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Stop ************ Sorcs.


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You have had an amazing class all along.


You ahve access to every single toolset in the game.


You can spec hybrid and Do 300k damage and 150k healing in one match.


You can sprint, pull allies, ranged stun, Aoe knockback (that roots if specced right).


I am a battlemaster Marauder and I can't kill a good sorc healer to save my life. I force charge to interrupt a heal. Then I disrupt a heal and my disrupt goes on 8 sec CD. Then maybe I can choke to end another heal. Then you cast one heal while all my **** is on CD and you are at full health.


Sorcs will be fine after the patch.


I don't know if you ahve ever played a Marauder, but the changes they are making are not as monumental as you might think.


It is a slight overall damage boost. Which marauders should ahve, because they can ONLY spec DPS. No points in healing or tanking for survivability.


Snipers and Marauders SHOULD DPS 5% higher than any other class. They don't.


Snipers dont get ANY hard stuns. Smash does dink damage if you are not specced rage, so they have pitiful aoe damage outside of that spec.


************ sorcs are getting old. You sound like a bunch of whiners.

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I am a battlemaster Marauder and I can't kill a good sorc healer to save my life. I force charge to interrupt a heal. Then I disrupt a heal and my disrupt goes on 8 sec CD. Then maybe I can choke to end another heal. Then you cast one heal while all my **** is on CD and you are at full health.


I love it when people blow all their interrupting abilities on me when I'm still >80% hp.


Looks like the mouth breathers won this round of nerfs.

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Sounds like someone got rolled by a Sorc and plays Marauder badly. I play Sent, full BM and all, and I have ZERO problems with sorcs and ZERO problems with doing amazing damage. The nerf was unnecessary, Bioware just gave in to the QQers like you. Edited by nschlan
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I didn't say Marauder or sent does bad damage. I said we don't damage that much higher than anyone else specced dps.


And my point stands. The patch is not breaking sorcs, nor is it making marauders/sentinels gods.


People are swinging the nerf bat before bioware has even pitched the ball.

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I didn't say Marauder or sent does bad damage. I said we don't damage that much higher than anyone else specced dps.


And my point stands. The patch is not breaking sorcs, nor is it making marauders/sentinels gods.


People are swinging the nerf bat before bioware has even pitched the ball.


Actually, we do have higher burst than any other class, except maybe Sniper/Gunslinger (yes, ops have burst, but a lot of that is from stun locking you into the dirt). Sorcs weren't God mode before and there was no need to nerf them. Making a class worse for no reason is just stupid.

Edited by nschlan
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I love it when people blow all their interrupting abilities on me when I'm still >80% hp.


Looks like the mouth breathers won this round of nerfs.


if you are > 80% hp why are you healing yourself? paranoid? who is the mouth breather now

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if you are > 80% hp why are you healing yourself? paranoid? who is the mouth breather now




The biggest problem with healing is that it spawned an army of over-the-night pros who spamheal themselves when soneone even looks at them.

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if you are > 80% hp why are you healing yourself? paranoid? who is the mouth breather now


A bit OT, but....


Actually, staying at full health means a *large* number of pugs won't jump on you. They'll try to focus the tank at 70% instead. There's a common pug mentality that you simply attack whomever has the shortest health-bar.



I've also used this knowledge to give the tank guarding me upwards of 240k protection (just for fun mind you - simply to see how high we can get it). I'll noble-sacrifice to about 50%, stand in front, and let the other team wail on me. Sometimes even that doesn't work and I have to /say "focus me, i'm a healer!". Of course other times I... miscalculate... and can't keep myself up, getting blown up by 5 rezzers instead. Never quite pulled 300k protection for the tank, but usually it's because at some point we have to stop being silly and just ensure we win the match.

Edited by jdi_knght
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I am a battlemaster Marauder and I can't kill a good sorc healer to save my life.


So, you're very bad - marauders are pretty much THE anti-sorc class and should have no problems taking out a sorc (btw most don't have any issues there).

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Judged alone by the grammar of the OP and the choice of thread-setup is enough for me to think that the OP should be hanged.


The content though, is enough for me to think the OP should be tortured by chineese waterstones.

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I am a battlemaster Marauder and I can't kill a good sorc healer to save my life. I force charge to interrupt a heal. Then I disrupt a heal and my disrupt goes on 8 sec CD. Then maybe I can choke to end another heal. Then you cast one heal while all my **** is on CD and you are at full health.




Proof key board turning clickers can reach BM. A marauder that has trouble with a sorc is like a tiger getting his butt kicked by a bunny.

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... Sorcs weren't God mode before and there was no need to nerf them...


