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And then Everyone Else.


Welcome to endgame PvP post 1.2.


Remember all the whining about Jugg Rage Smash bombing? Now imagine that coming from guys with TWO lightsabers and 4 defensive cooldowns


PLEASE revisit this BW. Keep Juggs as a relevant DPS Threat and stop buffing your OP class.


oh man, because two lightsabers really factors in to smash damage right? :rolleyes:


hurray for sensationalism

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For those crying about mara / sent getting just a little MUCH needed love come 1.2, Special emphasis on little, just enough tho to potentially bring them into line of how there class is supposed to be. I DARE YOU... To;


ROLL One!! ... ROLL ONE ! I dare you !!


Its Not all candy and rainbows like you are all QQ over.. Simply roll one. Or perhaps you dont have what it takes in skill to play this class.

This is NOT an easy class to play and takes a very skilled type of player to play as effectively as a monkey plays the BH (tracer Spam) class or Sourc Lighting spam class. Most other class's in this game are fire and forget.


So it boils down to this. To be about even with other class's, a mara / sent needs a very high amount of skill and thats JUST to be on par with someone whos playing any other class while eating a burrito.

Edited by Lostpharoah
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The op is correct.


They flew under the radar because so many people posted about how they are hard to play, most people went ez mode bh/sorc


But they are beasts. They are beast pre patch and they will be #1 after patch w/o any competition


It is their lack of population that actually helped them

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I agree with you 100%. The biggest part of wz population is Sorc/Sage followed by



You know why right? Probably not.


Not because they're super duper overpowered, it's because they're easy to play, 1 button spamspamspamspam. :D


As a Sentinel I get destroyed sometimes by Pyrotechs. After their buff, I'll get destroyed more consistently by them.

Pyro didn't get a buff, instead of back to back railshots, they have to wait 6 seconds for another railshot proc- slightly less burst dps.


I find it somewhat funny that while on my pyro merc, I'm magically a magnet to sentinal/marauders more than any other class and they chase me even if I run across the wz map.

Edited by Sookster
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The op is correct.


They flew under the radar because so many people posted about how they are hard to play, most people went ez mode bh/sorc


But they are beasts. They are beast pre patch and they will be #1 after patch w/o any competition


It is their lack of population that actually helped them



Tell me then why would such an OP class have such a population deficiency..


They are the squshy'est class out there and are very easy to kill. They are supposed to be the DPS leaders ..

Not the healing leaders ..

not the protection leaders ..

not the tanking leaders..

not the stealth leaders ..

DPS is what they are all about and currently THAT IS NOT the CASE.. Currently mara / sent are NONE of the above.


Sent / mara, make the sacrifice to be the squishy'est class so they can be the DPS leaders..


Tell me which part you dont understand .. Please review my previous post in this thread.


Ohh and FYI at launch Mara / Sent was the most rolled class. But after discovering the class's suckyness and necessary high skill requirement people rolled something else, placing there mara sents into hibernation or became victims of the delete button and sent to data ether .

Edited by Lostpharoah
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For those crying about mara / sent getting just a little MUCH needed love come 1.2, Special emphasis on little, just enough tho to potentially bring them into line of how there class is supposed to be. I DARE YOU... To;


ROLL One!! ... ROLL ONE ! I dare you !!


Its Not all candy and rainbows like you are all QQ over.. Simply roll one. Or perhaps you dont have what it takes in skill to play this class.

This is NOT an easy class to play and takes a very skilled type of player to play as effectively as a monkey plays the BH (tracer Spam) class or Sourc Lighting spam class. Most other class's in this game are fire and forget.


So it boils down to this. To be about even with other class's, a mara / sent needs a very high amount of skill and thats JUST to be on par with someone whos playing any other class while eating a burrito.


Playing a Marauder is not rocket science. If you can't beat another class simply by spamming defensive cooldowns one after another you're doing it wrong. The most "successful" marauders as judged by the scoreboard are the ones that tunnel vision clothies, hardly a pinnacle of skill.

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Ohh and FYI at launch Mara / Sent was the most rolled class. But after discovering the class's suckyness and necessary high skill requirement people rolled something else, placing there mara sents into hibernation or became victims of the delete button and sent to data ether .




You pulled this out of your ***, you have nothing to substantiate it. The numbers released by Bioware don't lie.


Your so called "Squishiest" class has the best defensive cooldowns in the game on top of mobility and damage.

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Playing a Marauder is not rocket science. If you can't beat another class simply by spamming defensive cooldowns one after another you're doing it wrong. The most "successful" marauders as judged by the scoreboard are the ones that tunnel vision clothies, hardly a pinnacle of skill.


I think your confused .. and are thining of the wrong class ..


Mara sent most certainly dont have any worth while survivability tactics.


Try playing one instead of reading on paper ..



ohh QQ more !! and have another burrito !

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Odd thread.


1. Marauders are getting slight buffs to QOL rage management and GCD use (Obfuscate, Roar, Disruption changes).


2. Carnage (weak) and Rage (ok) are getting much better Fury generation. Buff to Carn and Rage. Rage is getting the bugged permanent Predation talent removed. Nerf. Net: Carn gets buffed (needs it), Rage is neutral.


3. The net effect of all the Rage changes is neutral. The Smashes hit slightly harder, but they are less frequent, and Force Scream has a longer cooldown too. BioWare retooled the tree so the player spams their anytime Vicious Slash more.


4. The uninterruptable on Ravage/Master Strike is a buff for Carn (weak) and neutral for Rage. Annihilation/Watchman doesn't actually get much mileage out of it, generally speaking.


