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1.2 nerfs concealment aain


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Backstab now has a 12-second cooldown and deals approximately 5% more damage. 5% for 25% longer cd


Flanking is a new 1-point skill located in Tier 3 of the skill tree. It reduces the Energy cost of Backstab by 5. used to be free


Laceration now costs 10 Energy (down from 15) and deals approximately 10% less damage.

dosent really need explanation.


Waylay now increases the damage dealt by Backstab. It is now located in Tier 5 of the skill tree and requires Flanking might be a savior dont count on it woul need 20% just to make up for cd nerf


Culling has been redesigned and is now a 2-point skill. It no longer increases damage dealt to poisoned targets, but increases the Energy gained by Stim Boost and the damage dealt by Laceration and Collateral Strike. needs 10% just to make up for 10% nerf


Lethality now increases critical chance by 1% per point. was 2 per point


Razor Edge now increases Shiv damage by 4% per point. was 5%

are ops reall hated or what


lethality is till useless just more so now hope you like to heal

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I've read the notes. Sad, really. I guess some were complaining again that they were getting wrecked by Operatives with Concealment, cried, whined, etc.


I played the Concealment for a little while, as I started out as a Medicine Spec'd Operative.


Didn't see what was wrong with it, honestly.


Also, they forget that Operatives are 'burst damage', hit hard, fast, and run away. Like a cheetah, Concealment Operatives cannot last long in a prolonged fight going toe -to- toe with a Juggernaut/Trooper, as they simply can outlast them b/c of sheer HP.


A shame. Really. I feel for you Concealment Operatives. Nerfing the Concealment(AGAIN) will make a ton of Operative Healers, as Lethality is RARELY used.

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I'm extremely unhappy re: these changes.


My only guess is that they're basing the entire thing on a very small set of min/max'ing, rakata set bonus 15%, reusable power clickies, etc.


I enjoy PvP a lot, but I'm starting to run operations with the guild. Between the "run away; run back; run over there" of the bosses...did they really think the skill that requires both proximity AND positioning needed to be on a longer timer? Well, thank you for the autoattack button + rage timer combo.


Really, really terrible.


I enjoy playing stealth/sneaky/hit and run classes; I'm wondering how much longer I'm going to still enjoy swtor.

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Running in a mix of champion/centurion gear, I finally felt pretty good. Yea, every other class has some sort of knockback/root, but through clever use of sever tendon, grenade, crouch/explosive, and just rifle shotting, I could generally put good pressure on people still.


Now we will have an extremely hard time putting that initial pressure on people we target. I will say, I did find a way to kill pretty much any class within my stunluck, but it makes me lose a major defensive cooldown.


I could jump a fully BM geared sorc, with bubble up, and HS>Backstab>cloaking screen>hidden strike. at this point most players are dead, if they arent, i can usually string 1-2 lacerates for the kill, or be so far in the lead, it doesnt matter. I'm fairly certain this is why I'm being nerfed, but I rarely see others operatives do this. Also, in doing this, I can no longer use my cloaking screen to garuntee getting away free.


I stuck through the initial nerf, and played my *** off to get to the point where I am still a valuable member of my premade. Now, I have severe doubts about being useful in the upcoming rated wz's.


Am I just reading this wrong? Increased cooldown on BS, +costs energy. Increased cooldown on HS, so I can no longer supply instant burst. I try to avoid being in situations where I am out in the open for 12 seconds, so thats a pretty terrible change to backstab.

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Running in a mix of champion/centurion gear



I could jump a fully BM geared sorc, with bubble up, and HS>Backstab>cloaking screen>hidden strike. at this point most players are dead


With a full champion gear with Rakata stim and Champ relic (surge or power), if I do that on a fully BM geared sorc, he will gets up with 50% hp at least (with a full crit). I dunno how you can drop it so easily when I struggle so hardly :/


Fully BM geared sorc have roughly 16.500


So with Hidden strike x2 and Backstab, so you land 3 hits at roughly 5.500 dmgs. PLUS the Shield, remember : "with bubble up"


For god sake, without a crit I hit them at 1200-1500, and with crits 3500-3800 on a good backstab stim-buffed.


You have to explain what the **** i'm doing wrong :eek: , otherwise you're just an impostor sorcerer xD

Edited by lolikek
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My Scrapper Scoundrel has toughed out the previous nerfs...and I'll do it again.


I would however like to express my disappointment...the longer cooldown on Back Blast/Stab is really going to mess up our rotations. I doubt 10% damage will make up for that.


Let's just hope the new damage boost trait is abundant. As well as the Pugnacity/Stim Boost increased energy gain. Hopefully they'd counter the nerf a little...


Would be nice if they lowered the cooldown on Blaster Whip/Shiv as recompense for the nerfs, so we can get Upper Hand/Tactical Advantage easier. I don't see this happening tho. m-~.~-m

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Lolikek, you aren't taking into account your acid blade ticks. I am definitely talking about critting, without critting they will be aroudn 30-40%, and Ill have to then debilitate or sever tendon to keep them within range.


"I could jump a fully BM geared sorc, with bubble up, and HS>Backstab>cloaking screen>hidden strike. at this point most players are dead"


Your words...


With a full crit OK, sayin... 5 ticks of acid blade, even if they tick 1k each (which is much more like 550-600 dmg each and much more like 3 or max 4 ticks), 16.500pv + shield (3k5 AT LEAST (lol)) = 20kpv


5 acid blade = 5k, Hidden strike x2 = 5k each / 10k total, backstab 5k.