Actually, there was a valid reason to nerf Sorc/Sage, but it should have been something to limit the near unlimited resource. Instead of a proper nerf, they decided to make them a liability to their Ops group in PvE, eliminate any chance as of having a "Crap hit the Fan" healing class, and making them the easiest class to counter in PvP.


Not a single player needs to learn the names of abilities that are needed to interrupt now, it is as simple as 2.5 sec cast = interrupt and 1.5 sec cast = Let it go. That is honestly it to counter a Sage/Sorc in PvP.

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Agree, but only the bad sorc are whining. Good ones know sorc will be fine. Anyways i ate sorcs for lunch, dinner and sometimes a midnight snack before nerf and will do same after.


Fine? We no longer have any sustain with resplendence nerfed in PvP. PvE will work exactly the same except on fights with tons of aoe damage. Throw on no 1.5 deliverances - especially when they're nerfing it so conveyance can no longer be doubled up on which all the good healers did - it's a much larger nerf than you guys think. We'll now be able to get one deliverance in the period we used to get two... Before you take into account interrupts. We're looking at around minimum of 30% single target healing reduction in a full rotation - more if you're low on resources and need to NS. Again before interrupts. This is a crippling change to sorc healing - it's a good thing I've got 7 50s already. Legacy 46, sup.

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If they're going to nerf the hybrid spec then they should fix full madness. Currently you run out of force constantly. It's not really even that viable in PvP or PvE at the moment because you spend half the time unable to do anything but force lightning people (as the cheapest force ability you have). They're great up until then. Part of the reason people went Hybrid wasn't just because of chain lightning + wrath, it was for the regenerative abilities as well.


I mean, a full lightning spec will basically never run out of force, but do absolutely paltry damage. A full madness spec will constantly run out of force, but do great damage until then.


Personally I don't think it needed changing at all, but I guess it's true BioWare just listens to those who whine the loudest instead of looking at actual PvP. Sorcerers are hopeless in 1v1, everyone knows it. The real problem with this nerf is that they haven't balanced anything, they've just crippled one of the only good things we did without balancing out the things we already did incredibly badly. If a class is strong on one side and weak on the other, you don't cut off their strong arm and say "Balanced!", no... you even the two sides out so they're equivalent. But I don't think anyone is foolish enough to think they're close ot even at the moment.


Take a wild guess how often you'll see Chain Lightning, all 2.8 seconds of it, anymore.

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one time i had a sorc tell me that he runs the other way when he sees me in the WZs also "Dammit.. all you have to do is glance at me and a third of my health is gone" this sorc has been in BM far longer than i have and had a 720k dmg voidstar one time (he was on my team this time :p) I dont think that they were really OP ever. heals or dps.....




YAY for assassins

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If they're going to nerf the hybrid spec then they should fix full madness. Currently you run out of force constantly. It's not really even that viable in PvP or PvE at the moment because you spend half the time unable to do anything but force lightning people (as the cheapest force ability you have). They're great up until then. Part of the reason people went Hybrid wasn't just because of chain lightning + wrath, it was for the regenerative abilities as well.


I mean, a full lightning spec will basically never run out of force, but do absolutely paltry damage. A full madness spec will constantly run out of force, but do great damage until then.


Personally I don't think it needed changing at all, but I guess it's true BioWare just listens to those who whine the loudest instead of looking at actual PvP. Sorcerers are hopeless in 1v1, everyone knows it. The real problem with this nerf is that they haven't balanced anything, they've just crippled one of the only good things we did without balancing out the things we already did incredibly badly. If a class is strong on one side and weak on the other, you don't cut off their strong arm and say "Balanced!", no... you even the two sides out so they're equivalent. But I don't think anyone is foolish enough to think they're close ot even at the moment.


Take a wild guess how often you'll see Chain Lightning, all 2.8 seconds of it, anymore.




just respec madness. and get over the fact that ALL classes run out of resource

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Fail. L2P your own class before you presume to understand the classes of others.


Fail. His interrupt is only a 6 second CD if he uses the right spec. For all you know he could be Rage or Carnage. Not agreeing with him, just saying that your post is stupid.

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if you are > 80% hp why are you healing yourself? paranoid? who is the mouth breather now


Right cause when I'm in a WZ, the server decides to just put me in there solo cause I'm just that good. There are absolutely no other people in there on my team, and I'm never in the process of healing anyone else when I'm charged by a spawner.


Plus, even if I'm not healing someone else, I typically start a heal on myself right after being charged for the reason I highlighted in my first post. (Provided there are no escape options available).


Who's the mouth breather now? Probably you.

Edited by Dudious
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