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How many of us will be retiring our Jugg after 2.1??


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Veng isn't being hit as hard, certainly, but it's not going to compete with Marauder specs in a similar role.


The problem with Rage after it is nerfed is that Rage Marauders will do more DPS, have better Rage gen, have more surviability and more/better utility (Rage Juggs are already one of the squishiest classes in the game and a rage starving heal isn't going to change that).


Which begs the question of why then is there a Rage Jugg at all?


Why not have an AoE tank spec instead or something?


You can't "play" your way out of that, and "lol just play a Veng/Imortal Jugg kek!!!111" isn't a viable answer either, you'll just be better off playing a Rage Mara.


That's what he's quoting. YOU originally posted it, not him. He was quoting YOU, and you misquoted it because he sniped it out.


Apparently there are blind people posting these days...

Edited by Sykomyke
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I ditched my Jugg over a month ago. This was the class I wanted to play and tried so hard to love it. Every video from the second the class was announced I said that's the one I'm playing! I was the first 50 on my server, reached valor rank 56(before they buffed how much valor you get), and obtained infernal/unyielding titles.


There's so many issues with the class that it's beyond frustrating to play. First and foremost the class isn't as effective as other classes at anything.


The other tanks in this game do the same job as a jugg but with less effort and often times more effectively. I don't understand the complete lack of AoE threat and I know it's not needed but the other tanks don't need to work harder so why do juggs? I think retaliation is a terrible design and gimps you on fights like soa. Soresu form cripples the amount of rage you generate for while other tanking stances simply make them more effective.


I don't understand why both tanking and DPS juggs get less health than everyone else. DPS juggs do less damage, can't really off tank, and there's no way to obtain a CC. Oh and why does a a juggs interrupt cost rage?


Whoever designed this class figured you needed to be extra-limited. None of the DPS abilities hit as hard as other classes yet they all cost rage, have a global cooldown, and have a regular cooldown. High end talents with cooldowns and rage costs is hilarious.


I don't enjoy playing whack-a-mole which is essentially what a jugg is. Every single ability has a cooldown even if it's a top tier ability that could be spammed would be limited by your rage bar. Shatter: 9 seconds, Impale: 15 seconds, Force crush 21 seconds. Why? Does a merc have to wait 9 seconds before hitting you with a second tracer missle? Or an assassin with voltaic slash?


Bottom line is the changes in 1.2 which were supposed to fix this class didn't really do anything. I'm glad I jumped ship earlier and avoided the disappointment that was the changes to jugg in 1.2

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As it stands if i get my work in pvp trivialized, my gear changed or outdated, my rage spec gutted, my dmg weakened in pve, my ability to charge in pvp becoming detrimental to the group and mara's getting my one decent ability which is now nerfed by 30%, my cd's on 4 of my abilities raised... will I keep playing as a rage Jugg? No, i will leave the game entirely and find something else to enjoy. Edited by OeSan
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keeping mine but considered rerolling even though i truely love my jugg.... but in 1.2 i just dont see what good a juggernaut could contribute

coming from one of the most geared and respected pvp juggs on the server. I agree whole heartedly.

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That's what he's quoting. YOU originally posted it, not him. He was quoting YOU, and you misquoted it because he sniped it out.


Apparently there are blind people posting these days...


Lol, fair enough (you must have spent a lot more time looking at that than I did). :D

Edited by Goretzu
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Im keeping.my jugg. Actually I might make it my main. I just switched from rage to veng and loved it! Ive been a fan of Darth vader so single wield and choking b****es is my thing. I hope no one deletes their jugg until they give 1.2 a chance :)
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With 1.2 there is going to be nothing a Rage Jugg is better at than a Mara Jugg other than swapping into sorensu and gaurding someone..... which is rather a waste of a Rage spec certainly as an default.




I've seen this posted over and over again. I've got a valor rank 65 sent that I frequently ran in focus spec and will be shelving in 1.2, while my Jugg will be my new main. If you can't figure out where a rage Jugg is better than a rage mara, then I really can't help you. Force push alone is a major advantage. If you can't overcome the slightly better defensive cooldowns (that a Jugg is very well equipped to deal with) and those centering based team buffs, then you frankly suck and are probably going to struggle with either class.


Rage juggs are still going to be quite good in 1.2 when handled by skilled players, and I welcome the fact that players who cannot overcome adversity will be running other specs.

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I've seen this posted over and over again. I've got a valor rank 65 sent that I frequently ran in focus spec and will be shelving in 1.2, while my Jugg will be my new main. If you can't figure out where a rage Jugg is better than a rage mara, then I really can't help you. Force push alone is a major advantage. If you can't overcome the slightly better defensive cooldowns (that a Jugg is very well equipped to deal with) and those centering based team buffs, then you frankly suck and are probably going to struggle with either class.


