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Consular 1.2 Armor


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I have a female Sage and i must say that i like the Tier 4 PVE (PVP is extremely ugly).


About the male Sages that are arround here... hell, what were you thinking about when you made a male sage? It was obvious that this was going to happen... I feel sorry for you.

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I don't mean to flame this particular thread, but, for the most part, you negative commenters seem to strike me as people that might, in fact, complain about cracks in the sidewalk. Yes, think about your complaints and then, think about cracks in the sidewalk. Think about the positive aspects of this game. Think about why you continue to play. Then think about cracks in the sidewalk. Then think about your complaint.


In a Star Wars game where looks matter a lot for many people, expecting to get decent looking rewards for endgame encounters is imho not too much to ask. Yes, opinions vary, but at least I find it hard to imagine how a male sage, let alone shadow, would fit into the SW-theme wearing a Pocahontas-dress.


Can't you wear other armor?


Yes. And I'm pretty sure many will. And yes it does mean these looks are not such a big deal, but it's still a mystery why they look how they do. Drawing them takes dev time and resources, so it would make sense to produce something that people like. And, in most cases, like = something you can think to fit to the theme/world/class etc.

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This is awsome...But unlike the RPers that live on this board I could care less about the looks.


I can't make out the stats, does anyone have a link that will allow me to see the stats of all the war hero gear?

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Really. So we get the choice of either running around as a bad makeover cyber-viking or a cave(wo)man? Who came up with this idea? This is SW ToR, not Age of Conan. Coming up with the idea is as ridiculous as it is already, but approving it makes it even worse. Bad move BW. Edited by Digma
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This is awsome...But unlike the RPers that live on this board I could care less about the looks.


I can't make out the stats, does anyone have a link that will allow me to see the stats of all the war hero gear?


So you do care? It's "I couldn't care less" like I couldn't care less about your silly statement lumping RP and looks together and the gear is already on the database sites because they are on Test. Typing in the search field is hard work.

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I posted earlier and shared my dismay at these design's...


Thanks to Dulfy for getting these images of Females in the consular gear (whom it does looked designed for)




Have to say even that it's still not very impressive on females...


The female in the war hero set looks like a shrinking violet inside of it - like a child wearing there parent clothes...


The PVE set to me makes the consular look like some sort of tribal/ indigenous clothed hunter/ medicine women.


None of these look suitable to the class IMHO...


The exalted set I think looks the best out of the legacy items but the cost... sheesh..


Firstly you grind out to get level 20 legacy & pay 800K just to get it - then further grinding to get the PVE or PVP 1.2 set that you don't like the look of - then the associated cost in pulling out and applying the mods into the orange set... Not going to be cheap just to get into a look that's more class specific...


Surely there can be some review of this - even some sort of vote in the community for a consensus on this gear...


I recommend having a good look at the mirror (Inquisitor) class set... scary/ dangerous - class specific... I want that designing working on the Consular set...


Just can't see the fear in the Imps eyes when a medicine women looking Consular is charging towards them... or even worse a viking from a paralleled universe...


Please please I beg of you Devs - take another look at the consular gear!

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Can I mention how much better the empire stuff looks?




It seems that the republic is getting the shaft once again.


EDIT: Full page with both emp and rep models: http://dulfy.net/2012/03/17/1-2-new-armor-models/


Well, tbh, the sorcerer stuff doesn't look that much better either imho. PvE set looks like the wearer would get stuck everywhere with all those hooks. PvP isnt that bad apart from those extra things... makes it look like the wearer hasn't taken a shower for months and the costume is growing grass/plants :p

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I'm also starting to think they purposely make the republic gear look "worse". For those of you who play JK, Kira always comments on how all the great fashion designers work for the Empire. Also, aren't consulars suppose to play the "wise (wo)man warrior" I think the shamanesque look looks fine- on a female... I just wished they put more variation between the look on a male and a female. But if they do that- they really need to do something about helm variations for the Twi'lek, but I digress.
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I really liked the way the female PVE armor looked in the one early preview image - black with gold trim. That was actually nice and I was looking forward to it.