With Cent/Champ mixed gear. Okay okay


I wish I rolled a scoundrel ! :D


I want to 1v1 Ingame video post 1.15 nerf to believe that cuz I really want to see how the Sorcs/Sages on your server to die afk vs a Cent geared Operative !


Watch that random footage I've spend 3 seconds on Youtube to find :


Fully BM geared BIOCHEM Operative

Look at his damages, and you'll see that I have greatly exaggerated the numbers above...


I'm not here to dry crocodile tears but you have to admit you're bragging yourself ALOT :)

Mixed Cent/Champ stuff, orly :p

Edited by Paralassa
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I cannot believe they decided to nerf conceal ops, yet again. Darkness assassins are better 1v1, and mercs/marauders obliterate us in terms of raw damage. And this is coming from probably the best operative on Adraas at the moment.


What are they thinking? Honestly, I simply don't understand their thought process, unless its "We need to have every single player playing a jedi/sith."


I guess the only question is whether I reroll a darkness sin now, or wait for the patch to hit for the legacy stuff.


Just pure insanity.

Edited by CanisAquilus
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Different companies same deal. Within smugglers we raised similar concerns in the past. Results were about the same. Look fighting Jedi politics in a Star Wars based game does not work. Jedi is the only voice the development teams listen to.


Once you figure it out that development whether here or SOE is going to rollover for the Jedi population the easier it will be. Going to the forums every time Agent/Smuggler is bent over each release does no good at all.


So just keep that in mind.


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If they bleed out a significant portion of their playerbase this early on, this game isn't going to have a long future.


The developers need to do whats good for the game, and thats not always what the majority of players want. If you asked all the players if they'd like a free set of endgame armor, they'd all say yes... then they'd get bored and quit.


Likewise if you ask the jedi majority if they want to be buffed and have the non jedi nerfed, they'll say yes... but it won't be good for the game, and they won't be any happier with that situation long term.


I'm not resigned enough to accept that the developers just want to keep the non jedi underpowered. Not yet anyways.

Edited by CanisAquilus
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QQ more because you can't insta-gib someone out of stealth...that takes skill. QQ


As if that was even a thing against geared opponents, and as if we really cared about that. Nearly every Scoundrel I know complains mostly about how little DPS they bring OUTSIDE of stealth. 1.2 really does nothing to change that.


Our healing tree looks a lot better now, but I didn't roll a Scoundrel for healing. I wanted scoundrel for the stealth and the shotgun.


It's getting quite old with people using "QQ" as a valid argument. It's not, so come up with valid reasons for why these changes were needed.

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I pre-ordered D3 so nerf away; come May 15 I'm done with swtor. I'll play this till D3 hits then my sub gets canceled and I wont be recommending this game to friends. With the way skills work giving OPs more sustained dmg and less burst should be really really easy from a mathematical stand point and yet somehow BioWare manages to mess it up. If our damage is going to be so gimped we at least need survivability and mitigation CD's that aren't a waste of a GCD to use (I'm looking at you Evasion and Shield Probe). Meanwhile bugs that have been around since beta still run rampant. This is text book how to kill a new MMO.
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QQ more because you can't insta-gib someone out of stealth...that takes skill. QQ


Judging by your avatar and sig, I'd guess you're a shadow. If you're losing to operatives, they're either out gearing you, or outplaying you.


Probably both given your whiny "it's the games fault I'm losing" style of response.


Shadows and Darkness Assassins are the best 1v1 class in the game, bar none.

Edited by CanisAquilus
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With a full champion gear with Rakata stim and Champ relic (surge or power), if I do that on a fully BM geared sorc, he will gets up with 50% hp at least (with a full crit). I dunno how you can drop it so easily when I struggle so hardly :/


Fully BM geared sorc have roughly 16.500


So with Hidden strike x2 and Backstab, so you land 3 hits at roughly 5.500 dmgs. PLUS the Shield, remember : "with bubble up"


For god sake, without a crit I hit them at 1200-1500, and with crits 3500-3800 on a good backstab stim-buffed.


You have to explain what the **** i'm doing wrong :eek: , otherwise you're just an impostor sorcerer xD


I know I'm not the most well liked on these forums but I will confirm what he said.


1. HS + 2min CD + HS users are the reason HS got a 7.5 sec CD was it over powered? I guess so. I can't really argue with the nerf on that.... but then again I don't use this tactic nor do I need to.


2. I do not use double HS opener and I drop people down to 10% HP. Is it harder against better geared people of course it is.


3. Is it possible to live without the double HS opener you better believe it. Now will it be possible post nerf 1.2 that remains to be seen.


4. You are doing it wrong if you aren't hitting the damage numbers you should be. Your BS damage seems fine, but it's your other damage I'd be concerned with. Not your BS.


And obviously because of my fan club... I've had several people take a shot at the title, and failed including one such person (smug scrapper) who even used the double HS opener and still couldn't kill me. Did he almost kill me... He sure did almost kill me, but he didn't... I escaped and he died.


I'm going to leave it at that.

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I am here because SWG isn't. A smart move by Lucas Arts for sure. You can move the game to another company and the sound of the forums is about the same. To me it is almost hysterical. Treat the other professions like they are unimportant and see the net result. Smuggler/Agent nerfs to me are almost nostalgic in its meaning.


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