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My class got nerfed more than Yours!


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To start it up I believe Powertechs Pyrotechs were the hardest hit class, there vent heat main talent and main damage dealer got increased by 100%.


Not a chance.


I would say merc healers got hit the hardest, mainly because on top of the nerfs their main balance issues (the aoe heal and the uninterruptability) weren't even addressed.


After that, I'd say sorcs and operatives tie for the worst DPS nerfs. Both of them will basically become dead classes for PVP.


After that, I'd say juggernauts got hit hard with the resolve stun on charge. Dumb move, and totally unnecessary.


Then come in the Powertechs.


Rest are fine. Snipers got a slight boost, which they needed. Operative healers got a boost which they needed. Tank assassins probably need some looking at. etc etc.

Edited by Redmarx
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Id say merc/mando.


As sage and operative also looks pretty dire on paper, they didnt have the consistency of the merc nerf. Ie. Operatives got a huge buff to healing. Merc/mando on the other hand got ALL their trees nerfed.


Medic got effectively removed from the game so not much more to say there. BW dont intend mandos to heal. Gunnery/arsenal got nerfed into the ground, going from being immobile channeling turrets to now being immobile turrets made of glass with alot less damage and even less survival and utility. Funny thing is that even the weakest tree, assault, one which basically noone plays atm because it sucks donkeyballs got nerfed, just to make sure noone will play merc/mando ever again.


As I see it mercs/mandos were communicated two options from BW with 1.2: Reroll marauder or quit our game.

Edited by Niconogood
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I'm a bodyguard merc. I was already the worst healer and now I feel nerfed more then any other class in the game.


? I was sure that merc healers were the best single target healer in the game. That with heavy armor were very effective in pvp

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I have a scoundrel scrapper DPS 50 champ, 50 commando combat med with BM healer gear, 50 sorc with BM healer gear...


If I were going to keep playing, I'd only play as a mara/sent at this point.


But then again, the 'balance' they'll have in 1.2 will make just about everyone but mara/sent want to reroll.



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I have a scoundrel scrapper DPS 50 champ, 50 commando combat med with BM healer gear, 50 sorc with BM healer gear...


If I were going to keep playing, I'd only play as a mara/sent at this point.


But then again, the 'balance' they'll have in 1.2 will make just about everyone but mara/sent want to reroll.




I dont wanna play a sent anymore because of the patch :\ right now wer the king of 1v1 and if you give me a healer I murder 6v2...


It will be interesting... to say the least...

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? I was sure that merc healers were the best single target healer in the game. That with heavy armor were very effective in pvp


So this nerf that will make us bull in ops is due to pvp? The same pvp even pvpers complain is garbage and broken? Well ain't that a...

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