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It's East/West. . .NOT Left/Right. . .NOT Grass/Snow


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Problem is for imperials left is east and right is west. This is confusing as most people don't look at maps upside down so they are used to orienting left with west and right with east.


The fact that the Imp map faces south is confusing.


The main map is not "flipped"....it is not "backwards" or facing south. No matter what side you are on...view the main map and all should be clear.


It's like trying to remember 1...2...it shouldn't be difficult at all- not even with a concussion, 3 days of missed sleep, hypothermia and being severely dehydrated while suffering from a heart attack.

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Never had much of an issue explaining that left and right are as veiwed from your spawn to the objectives <_<; The only time that changes is offense/defense on voidstar, and even then it's as simple as remembering which direction you faced when you started. Guess it depends on how derpy the team in general is though, i know we get seated with some real 'champions' if you know what i mean x.x.... /shrug Edited by Amaste
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I'd have to agree with the OP on this one. I don't know how many times I'll see Incoming Left or Inc Right and I'll head there and no one is there. Now I find it more of a problem for Alderaan mainly because you really can't see each side, by that I mean I can't sit at say west turret and see the right to see what their situation is ( I blame people not using Ops chat for this but that is a separate issue.) Were as in Voidstar you can see from your gate roughly where the majority of people are congregating at and adjust accordingly. You'll still get the "Plant on left door" and run what you think is left and the only person there is your sniper just chillin, guarding the door.


It's West/East people, use that dang map at the bottom for directions.

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Left / Right (from spawn point) is used almost exclusively in 50s warzones on imperial side of The Ebon Hawk server. This weekend a few of us ran low level matches with alts and the new people in these use Left / Right as well, only about 10% of the time they are refering to the minimap. I was put on ignore by one player for telling him that Left / Right are from spawn, and East / West are map directions.


Personally I prefer Left/Right from spawn so that I don't need to reference my map, but if we are referencing the map it needs to be East / West. Both should be able to be used interchangeably with confidence that everyone knows what is being communicated to the Ops group. IMO the real problem isn't the use of grass / snow, east / west, or left / right, its with newer people or those who have not been in warzones much not knowing what the frame of reference with left and right is.

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I completely agree, use West/East (and North/South when appropriate), you will win more.


There's no more debate on this than there is on whether toilet paper rolls should be installed overhand or underhand.


The minor satisfaction you might get out of using the less effective direction system that you learned during your first WZ isn't a good reason to keep doing it.

Edited by DanChart
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In Voidstar, I've gotten to the point of yelling, "Other side!!!" This tends to get everyone's attention, and the guy all by himself and seeing 4 reds come his way isn't going to peek at the other side, while the 5 guys with their thumbs up their butt might actually look at the other door.
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I was in a Aldaraan a few weeks ago and the "ops leader" decided it was time to educate folks on the whole east west thing. Half way through getting our butts destroyed someone told him to shut the heck up and started calling it out by left right. We won after that.


Personally I am tri-directional and able to adapt on the move to whatever is called out but most folks if you say east or west they have to open map and figure out east west in case the map has changed and sometimes that lil bit of time taken to do that means the world in controlling a point.


It always just seems to work better since "most" folks will base left right on where they land, either in aldaraan or void star. Some folks are not able to do this.


This subject pops up every so often and just not sure why people want to educate folks when its currently working fine, if you are having issues with left right not working your either in a group of folks who prolly dont know up or down either or your in a group of east west folks who dont understand left right.

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I find it much easier to think of directions from spawn point. so left means left from spawn. right means right from spawn.


Its easier than east/west I find. Because west on map might mean I need to go right from the spawn point... so I find simple left and right from spawn easier.

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even my premade, in voice chat, refuse to use east/west....i find it incredibly annoying as "left" and "right" change depending on the direction you're looking at. East and West are something you learn as children, is it really that hard to use them?


I don't understand =(

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even my premade, in voice chat, refuse to use east/west....i find it incredibly annoying as "left" and "right" change depending on the direction you're looking at. East and West are something you learn as children, is it really that hard to use them?


I don't understand =(


It's always FROM THE SPAWN.


Left from the spawn

Right from the spawn


In Voidstar on defense, you exit the spawn room and turn left or right.


In Alderaan on Imperial side, you take the left or right speeder, or you go left or right after landing from the middle speeder.


This is not a difficult concept. Even children know their left from their right.

Edited by EternalFinality
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It's amazing to me that you people still don't understand the reasons why east/west is better.


It's better because you never know who the person calling out the inc is and whether or not they're a mouthbreather. Because of that, there's no way to be certain if they're calling left/right based on the same point of reference as you all understand it.


Also, you call east/west because if you're in the middle and got spun around a few times while fighting, maybe you can't immediately figure out which direction is your spawn point, since both look exactly the same. Since the middle turret in Alderaan is enclosed, you can't tell where grass/snow is, either.


The best and fastest way to tell is to hear "EAST," look at the minimap, spin your character around so he's facing to the east on the minimap, and then run that way. No point of reference necessary.


This is going to be awesome when they put in the same-faction Alderaan Civil War that they hinted at. I can't wait to see half the Imperial teams running the wrong direction because they're used to everything being backwards since they don't know their directions.

Edited by YanksfanJP
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It's always FROM THE SPAWN.


Left from the spawn

Right from the spawn


In Voidstar on defense, you exit the spawn room and turn left or right.


In Alderaan on Imperial side, you take the left or right speeder, or you go left or right after landing from the middle speeder.


This is not a difficult concept. Even children know their left from their right.


In voidstar, you do 2 rounds, one starting from the north of the first room, one from the south.


So by your definition, for half the match east is left, the other half west is left.....yay for using conflicting location definitions!


As an imp, in civil war, left on the minimap is what most ******* call right, and right on the minimap is called left? how dumb....how very very dumb


Learn the compass and start using non-conflicting terms for locations so as to AVOID CONFUSION! Not for your own benefit, but for your team. This game takes communication and coordination, so it's only intelligent to be as clear and concise as possible when asking for something. Seeing as how many people get annoyed or confused about the ambiguous nature of left and right, it's good TEAM PLAY to use BETTER terms.


Stop being selfish by trying to justify being lazy

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