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I love Huttball.


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You want to love Huttball.

You enjoy Huttball.

Hutts don't have feet.

There is no need for the other warzones.

Do not kick the ball.

Huttball is your friend.

Show Girada the respect he deserves.

You love Bioware for making such an excellent mode.

Huttball is balanced.

Huttball is fair.

Hutts don't have feet.

You look forward to Huttball.

Hutts don't have feet.


I love Huttball.

You love Huttball.

Edited by Xinika
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Imagine if the spawn areas were put on the sides instead of the end... :D


I mean in every sport out there who enters the match from the goal area? Its always the sides... think about it and pick a sport they all come into the match from the SIDES not the ENDS of the field.

Edited by Surgin
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You want to love Huttball.

You enjoy Huttball.

Hutts don't have feet.

There is no need for the other warzones.

Do not kick the ball.

Huttball is your friend.

Show Girada the respect he deserves.

You love Bioware for making such an excellent mode.

Huttball is balanced.

Huttball is fair.

Hutts don't have feet.

You look forward to Huttball.

Hutts don't have feet.


I love Huttball.

You love Huttball.




Ok it's time for you to see a therapist. Heck it's time for all of us to see a therapist because Huttball... No no, I don't want to hear it again. No! NO NO NO NO NO NO! God help us.

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Ok it's time for you to see a therapist. Heck it's time for all of us to see a therapist because Huttball... No no, I don't want to hear it again. No! NO NO NO NO NO NO! God help us.


Show Girada the respect he deserves...

Hutts don't have feet...

One of us...

One of us...

Do NOT kick the ball...

Show Girada the respect he deserves...

Show Girada the respec he-

Show Girada-

The respec-






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Hutt Ball should be a glow stick only BZ. With that being said one of my few loves in SWTOR is makeing my daily sacrifice to the fire god. Yes harpoon and roasting a Imp glow stick ball carrier gains you favor with the PVP gods.
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Hutt Ball should be a glow stick only BZ. With that being said one of my few loves in SWTOR is makeing my daily sacrifice to the fire god. Yes harpoon and roasting a Imp glow stick ball carrier gains you favor with the PVP gods.


Yes, yes.... this... yes... yes...

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You want to love Huttball.

You enjoy Huttball.

Hutts don't have feet.

There is no need for the other warzones.

Do not kick the ball.

Huttball is your friend.

Show Girada the respect he deserves.

You love Bioware for making such an excellent mode.

Huttball is balanced.

Huttball is fair.

Hutts don't have feet.

You look forward to Huttball.

Hutts don't have feet.


I love Huttball.

You love Huttball.


Hehe, I didn't like hutball until I decide to play as Sorc healer

~ if you fail to pull me or push me, you loose

~ when I get the ball I even jump over fire so you can't follow me

~ there is only few seconds between me catching the ball and score

~ you can't kill me so easly

~ all my friends have absorb shields

~ I push you back from bridges every 20s



This why ALWAYS when I score or I see Sorc score I hit ENTER and type in chat




My friend do that too :-) So for a moment hutball is fun :p You just need to play Sorc for that. Everyone else look so pathetic and useless when you do.

Edited by DariuszPol
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You want to love Huttball.

You enjoy Huttball.

Hutts don't have feet.

There is no need for the other warzones.

Do not kick the ball.

Huttball is your friend.

Show Girada the respect he deserves.

You love Bioware for making such an excellent mode.

Huttball is balanced.

Huttball is fair.

Hutts don't have feet.

You look forward to Huttball.

Hutts don't have feet.


I love Huttball.

You love Huttball.


Huttball sucks. That is all.

Nice troll attempt though

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You want to love Huttball.

You enjoy Huttball.

Hutts don't have feet.

There is no need for the other warzones.

Do not kick the ball.

Huttball is your friend.

Show Girada the respect he deserves.

You love Bioware for making such an excellent mode.

Huttball is balanced.

Huttball is fair.

Hutts don't have feet.

You look forward to Huttball.

Hutts don't have feet.


I love Huttball.

You love Huttball.


So thats the reason that players kick other players instead of the ball (reffering to knockbacks)

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