitile universe

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split if further, inside a building is a server, remember lots of small servers all running Linux will do the job, you can use bigger servers for bigger areas, but by keeping zones small and transactions instant you can make a seemless but versitile universe


until you go to the GTN or the PvP board on the fleet with hundreds of players there and your PC freeze.

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I don't see it happening. While hardware will keep improving at a decent rate, the bandwidth available to most people is much harder to improve on. I've given up hope of Fios ever becoming available in my area. :(


Not too mention there are some areas still restricted to dial-up. My Networking instructor told us there are some areas that will just never be able to be brought up to speed due to distance as well as the landscape itself.


Telecommunications is always scrambling to meet the demand. That's why cell phone networks were bogged down when they first became available, the technology couldn't handle the usage.


They realized they were going to run out of IP addresses with IPv4 so now we're trying to move on to IPv6 and that's just a temporary fix, it still has a finite number of addresses.


So to answer the OP, many many years. We'll be participating in massive online battles from the retirement homes our kids threw us in.

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If anyone can make sure there will be no cheating on the client side, only then the burden on the servers will drop down dramatically and we will get to see 10k players at one place (given the client hardware can support the graphics).
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EVE Online is the closest you can get at the moment - usually 35k to 45k people online at any one time, and you will occasionally get battles between corporations (the EVE equivalent of a Guild) or alliances (groups of corporations) with 1000+ individual players per side in a particular solar system. For sure, that will cause some lag, but compare that to the state of SWTOR (oh, a player on Ilum wandered into my field of view and now I get 2 fps), it is leaps and bounds ahead of where we are.


One of the things I think a lot of people seem to overlook is what all needs to be rendered in a game like Eve. When it comes down to it, Eve is a giant skybox with a few objects in it. Basically all that needs to be rendered is the background, plants/stations and ships with FoV. A ground pounder game like TOR you have to render the skybox, the mesh for the terrian, textures for the terrian and buidlings and players and NPCs etc etc. Eve wasn't as much ahead of its time as it was able to create something very large without using a lot of resources both client and server side.

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Alterac valley sure was ahead of its time. 80 people and it ran fine. Warhammer tried years later, didnt suceed. Now Ilum...but yeah how long....


Oh alterac valley was in wow. Just read u hadnt played it. :p


Man, I <3'd AV. I was the weird one that was totally down for a 4-6 hour fight. You're right too- it ran squeaky clean with all those people there. Then, someone came up with the zerg rush strat for AV and that ruined it for me. AV felt like a truly epic battle to me, and I agree that it was way ahead of its time.

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Total ********, firstly eve doesnt have anywhere near 400k subs, never has and possibly never will and secondly, the most i've ever battle with and against in a fight, in the recent NC vs Drf/PL/Nc. etc etc was around 400 and then alot of the time it was a slideshow, granted there have been improvements, before 200 people in a fight used to be a nightmare , so things have improved but to say 2000 people in a fight ?!?, big bold faced lie.


On an different note, warhammer online seemed to handle a few hundred people just fine in warband vs warband in the lower tiers, yes the city raids often turned into lagfests, but out in the world, large scale fighting was fine.


400? Lmao. Uemon (which was a small battle for the war) had I believe 800ish people, I can't remember for sure but 12 NC titans and 20+ supercarriers were destroyed.


It was fortress 020 where all the big fights happened. There were mutiliple 1500+ battles over 020.


Really this just tells me you were either a hi-sec publord or a mindless nc grunt

Edited by Pantheros
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When Dark Age of Camelot came out the pvp was insane. I ran on a complete subpar system and only really lagged during the massive "relic raids". 300 on 300 on 300. Once I got off my arse and upgraded to a better system(not top of the line mind you) the game ran great for me everywhere.


That game was a real mmo dedicated to pvp imo. If once side was dominating the other two they would call an effective truce and team up and beat the other back. With some occasional(think daily) backstabbing going on. The game was FAR less gear dependent than WoW or ToR in as a lvl 50 running with a group could go out as soon as they hit lvl 50 and make a contribution in RvR.


I think the next really good pvp mmo will have to have 3 sides to keep everyone at least a little honest.


Rayth 50(I should have gone powertech) Merc Cho-Mai

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I believe SWTOR never planned to be a massive MO, more to be like a single player RPG with Co-Op and small multiplayer groups up to max. 16.


Read some rumors there might be another SW sandbox game in development, guess it would go for a different audience and could co-exist with TOR easily.

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I believe SWTOR never planned to be a massive MO, more to be like a single player RPG with Co-Op and small multiplayer groups up to max. 16.


Read some rumors there might be another SW sandbox game in development, guess it would go for a different audience and could co-exist with TOR easily.


Firstly, if Bioware had planned to make a single-player game, they'd have made one for a lot less. I think that reality is, without their existing guilds/cliques from other MMOs, that MMOs have developed that way, and that switching MMOs like such was more of an eye-opener, but because they remember doing instances/endgame with friends, they don't quite realize that their old MMO was also a glorified single-player game if you do not choose to interact with others.

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