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Amazing! LEGACY armor sets, I likes it!


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I've finally got a reason to roll my Republic alt Smuggler & Trooper, maybe even a Jedi if I can't get that Jedi Knight LEGACY gear on my Trooper & Smuggler's.


Smuggler & Trooper gear is bloody amazing, really!


You Republic guys finally won a "which faction has better gear contest"! All across the board, Rep gear is better looking than the mostly re-used art assets Imperial LEGACY gear here but even the Imp stuff has cool color combinations enough that I like them too.

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I like the whole ..everything is orange, but ..don't the models look very ..familiar ?


Of course most of the models are familiar, but have you ever had most of those armor pieces in orange? That's been a big thing we, the RP community along with pretty much everyone else has been asking BioWare to do, give us orange versions of cool looking green & blue armor pieces.

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I like the whole ..everything is orange, but ..don't the models look very ..familiar ?


I think the only piece I do not recognize is the smuggler renowned chestpiece. Everything else seems to simply be recolours of existing (often orange) gear. At least republic side I find that "amazing" is not a word I would use. I'd probably go with "whatever".

Edited by Melkathi
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Of course most of the models are familiar, but have you ever had most of those armor pieces in orange? That's been a big thing we, the RP community along with pretty much everyone else has been asking BioWare to do, give us orange versions of cool looking green & blue armor pieces.


Have i had those armor in orange? Some ..not all. The trooper helm/chest/hands Smuggler helm/chest/hands. umm.. sith warrior helm/chest. Sith inquis Helm/chest. BH helm chest pants/hands/feet/hands. ..I'm pretty positive that ..those are already orange and are in game ..at a late lvl. ....

Edited by Beergogglez
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Have i had those armor in orange? Some ..not all. The trooper helm/chest/hands Smuggler helm/chest/hands. umm.. sith warrior helm/chest. Sith inquis Helm/chest. BH helm chest pants/hands/feet/hands. ..I'm pretty positive that ..those are already orange and are in game ..at a late lvl. ....


Not all at a late level. The renowned ssmuggler hat looks a lot like the one you get from the PvP vendor. The exalted smuggler jacket is a recolour of the orange esseles drop. The renown gauntlets are a recolour of the maelstorm prison drop (that is fairly later than the previous two which both were below lvl 20).

Would have to log into the game, but I know I have some of the trooper and sentinel stuff stashed away as well.

Edited by Melkathi
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I wear a set that looks like the Marauder Renowned set already. Believe I got it from Hammerstation, and people were nice enough to let me roll on it (being an Operative). I just yanked all the str stuff out and put my cun stuff in.


Are these all OJ like that? Fully moddable?


I 'really' wish on that set, and the one I'm wearing, and Indignation (Heavy) and Inspiration (Medium) - those nice black/white sets (at least as they appear on female Empire players), they'd remove what I can only describe as the '*** flap' from the top. There is 'no' reason for it to be there, other than, what...encourage you to want to wear it with a skirt bottom?


I think all those stops would look great with some simple pants and boots, but look a little silly when you do it using the models as is, because of the '*** flap'. :(

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yes! this is what I want to see - this looks like star wars! These are robes and armors that we see around game by Npc's BUT cannot buy or wear!. Yes ty BW


You cant buy or wear those?

I have have the medium armor stuff mostly and at least two differently coloured versions of the trooper exalted...

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And another thing! :p


I'd like to see more armor in the game that just looks like simple stuff. Light, Medium and Heavy. Things that we see NPCs wearing. Heck, even things some of us 'start' with. I remember my female Sith Inquisitor started with a nice 3 piece set (top, pants, boots) that was 'really' cool, and had always wished that was modable.


I never understood why as you get older, all the armor has to start looking like Fox NFL robot stuff, and the shoulders, and the peacock colors and the pheromones and all that.


Stuff like this.


Make it so! :o

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I think the only piece I do not recognize is the smuggler renowned chestpiece. Everything else seems to simply be recolours of existing (often orange) gear. At least republic side I find that "amazing" is not a word I would use. I'd probably go with "whatever".


Some of it used to be orange gear I do recognize that now, but I think there was never a full set of Smuggler gear that had the Exalted Smuggler hood-thingy that I like. I hadn't played any Republic characters in live yet, so I don't know if that stuff shows up much as orange pieces.

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The Trooper Renowned is the Trooper level 20 pvp set. The Trooper exhalted is a level 49 crafted set made by an Armormech (not orange).


The Agent sets look terrible compared to what Agent's have now.


These armor sets are very lacking for 'Legacy Quality' armor, I would have expected much more.

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Very underwhelming. Most of these models are already in the game.

Thought so.


More feedback:


  • Inquisitor exalted looks like a sheep farmer
  • Marauder renowed the back flap looks bad
  • BH Renowed: would like same option without the back flap
  • BH exalted: please other less toy story colors
  • Agent Renowed back design looks like a bad plaster
  • Agent exalted looks like a Jedi with the hood
  • Consular exalted: make the back flap at the same size of the front part or make the front smaller and the back longuer. Note the strait line on the shoulder pads kills the smoothness of the whole look.
  • Sentinel the butt leather piece looks like the characters has a part of a saddle glued to its bottom. Boots are oversized and does not fit the rest of the gear proportions.


Thanks for finally putting decent gear in with 1.2's patch, seriously, thanks.

Decent is the true word.


P.S.: that's better than the other new sets but not epic nor finely tuned. Still you are in the right direction as this gear does not looks like overdone.

Edited by Deewe
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Sorry but the Inquisitor gear looks lame. It's just my personal taste that I don't like purple. I'm not putting that on my assassin. I'll stick with the traditional Sith look I get out of the Saber Marshal orange gear. Edited by decuervo
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