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So, why did they nerf (remove) commendation drops?


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That is definitely true and is one of the best "selfish" reasons for grouping up in open areas of the game. If I'm out in an area doing a kill 700 nuglings type mission and see someone else doing the same, I'll almost always toss an invite cause we can 1. get the grind done faster 2. Get a lot more commendation drops -- by far than doing it alone and 3. In theory you get social points (my current project, a L49 trooper, is stuck on zero social though. But that's another story)


You only get social point from conversation choice rolls, even though I agree what you said should have a count, sadly it dosen't.

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relog....if this is your first mmo then you dont know that your "luck" is set when you login like rolls....some logins are higher rolls, others are average lower.....its fact


if you notice you kill 50 mobs and have barely gotten a decent drop...relog and try again


Yeah that sounds right, dont know if it is true but i noticed same thing in all mmos i played so far.

Edited by kaboro
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What's funny is that this weekend I've had more purple drops than I've had during my 2+ months of playing. I was thinking BW tweaked the loot tables because of the Friends Weekend.


That was me a month ago on one particular character. The only other character of mine that even saw a purple. This guy even had back-to-back purples drop one time.

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Every MMO has a secret "Luck" stat that gets assigned to each character. Sounds like your character is out of luck. Sorry :(


Either that or the devs hate you. I thought I heard them talking bad about you the other day but I would've never thought they would mess up your secret luck stat like that :p

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What's funny is that this weekend I've had more purple drops than I've had during my 2+ months of playing. I was thinking BW tweaked the loot tables because of the Friends Weekend.


While I did not theorize that it was due to the free weekend since I was on Hoth and new players could not have made it that far, I saw 2 or 3 purple drops last night when I was with my guildie.

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relog....if this is your first mmo then you dont know that your "luck" is set when you login like rolls....some logins are higher rolls, others are average lower.....its fact


if you notice you kill 50 mobs and have barely gotten a decent drop...relog and try again

that's just
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I remember being annoyed on my Bounty Hunter at only getting 7 commendations on Hutta, and not even having enough to buy something from the vendor. I was expecting something similar on the Agent I started tonight, but I have 6 already, 4 of them dropped by mobs and I haven't even set foot out of the town yet.
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And while they are at it, fix the drop of bracers off the end boss in HM BT, IA wrists keep dropping and now my toon is literally SWIMMING in excess bracers! my overall plan is to make a chain to go into the underworld and vanquish the rng gods!


True story.

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Title pretty much says it... For the past 2 days across 3 chars and 2 servers (and 2 different server regions to boot), I have not had a single commendation drop. Now, the drop rate used to be pretty low, but now they're non esixtant.. and I'm the type of player who generally kills all mobs I pass by, and, for instance on hutta, I generally end up with 15 or more by the time I'm done.


Now, most of you will say "big deal" or otherwise try to troll this thread, but the point here is 1. the drop rate was already pretty bad, 2. you don't get nigh enough commendations from mission rewards to buy anything, and 3. getting new gear as you level is pretty important.


So, what say you bioware? What's the deal?

I got two yesterday during a single heroic. "I just flipped a coin and it landed on tails 5 times so heads is bugged" is not a valid test. Next time give it longer and check in guild and/or general chat to see if it's just you before claiming something is a bug.


relog....if this is your first mmo then you dont know that your "luck" is set when you login like rolls....some logins are higher rolls, others are average lower.....its fact

I've been playing MMOs since MUDs and I never heard of that. It's a ridiculous superstition you randomly pulled out of your butt. It's not even a common myth, much less a fact.

Edited by Game-Hermit
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relog....if this is your first mmo then you dont know that your "luck" is set when you login like rolls....some logins are higher rolls, others are average lower.....its fact


if you notice you kill 50 mobs and have barely gotten a decent drop...relog and try again


That, Sir, is probably the weirdest "RNG vs Luck" explanation I've ever read. Kudos!

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relog....if this is your first mmo then you dont know that your "luck" is set when you login like rolls....some logins are higher rolls, others are average lower.....its fact


if you notice you kill 50 mobs and have barely gotten a decent drop...relog and try again


You did kind of make this post as a joke didn't you? I think I can see the funny side....convincing people that they must relog if their "luck" isn't very good.