Rage juggs are still going to be quite good in 1.2 when handled by skilled players, and I welcome the fact that players who cannot overcome adversity will be running other specs.



No matter how uber you are you're going to be less uber in 1.2 than you are now, that's just how it is even for the uberest of the ubermen.


If you look at what Bioware were saying about Jugg/Guard in January, and what they thought they needed (which matched with what the players generally thought), and what is actually happening in 1.2, it's completely different.


A nerf is a nerf is a nerf, there's no getting away from that.

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I play tanks to tank as my main focus. I enjoy the role of focusing on protecting my team and minimizing the oppositions damage. If I want to dps, I'll play my GS/Sniper or Sentinel.


That being said, I'm glad I have a sin tank ready to go because with nerf to Thrown Guantlet, nerf to huddle, and the nerf to Force Charge, having Intercede is no longer enough to separate Juggs from Sins in the team protector role in PvP.


When you compare the 31/0/10 Sin to the 17/24/0 Jugg (which the only spec that gives you the best combination of survivability, decent support damage, mobility, and damage shutdown tools) currently they're quite close in performing the role of team protector for PvP right now.


When 1.2 goes live, the nerfs to the above stated will make the 31/0/10 Tank Sin more viable in this role for PvP.

Edited by WrykilX
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After a ton of thought, I do think the Rage nerfs can be somewhat overcome by a good player.


If you play a ranged class, a nerf is infinitely more signifigant because there really is nothing that can help, you aren't going to get better at spamming a rotation.


With the Juggernaut I keep learning new tricks everyday and Intercede and Force Push \ Charge reset are huge. This class has so many options that you really do improve as you play even as a War Hero. Most classes, if action A happens you only have Action B to counter. People say this class is easy to play and to an extent it is but you can play it so many different ways.


I guess what I am trying to say is the nerf sucks but I will be better suited optimizing the class mechanics instead of rerolling.


Say l2p, whatever, I pull off stuff on this server I never see other Juggs do and no other class can grab the huttball and score in under 10 seconds.

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I play tanks to tank as my main focus. I enjoy the role of focusing on protecting my team and minimizing the oppositions damage. If I want to dps, I'll play my GS/Sniper or Sentinel.


That being said, I'm glad I have a sin tank ready to go because with nerf to Thrown Guantlet, nerf to huddle, and the nerf to Force Charge, having Intercede is no longer enough to separate Juggs from Sins in the team protector role in PvP.


When you compare the 31/0/10 Sin to the 17/24/0 Jugg (which the only spec that gives you the best combination of survivability, decent support damage, mobility, and damage shutdown tools) currently they're quite close in performing the role of team protector for PvP right now.


When 1.2 goes live, the nerfs to the above stated will make the 31/0/10 Tank Sin more viable in this role for PvP.

This. I've seen some gold text shut down at least 10 different threads in the Jugg forums with no reaction to the outcry yet though. They know it is going on and so far are choosing to ignore it. Bad form imo.

Edited by OeSan
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Juggernaut is anything but the underdog. I do quite well at tanking, tried EV with my guild, I was the off-tank but only because our BH powertech tank is better geared. But sometimes I was main tanking and did just fine..Though I find it sad that I do the same/better at Tanking with a 14/27 build than a mostly Immortal build


Right now I'm debating, when Decimate gets moved to Rage. If I want Blade Barricade or Decimate. Leaning towards Decimate

Edited by FalcoLombardi
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This. I've seen some gold text shut down at least 10 different threads in the Jugg forums with no reaction to the outcry yet though. They know it is going on and so far are choosing to ignore it. Bad form imo.


Yeah, we'll call them consolidating whining arguments into one thread "Shutting threads down"


Perhaps it is more advantageous if the devs have to only read one thread, as opposed to a bunch of smaller threads spread around?


Food for thought.

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Yeah, we'll call them consolidating whining arguments into one thread "Shutting threads down"


Perhaps it is more advantageous if the devs have to only read one thread, as opposed to a bunch of smaller threads spread around?


Food for thought.




My guess is that it is more advantageous for the Devs to avoid reading one thread rather than lots of little ones where they might accidentally read one by mistake. :)


I don't think anyone will know either way, Bioware are notorious for the lack of player feedback in MMORPGs.

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I was planning on starting PvP on my juggernaut in 1.2, since I CBA to farm "starting gear" for PvP (you will be able to buy it with credits in 1.2). I currently play assassin in PvP, I was thinking about something different and since I already have a 50 juggernaut, I might give it a try.


maybe lolsmash spec? (rage) or what would be good?

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Will not be retiring as I have put too much into my Jugg to do so. I did the same in WoW and sticking to my class there even through all the changes whether good or bad. With how quickly things change in an MMO, you never know what will happen so might as well stick to it.
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