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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

All good Pvp'ers are ###ed.


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On the PTS , you can buy any BM item for 1000 warzone commendations without any valor rank , basicly new lvl 50s will have full BM set in 1st day, cause they can buy it in easy 10-49 bracket




I feel myself used, because i have 2 toons wich are lvls 67-68 valor and i diD A LOT , and spend a lot of time to do it, and in 1.2 you will be able to be full BM in 1 day



GG bioware


Yeah, it sucks that we had to get the full set the hard, RNG, slam your head vs the wall every empty BM bag, but this will do nothing to good pvp'ers. Player vs Gear is a bad system, it just rewards people for the grind and not for their skills.

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On the PTS , you can buy any BM item for 1000 warzone commendations without any valor rank , basicly new lvl 50s will have full BM set in 1st day, cause they can buy it in easy 10-49 bracket




I feel myself used, because i have 2 toons wich are lvls 67-68 valor and i diD A LOT , and spend a lot of time to do it, and in 1.2 you will be able to be full BM in 1 day



GG bioware


hey look they stole this from wow, new season begins old season gear moves to just honor.

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Yeah, all the good PvPers that apparently need to be geared way higher than everyone else? Quit whining, everyone having good gear just gives you a chance to show how good you really are, and that it's not just b/c you did the grind and bought better gear.



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On the PTS , you can buy any BM item for 1000 warzone commendations without any valor rank , basicly new lvl 50s will have full BM set in 1st day, cause they can buy it in easy 10-49 bracket




I feel myself used, because i have 2 toons wich are lvls 67-68 valor and i diD A LOT , and spend a lot of time to do it, and in 1.2 you will be able to be full BM in 1 day



GG bioware


good pvpers ? time spent means nothing


if you hit 50 with no comm it will take 98 warzones at 100 comms a warzone to get full BM


but don't worry these guys will not be good pvpers not like you that did it the hard way

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If this is how it's going to be I'm actually excited for this now. No more bs on my fresh 50's dealing with bads who class buffed their way to 60 valor and BM gear. x.x Hate to be "that guy", but not in a position to check indepth atm; can anyone verify if its possible to stack the tokens *before* you hit 50 with this? If so happy day. Edited by Amaste
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This is a bit much, hope they up the price quite a bit.


Not because wahhh people will get it easier than me, but because it really won't be much fun for new people regarding progression either.



1000 comms means 10-15 games. That doesn't include the fact that the pvp dailies and weeklies give comms now too. If someone just logs in and completes the dailies, they'll be done gearing in a little over a week. Kinda takes the fun out of gearing up I would think...


Which is fine since there was no fun in gearing up.

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On the PTS , you can buy any BM item for 1000 warzone commendations without any valor rank , basicly new lvl 50s will have full BM set in 1st day, cause they can buy it in easy 10-49 bracket




I feel myself used, because i have 2 toons wich are lvls 67-68 valor and i diD A LOT , and spend a lot of time to do it, and in 1.2 you will be able to be full BM in 1 day



GG bioware


A fix for your title: All bad PvPers are ****ed.


You entitled, whiny, no-talent crybabies who think your gear makes you good are going to feel like you dropped the soap in the prison shower after patch 1.2--especially you players who "achieved" your BM ranking due to the Ilum glitch the day 1.1 hit.


Those of us who had to grind our BM title by fighting BMs are going to kill you again, and again, and again, and there's nothing you will be able to do to stop it.


Welcome to the new era of fair fights.


Welcome to your nightmare.

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I agree with the change only if there is an aspect of accomplishment.


MMORPGs are about progression and making your character stand out and yes "Grind" time spent in the game. The more time spent the percentages of you being successful go up.


Now some one will say "progression" that is what PvE is for.


No that is only one aspect of the game.


Yes I want better gear if I earn it, be it by playing 1000 more hours than the next person or winning 2000 more matches than the next person. I want to be rewarded, that is what a MMORPG is about, getting phat loot.


This may sound like sarcasem but it is the truth, why pay 15 bucks to save my data when there is no data to save?


I reserve other types of PvP for that. In terms of FPS (Team fortress 2) is a good example I jump in kill other people and jump out, everyone is on an even playing field, set aside from the random gun or two that you can aquire from crafting.


Like I said it is always and always will be about this


Gear wil make bad players Good


Gear will make Good player Great


Gear will make Great players a legend


If a bad player spend thousands of hours in the game and gets gear, he deserves to be atleast good, but if you spend that much time in a game you "should" be halfway decent.