Of course you really know that there is a percentage chance of getting a commendation which will vary depending on the MOB etc.

So let's just say the chance of a commendation is 5%, every MOB you kill there is a 5% chance of a drop.

This doesn't get added, killing 20 MOBs wouldn't guarantee you a commendation, just each kill would have a 5% chance of dropping one.


But you did already know that, so no real point me posting it.

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Under normal circumstances I might buy that explanation. But we're not talking 1 char with bad luck. We're talking about 3 chars on 2 different servers, and working on a 4th char with 0 commendation drops. 1 server is the swidtsure (west coast), and the other is Master Dar'Nala (asia pacific). Bad luck on RNG does not scale across regions, servers or characters. It becomes bad mechanics - at the very least- at this point.


Sure it can. Is it very unlikely? Of course. Is it possible? Absolutely.


And for the record I have looted them in the past two days on two of three planets through multiple play sessions. I have actually looted more than normal though now that I've posted about it, I expect my luck will turn lol.

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My experience has been since the Early Access Period to this past weekend, having created three level 50 toons, has been that you get enough comms to drop or from running missions on every planet to make the purchases of gear on every planet if you play at your level.


If you are playing well over level you may experience a lesser amount of random drops but the missions still pay the comms as they would normally, however sometimes you have to choose to get them over a gear item. It's a selectable item.


You are off base OP, about your theory that they are suddenly less common.


I have collected 24 already on Corellia and I'm level 50 on that planet just finishing the quests.

Edited by Demarco
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IMO, you get FAR too many commendations in this game. The surplus of commendations are one of the reasons the craftskills are really hurting. It's FAR too easy to upgrade by buying stuff with commendations instead of actually buying crafted (or dropped) stuff off the GTN with credits.


IMO the only source of commendations should have been the flashpoints.

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relog....if this is your first mmo then you dont know that your "luck" is set when you login like rolls....some logins are higher rolls, others are average lower.....its fact


if you notice you kill 50 mobs and have barely gotten a decent drop...relog and try again


amusing. I do hope this was a joke. If not, and you truly feel that way, even more amusing! XD


I mean, luck is luck. If you really feel that 'it's fact', and you mentally go through the habit of doing it every time, you'll probably see results. Not because 'it's fact', but simply because power of the mind. Same thing with crossing your fingers.

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That is the way it's supposed to be but personally I think they set my characters to "low" on creation! I almost never get a commendation drop and haven't since the game went live. ;)


What was that MMO where for years, the players said some characters had worse chances for loot than others, and the developers said they were all crazy. Then, one day, they found the bug.


What game was that? Ultima Online? DAOC?

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amusing. I do hope this was a joke. If not, and you truly feel that way, even more amusing! XD


I mean, luck is luck. If you really feel that 'it's fact', and you mentally go through the habit of doing it every time, you'll probably see results. Not because 'it's fact', but simply because power of the mind. Same thing with crossing your fingers.


No, he's basically correct, there is anti-farming code built in to this game that keeps track of what drops you get off of mobs/elites and you do have to relog to reset the counter, also there seems to be a "roving circle of luck" an example, on Taris, I came upon an small area on the map that gave me a blue drop off a regular mod, then in the very same are gave me 5 more in the next 10 mins or so, then they dropped 4-5 green drops and finally light blue drops. Ive experienced this in other areas as well, so I agree with the whole relog and reset your luck thing.

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While it is fashionable to cry nerf about various things, no changes have been made to commendation drop rates for months.


Georg, don't you think it's a little bit flippant and dismissive to attribute 'crying nerf' to simply being the fashionable thing to do?

Lets face it, this is your (Biowares) game, you guys designed/developed it, you released it to the public and when you change things after months of play you put peoples complaints down to being the fashionable thing to do?


People choose to pay your company to play your game in thier spare time. They spend countless hours of that same spare time playing a class that you designed and then thought to change after release. So surely thats your fault that it wasn't right to begin with not thiers.


Of course people get angry when the thing they've spent thier sparetime and money doing suddenly gets changed often without any communication as to WHY?


Is that complaint justified? Is the desire for reasurance and reasoning behind the change just too much to ask? Or is thier right to complain just 'the fashionable thing to do'

Edited by FadeLei
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