5. Passive 50% damage reduction on Camo is a slight buff for Carn/Rage. Generally speaking, Camo already blocks all direct damage attacks due to the stealth. The change will give those two specs marginally better anti-DOT durability.


6. Removal of Quick Recovery is a slight nerf to Annihilation, since you can no longer abuse 1r SSs between fights to build Fury.



So, overall it roughs out the edges of usability of the class as a whole, buffs a weak spec, marginally nerfs Annihilation, and re-tools Rage significantly with no net buff / nerf.


Very good summary of how the changes will impact sents/mara.


In addition there are several classes that stand a better than equal chance of taking down an equal geared and skilled sent/mara.


Is the sent/mara a strong pvp class? Yes it has good offense (Not the best but good) and nice defense, when cool downs are available. However acting like there god mode is an exaggeration, they can be shut down 1 on 1 or in a group.


That being said some of the other changes for other classes coming down the pipe line seem...odd and how overall balance stands once 1.2 is released remains to be seen.

Edited by Dharagada
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Not going to lie, Sentinels do have the best defensive cooldowns. But this isn't some overpowered achievement - by their very nature they are not active all or even most of the time. Sentinel with defensive cooldowns down is usually in BIG trouble.


And skilled people know how to counter a Sentinel's defensive cooldowns. Each of them has an effective counter. (Except Saber ward I guess, but that has the longest cooldown of them all!) That is why Bioware is not nerfing Sentinels - they are countered if you know what you are doing.


Unfortunately, most players DON'T know what they're doing.

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Not going to lie, Sentinels do have the best defensive cooldowns. But this isn't some overpowered achievement - by their very nature they are not active all or even most of the time. Sentinel with defensive cooldowns down is usually in BIG trouble.


And skilled people know how to counter a Sentinel's defensive cooldowns. Each of them has an effective counter. (Except Saber ward I guess, but that has the longest cooldown of them all!) That is why Bioware is not nerfing Sentinels - they are countered if you know what you are doing.


Unfortunately, most players DON'T know what they're doing.


Force Camo has no effective counter. It appears the 100% damage reduction prevents the stealth from ever being broken by offensive attacks, so you can't track them and you certainly can't hurt them. That's probably why it's nerfed in 1.2. Everything else can be handled by a good player, though Cloak of Pain really has no effective counter since sitting around doing nothing for 6 seconds usually hurts you more than DPS through it

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Force Camo has no effective counter. It appears the 100% damage reduction prevents the stealth from ever being broken by offensive attacks, so you can't track them and you certainly can't hurt them. That's probably why it's nerfed in 1.2. Everything else can be handled by a good player, though Cloak of Pain really has no effective counter since sitting around doing nothing for 6 seconds usually hurts you more than DPS through it


You have to spend 2 points to get the 100% damage reduction and the cloak only lasts 4 seconds.


The patch is actually buffing camo. It now has a passive 50% dmg reduction in all specs, moves faster and lasts longer.

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Starting to see alot of them in Warzones atm, I actually enjoy the transition of not being perma slowed by 3-4 lighniting sorc noobs.


Yep. Peeps got wind of the Mara/Sent being the new FOTM and instantly retired their Ops/Scoundrel to roll a Marauder/Sent. Lowbie WZs on my server are currently stacked with them...many more Marauders than Sents by the way.

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How do Powertechs stack up against Marauders and Tankasins? Seems like the most dominant forces I have encountered in PvP were always Powertechs.


All of those are close fights and will (generally) come down to the wire, or who got the opening off first.


One weakness is the PT can't run away, they have no escape mechanisms, while both the assassin and the marauder can run away if necessary.

Edited by Dharagada
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No class in this game has a high skill cap.


If other people say things are hard, and I say things are easy, it shows I am better then them.


The Sentinel has a high'er' skill cap then most other AC in this game. Does that make you feel better?

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No class in this game has a high skill cap.


Well, one can say that about anything ever. When I say 'high skill cap', I mean both comparitively to other mmos, as well as comparitively to the average skill of the average player.


70% of players won't be able to play a marauder decently because they're clicking and KB turning and can barely manage ten buttons. They don't know when to use CC and defensive CDs, they're slow following someone who kites them- these are things that hurt a marauder more.


Even in the top 30%, a good chunk will still have trouble remembering the number of keys you need for a marauder- which is more than most mmos I've played. The class has more short term buffs than every other class combined, and using short term buffs efficiently (or at all) is not a strong suit of the average player.



Bad players will be disappointed when they try to play a marauder- good players though will understand it's the best class in the game without contest.



There's two classes in this game- marauders, and marauder's supporting cast.

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Anyone who says "terribads" is really just revealing their own skill, or lack thereof.


Arena junkies proves you wrong. The more blunt section of the best PVPers routinely call pugging terribads exactly that.


EDIT: ohh reporting me, how interesting.

Edited by Redmarx
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How do Powertechs stack up against Marauders and Tankasins? Seems like the most dominant forces I have encountered in PvP were always Powertechs.


This is a case of an interesting dynamic due to class popularity and counters.


Marauders and Tankasins are obviously very common classes you see in Warzone. Both are far more prevalent than PTs.


Further, if a Marauder jumped a Tankasin or vice versa, the guy getting the jump usually wins for sure.


Therefore in a WZ both classes are constantly looking for each other to ensure they don't get jumped by someone that can reliably defeat them if they get the jump.


But this means both classes are unlikely to notice the PT jumping them. A PT with the jump on either two classes has an advantage, but it's not nearly as dominant as the case if Marauder jumped a Sin or vice versa.


Therefore in reality these two top classes will be content to get jumped by a PT and occasionally lose as long as they don't get jumped by the one class (each other) that pretty much always beat them.

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