Now we see the test server images and it's changed (http://dulfy.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/1.2modelsrepublic2.jpg). Frak you, Bioware armor designers.. Jedi can and do wear colors other than vomit-brown! None, and I do mean NONE, of the armors that are specifically designed for Consulars look any better than "okay." And bringing back the hue-to-chest color-matching system will NOT help this because our armors are all designed to give us CRAPPY colors on our chest pieces.


Shadows and Sith Assassins are not witch doctors, not random guys with burlap sacks thrown over their heads. You can be sneaky and look nice, even impressive, without being flashy. Give us something reminiscent of a ninja suit - BLACK wrapped over tops with gray trim or undershirts, and black PANTS. With an optional headpiece that adds a hood.

Edited by shark_megabyte
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Really. So we get the choice of either running around as a bad makeover cyber-viking or a cave(wo)man? Who came up with this idea? This is SW ToR, not Age of Conan. Coming up with the idea is as ridiculous as it is already, but approving it makes it even worse. Bad move BW.


First off, age of conan had and has some really nice looking end game sets


Secondly, I think because we complained so much about the end game sets we currently have, they are making us pay for putting their hard work down and now we are forced to look even worse.

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First of all people got it wrong, the talented designers are working on the Empire stuff. Its obvious we got the intern designers.


I have a Male bodytype 3 Shadow. I'm expected to wear those robes with my shoulder out like that?


Common Bioware you are literally giving your customers NOTHING TO get excited over. Your customers shouldn't be groaning!


Keep dropping the ball and you can set the record for most expensive MMO flop with this ******** you keep releasing.

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wow the design for this gear is just horrible, i can understand what they might have been trying to do with the "sage" idea but for shadow it doesnt fit in the least, and as for male consulars such as myself how do you expect me to wear some female styled shaw and look like a jedi willing to embrace the darker side of things and carry out missions that put us closer to the darker side of the force.


i want the designer for the empires gear, at least cosmetically they match their class, and dont look like some feminist doodled this up in their free time.


im ussually a strong supporter of the designers being an artist myself i understand how sometimes ideas dont turn out how they were envisioned but holy crap, this stuff is just garbage on a whole new level

Edited by Sireene
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Honestly, I would expect better designs from a 10 yr old boy getting a B- in art class.


I absolutely think these designs are worth getting fired over.


This is supposed to be a great achievement to acquire, but I really have 0 desire to work for this aesthetic. The Empire stuff isn't great, but it still is a couple orders of magnitude better than this trash.

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I'm not a fan of the new PVP armor, with the horned helmet. Doesn't fit with my image of a Consular. I initially liked the PVE armor--the hood and one-shoulder look--until I noticed the lower part of the robe. Does it have a peep hole for my knees? Why?! Plus I can understand why the males would like it even less, making them look a bit like they're wearing togas. It may have been stylish in ancient Rome, but it's not a look I see fitting in with Star Wars.


The legacy armor, on the other hand, I really like, especially the Exalted. Still, I can understand that the Exalted might seem especially unsuitable for the males. Oh well, I guess robes are our lot in life as Consulars. Real men make it work :p

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Guys I think you just don't realize the amazing design behind these outfits. It's like the Gucci of concept art - just recycled crap with an added touch. I'd prefer to run around naked than with the consular PvP armor.
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It very obviously shows that they have outsourced their art department to India.


There was an article about it a while ago, went pretty unnoticed.


Look at it from their perspective, that PvE armor would be considered much more "in style" in India then it is in Europe/US.


So it isn't really surprising that this is what we get.


1.2 legacy Armor sets..







Imps BH & Mara exalted are looks definitely good..


Thanks Dulfy for clarification:



I also find it pretty sad that they couldn't come up with new models for the legacy armor. They've been working on this patch for how long? And they just change the color of the level 10 Ithalorian set by 2 shades max... and call it "legacy" armor? I suppose its a legacy of my level 10 character...


The "exalted" set is just a slight recolor of the secondary colors on another low level Sage set...I don't remember the name atm.

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OH Gawd, they using our money for drugs!!!!!!


Dear BW I told u so, people do not like this gear, maby after you read the comments you will change this appalling gear, and make something........ anything better, as a consular i will not be gearing up in this rubbish. My Battle Master gear will just have to do.

Its feels like they hate consular's and shadows, I'm wondering if ol Lucas is a Darth?? would make sense.


Holding thumbs, i really love this game, i hope the new patch doesn't kill it.

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