That is all

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orange crited gear grinding is on the way 2


i hoped the discussion of gear ended with this patch, but it does not

The milking machine will always push the business model so i can pvp




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A fix for your title: All bad PvPers are ****ed.


You entitled, whiny, no-talent crybabies who think your gear makes you good are going to feel like you dropped the soap in the prison shower after patch 1.2--especially you players who "achieved" your BM ranking due to the Ilum glitch the day 1.1 hit.


Those of us who had to grind our BM title by fighting BMs are going to kill you again, and again, and again, and there's nothing you will be able to do to stop it.


Welcome to the new era of fair fights.


Welcome to your nightmare.



I heart you.

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On the PTS , you can buy any BM item for 1000 warzone commendations without any valor rank , basicly new lvl 50s will have full BM set in 1st day, cause they can buy it in easy 10-49 bracket




I feel myself used, because i have 2 toons wich are lvls 67-68 valor and i diD A LOT , and spend a lot of time to do it, and in 1.2 you will be able to be full BM in 1 day



GG bioware


Yes, The Season 1 starts and new gear added, so old gear must be free for anyone now...

Thats what happens in wow and here too, since this game became a wow clone

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Have you ever heard of the use of skill?


You're saying the point of pvp gear is because the use of skill?


I'm asking whats the point of having pvp gear if we're all going to be wearing it.


If we're all wearing the same items because gear progression has been reduced to 3 days, then why bother having gear progression at all?

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On the PTS , you can buy any BM item for 1000 warzone commendations without any valor rank , basicly new lvl 50s will have full BM set in 1st day, cause they can buy it in easy 10-49 bracket




I feel myself used, because i have 2 toons wich are lvls 67-68 valor and i diD A LOT , and spend a lot of time to do it, and in 1.2 you will be able to be full BM in 1 day



GG bioware






/5chars full of justice

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If only this would actually remain true. I will be unsubbing if the next tier of gear takes hundreds of hours to get.


I love mopping the floor with other players in PvP but I hate the imbalance that occurs just because people put more time into the game. I grinded full BM gear, and I'm not doing it again.


Putting more time into the game should make you a better player anyways, without the need for stat boosts and "rewards"... What happened to winning and fun being its own reward??


I blame this new generation of kiddie gamers on WoW.

Edited by JakeDawg
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"All good PvPers"


Speak for yourself.


Valor 72, full battlemaster "the hard way" and I welcome the changes. Player vs player should be just that .. not player vs gear.


Good PvP players will love the even playing field to really shine, bad PvPer's will be show up to be gear whoring muppets.


I hate gear grinds in PvP, heck I'm not found of gear grinds in PvE either. Cosmetic *looks cool* stuff should be the rewards for rank / progression. Not stat points. IMO.


Well said because that pisses me off about MMO's as well, especially PvP oriented ones. The mark of someone truely skilled is the display of said skill. What we'll see now is just how "good" these PvPers are.


I feel bad that you spent so much time grinding so you could play poorly and still beat people but that time's over.

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Yes, The Season 1 starts and new gear added, so old gear must be free for anyone now...

Thats what happens in wow and here too, since this game became a wow clone


From the bottom up this game is basically WoW with worse performance, less choice, less content, and less players.


I personally feel a bit like a tool for biting onto the hype for this game so hard, it has been an extreme let down, and I felt like giving my money to Bioware would be giving it to a company that valued creating and providing a great game with a great story over quarterly earnings more so than Blizzard does. They are really proving themselves to be walking in Blizz's footsteps with a lot of these upcoming changes.


Obviously I was naive and mistaken.

Edited by Celebrus
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Ok the game wants to grow and add new subscribers. Thus as new higher gear grinds come available the previous gear must be made more accessible to new players.


Only by doing this can you create a modest advantage for the longer term players while ensuring the new players don'tget completely pwnd and have a realistic trajectory to catch early implementers and achieve equality.


This is good design for the long term health of the game. For attracting new subscribers and still giving the existing base a next gear to go after. Ranked WZ commendation grind here we come.

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"All good PvPers"


Speak for yourself.


Valor 72, full battlemaster "the hard way" and I welcome the changes. Player vs player should be just that .. not player vs gear.


Good PvP players will love the even playing field to really shine, bad PvPer's will be show up to be gear whoring muppets.


I hate gear grinds in PvP, heck I'm not found of gear grinds in PvE either. Cosmetic *looks cool* stuff should be the rewards for rank / progression. Not stat points. IMO.


qft 5char

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